You take a shower, with Mary joining you and washing your back, and front, and tempts you to just have her get on her knees and wash your cock with her mouth and tits... a temptation you indulge in, the older woman sweetly servicing your cock. She doesn't have that overabundant energy of Julia, but she definitely likes making you feel good, smiling when your cum rains down on her pretty features.
Once the shower is done, you head back out, rapping on the door to Julia's room. "Hey. Let's talk," you say, even as you can hear Julia noisily slurping on Rei's pussy.
Less than a minute later, the pair come out, dressed, although Julia's face is still a mess, Rei's juices smeared all over it. Mary blushes and ducks her head a bit at her daughter's behavior, while Julia is just brazen about it. "So... now that the Shafter leadership is wiped out, and Mark's dead, does anybody have anything that needs to be done right now?"
"I kind of want to kill more Yamaguchi, goshujinsama," Julia offers. Rei just slaps her right there, making her shudder and pant.
"We're not killing the Yamaguchi, bitch," she says. "We have a deal, remember? A deal?"
"I remember, sorry joousama," Julia says, seeming almost mesmerized by your clone. Seeing the petite little Asian girl (who is also you) dominate the super murder machine does have you uncomfortably hard again, but - that's not the point.
"Let me rephrase that. Has anybody hurt you, or your mother, other than Mark and the Shafters?"
"My dad just abandoned us," Julia says.
"He- your father is probably dead, sweetie," Mary says. "They- you know."
"He ran off because he couldn't pay his debts," Julia counters, crossing her arms. "Ooo, if you could find him, we could have some fun with him. I don't think we should kill him, though... maybe just scare him? Ah..." She actually squirms in her seat. Rei winds up just putting her hand over Julia's mouth, then feeding two fingers in.
"That's a no," Rei says. "What the hell makes this girl chill out?" You clear your throat at Rei, who rolls her eyes. "Sorry. Do you know what will calm your daughter down, Mrs. Jacoby?" Rei asks, her voice sweet.
"S-she hasn't been like this in the past," Mary offers.
"Well... I do have someone that needs killing. The vampire who attacked me." Julia nods rapidly. "I have a good idea of his whereabouts, he seems to spend a lot of time in a basement under a net cafe."
"I'rr kih him goshjinsam," she slurs out around Rei's fingers.
"Thank you for the offer, Princess." It's probably better not to go calling her daughter bitch right in front of her mother. Also, it might turn her off a little. "Rei, go search through Charlie's computer."
"There isn't a computer here," she says, maintaining the more demure affect. You give her a look. "Fine. I will go home and get ours from there."
"Princess, keep her company," you tell your bitch.
"Yesh, goshjinsamuh," she slurs out, and Rei finally removes her fingers from the other girl's mouth.
"Mary," you say, stretching. "Let's go back to bed, and just cuddle and get some shut-eye. Alright?"
She smiles at that. "Yes. That sounds nice. Thank you. It's been a while since... Julia's father disappeared, and it's been hard to sleep alone."
* * *
Rei typed away on the computer, getting access to Charles's systems via backdoor once again. He was busy having chats with his 'friends' of znm and wwt, talking about all kinds of esoteric vampire politics that wasn't really important, because he'd be dead soon. He barely even mentioned their encounter, apparently having put it out of his head when no weresnake horde came down on him. He'd learn better than that.
Unlike with other women, Julia actually liked eating Rei's pussy. She could only assume it was because she was Brighton, and they had some kind of deep, spiritual, romantic, connection. She couldn't help but remember the man from her dreams, who had given up his name... he'd been so sexy in the memories, and Julia had exactly the same effect on her, even though Julia was pretty much his polar opposite in every way. She just pet the docile little sex pet as she kept working away. It slowed her down, but hey, Brighton had decided to go take a nap instead of working, so she could get eaten out instead of working. Or while working.
