Chapter 53: The Terror of the Overcomer's Name

Arthur's expression suddenly changed. Another being just like his father stood not far from him. Only this one would definitely try to kill him. The thought alone caused Arthur's spine to chill.

The skinny man had a tall frame. As tall as Lynd and had very pale blue eyes. He held a scabbard with a sword that had the handle similar to a curiously small broadsword.

Seeker fixed his gaze at the monster approaching.

"Hey there. I take it you guys want to threaten this Pangean President?" Seeker smiled.

The businessman had a confused stare. He then noticed that his other henchmen are dead.

"Who are you? What are two kids doing up here?" The businessman frowned.

"Careful Gary. Those two is the reason why your men are dead. The one with the glasses killed them. Entered the room and shot five rounds, one round for each head of your men." The tall man smiled.

Arthur frowned.

"And why do you say that? We're just kids who're at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I trust my instinct. So mind telling me who you are and how you managed to kill five trained men in what might have been less than a second?" The tall man smiled.

Arthur was shocked. How did he know the manner of Arthur's attack?

"What else can you expect from Lennox's own flesh and blood?" Seeker interjected.

The tall man had a surprised look.

"You're Arthur? No wonder you looked familiar. And who might you be, my young brave friend?" The tall man turned to Seeker as he was impressed with Seeker's demeanor.

"You somehow feel more dangerous than Lennox's son.

"Casual Carlean?" The businessman gave a surprising stare as he recognized Seeker.

"The gamer?" The tall man gave another surprised look.

"So exactly why is the Covenant here?" The businessman asked with a confused face.

"We're here to save the President of course. General Harker sends his regards." Seeker declared immediately.

The businessman who was called Gary suddenly had an angry expression.

"That guy again?" Gary roared.

"Kill them!" He ordered the tall man.

"Give me a sec, Gary. You'll be in a lot of trouble if we don't deal with this situation carefully. Lennox is strong. Even I don't want to face him." The tall man laughed.

Gary was shocked at this simple sentence. There was someone in this world that he wouldn't cross?

"Listen, kids, we just want the President. I suggest you retreat. You are no match for me. I'm doing you a favor. Don't get in between me and my mission. I'm sure even your father would want you to retreat."

"What's his path, Seeker?" Arthur asked seriously.

"Six Sense." Seeker immediately replied.

"What does that mean?" Arthur replied coldly.

"You see a tiger lying down on the ground, in a zoo. Does it scare you?"


"You see a crouching tiger approaching. Ready to pounce on you. Are you scared now?"

"Of course."

"Why? And I'm not asking this on a philosophical level."

"The information I've processed has alerted my brain of the impending danger which results in fear, caution and other corresponding emotions that naturally appears in that given scenario."

"You sound just like your old man." The tall man chuckled.

"Alright Arty, take that process but imagine your brain being able to process these dangers on a different level. You feel things instinctively. A bomb disguised as a simple toy somehow gets your attention. You feel unexplainable fear from it because somehow your senses instinctively warn you that it is dangerous. That's this guy's path. Perfect Prediction."

Arthur's eyes went wide open.

"His prediction is so precise, it's like your father's calculation skill. The only difference is that your father calculates, but this guy knows what to do by instinct. This means-"

"This is bad. Of all the Overcomer's we actually are faced with someone who can negate all our surprising advantages?" Arthur was deeply worried. A surprise display of skill won't be effective.

Seeker laughed.

"Funny right? We're really screwed big time."

"Perfect Prediction, huh?" The tall man stroked his chin.

"I like the name. You are very informed. And I thought Arthur would be the smart one of you two." The tall man laughed.

"Alright. Before we begin this deadly dance, what's his World Champion Title, Seeker?" Arthur took a serious stance. He knew that he could die in this battle. But even in these last moments, Arthur still yearned for knowledge. And at this point, he simply wanted to know the terrifying name of this Overcomer.

"Richie." Seeker replied solemnly.

Arthur paused for a bit to process the information.

Did he hear the name correctly? Richie?

"Who's Richie?" Arthur asked with a confused expression.

"That guy over there! Who else?" Seeker gave a why-wasn't-it-so-obvious reaction as he pointed to the tall man.

"Richie? That's his World Champion name? Richie?" Arthur replied angrily.

"Yes, Arthur! That man's name is Richie!" Seeker replied with an angrier tone.

"I didn't want his name! I wanted the name he is known as!"

"That's what he's really known as!"

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"You're telling me that whenever the most powerful and cruel men of the underworld need someone to assassinate someone with impossible chances of success, they open their phone contacts and they dial the number registered under the name Richie?" Arthur expressed in frustration.

"What can I say? That's what people call him!"

"He's a world-famous assassin! How can he not have a domineering name?!" Arthur demanded.

"If an assassin is famous, he's not a very good assassin is he?" Seeker argued.

"Ahem." Richie gave a cough to interrupt the conversation of the two.

"I was clearly asking for his Overcomer Title! His World Champion name!" Arthur ignored Richie's attempt.

"Well, I'm sorry." Seeker gave another angry and sarcastic reply.

"He really just goes by the name 'Richie!'" Seeker countered.

"Guys…" Richie interrupted once more.

Seeker and Arthur turned back to Richie.

"First of all, it's surprising that you know even my real name. But why the rude response, Arthur?" Richie gave a very displeased reply.

