Chapter 6

THE RESTAURANT IN HAGERSTOWN had .atmosphere“ as well as goodfood, which meant that it had tables scattered not only over a lawn leadingdown to the edge of a little lake but also had tables in the boughs of threeenormous old trees. Over all was a force field roof which kept the outdoorsdining area perpetually summer even in rain and snow.

  Jill wanted to eat up in the trees, but Ben ignored her and bribed the ma.tred’ to set up a table near the water in a spot of his choice, then ordered aportable stereo tank placed by their table.

  Jill was miffed. .Ben, why bother to come here and pay these prices if wecan’t eat in the trees and have to endure that horrible jitterbox?“.Patience, little one. The tables up in the trees all have microphone circuits;they have to have them for service. This table is not gimmicked- I hope-as Isaw the waiter take it from a stack of unused ones. As for the tank, not only isit unAmerican and probably subversive to eat without watching stereo butalso the racket from it would interfere even with a directional mike aimed atus from a distance . . . assuming that Mr. Douglas’s investigators arebeginning to take an interest in us, which I misdoubt they are.“.Do you really think they might be shadowing us, Ben?“ Jill shivered. .I don’tthink I’m cut out for a life of crime.“.Pish and likewise tush! When I was working on the General Syntheticsbribery scandals I never slept twice in the same place and ate nothing butpackaged food I had bought myself. After a while you get to like it- stimulatesthe metabolism.“.My metabolism doesn’t need it, thank you. All I require is one elderly,wealthy private patient.“.Not going to marry me, Jill?“.After my future husband kicks off, yes. Or maybe I’ll be so rich I can afford tokeep you as a pet.“.Best offer I’ve had in months. How about starting tonight?“.After he kicks off.“During their cocktails the musical show plus lavish commercials which hadbeen banging their eardrums from the stereo tank suddenly stopped. Anannouncer’s head and shoulders filled the tank; he smiled sincerely and said,.NWNW, New World Networks and its sponsor of the hour, Wise GirlMaithusian Lozenges, is honored and privileged to surrender the next fewminutes to a special, history-making broadcast by the FederationGovernment. Remember, friends, every wise girl uses Wise Girls. Easy tocarry, pleasant to take, guaranteed no-fail, and approved for sale withoutprescription under Public Law 1312, Why take a chance on old-fashioned,unesthetic, harmful, unsure methods? Why risk losing his love and respect?

  Remember The lovely, lupine announcer glanced aside and hurried throughthe rest of his commercial: .I give you the Wise Girl, who in turn brings youthe Secretary General-and the Man from Mars!“The 3-D picture dissolved into that of a young woman, so sensuous, sounbelievably mammalian, so seductive, as to make every male who saw herunsatisfied with local talent. She stretched and wiggled and said in abedroom voice, .I always use Wise Girl.“The picture dissolved and a full orchestra played the opening bars of Hail toSovereign Peace. Ben said, .Do you use Wise Girl?“.None o’ your business!“ She looked ruffled and added, .It’s a quacknostrum. Anyhow, what makes you think I need it?“Caxton did not answer; the tank had filled with the fatherly features of Mr.

  Secretary General Douglas. .Friends,“ he began, .fellow citizens of theFederation, I have tonight a unique honor and privilege. Since the triumphantreturn of our trail-blazing ship Champion-. He continued in a few thousandwell-chosen words to congratulate the citizens of Earth on their successfulcontact with another planet, another civilized race. He managed to imply thatthe exploit of the Champion was the personal accomplishment of everycitizen of the Federation, that any one of them could have led the expeditionhad he not been busy with other serious work-and that he, SecretaryDouglas, had been chosen by them as their humble instrument to work theirwill. The flattering notions were never stated baldly, but implied; theunderlying assumption being that the common man was the equal of anyoneand better than most-and that good old Joe Douglas embodied the commonman. Even his mussed cravat and cowlicked hair had a .just folks“ quality.

  Bert Caxton wondered who had written the speech. Jim Sanforth, probably-Jim had the most subtle touch of any member of Douglas’ staff in selectingthe proper loaded adjective to tickle and soothe an audience; he had writtenadvertising commercials before he went into politics and had absolutely nocompunctions. Yes, that bit about .the hand that rocks the cradle“ was clearlyJim’s work-Jim was the sort of jerk who would entice a young girl with candyand consider it a smart operation.