Anyway, her personal sex slave got her off three times while she worked, which was impressive, because it was clear that cunnilingus was not something that Julia had masturbated frantically to dozens of increasingly disturbing works of hentai like "ordinary" sex.
There was discussions of the Prince, and even the Yamaguchi, but while it was clear Charles owed fealty to the Prince, it was equally clear he kept her at arm's length to maintain some measure of independence, and that she let him because of his useful skills. Useful skills that she would soon be losing access to, if Rei had anything to say about it, and given one of the most dangerous killing machines on the planet was currently eating her out, she did.
* * *
After groping and cuddling with your new MILF lover, making sure to shower her in physical affection and make her feel safe, you finally wake up from your long sleep, her gorgeous chocolate body naked in your arms. Tempting as it is to just fuck her, a glance at the window- and then at your watch - tells you it's currently 11:38AM, putting you quite close to your planned timetable.
You find Rei in Julia's bedroom, her legs kicked up atop Julia, while Julia sleeps in the fetal position like a dog. Sexy a concept as it is, you do have things to do, and jostle Rei awake. "Rei. What's the situation?"
"Mmm, Julia's getting good at pussy eating," Rei says sleepily.
"Yes, thank you." You keep jostling. "Any reason not to go visit Charlie?"
"He might not be there," she says, yawning and stretching as the sentence finishes. "I don't think he sleeps in the basement, I think he sleeps in the sewers. He might have a guard or something, I dunno. He's not," another yawn, "super popular with the Prince but she uses his skills."
"Any ideas on who the guard would be?"
"No idea," she says.
"Anything new about the Prince?"
"Nope. I wasn't investigating her, and Julia was..." she yawns, "very distracting."
"Right, well, I'll let you sleep." You smack Julia on the ass, snapping her back to consciousness. "Get dressed, bitch. We're going vampire hunting."
She smiles brightly intensity in her azure eyes as she beams at you. "Oo, I have great cosplay for that," she says, her naked body bouncing over to her closet. She eventually picks out a cosplay that is... clearly Seras Victoria from Hellsing. She doesn't put on the wig, but she does put on the rest of it. It looks odd - with her dark skin, she doesn't really look anything like the character - but you're not complaining.
* * *
The net cafe's basement leads into the sewer. Accessing it is a piece of cake for you, due to your superhuman stealth abilities, and although Julia has slightly more trouble, it's not super well defended. The pair of you soon descend into the sewers. The scent hits you hard, ramming into your nostrils like it was trying to squirm into your brain; Julia seems to have finally found the one negative stimulus she doesn't like, pinching her nose shut.
Tracking somebody through the sewers is not fun. There's not much place to leave a trail, but you do manage to pick up a small one. An old blood splatter here, a bit of frayed cloth there, nothing that you'd notice if you weren't looking for it, but given you're tracking down a predator into its home, that's exactly what you're doing. Eventually you come upon a locked steel door, built into the wall, maybe five minutes from the place you entered. On the upper right corner of the door frame is a mark that would be hard to decipher if you didn't already know what it was - the letters c, h, and r written over one another.
Under the circumstances, extending your senses won't be fun, but... you do so. You hear one person breathing and typing away - not chr, you don't think, since he never accesses the internet during the daytime. Maybe a friend? Or maybe he does something offline? No, vampires don't breathe, do they?
Julia has materialized a rifle in her hands, her expression wild as she considers the door in front of her, clearly hoping to just bash it in. It's a pretty thick thing, though, so it'll be tough to get through, since Charles bought a combination electronic and physical lock - you need the keycode and the key to get in.
"Let me find a way in," you tell Julia, before adopting the shape of a serpent. She coos as if it was the cutest thing in the world, though she does keep her voice down. You crawl along the ground near the door, sniffing and licking the air as you do, trying to find some way into Charles' cozy little home. You call upon your capacity to enhance your senses, although that just makes the horrific scent of the sewers get even worse. If snakes could cry, your eyes would be watering.
