Chapter 36: Chapter 35: a comfortable morning

Today feels like a slow day. I mean, we planned it that way, so I just lay in the all too comfortable bed thinking back over the last few days.

Even though I have been clean thanks to my magic, I actually feel clean now. Probably thanks to the bath I took yesterday. Looking back, it’s the first time I have used water to clean myself since I arrived here. It’s been like what, three weeks or so? It has been quite enjoyable so far, If I’m being honest. Very different from before coming here, but Both James and Jo are good company, and not worrying about money is quite nice as well. Granted, I didn’t worry before either, but now I might have more money than some small countries.

This body is also much better than George’s old body, at least in terms of physicality and magic. I mean, being short, at least compared to George,  is a bit annoying. In the grand scheme of things, I’m not all that short, probably a little under average for a human, which is short for elves and most beastkin, and tall for a dwarf, which is nice since this city has quite a few dwarves. Being smaller also has advantages in the sense that this comfy bed is bigger, relatively speaking. The same applies to the bathtub.

Being a woman hasn’t had as much of an impact as being a powerful mage, but a few things have been different. Luckily I haven’t experienced that time of the month yet, but seeing as I’m also not human, I don’t know how it applies. Given the lifespan of elves, it might not happen as frequently, or at all. Aside from the other stuff, I just feel better in general. All in all, this new body has been an upgrade.

I’m a bit more conflicted about this world though. The major upside is that magic exists, but for the most part, it’s generally worse. Hygiene is the bigger factor, but I get to avoid it with magic. That’s true for most of the inconveniences. The biggest difference is the lack of instantaneous long range communication, by which I mean the internet, and computers in general.

I do miss the internet, though not as much as I would have thought. For the first few days, I had enough stuff to think about, and after that, It hasn’t really bothered me. Being able to play games has been the thing I missed the most, but seeing as I’m currently living my favorite game, it once again is only a minor issue.

By now, the sun is shining in through the window, and the noise outside has become audible, so it’s time to get out of bed. I slowly sit up while thinking of what to wear today. Today being a slow day, I think I’ll wear something comfy. After looking for a bit, I end up on the selection of animal one pieces. There was one for each of the animals and monsters in the game, so I have quite a few.

I once again set up the triple mirror, and start trying the different ones. They are all comfy, but the one representing the abominations are absolutely not cute. It has the same black fleshy texture as the real deal, and even comes with animated tentacles. That one came off fast.

In the end I settled on a bear one. The color being green signifying it as a magical beast, means that it fits better with my hair and wings. That and the fluffy fur on it were the deciding factors.

After getting dressed, I slump down on the couch in the room. Should I head down to the restaurant for breakfast, or should I set up something here? Seeing as I gave both James and Jo some money to use for daily stuff, I decide to eat in my room.

Though before setting up my meal, walk out on the small balcony attached to the room. It’s quite small, and the view is not all that impressive, but I do get to soak in the sun for a bit before eating my food.

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It’s been a while since I ate meat, so I take some out and put it on a mana platter. Seeing as I used fire magic to heat the bath, I’m sure I can do it to this as well. Does it have to be a separate spell from the platter though? It is just mana constrained to an area, but most of the mana is not really doing anything, just acting as filler. I’m sure I could make it do something.

My first attempt causes the platter to shatter and the meat to hit the table. Picking it up again and recreating the platter with the intent to heat it, works as intended. I have to use quite a lot of mana to heat it, but I get it hot in the end. It’s lucky that the heated mana barrier can float, because it is quite unpleasant to touch it. Making utensils from mana is something I have done before, so no issues there.

The meat isn’t all that good, not bad either, but seeing as I have been eating super good fruits lately, it’s almost disappointing. George was big on meat, but how can I be, now that fruit tastes so good? Maybe I’m getting addicted. Either way, I finish off the meat and finish with a glass of water.

I picked up some artisanal mead when we explored the market yesterday, so I take it out. Filling my green mana glass with the golden liquid releases a sweet scent. It tastes really good, and I may have had a couple glasses as I sit here on the comfortable couch. The slight buzzy feeling associated with alcohol makes its presence known as I stow away the bottle. Both Jo and James will probably like it as well.

This has been a great morning. No stressing about getting to work, or monsters squirming about. I’m even all alone, which hasn’t been the case for a while. I just continue to sit here enjoying it for a while, at least until nature calls. Afterwards I head down to the common room, hoping to meet with the others.

The stairs are easily traversed and once I enter the restaurant, I find Jo and James sitting at one of the tables, playing a card game. As I greet them, they greet me back, and I sit down with them, intent on joining their game. Before that happens though, someone comes up to us. He looks like a butler of sorts, complete with the black formal wear and graying hair.

After getting our attention, he starts to speak.

“Are you the S rank adventurer that goes by the name Zena?”

I nod while answering in the affirmative.

“The city lord has sent me to fetch for a meeting.”