Chapter 15: More Dreams of the Third Age

The dreams go to that strange place again; the beautiful brown bunny girl, Maia, through whose eyes you see reality, and the handsome, pale man, Contemptuous Demise who walks alongside her. They are not making their path along the side of the open sea, this time, but have found themselves in the clogged, thick, humidity, of an alien jungle.


They stand together in the face of a thing that mixes features of human and serpent and bird. A long braid of purple hair perfectly matches her long, purple tail. Her arms, ending in raptor-like claws, are coated to the elbow in softer purple feathers, which also plume from the end of her tail. Her face is masked in a beautiful mix of gold and green, an elegant, almost royal style, her long, serpentine tail lashing about back and forth before them.

"Cheraki, we beseech your aid..." Maia begins, starting off humble and generous.

The tail lashes back and forth. The mask that obscures her eyes doesn't obscure her anxious movements, her tongue flicking out to open air. "I don't see why I should. I can't see why I should. I shan't see why I should." She twists, curling herself into a ball, the thick ropey scaled flesh of her tail easily obscuring the flesh of her upper body. "The world is ending and you want me to obsequiously submit to you... ridiculous, ridiculous. I'm going to sup on my last few worshipers and wait for the lo~ongest night there's ever been, and you want me to waste my breath and quintessence on your petty followers?" There's a pause. The head peaks out, still masked. "Though... if you gave me just a couple, made them worship, no, more than a couple, ten, twenty!" The demand is more outrageous than logical. "Yes, if I bound them down and wrung out all the worship they have left, it just might be worth it..."

The god that stood before her was behaving irrationally. That much was clear, even to the dumbest of oafs, much less to her. Was this mania born of fear of what was coming?

Contemptuous Demise stepped forward before she could say anything, giving Cheraki a look of casual disdain, his handsome features contorted in a cold scowl. "I can always consign you to Oblivion, if you don't agree to our terms."

"How would that be agreement?" The head ducked back beneath the scales, hiding itself away. "That would be coercion, obviously, obviously! Oblivion, Oblivion, who, who won't be eaten up by that? Only what gets putrefied, pulverized, disintegrated, twisted, carved, warped, shattered, slathered up by the Wyld! Only that that's been supped and drained until there's not even form left, which is good as! Do you think a soul's going to survive what's coming? You brought it anyway, you brought it, you're the one who kissed the Neverborn on the lips, you're the one who dipped his soul in blackest night... all I've done is enjoyed being worshiped, just a little bit of it, just a little bit of a cult... I've never bothered anybody, and now you're coming here to eat me?"

"We don't wish to eat you," Maia offered, feeling the endless anxiety that seemed to roll off the god in waves, each undulation of her tail creating a pecular effect, with her current balled-up body. Maia produced the item she had prepared. There was no jade left, not after the invasion of the Malakethi into these lands, who toppled Ixcoatli and left nothing in their wake but a grand slave enterprise, which now too had withered on the vine with the passing of the years. It was a simple thing, formed in part of her own congealed blood, dipped and breathed in by her essence, born of ancient oak and stuck together with sap and blood and glue alike.

There were no forges anywhere, anyway.

"If you don't wish to eat me, then what? You want to wring me out, I'm the one who wrings, I'm the one who survives, everybody else is the ones who die! It's me, me me! I'm not letting you turn things around, make the mouse eat the serpent here! No, no, I'm doing the wringing, I'm getting what I want."

"You want to survive, don't you?" Her words were coaxing; had they come out from her beloved's mouth, they would have been threatening. "This will help you." The god couldn't peer, not with that mask, but she slithered to poke her head out anyway. "We can take you with us, and I'll see to it there are offerings made to you."

"Take me with you... take me with you?! To where! The North is rotten, the South is damned by Ysyr, Malaketh and her folk have slobbered over the East and the Great Empire of the Damned now rises in the West, supping on the blood of all the Hundred Kingdoms! There is no 'where' to go! I want to spend my last days free, free, free! I want to be a queen!" She untangled her body, rising up, and up, and up into the air, her serpentine form letting her tower three man's heights above them all. Maia thought she could see the faintest hint of tears behind her eyes. "I want to be a god! If I'm going to die anyway that's the least I deserve! I deserve more though," she added, in a pitiful, childish note.

