I freed my horse after getting to the edge of the forest. It will be a hassle to keep riding the horse while fighting.
Let's see, I am alone at the edge of the forest. Thousands of monsters are coming from the said forest. I have my beloved sword in my hand. And no, I am not taking out my Stand to fight with these beasts. They are not worthy… yet.
So, what am I going to do in this situation? Yup, you guessed it right! I am going to exterminate all of these low lives who dared to invade MY territory.
Oh no, my anger is flaring up again. I steady myself and my breathing. Stay cool, Urien. You can't let these beasts anger you.
"Darkness Breathing Third Form: Shadow Dance!" I disappeared from my place and appeared in front of the tiger-like beast that was on the foremost part of the vanguard.
I look around and noticed that the vanguard consists of four-legged beasts. I think monsters like Goblin or Orc will be following from behind.
I kept spamming <Shadow Dance> and always kept appearing near the monsters. Because of that, I kept killing, killing, and killing the monsters. And I've almost lost count of how many monsters I've killed.
"My lord, we have arrived," Gurguit and the rest of the knights rushed toward me while slashing and blasting away the monsters on their way.
I look at myself. My clothes are soaked with blood and there are even some drops of blood on my hair. Damn, I feel dirty. It was noon when I went inside and it is already night.
"Gurguit! It seems like we won't be able to finish these monsters today. So, save your strength and take turns fighting these monsters. I will go to the lake I've said before and take a look at it," I ordered Gurguit and used my <Wind Magic> to float toward the lake.
I look at the situation on the ground while I am floating. Many monsters are resting on the ground. Oh… they can also rest, eh? I thought they are going to charge in mindlessly.
Although I've said I will lead my subordinates, it is hard to do so when they are very competent. I mean I don't need to lead Gurguit around other than giving out orders and the rest of the Knights of the Sun are already in sync with him. It would be a hassle to interrupt their pace.
After floating for a while, I arrived at the lake inside the forest. Strangely, there aren't many monsters near the lake. Or rather, there are no monsters around the perimeter of the lake, which is very strange. The monsters should be drinking water from this lake because this is the biggest lake in the forest.
I shrugged my shoulder. Welp, it is a good thing for me and I shouldn't be ungrateful for it.
I dropped myself near the shore, the littoral zone of the lake. I put away my blood-soaked clothes into the <Inventory> and take out the bucket to wash the blood on my body. First thing first, never soaks in the lake with dirt on the body.
I look around the lake if it is safe to soak in and see if there are any dangers hiding inside the lake. When everything is clear, I soak myself in the lake while looking at the moon. It has been a while since I've done moon gazing. I haven't done it a lot due to the bizarreness of Jojo's world and I kind of forgot to do it in this world because of that.
It's a good thing I told Yumil to prepare a pot of tea for me. I don't know what it feels like to soak in water and drink tea while looking up at the moon.
At that time, a figure started to appear slowly and when I can see the distinct shape, it is a woman who is larger than me by three times. She has golden hair twinkling with drops of water and wears a loose fabric just like a certain loli goddess.
"Child, what relation do you have with fairies? I am sensing their presence from you," the woman in front of me asked me while looking over with a kind smile.
But I am annoyed that she interrupted my sweet relaxing time. And moreover, I don't like the way she looks at me.
"Turn around or as the lord of this territory, I will need to apprehend you for being a pedophile," I deadpan at her.
And boys and girls, this is the first meeting between me and this world version of Lady Vivian.
3rd POV
While our MC is dealing with the pedophile Lady of the Lake, something is happening in the mansion.
"Wait! Wait! Let me liv –," a person with the red eyes shouted. But it doesn't take long. Before he could beg for his life, he was chomped by something coming out of the shadow.
"Leave one alive, Yumil," the young girl from the side told the maid who was on a massacre spree.
"As you wish, miss," the girl bow and step backward.
Now, it would be confusing to suddenly walk into the murder scene, right? Let's rewind the time a bit. It was when our MC is on his way toward the lake.
