Chapter 144: CH.143 Lunch with an Earl

After we had finished the detailed report on the dungeon (because it took a while), it was now lunch time.


Alice and I followed her two aunts into the informal dining room. Well, I call it that, but in most houses, this would be the formal dining room. So, I guess this is more of a family dining room. And there is also a party dining room.

I do have to question what size parties do nobility throw, as this dining room had a table that could seat a total of 12 people. 5 on each side and one at each end.

Angelina took the first seat on the … well, if you look from the head of the table that is farther away from the door, on the left side. So for the one sitting at the head of the table (which I assume is the place for the earl), she is the first on the left. Then one empty seat, Paulina and they told Alice to sit next to her.

I was seated on the middle seat on the other side, so I was opposite Paulina.


Before lunch was brought to us, three more people joined us at the table.

The first one was a small boy, probably 9 or 10 years old, that sat between Angelina and Paulina. Based on the small conversation Angelina had with him, he is Angelina’s son and he spent the morning studying. Not magic, but some kind of general knowledge. 


The last two that joined us were the earl and his wife. I have to say, they look great for their age. Based on the fact that Angelina seems to be right around 40, they should be in their late 50s or early 60s. But as I already said, they don’t look like it at all. The wife especially looks like she could be the older sister of Angelina, instead of her mother.

You could also see where the family gets its blond hair from. While the earl had light brown hair, his wife’s hair was platinum blond.


For lunch, we had some sort of cow meat, or at least something close to it. It was somewhat similar to the bison I hunted actually, so maybe it was bison meat. For sides, we didn’t actually have potatoes, even though they were basically the norm in Alewatch. Instead, we had some broccoli gratin and mashed eggplants. I actually have never had eggplant before, but it was decent. By the way, Laura was the one that identified the eggplant.


After the introductions, (the earls name is Thomas, his wife is Ellanora or Ella and Angelina’s son is Jonathan, but Paulina calls him ‘little Johnny’ or ‘little Jon’) Thomas asked about how our trip went. I had thought so earlier, but apparently they had gotten a letter from Christina about us coming. I guess if they sent an express delivery on the day we accepted the quest, they could easily get a letter here in time. And there is the whatever the adventurer’s guild uses for their communication as well.


As my version would likely be more boring, and honestly I wanted to hear Alice tell about it from her point of view, I let Alice tell about our journey. 


“You fought an orc? I want to try that.” Jonathan said when Alice told them about the orc we ran into.

“No, you won’t.” Angelina said. “You are not even remotely ready for something like that.”

“I could summon an orc for you to fight.” I offered, after I confirmed I actually have a Giant Orc in my collection.

“No. Don’t tempt him.” Angelina said.

“No. Let me try. Please. I’ll beat an orc for sure.” Jonathan said.

“I heard you can summon some strange things, but I didn’t hear about an orc. That’s usually more in line for a tamer.” Thomas commented. 

So you can tame an orc? Well, I guess if you look at it as a bipedal pig. And pigs follow food.


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“Is it that bad to let him try?” I asked. “As long as I control my summon, he won’t die.”

“So you are fine with a permanent injury? Is that what you are saying?” Angelina asked.

“Define a permanent injury. Because I’ve seen some bad wounds get healed. Whether it be a wound from a wyvern's tail or burns caused by lightning sprites. All healed without even leaving a scar.” I said. 

“There is also damage that cannot be seen.” Ellanora said. “Mental damage can be terrifying and long lasting.”


Oh yeah. I guess there is that as well. Probably shouldn’t summon an orc then. Even if Giant Orc has 0 defense, it probably still won’t go down in one hit. Or perhaps it does. I have no idea. But if it lands a hit on a 10 year old, that will most likely be deadly. Something like a Skull Servant would probably be a better practice partner for Jonathan.

But I don’t have any at the moment, as they have all been sacked for sleeves.


“May I continue with the story?” Alice asked.

“Yes. Please do.” Thomas said.



“How did you survive a spirit cannon?” Thomas asked, as Alice told that part of our travel.

“I have decently high defense and a skill that raises it even further.” I answered.

“Perhaps you would be willing to show us?” Thomas asked.

“Sure, I can. But after the meal.” I responded. I honestly expected that they would ask for my status, so I don’t mind sharing it.


We finished our lunch and Alice finished the story about our trip, not that there was much left after the duel.



“Brian, if you would.” Thomas said.

After the meal, we had moved to his study, so I could show him (and some others) my status without anyone unwanted seeing it.

Well, out of the group that ate with me, the only one I didn’t want seeing it was Jonathan. Not because I’m trying to be evil to kids or something, but because he is a kid. And kids can’t keep secrets.


“Status open.” I said to open my status.


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