It's not like the guy is stupid, but the quiet movement of air from somewhere that doesn't smell like complete shit reaches your senses as you slither around, and eventually you find a small hole, up near the ceiling. Julia winds up having to push you through it, though she gets what you want without needing to be told.
Soon enough, you're filling the slender little hole, your body contorted through it, your eyes looking out over the room. At a desk is a young girl with glasses, slurping on a thick milkshake and muttering to herself. She's moving files from the computer onto a USB drive, it looks like. Or vice versa. You notice a pair of fine needle marks near her elbow - not from actually doing drugs, but presumably from getting fed on by Charles. Her legs kick, moving back and forth with anxious energy, chewing her lower lip as she glares at the computer monitor.
Charles, on the other hand, is lying on his back, arms crossed, sleeping like a log. Or whatever you call what vampires do during the day. Practically asking for you to eat him.
On the other hand, Julia loves killing people, and you love seeing Julia happy. You slither down from your hiding spot and crawl around behind her, taking a moment to stretch and shift forms, adopting that of the serpentine monster you can take on - mambas aren't constrictors, after all. It's only then that she notices you, suddenly turning around, eyes wide, hands coming up. A scream dies in her throat as you wrap yourself partly around her neck, asphyxiating her - it takes only a few seconds for her to pass out in your grasp, and you gently lay her to rest on the ground.
You keep a grip on her carotid as you look over at the sleeping vampire. You try to get a sense of if he's going to rouse, and you manage to slip your senses deeper than you would have expected. He looks deeply dead, the aura emanating from his body pale to the point of being near-white, like a ghost or a corpse. You flicker away the sense and go to the door - fortunately, it opens from the inside, and the girl stays unconscious long enough for Julia to enter, rifle in hand. "Kill him," you hiss.
"Hai, goshujinsama," she breathes with erotic glee, raising her gun up to point at the sleeping vampire's face. She fires, the roar of gunfire filling the room, stuttering the girl you knocked out awake and blowing a massive hole in Charles's face.
"What the fuh-" is all he gets out as he tries to rise, Julia steadying her gun again. The second shot blows an even bigger hole in his skull, and he collapses to the ground again like a puppet with the strings cut. Two more shots ring out in the quiet of the room, deafening you and leaving you only able to hear a faint ringing, and Charles's corpse rapidly seems to dry up into a wiry husk, skin shriveled and dead, lips drawn back to reveal fangs, and finally even that starts to wither, leaving only a skeleton.
The girl crawls hurriedly into a corner of the room, bug-eyed and terrified as she stares at the two of you, eyes flicking back and forth, her thick swallow not audible but very visible as she huddles into the corner. Her lips work, but you can't hear her for a few seconds, until the sound of ringing in your ear finally lets up. "-don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me," she repeats like a desperate mantra.
You switch back to your human form to have a conversation; Julia reloads her gun noisily as you do so, making the girl's eyes widen even further.
"Okay, I won't kill you. Now, tell me about yourself, and your dead master. What can you do for me?"
"M-master?" She stammers. "No, Charlie - Charlie's like, a friend, you know? I give him blood, he gives me blood, you know. I mean, y-yeah, I do pretty much whatever he says, and help him with his stuff, and it's been a while since he helped me with anything I was doing, but he, I mean-" She cuts herself off. "He... he..."
Is this some kind of magic or something that's wearing off now that he's dead? "What did you used to do for him?"
"Oh, I helped him spy on some companies. I work at Techarate, so I got his worms on the system there." Her brow furrows again. "I... that's..." She seems lost. Some side effect of some magic the vampire did to her? Damn, you wish you knew much of anything about vampires. You used to nerd out reading occult stuff, but it was all alchemy and witchcraft and shit. Not vampire lore.
You try to work out what's going on with her. Magic's all reliant on the same kind of things, right? Probably. He's dead, and she seems to be having trouble with putting her thoughts, since he died. A lot of magic relies on a focus of some kind, an object which works as the focuser for the magic; probably he acts as the focus, since he's a supernatural being and it's easier to do magic with something that's supernatural in its own right. Some kind of mind magic, maybe? "I think he was mind controlling you," you explain to her.