Some part of Maia wishes to see the being before her brought low by her beloved. Not in visceral, fatal combat, but in pleasure and warmth. To watch the thing that now towers above her placidly wrap itself around him, to see those feathers used as a scrumptuous pillow for his head as her mouth and breasts pleasured him, eyes unseeing the world beyond her. The mere thought sends a shiver down her spine, but she repressed the urge for the moment.

"We have a plan to survive the end of the world," Maia said. It was why they had left the Dreaming Sea, where Wyld things and damned Prasadi had begun warping and killing every god left; where the Malakethi had come, they had destroyed and taken states and mortals, not gods, leaving tribes too disorganized to be worth subjecting and the deities beloved by those peoples. "With you, and several other gods, bound in this manner, we will make a refuge to wait out the end of days."

Beyond the memories of Maia, to you, there is the faintest feeling that this is a doomed prospect, because it is obvious Maia had died.

But to Maia this hope was the thin strand that could be grasped to pull oneself out of the deepest darkest blackness, and she and her beloved and her people, all clung to it. So did the gods she had brought along with her to this point. "We can ensure you are worshiped, by the members of my clan who join us here. So will the other gods be. We can let what followers you still have join us, as well." The offer was free, but not entirely selfless - there would be few of them, in this refuge from grim reality, and thus the passing of generations might see them dwindle far too easily, leaving only Maia and Contemptuous Demise to wait out their lives in that quiet nothing-nowhere.

"I can live? You lie, you lie, the bounding, the binding... it's a trick, obviously, I'm not stupid, you think I'm stupid!"

There was the negative flash of Contemptuous Demise, his cold grey sword emerging forth from its scabbard, seeming to weep in the moment. On his brow was an eight-pointed sun, dipped in the ebony blackness of the Neverborn's curse, marking him as an Abyssal. "Were we to wish to, I could simply beat you into submission and allow my bride to place your spirit in bondage. This is of consideration for you."

Cheraki recoiled at Contemptuous Demise's threats. Her body quailed for a moment; if she were closer, Maia would have supposed she would see goosebumps form on the god's upper body, where human flesh lay. "That isn't so, I'm strong, I'm so strong!"

"You aren't. All the strong gods were enslaved by the Malakethi," Contemptuous Demise said, in a casual tone of voice. "Only the weak and meek were spared their endless, gluttonous hungers."

"Nn... I don't like this, I don't like it! Why do I have to be bound? Why can't I come to this refuge as I am? Isn't this unfair discrimination against me for being a god!"

"Do you know how many travelers we have walked past in our time..." Contemptuous Demise began, but Maia needed only put her hand on his shoulder for a moment to silence him.

"You won't be able to move to your fullest freedom, but you'll manifest, and you'll have worshipers, and conversation. Isn't that enough?"

For a long moment, silence reigned; then the figure slumped and descended back down to the cool soil beneath her. "Fine, fine! Agh! I hate this, all this senseless world... it's so unfair!" The tail smashed back and forth against the ground, and Maia simply wore a simple, warm smile as she began the necessary ritual...

* * *

The clan was still seeking out more gods to put into these vessels, enough to form the proper forging. Some of them wandered freely; others spoke to their followers; but this one, bratty, manic god, now had Maia's full attention.

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"I don't like it, I don't like it, why do I have to do all this sort of thing..." Cheraki's voice had a high pitch to it, warbling, as her whole body twisted back and forth gently.

She had nothing in particular to complain about, she was simply petulant and whiny. It made Maia's thighs quiver just a little, imagining that bratty, petulant mouth of hers, clogged by her husband's thick length. She had seen him with many women now, not just her mother, but almost every unwed woman of the tribe, and she never stopped delighting in the sight of it, his pale flesh contrasting with their dark hues, the eroticism as he played with another girl's ears right in front of her, or played with her ears while enjoying another girl, or played with her and another girl's ears as both worked simultaneously to pleasure him with mouths or tits.