  .Turn it off!“ Jill said urgently.

  .Huh? Shut up, pretty foots. I’ve got to hear this.“.-and so, friends, I have the honor to bring you now our fellow citizenValentine Michael Smith, the Man from Mars! Mike, we all know you are tiredand have not been well-but will you say a few words to your friends? They allwant to see you.“The stereo scene in the tank dissolved to a semi-close-up of a man in awheel chair. Hovering over him like a favorite uncle was Douglas and on theother side of the chair was a nurse, stiff, starched, and photogenic.

  Jill gasped. Ben whispered fiercely, .Keep quiet! I don’t want to miss aword of this.“The interview was not long. The smooth babyface of the man in the chairbroke into a shy smile; he looked at the cameras and said, .Hello, folks.

  Excuse me for sitting down. I’m still weak.“ He seemed to speak with difficultyand once the nurse interrupted to take his pulse.

  In answer to questions from Douglas he paid compliments to Captain vanTromp and the crew of the Champion, thanked everyone for his rescue, andsaid that everyone on Mars was terribly excited over contact with Earth andthat he hoped to help in welding strong and friendly relations between the twoplanets. The nurse interrupted again, but Douglas said gently. .Mike, do youfeel strong enough for just one more question?“.Sure, Mr. Douglas-if I can answer it.“.Mike? What do you think of the girls here on Earth?“.Gee!“The baby face looked awestruck and ecstatic and turned pink. The scenedissolved again to the head and shoulders of the Secretary General. .Mikeasked me to tell you,“ he went on in fatherly tones, .that he will be back tosee you as soon as he can. He has to build up his muscles, you know. Thegravity of Earth is as rough on him as the gravity of Jupiter would be to us.

  Possibly next week, if the doctors say he is strong enough.“ The sceneshifted back to the exponents of Wise Girl lozenges and a quick one-actplaylet made clear that a girl who did not use them was not only out of hermind but undoubtedly a syntho in the hay as well; men would cross the streetto avoid her. Ben switched to another channel, then turned to Jill and saidmoodily, .Well, I can tear up tomorrow’s column and look around for a newsubject to plug. They not only made my today’s squawk look silly but itappears that Douglas has him safely under his thumb.“.Ben!“.Huh?“.That’s not the Man from Mars!“.What? Baby, are you sure?“.Sure I’m sure! Oh, it looked like him, it looked a great deal like him. Even thevoice was similar. But it was not the patient I saw in that guarded room.“Ben tried to shake her conviction. He pointed out that several dozen otherpersons were known to have seen Smith-guards, internes, male nurses, thecaptain and crew members of the Champion, probably others. Quite a few ofthat list must have seen this newscast-or at least the administration wouldhave to assume that some of them would see it and spot the substitution . . .

  if there had been a substitution. It did not make sense-too great a risk.

  Jill did not offer logical rebuttal; she simply stuck Out her lower lip andinsisted that the person on Stereo was not the patient she had met. Finallyshe said angrily, .All right, all right, have it your own way! I can’t prove I’mright-so I must be wrong. Men!“.Now, Jill ...“.Please take me home.“Ben silently went for a cab. He did not accept one from outside the restauranteven though he no longer thought that anyone would be taking interest in hismovements; he selected one from the landing flat of a hotel across the way.

  Jill remained chilly on the flight back. Presently Ben got out the transcripts ofthe sounds picked up from Smith’s hospital room and reread them. He readthem still again, thought for a while, and said, .Jill?“.Yes, Mr. Caxton?“.I’ll .mister’ you! Look, Jill, I’m sorry, I apologize. I was wrong.“.And what leads you to this momentous conclusion?“He slapped the folded papers against his palm. .This. Smith could notpossibly have been showing this behavior yesterday and the day before andthen have given that interview tonight. He would have flipped his controls andgone into one of those trance things.“.I am gratified that you have finally seen the obvious.“.Jill, will you kindly kick me in the face a couple of times, then let up? This isserious. Do you know what this means?“.It means they used an actor to fake an interview. I told you that an hourago.“.Sure. An actor and a good one, carefully typed and coached. But it impliesmuch more than that. As I see it, there are two possibilities. The first is thatSmith is dead and-.