"Mind controlling me?" She blinks, and her brain seems to finally put the pieces together. "Fuck! His blood! It was totally addictive! Shit!" She turns to the corpse. "Asshole! You never did anything for me after I drank your blood a couple times!" She mutters to herself; "Maybe he really was my master, shit."
"So you have access to Techarate systems? That could be helpful to me. Do you know any of their dirty secrets?"
"I know the boss is a total slut," she says, in reply.
"Why was your master spying on Techarate?"
"I dunno. I think he didn't like Rowden, the boss? I don't know besides that, though. He just kind of used me. Prick."
"What's your name?"
"Gretchen Nithercott. Yeah, I didn't pick it."
She's less afraid now, though her eyes do keep flicking over to Julia's gun. She's pretty cute, in that girl next door way, with dark hair that reaches just to her shoulders, and a nice pert chest. You've been getting your dick wet so much lately, you'd think it would dial down your arousal, but no, it's just the opposite if anything.
If only you could make her as horny as you are right now. She's basically just seen a guy die right in front of her, and is now coming out from mind control, though, so probably you can't... still... there is that incandescent argent furnace in your heart, maybe you can do something with it?
You dip into it, letting your arousal show on your face - a moment later, it's showing on hers, her cheeks flushed, her eyes widening as she swallows thickly, saliva starting to pool in her mouth. Julia lets out a small noise of surprise, but doesn't say anything, letting you approach the girl where she rests in the corner - you reach for, and squeeze, her tit. "There's, a room behind this one," she says, in a soft, breathy voice. "More, um, privacy, less stink."
You nod, finding the door she pointed out, and she quickly comes after you. It's a supply closet more than anything else, though there are at least towels; she just haphazardly dumps them out onto the ground, her lust overpowering any self-control. "Fuck, I know this is weird, you wanna fuck too though, right? Maybe it's because of the mind control shit wearing off?" She asks, more herself than anything. Her hand reaches for your cock in your pants, and you expend a bit of supernatural energy ensuring that you're back to having the biggest dick in the world. This girl's some random slut you're going to make bounce on your cock - it's not like Mary.
You are reading story Exalted versus the World of Darkness at
Besides, you've already delivered to her what looks like a brain-overloading dose of arousal, as she salivates openly, the drool slowly slipping over her lower lip, pooling, and dripping down onto the ground as she stares at the massive outline of your cock in your pants.
"Get on your hands and knees, slut."
"H-hey, I'm not a fucking, s-slut," she says, though she does obey. "This is- it's just, fuck I'm so horny," she breathes out, almost piteous, as she gets on her hands and knees. She's wearing pants and boots, for obvious reasons, but you just tug those off with a few seconds work. She's unshaven down there, a thick dark bush surrounding her pink, slick sex. She's oozing wet thanks to your work, just as horny - if not hornier - than you. You tease your fat cock at her tight sex. "Hey, take it easy back, back there, I'm pretty - I'm not used to, to monster cocks like yours, alright?" She says, looking over her shoulder at you, pleading with her expression for a bit of mercy.
You guess she was just a victim of Charles, like you. You don't really have any reason to be cruel to her, other than that you're clearly a sexual sadist and don't know her well enough to care about her feelings. Well, in either case - you take hold of her hips and start to push your way into her, slow at first, making her mewl and twitch at the sensations, her legs shifting to widen her gait to make it easier for her to accommodate your cock.