She tried not to make her arousal too obvious. "Perhaps you could do something to take your mind off this situation?" Her voice was sickly sweet as she looked up at Cheraki's youthful-looking face, but she had her attention immediately. "Many of the woman of the tribe find it very calming and satisfying," she explained.

"What is it, what is it?" Cheraki sounded desperate from just that. Though, she always seemed to sound desperate.

"I'll show you, alright?" She wandered to where her husband was, holding her breath to see if she could hear the distinctive noise of Cheraki undulating across the ground - and she could. She soon arrived at her husband's side, directed him into a tent, drawing Cheraki in after them. The god's great body was such that the tent instantly felt cramped, and she had to work to worm her whole body inside, curving her length against the perimeter of the tent.

"Well? Well? What's the calming satisfying thing here?"

"Oh. You want me to... handle her?" Contemptuous Demise asked. Maia could feel the heat in her cheeks, but she nodded, and he just smiled, giving her the fondest of kisses.

* * *

It had taken surprisingly little effort to get the god to comply with the suggestions, and now Contemptuous Demise was naked, his glorious fit, limber body on full display, his hard cock pointing up at the air. Cheraki was wearing her elaborate mask still, but nothing else, her heaving tits hanging low as saliva dribbled out of her mouth. Maia was behind her, straddling her body, her hands reaching down for the serpent-god's cunt, finding its parting between the scales and beginning to tease it. Cheraki just panted out in pleasure, her long serpentine tongue lolling out. "Ah, but can't you just do this yourself? There's no po~oint in me also-"

Maia grasped the serpent woman's braid, the long purple thing serving as an excellent leash. Even if Cheraki was a god, Maia was one of the Lunar Exalted - it was simply an act of arrogance to suppose that she could stop what was about to happen from happening, a bratty inconvenience. "Suck his cock," she hissed at the god, before pushing her head forward, towards Contemptuous Demise's groin - obediently, that too long tongue slithered and wrapped around her husband's dick, which twitched in the open air from the ministrations, his fingers reaching down to run through Cheraki's hair.

Maia was burning hot and soaking wet already.

At first, she simply watched, that open maw of Cheraki, the long, slithering tongue that stretched almost casually out. She felt saliva pooling in her own mouth, absently swallowing it as she watched the scene going on in front of her. It was so long, so slender and yet so thick, like a cord of rope that ran and trailed along the length of her husband's cock. Her fingers, teasing and playing with Cheraki's cunt, were by now quite accustomed to pleasuring another woman in this manner. She didn't derive any particular joy from the act itself, but helping her husband humiliate, degrade, use, another woman in this way, was intensely erotic. The flush to Cheraki's cheeks as she kept up her diligent fingers' work was a silent statement that she was doing good. That this other woman was appropriately being pleased, that she might pleasure her husband.

It really was intense. She wanted to masturbate so badly in the moment, her breathing becoming shallow, but her hands were occupied - one was in Cheraki's cunt, the other in the other girl's hair. She watched, instead, simply delighting in the growing heat between her thighs, and slowly pushing Cheraki forward, so that soon enough it wasn't simply her tongue pleasing her husband, but her whole mouth. Soft lips stretched wide on that bratty face of hers, a mouth that was getting used for something so much more valuable than complaining.

With most of the other women she invited to her husband's bed, she earnestly wanted them to enjoy themselves, to delight in every second. Simply watching him receive and please them was a delight. But Cheraki was different. She wanted to see the girl gag. She wanted to see tears stream out, drool pool. She wanted to see the god reduced to some ridiculous show, and to do that...