  .Dead!“ Jill suddenly was back in that curious water-drinking ceremony andfelt the strange, warm, unworldly flavor of Smith’s personality, felt it withunbearable sorrow.

  .Maybe. In which case this ringer will be allowed to stay .alwe’ for a week orten days, until they have time to draw up whatever papers they want him tosign. Then the ringer will .die’ and they will ship him Out of town, probablywith a hypnotic injunction not to talk so strong that he would choke up withasthma if he tried to spill it-or maybe even a transorbital lobotomy if the boysare playing for keeps. But if Smith is dead, we can just forget it; we’ll neverbe able to prove the truth. So let’s assume that he is still alive.“.Oh, I do hope so!“.What is Hecuba to you, or you to Hecuba?“ Caxton misquoted. .If he is stillalive, it could be that there is nothing especially sinister about it. After all, alot of public figures use doubles for some of their appearances;.. it does noteven annoy the public because every time a yokel thinks that he has spotteda double it makes him feel smart and in the know, So it may be that theadministration has just yielded to public demand and given them that look atthe Man from Mars we have all been yapping for. It could be that in two orthree weeks our friend Smith will be in shape to stand the strain of publicappearances, at which time they will trot him Out. But I doubt it like hell!“.Why?“.Use your pretty curly head. The Honorable Joe Douglas has already madeone attempt to squeeze out of Smith what he wants . . . and failed miserably.

  But Douglas can’t afford to fail. So I think he will bury Smith deeper than ever. . . and that is the last we will ever see of the true Man from Mars.“.Kill him?“ Jill said slowly.

  .Why be rough about it? Lock him in a private nursing home and never lethim learn anything. He may already have been removed from BethesdaCenter.“.Oh, dear! Ben, what are we going to do?“Caxton scowled and thought. .I don’t have a good plan. They own both thebat and the ball and are making the rules. But what I am going to do is this~I’m going to walk into that hospital with a Fair Witness on one side and atough lawyer on the other and demand to see Smith. Maybe I can force themto drag it out into the open.“.I’ll be right behind you!“.Like mischief you will. You stay Out of this. As you pointed Out, it would ruinyou professionally.“.But you need me to identify him.“.Not so. I flatter myself that I can tell a man who was raised by nonhumansfrom an actor pretending to be such a man in the course of a very shortinterview. But if anything goes wrong, you are my ace in the hole-a personwho knows that they are pulling hanky-panky concerning the Man from Marsand who has access to the inside of Bethesda Center. Honey, if you don’thear from me, you are on your own.“.Ben, they wouldn’t hurt you?“.I’m fighting Out of my weight, youngster. There is no telling.“.Uh ... oh, Ben, I don’t like this. Look, if you do get in to see him, what areyou going to do?“.I’m going to ask him if he wants to leave the hospital. If he says he does, I’mgoing to invite him to come along with me. In the presence of a Fair Witnessthey won’t dare stop him. A hospital isn’t a prison; they don’t have any legalright to hold him.“.Uh ... then what? He really does need medical attention, Ben; he’s not ableto take care of himself. I know.“Caxton scowled again. .I’ve been thinking of that. I can’t nurse him. Youcould, of course, if you had the facilities. We could put him in my flat-.

  .-and I could nurse him. We’ll do it, Ben!“.Slow down. I thought of that. Douglas would pull some legal rabbit out of hishat, a deputation in force would call, and Smith would go right back to pokey.

  And so would both of us, maybe.“ He wrinkled his brow. .But I know one manwho could give him shelter and possibly get away with it.“.Ever heard of Jubal Harshaw?“.Huh? Who hasn’t?“.That’s one of his advantages; everybody knows who he is. It makes himhard to shove around. Being both a doctor of medicine and a lawyer he isthree times as hard to shove around. But most important he is so rugged anindividualist that he would fight the whole Federation Departtflent of Securitywith just a potato knife if it suited his fancy-and that makes him eight times ashard to shove around. But the point is that I got well acquainted with himduring the disaffection trials; he is a friend I can count on in a pinch. If I canget Smith out of Bethesda, I’ll take him to Harshaw’s place over in thePoconos-and then just let those jerks try to hide him under a rug again!

  Between my column and Harshaw’s love for a fight we’ll give .em a bad time.“