"You're right, you're not a slut," you tell her, running your hand slowly along her flank, pushing up her top inch by inch, revealing pale flesh that clearly rarely, if ever, sees the light of day. "You're just like this for me, right?" You tease, as you yank her top up and off, her arms getting tangled in it for a moment as she collapses onto the ground. Your cock is only maybe an inch inside her, and she's wearing nothing but a bra, her heavy pants into the floor beneath her intensely erotic to your eyes and ears. Her cunt oozes around your dick. "That means you're not a slut, but my personal sex addict," you breathe out in her ear. "Charlie may have controlled you through blood, but I'll make you nice and compliant with addictive sex. That's much nicer, isn't it?"
You let the words hang in the air, letting her decide on her own if you mean that as dirty talk or a literal description of what you're doing. Your hands grope her pert tits through her bra, then you just unhook it. All the while, you keep grinding ever deeper into her, making her spasm and drool in pleasure and surprise with each additional inch of her cunt taken. It's a slow going process, and you occupy yourself with her tits - she's not saying much, in her current condition, squirming on your dick, arousal visible on her face.
* * *
Fuck, it felt so huge inside her. Why was she so fucking horny? Her brain felt like it was melting, the raw arousal overwhelming. She could feel her juices dribbling down her thighs, the boy's hands groping and molesting her tits as he thrust ever deeper into her. He was fucking enormous. She'd never had a dick this big. It took all she had, clawing at the towels she was positioned on, not to try to ram herself down that cock. Sometimes, as she leaned her head forward, she'd catch drool pooling in her mouth.
What was the matter with her, really? The kid wasn't even hot. His dick was big, sure, but besides that, you'd never have given him a second look. Now, though, his whole length was slowly ramming aside her inner walls, battering its way towards her womb. She wasn't even sure it would manage to fit - it was fucking huge, after all.
He'd said something about controlling her through addictive sex, but she hadn't been paying much attention to his words. She'd been paying attention to the cock that was invading her cunt. It was just enormous, she didn't dare look back for fear that it was only a third or half of the way in, that there was plenty more to go, plenty more to take.
She could see reflected in one of the nearby surfaces that the black girl was still there, watching her get fucked. Why didn't she care? Why was she so goddamn fucking horny? This dick was insane, it had to be the cock. She'd never thought she was a size queen, but she'd never seen a dick like this.
She felt his movements stutter to a halt as he got so deep inside her that it became temporarily impossible to go any further. Her vagina simply wasn't deep enough to take him, and she could feel his dick press up against her, her eyelids twitching. She bit her lip, then bit the bullet, turning her head over to look at him.
His cock was only two-thirds of the way in, a good four inches still out of her. Her eyes bulged, and she swallowed the saliva that was pooling in her mouth. He was going to try to ram that thing even deeper inside her, she knew it, somehow. "That's, that's as deep as it goes," she said, in a rush.
"Sure thing," he said, with that cocky smirk. He looked like a gawky high schooler and he was saying shit like that. Fuck, why was she so wet? She was dripping. "I'll stop right here," he said, intentionally pulsing his cock inside her, making her hiss in pleasure. Then he started to pull out, slowly and gradually. Her inner walls clung to him, as if her body was desperate to keep that monster cock inside her. Once he was nearly out, he started to push back in, growling into her ear as he leaned down over her, his teeth nibbling at her earlobe.
Fuck, fuck, his hand moved down to her clit and pressed against it. Combined with the monster cock ramming its way back in, it was too much - she came like that, came in this ridiculous, impossible moment, came to some teenager with a huge dick fucking her in a supply closet next to her dead former mind controlling master. "FUCK!" She screamed out in ecstasy as her insides clenched and gripped his dick, her whole body twitching wildly. "Fuck, fuck yeah," she panted, as she came down. "Fucking keep going, fuck me, fuck me!"
"I love to listen to a lady who knows what she wants," he said. She didn't even know his name but she was hornily bouncing on his cock, her legs wobbling back and forth as she tried to increase his pace that little bit more. Even if it meant that sometimes he'd wind up grinding against the deepest parts of his cunt, his massive dick too big for her to take, it didn't matter, she was that fucking horny. She was so fucking wet.