Her husband's hand came up, gently taking control of the pace from her, his fingers lacing through her own for just a moment. The second she had a free hand, it went right down to Cheraki's cunt, frantically working with her other hand to drive the god wild. She sputtered, saliva dripping and spraying out of her mouth down onto Demise's cock. Her cheeks grew hotter, her movements more erratic, with each passing second. Her tail beat against the tent walls, twitching in pleasure even as she was used by her husband in an entirely selfish way. All Demise was giving Cheraki was the sense of a cock in her throat and fingers in her air; but Maia was more than happy to make up the deficiency.

"That's so much better," her husband breathed, his eyes glancing up to hers. It was as if he really could read her mind. Her heart soared as he gave her a rugged grin, and she nodded rapidly, assenting to him degrading verbally the god-bitch beneath her. Her fingers got more frantic with the other woman's cunt, trying to drive her to the heights of ecstasy. "You look so good like that." His voice was sweet, affectionate, cloying. "Doesn't she, my love?"

"Yes," Maia breathed, grinding briefly against Cheraki's back as she continued to frantically frig the other woman. She could feel the pleasure rushing through Cheraki's body, the nearness that the woman grew to orgasm, and just - just - when she was about to come, she pulled her hands back.

Cheraki let out a hoarse noise around the cock in her throat, and Maia yanked her up by the braided hair, which served so excellently as a leash. There was a fire in her loins that wouldn't be quenched by anything but all kinds of sadistic delights now. "Worship it," Maia breathed in the other woman's ear. "Worship it, and I'll let you come."

She let go of Cheraki's hair, grasping instead her full, round, soft breasts, gently squeezing them to ensure their softness - a moment later, they were wrapped around that spit-slick cock of her husband's, which gladly twitched in the moment. She smiled brilliantly as she saw her husband crane his head back in pleasure as he was masturbated by another woman's tits. Cheraki simply panted for a long few seconds, but all Maia had to do was give her a sidelong glance, and she began to meekly submit to the earlier command.

"This cock is a living god's cock," she breathed. "A fraction of an Incarnae, of the Unconquered Sun, is in this beautiful, beautiful cock." Saliva dripped freely from her mouth, as Maia quietly rewarded her for her submission by properly and diligently teasing the other woman's nipples. Her tongue occasionally simply lolled out, threatening to smack her chin, her tits, her collar bone - anything, really. "This cock, I love, I adore this c-c-cock!" She squealed out the last word as an intense orgasm rushed through her.

A moment later, she had Cheraki's hair braid again, and was ramming her up and down her new god's cock. "That's right, worship it with your mouth and throat," she said, as saliva and tears escaped Cheraki's features, smearing across bare skin. Her throat bulged, over and over, with each progressive pump. Out of some attempt to regain control, the tip of Cheraki's tail, all fluffy and soft, brushed against Maia's cunt; but she simply used her free hand to grab it and started to grind against it, using it as a masturbation aid, getting herself off to everything she was doing.

Demise just groaned, starting to hump into Cheraki's face, his hips bucking up against her features. Eventually - without Cheraki ever realizing it - Maia gave over control of her head to her husband, letting the man she loved roughly abuse the god's throat. Her own hands began to frantically work her cunt again, masturbating the bitch so that she would lovingly do this again and again for her husband. Her hips ground against the tail, and she came. Cheraki came too, over and over again, saliva spilling out in copious, inhuman quantities, tears streaming down her face to form a puddle, juices squirting out against the soil beneath them. The fabric of the tent was stretched and threatened by the massive, twitching serpentine body of Cheraki, but it never quite broke.

Not that Maia would have cared. All she cared about in this perfect, delightful, blissful, moment, was seeing her husband use Cheraki as a receiver for his valueless seed.

It took seemingly no time at all, grinding Cheraki's face against his pelvis as he unloaded right down her throat. In reality, though, Maia had come a dozen times, Cheraki nearly a hundred, and both women sweat copiously, cheeks flush with arousal, nipples hard, eyes focused completely on Demise as he pulled Cheraki up and off his cock.

"I'm going to fuck my wife now," he told the serpent-god, who could only stupidly nod.

Maia truly was in heaven.