"It's not the name. It's just that with everything I've been hearing from him, there's always a domineering title or name. So when he unveiled your name, it was very anti-climactic and given the very dangerous situation we are in right now, it caught me off guard. I apologize." Arthur gave an apologetic look at Richie.

Seeker just stared at Arthur with a look whose anger was building.

"What are you talking about? I've mentioned the names Eagle and Hermes and you didn't bat an eye at those names!"

"Those names had qualities of being domineering in the first place! So forgive me for not taking this entire Richie fiasco seriously!"

"Alright. Enough." Richie interrupted once more.

"Moving to my second point of interest, I know of Hermes, but I haven't heard of Eagle. Is he as strong as Hermes or Lennox? The only Eagle I know is that American Pastor, Calvin Luther Eagle."

"That's the one. That very same Eagle. You should try and kill him. You're into one big delightful surprise." Seeker smiled wickedly.

Richie's gave a curious expression as his eyes opened wider. It looked like he was excited at the thought of fighting Eagle.

"Duly noted. I'll take that advice." Richie paused as if he was waiting for something.

Arthur's heart was throbbing. They managed on time. It looks like Seeker has finished delivering his coded message.

"Thirdly, I know you've been wasting my time so you can deliver that Morse code signal to the sniper on the chopper on how to kill me discreetly. So let's just start the dance since I know of the plan already." Richie smiled mischievously.

Arthur's face was flustered. Richie could hear the silent taps that Seeker made on the Intercom?

"Dammit, Richie!" Seeker cursed.

"Alright, Cliff. That was a stupid plan. As expected of a freaking Overcomer. Maybe I should just order you to shoot me instead to send me to the afterlife painlessly. Ugh! Just fire at will, Cliff." Seeker was about to dash towards Richie when Richie held his hand forward.

"Hold on. You sure you want to do this? Even with that sniper, I can easily kill you. You seem to like to have understood my skills. Do you know how I feel towards you three?" Richie sneered.

"Cautious?" Seeker hoped.

"Unless your Lennox or Hermes, then maybe I'll be." Richie laughed.

"I don't feel threatened." Richie unsheathed his sword. It was a broadsword which had a unique design. Its handle followed the typical broadsword, but its blade looked more like a katana.

"I'll give you one more chance to escape since you two are associated with Lennox and Hermes. But this is you're last warning. I do have a job to finish after all."

"Whatever, Richie. Now that I know your name, you don't seem that scary." Arthur stood bravely.

"Arthur, support me. I'll attack him head-on. Keep distance and continue shooting. Cliff, fire at will." Seeker immediately pushed his Unlocking as high as he possibly could. His perception and sense improved as he reached the Inhuman Proficient stage.

Immediately, Seeker sprinted and fired several rounds as he was running.

Richie carefully tugged the businessman sideways using the sword sheath he carried when Seeker started dashing. The man was safely pushed towards the inside of the elevator where he was safe from all the gunshots and possible sniping attacks aimed at him.

Richie then smiled at the array of bullets sent out by Seeker, Arthur, and Cliff.

With his perception, evading bullets was like a game of dodgeball. His perception was at best, on par with Arthur's. His movement, however, was a different story.

Richie swung his sword to redirect and block the array of bullets. His movements were graceful and he smiled in delight at the dance. Finally, a group of friends that made him enjoy the battle.

Seeker continued to shoot with his left hand while his right hand was holding the sword. The sword was held with his left arm as Seeker extended it overhead in preparation of a powerful slash.

Cliff had fired several shots but as Seeker drew closer, his concentration pushed to the extremes. He heard the entire discussion and knew what they were facing was a monster. Within the milliseconds in which Seeker was drawing closer and closer towards Richie, Cliff aimed for Seeker's head and without hesitation, he fired.

Faithful and reliable Cliff got the message hidden in their odd conversations and shot around, aiming to pierce through Seeker's head. Cliff had no knowledge of Morse code, however, he understood Seeker's reference when Seeker expressed a though of Cliff to 'shoot' Seeker.

Seeker's head was already getting lower and lower as the demand of his forward sprint allowed it to naturally happen.

Arthur understood this plan as well. They both made sure to fire the few shots that the very little time they had to corner Richie into receiving Cliff's shot. If they could wound Richie, this battle would be easier when the rest of their team arrived.

Seeker blocked the view of Cliff's fired bullet with his head. As he drew closer Seeker delivered a powerful slash aiming for Richie's leg. Seeker also fired another round at Richie. Arthur had long anticipated Seeker's attack and was shot at various locations to pin Richie in this position.

Like a helpless King who had no other place to go, Richie stood and had to meet Seeker's slash and his gunshots.

The final chess piece was also moving in. Utilizing the highest stable state of Realm Somatotopy that he could manage, Seeker adjusted his head to make sure that the passing bullet would be buried in his thick hair, unseen until the last possible moment.

The bullet was passing through Seeker's hair now. Even an Inhuman wouldn't be able to evade an attack as fast as this bullet that would suddenly appear without warning.

Richie, after all, was only an Unbecoming. What chance could he have to evade this attack?

Sadly, they were facing Richie.

Richie simply smiled. He didn't feel any form of threat even in this situation. Somehow, he knew that a surprise attack would appear from an unlikely place. Knowing that there was such an attack was enough for the Overcomer.

But then, he caught a glimpse at Seeker's serious gaze.


Why was Seeker's gaze as calm as his?