She took it all. In time, she lost the ability to balance on her hands, collapsing down to her elbows somewhere around her fourth orgasm; he just kept going, and her arousal remained ridiculously high as he fucked her like that. Eventually, even that loose balance collapsed, and she had her cheek and shoulders pressing against the ground, arms splayed out. She was dripping wet, hot as hell, arousal burning up her brain and taking away all the thoughts about how she shouldn't be doing this kind of thing with a kid whose name she didn't even know. Saliva just dribbled out of her mouth, her glasses going askew as she took his dick. Their bodies became accustomed to her, and he took his pleasure from her, setting his pace so that he'd just barely avoid pushing past her limits.
* * *
It's unsatisfying to keep getting the last few inches of your dick prevented from going in this horny slut's cunt. Fuck. You can ram it in, over and over, but it never gets any deeper. The downside of a monster cock, you guess. Well, Julia's watching, and you're sure you can parlay the fact that you can't get deep in Gretchen into something to make her happy, so it's not a total loss. You grasp her hair, yanking her up by it, watching as her glasses fall off and clatter against the floor below. "Tell my girlfriend here whose slut you are."
"I'm your slut," she drools out, her cheeks red hot as she speaks, but not the slightest hint of hesitation visible in her features or response.
"That's a good girl," you tell her, your voice cloyingly sweet. "That's a good-" you push her head back against the ground, ramming into her, "fucking-" you slam into her again, making her squeal and jerk, "girl," you complete, before letting go inside her, just flooding her waiting sex with an overflowing quantity of cum, smearing it all over her insides, gushing so much that some spurts out from her sex and dribbles down her thighs as her naked, sweat-soaked form rests on the floor in front of you, face down, ass up.
You pull out and admire. Fuck. That was awesome. You should do that again. Maybe with Mieko? Be nice to see her stop being such a frigid cunt thanks to your amazing cock. You pat Gretchen's head and zip up while you wait for her to recover. Despite Julia's lewd expression, you do actually have things that you should probably do now.
"Muh, fuck," she breathes out, as her brain restarts. "Fuck, I've never been fucked like that, Christ." Her arms wobble as she struggles to rise to her feet, then just slumps back down again, loosely seated on the towels and relying on her arms to keep her upright. Her chin is smeared with spit, her eyes blinking rapidly as she tries to gather her senses. It's a pretty sexy sight, honestly.
"You're mine now, Gretchen," you say, taking a rough tangle of her hair and just forcing her cheek up against your half-erect dick through the fabric of your pants. She turns scarlet, but doesn't try to pull away, more humiliated than enraged or frightened by your treatment of her. You give her a nice pat on the head. "Don't worry. I take care of what's mine. Now, how about you show me what you got from Techarate, and from Milicent?"
"I- sure," she says, stumbling to her feet, then going back to her knees and fumbling around for her glasses before putting them on. "I'm not- whatever," she says, shaking her head and going over to the computer. "This is what the worm picked up," she explains to you, clicking through folders. She's either entranced enough with her work, or with post-coital bliss, that she doesn't even seem to process that she's naked. "It's mostly work emails, you know, dumb shit nobody gives a fuck about, boss tells you to come to a meeting to discuss how there are too many meetings." She lazily clicks through, filtering several times. "This is Milicent whoring herself out to every angel investor she can find, but the real thing Charlie was after was this."
She clicks several more times, shifting to some account you don't recognize the name of. ; a work email, apparently.
I want to talk about Y with you. - M.
It's sent to ; just a gibberish burner account, you have to assume. No, it's never sent to the same account twice, actually, as she shows you the conversation.
Meet at R-V - S.
New intel about Y; meet at 11-12. - M.
Money needed to complete operations. - S.
Come to me. - M.
Will send a proxy tonight. - S.
I wanted you. ;* - M.
I'm not one of your American hoodlums. - S.
Better than. Fine. (-.-) - M.
It's obvious that they're speaking in code, though about what, you couldn't really say. "Any more info?"
