Chapter 207: Chapter ???: Information about world currency, body cultivation system, and elemental cultivation system

Chapter ???: Information about Currency; Body Cultivation system; Elemental Cultivation system.


One metal coin = value of 1 bread in the shop.

1 bronze coin – 100 metal coins;

1 silver coin – 100 bronze coins;

1 gold coin – 100 silver coins;

1 platinum coin – 100 gold coins.


World Crystals [WC] – Main currency for mages/cultivators in this world.  

It is separated into low, middle, high, and top quality. 

World Crystals are naturally formed from the frozen lava at active, sleeping, or dead volcanoes that are on the surface of the planet or under it. 

Top quality WC is almost non-existent on the surface of the Sky World planet and could be seen mostly the closer you are to the planet's core, meanwhile, low-quality WC is mostly on the surface since the density of World Essence that is formed and released from the planet's core are very thin on the surface, but denser the closed planet core is.

But the eruption of some volcanoes can bring out lava from deep underground that is filled with enough WE density to form a top-quality WC.

They can be used to raise a bit of a person's WE “body storage” after absorbing the crystal or using it in the market.

WC absorption rate:


1 low-quality WC = +0.001% to WE "Body Storage”

1 middle-quality WC = +0.01% to WE "Body Storage”

1 high-quality WC = +0.1% to WE “Body Storage”

1 top-quality WC = +1% to WE "Body Storage”


Elemental Stones:

Here, instead, things are going quite simply. 

For example: If an ordinary stone will be under the constant influence of sunlight that is holding Light Elemental particles in it, then this ordinary stone will become the Light Attributed stone of 1st rank. 

The denser the particles in the environment are and the longer the object is staying under the influence of these particles, the higher the stone's rank will be. 

Such stones Nicholas has on his spatial ring.

And such a stone Vincent found in the cafeteria long ago.

Body “Cultivation/Transformation” system:

First, is a simple gathering of WE in the flesh, bones, and blood, WE body storage in %. 

Every 1% of gathered WE, gives the person additional +10 years to his lifespan. 

Vincent and his wives are currently at 2nd rank as I mentioned before, which means they gathered 20% of WE inside their bodies.

There are no other bonuses to the body, rather than only to increase one's lifespan. 

At 100% +1 000 years of lifespan. (For those who are lazy to math it, XD)

Only after creating the “World Essence body", there would be other bonuses…

When % of gathering is reached 100%, then the mage/magus/magi can begin the painful and dangerous procedure of his flesh replacement with that previously stored WE to create the so-called “World Essence Body”. 

Such a body will become harder to destroy, the higher its rank is, since, at the 10th rank, the person could change his form from solid to liquid, from liquid to gaseous, as he pleased. 

But to reach the 10th rank is almost impossible since to reach 100% you need to replace your fleshy brain with WE, and by starting its replacement, a person will be slowly losing his consciousness and will not be able to finish it, dying as a result, since the body can't function without a brain.

Such a dead, but filled with dense WE flesh, the body will slowly transform into a WE resource. 


“WE Body” ranks and its bonuses:

“WE Body” 1st Rank: to reach 1st rank, a person needs to have the replacement procedure at least at 1 to 10% of his whole body flesh replacement. Lifespan +250 years. The massive boost in physical strength compared to normal people.

2nd Rank: 11-20% of the flesh replacement. Lifespan +500 years to total lifespan. More boost in physical strength. 

3rd Rank: 21-30%. +750 additional years of life. Boost in power.

You are reading story Universal Magus at

4th Rank: 31-40%; + 1 000 years of life. Boost in power.

5th rank: 41-50%; +1 500 years; Boost in power.

6th Rank: 51-60%; +2 000 years; Boost in power.

7th Rank: 61-70%; +2 500 years of life; Boost in power.

8th Rank: 71-80%; +5 000 years; Boost in power.

9th Rank: 81-90%; +10 000 years; Boost in power.

10th Rank: 91-100%; Nearly eternal life. It will be as long as there is WE to support the body expenditure, since the body will constantly be consuming the WE it has to extend a person's lifespan; the Body will be strong enough to destroy a little planet just by using the “WE body” only.

11th rank. To reach this stage, a person needs to transform his “WE body” with Dark Energy, just like he/she did with WE. 

11th Rank: 1-100% of WE body is replaced with DE. 

Dark Energy is everywhere in the universe, so it can be gathered anytime and anywhere. But to sense its existence, the person has to finish creating 100% of the WE body at first.

The 12th rank is a supposed last possible stage. 

The stage that only one being has achieved so far – is the Architect/Creator/Guardian of the Universe, who should be in the center of the Universe. 

To reach this stage, a person needs to combine his 11th rank “DE body” with the 11th rank in each of the 6 elements to evolve his “DE body” to a new form – PB (Primordial Body, or something like that).

After reaching the 12th rank, the person's lifespan will be as long as the universe itself, since Dark Energy is everywhere and can be consumed anytime. 

He can curve space and travel multiple times faster than the speed of light and will have enough power to enter a black hole or destroy a small-sized star with a single touch of his finger…

Elemental System:

The person has 6 EES (Elemental Essence Source) from his/her birth. 

They are very tiny (the size of human hair in its thinness) and are located at the cerebrospinal cord.

Every person has an inborn affinity for those 6 elements.

They are at [none], [weak], [normal], [high], and [perfect] levels.

[none] – 0% of elemental particles' absorption rate. 

90% of the human population will have such an inborn affinity level.


[weak] – absorption efficiency rate at 1%. Simple example: You have a 1-liter bottle of water. With such a low-efficiency rate, after drinking the entire bottle, the entire 99% of it will be wasted, and only 1% of it will be actually absorbed into the body.

It's as if a skeleton drinks water, almost all of that water will simply be wasted.

70% of the entire human population is born with such an affinity.

[normal] – the rate at 10%. 

(10% of the entire human population)

[high] – the rate at 33.3%. 

(0.05% of the entire human population)

[perfect] – the absorption efficiency rate is 100%.

(0.0001% of the entire human race could be born with such an affinity)

Affinity level is judged by the EES color. From no color at all, which means [none] level, to the perfect color, which will be at the [perfect] level.

To advance to 1st rank of EES, the person needs to adsorb elemental particles (which speed are as explained above) from the environment or special resources, to nurture the EES and make it grow in size. 

When the size reaches x3 of its normal state, the person can start EES compression. When he compresses it from x3 size back to its normal size, it will mean that person reached 1st rank. 

The same thing for each rank from 1st to 11th.

Each rank of EES will become much richer in elemental essence quality than the previous one.

To advance higher in EES ranks, the required density for the advance is also rising, until the person reaches the possible limit that is an 11th rank, where he/she can't continue anymore by the laws of the universe. 

Each EES, as well as a WE inside the person's body, releases its specific aura. Inside this aura, a person can manipulate that element to a certain extent.

It also can be used for self EES compression when a person tries to advance, or suppress to a certain level other people's EES. 

Example of spell creation: At the 1st rank of Fire EES, a person can create a Fireball (Only a person's imagination is a limit for spell creations) only at a very short distance from himself of 5 meters. 

The person with the 1st rank aura can create a Fireball 5 meters from him/her and send it at a distance, meanwhile, those with 11th rank aura can cover the entire star system with his/her aura. It means, the person can be millions of kilometers away from the planet, but if his/her aura can reach that place, the person with just a wave of his/her hand can burn that planet to a crisp. 

The power of the 12th rank is even hard to imagine…

I think I've explained everything here, but if I missed something, tell me in the comment. 

There are not many of them, so I read every one of them here on the WN or on, where I'm also posting.