Chapter 119: CH.119 Christina’s Deck (well we didn’t complete it)

“Are they still sleeping?” I asked Sana when she came back from checking on Christina and Aneesa.

“Yes, they are. They might have overdone it against the golem and used more mana than expected.” Sana answered.

“Well, I guess they can take their sleep first and we’ll trade after they wake up.” 

“Thank you. I really want to let them sleep.” Sana commented.



Because I was just sitting around, looking at security cameras, I decided to practice more telekinesis. Having that skill at a higher level shouldn’t lead to any bad things, right? And it also doubles as mana control training, so it’s even better. And now that I have mana control skill, I think I can actually try to move the mana completely on my own. No Laura required. At least as long as it’s inside my body. And even then, Laura is much faster and much more precise than I am. But perhaps with time and effort I can reach her level.

(Master, you don’t need to reach my level. I’ll be with you forever.) Laura used her possessive words again.

(I know you will. I know you will.) I repeated.


But as I had gotten better at mana control, and telekinetically floating around a card was … easier. Not too easy, but just easier. I swapped my telekinesis practice target from a card to the mithril sword. If I could float the sword around at decent speed, I could use it in combat while I defend with Millennium Shield. Offense and defense at the same time. And that would keep both my hands free to hold onto the shield. And with a shield as large as Millennium Shield, that might just be necessary. Well then again, I don’t really even need to hold Millennium Shield as it moves on its own, so… 

Well I still want to be able to float a sword around and attack with it.


Sadly, I quickly came to realize that with my current skills, attacking with a floating sword would not be possible. Even though I could float it just fine, moving it quickly enough for it to do any actual damage just isn’t possible yet. The best I could do is float it above a target and letting it go. Gravity will do the actual acceleration.  More practice will be necessary before I reach Gilgamesh levels of sword launching. I guess I would also need more swords for that, but that is a problem for another day. Well, I could make them with the dungeon if I had the points for it, but right now it would be a massive waste. 


But something that shouldn’t be a waste is making another magic bag for myself. My fanny pack is nice and all, but it’s not that large. I can hold most of my personal belongings in it, but holding something like monsters I hunt wouldn’t be possible. Perhaps I should make a fanny pack for Lua and Alex as well. … Let’s not do that just yet and at least ask them if they want one first. And I can probably just take a day-trip here with Gradius if I need something expensive made. Less expensive things I can generate with my terminal, but at double the cost, making multiple magic bags would drain all my points.


In the end, I only made a magic backpack for myself. I’ll get the rest later as necessary. But as I was making it, I noticed the backpack model had two different sizes available. Normal and Large. Originally, there was only one choice so I wonder what changed?

(The dungeon might have analyzed the magic bags carried by the maids. They might be of higher quality than the ones adventurers use.) Laura offered.

Sure, let’s just say that’s what happened. Anyway, I made myself a large backpack. More space is better.


It looked like a basic leather bag with straps so you could put it on your back. The dark leather doesn’t look half bad.

I looked inside it and realized that it’s huge. Like almost massive.

(Laura, how large is this thing?)

(About 1000 m3.) Laura answered. (10m x 10m x 10m)

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… (Is that just large? Shouldn’t something of this size be considered huge?) I asked.

(I cannot answer that, but given that the dungeon rates it as large, even larger ones may exist.) Laura said. (And a bag that size couldn’t take in a monster the size of a sword-horn bull.)

(Well that thing isn’t exactly a good example. I don’t think people hunt monsters that size that often.)

(Don’t forget that A and S-rank adventurers do exist. What do you think they do when they go on quests?) Laura asked.

(... I don’t know. I don’t know what adventurers do. Hunt wyverns like Diamond Sword did? Escort VIPs? Explore high difficulty dungeons?) 

(And hunt A and sometimes S-rank monsters.) Laura said.


Okay, so I guess an even large magic bag could be useful if you hunt massive beasts, but where would you even find them? And how many would you hunt in a year? There can’t be that many of them around or they would just wipe out all of humanity.



“Good morning.” I heard Christina say as she walked up to the core. I had heard some sounds from behind the cardboard wall just a bit ago, so that must have been her waking up and getting dressed.

“Good morning. Even though I’m decently sure it’s the middle of the night.” I told her.

In fact, according to Laura, it was currently 1:32 am.


“Well customs are customs. If you want to head to bed, I’ll take over here.” She said.

“Yeah, I will. Soon.” I answered.

If I remember correctly, my pack tokens come in at 2 am so just 30 minutes. I think I’ll go to sleep after them.


Actually, perhaps I should ask Christina about her preferences on the monsters.

“Christina, I’d like to ask you about what kind of monsters you would like. I have a suggestion, but I’m not sure if the monsters I was thinking about are powerful enough.” I brought up the topic.

“I believe any would work, but perhaps frontline fighters that can cover for me while I cast spells will be the best.” She said.

Oh, so that is her opinion. Aren’t Amazoness monsters perfect then?

“Pack Opener open.” I said to open up my skill so Christina could see it as well. Then I opened the set lists and showed some Amazoness monsters to her.

“Here. Amazoness Fighter, Swords Woman and Tiger.” I pointed the three cards to her.

You can find story with these keywords: Yugioh Card Summoner, Read Yugioh Card Summoner, Yugioh Card Summoner novel, Yugioh Card Summoner book, Yugioh Card Summoner story, Yugioh Card Summoner full, Yugioh Card Summoner Latest Chapter