"No, we were - I was just finding what Charlie wanted, I didn't get further than this."
"Who is S?"
"Iunno. Probably some dumb faggot," Gretchen says, with a shrug. "I couldn't figure out where any of the locations are. These are from this morning, though, so if come to me means her offices, she's a night owl."
"Why did Charlie want this stuff?"
"I think it makes her look bad somehow? Like I said, I don't know what I'm looking at, but Charlie wasn't a big fan of Ms. Rowden."
"How high is your position at Techarate?"
"I'm in IT," she says. "Not high," she clarifies, a second later.
"Could you help arrange a meeting between me and Ms. Rowden?"
"Why, you wanna fuck her too? Only people she meets with have lots of dough," she says, rubbing her fingers together. "I don't even see her when her computer breaks, she just makes me reinstall shit while she's out. Which, is how I got the worm on her systems."
"Fine. What can you do, then?"
"I can get you in as a guest, I guess? Am I your slave now?" She asks, clearly somewhat annoyed at the thought. Damn women, not being like in hentai where dicking them good once turns them into subsluts. Admittedly, she is still naked right now, with your cum leaking out of her.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. "I never said you were my slave. But you want another ride on this monster cock, right?" She fidgets uncertainly, and you spare a glance down at her naked breasts. "Just think of us as fuckbuddies who do each other favors, alright?"
"What favors are you gonna do for me?" She asks, crossing her arms, which does fun things to her breasts.
"For one, I had my girl here blow out the skull of the guy who was mind controlling you into being his actual slave, remember?"
"Oh yeah," she says, deflating.
"Anyway. How much money would I need to get a meeting with your boss?"
"I dunno. At least a hundred k in spare cash? I could check the books on investors but I think that's around the smallest I've ever seen the company get in a cash infusion."
That's a lot of money. However, you do have superpowers. However, presumably there's some reason people with superpowers don't run around attracting attention, or they would have done it before.
As you think about what to do next, your eyes wander downward on Gretchen's naked body, admiring the subtle curve of her breasts, her slight tummy, her thick thighs. You want to know more about this whole world of the supernatural - Charlie may be dead, and probably not on the best terms with his boss, but you're already aware of the Yamaguchi, Charlie, his conversation partners, Milicent, according to Alexandra there's a bunch of werewolves? And other shapeshifters? Too many things you don't know about. "Do you know anything about the vampires or other supernatural beings in town?" You ask.
"Uh... all I know is Charlie. Think he mentioned some other vampires existing, and them fighting over stuff? It wasn't really relevant to what he had me doing, and I was kinda out of it."
"Alright. What do you know about Milicent, then? She is your boss."
"Mostly that she sluts it up for cash from angel investors," she says. "Well, I shouldn't judge, I guess. If I could get a hundred k or more from sucking a dude's dick, I'd probably do it too."
"Beyond that? Any habits?"
"She's a night owl. Don't think she does drugs. Rarely meets with employees. Real absentee boss. Always through emails and shit." She shrugs, which does interesting things to her breasts.
"Goshujinsama..." you hear Julia faintly whine behind you. You turn her way. "Are you going to use your bitch again? She's so wet for you..." She's still wearing that cop cosplay, squirming with her thighs pressing against one another.
"Oh, fuck," Gretchen hisses, at the reminder that she's naked and you're not the only person here. She practically dives back to the supply closet, looking for clothes.
"Wait," you tell Julia, and she obediently does so, clearly squirming a bit. You wait for Gretchen to emerge from the supply closet again, clothes haphazardly tossed on. "Give me your number; I'll give you mine. You can call me if you run into any trouble."
"Ah- alright," she says, nodding along with your request. "Thanks for killing Charlie," she says, clearly feeling a little awkward.
"If you have any more people you want killed, don't hesitate to call goshujinsama," Julia says, almost drooling as she speaks.
"R-right," Gretchen agrees. You grab Julia and head out.