Chapter 131: CH.131 Farewell party

“Alex, Lua, what are you doing here? Do we have a problem?” I asked the two … intruders? Well, the guards at the gate did let them in, so probably not intruders.

“What do you mean? We were invited.” Alex said.

“Invited? For what? By whom?” I asked.

“Madam Watchman. She told us we were having a party.” Lua answered.


I turned to look at Alice and asked: “Did you know about this?”

“No. I just heard about it as well.” She answered.


“Ah. I see our first guests have arrived. Welcome.” Aneesa came outside and welcomed Lucia and Alex.

First? So there are more. … Actually, I think Zay muttered something about the evening, so maybe he is coming as well.

“Please enjoy yourselves for now. Madam will join you soon.” Aneesa said before making her way back inside.



“So, while we wait, Alex, I would like to give you a few cards. Is there anything you would prefer?” I asked Alex.

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“Cards? Like the ones you use to summon monsters? You don’t have to.” He said.

“No. I will give you some. I’m not going to hoard them and have another Rico happen because I was too worried to give you all some.” I told him.

“I see…” He said looking down. “Then I will accept anything you want to give me.”

“Good. But is there anything you prefer?” I asked again.

“... I guess some cute girls…” he said quietly, but I still heard him.


Perv. Well, not really. There is nothing wrong with liking cute girls.

Fire Princess and Fire Sorcerer. Those are cute girls. They would work, but let’s check for others.


“Oh. These are perfect.” I said as I ran into an archetype of ladies. They aren’t exactly what I would call ‘cute girls’, but more off ‘sexy ladies’.

“Did you find something? Could you show me?” Alex asked.

I pulled out four cards. Harpie Lady, Harpie Lady 2, Harpie Lady Sisters and Elegant Egotist. 

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