It is the silent night of the town as their lord ordered them to get inside the house early for today. And during that night, there are ten figures are flying above the town.
"Why are we not killing the livestock? I can simply use fire magic to burn down the town," one of them asked the person on the front who looks like a leader.
"We will do that after killing the lord of this territory. We can't let him escape because of the commotion we've caused here," the leader replied.
"As you say, boss," the one who asked did a lazy two fingers salute.
"Are you sure that the head of the territory will be there?" the other one asked.
"Hah! All the human nobles are the same. They will cower inside their home while they let their servants do all the works," the leader grins.
They arrived in the mansion and looked for the largest room in the mansion. After all, only the lord uses the largest room for themselves.
The security of the mansion is lax because of the order from the lord as he said he has someone whom he could trust guarding the mansion and let all the servants take a day off.
When they got in front of the room, they heard the sound of moaning coming inside it and now, they are sure that this room is the room of the lord.
"Master~," they heard the sound of moaning.
When they broke into the room, what greeted them was not the sight of the man and woman having sOx on the bed but rather saw the sight of a young girl masturbating while sniffing the shirt drench in sweat, which is clearly not hers.
You are reading story I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me? at novel35.com
The girl stiffly turned around and quickly fixed her clothes.
"Did you see that?" she asked while keeping her professional smile. But for them, the smile seems something wrong and all of them unconsciously shook their head.
"Good, now may I ask why all you gentle come inside this mansion unannounced?" the girl asked them again.
"Tell us where that idiot of lowlife is. If you tell us quickly, we will let you die without suffering a thing," one of the men from behind shouted.
"I see. With the tone of your speaking, I assume that all of you are not acquaintances of my Master. And you want to harm him. If I don't want to suffer, I will need to answer your question quickly. Is that right?" the girl asked while still keeping the professional smile.
"That's right! You should –," just as he was continuing to shout out the nonsense, his voice suddenly stopped.
When others turn around to see what happened, they saw that the man's head is missing. And little by little, his body started to disappear. And the smell of burnt flesh started to smell inside the room.
"I understand, dear guests. As you are hostile to my Master, I will kindly ask you to leave," the girl strangely didn't drop her smile while saying this. But she opened her eyes a little and emerald-colored eyes appeared behind the lid. "But of course, you will need to leave your pitiful lives here for insulting my Master," her smiles grew larger and it looks like the smile is splitting across the face.
"You bitch!" someone from the group shouted but he died immediately.
After witnessing the grave situation, the leader ordered his subordinates to prepare their magic. But alas, it was futile.
Nearly all of them died without able to do anything. Now, only three people are left in the room. The girl and the two men who came to assassinate the lord of this territory.
The leader suddenly looks at the ground and found that something is moving in the shadow.
"No, it can't be! How can someone from the human race use the <Darkness Magic>?! It should be the element of Demon King!" he shouted.
"That is simple actually. It is because I am Master's servant," she smiles at them. But this time, the smile is filled with happiness. For the vampires in front of the girl, she changed her personality 180 degrees.
At that time, the other one couldn't handle the pressure anymore and starts begging for his life.
"Wait! Wait! Let me liv –," but he got chomped by the monster inside the shadow before he could have finished his sentence.
"Leave one alive, Yumil," the young girl came inside the room and stopped the maid who was on a killing spree.
"As you wish, miss," the girl bow and step backward.
"Princess Cecilia! Why are you with the humans?! You shouldn't –."
"Yumil, cut off his hand," the loli interrupted what the man was saying.
"Argh!!! Why? Why are you doing this, princess?" the man said while touching the place where his hand was placed.
"It is simple. You insulted my student and tried to kill him. Tell me? Shouldn't I be angry about that?"
"But princess!"
"Yumil, the other hand, please?"
"As you wish, miss."
"Argh!!! The lord won't be happy about this, princess!"
"Now, I will do the asking, understand?"
The man could do nothing but nod because of the chilling stare his princess is giving off.
After some questioning later,
"I see," the loli muttered. "You can finish him off, Yumil. He is of no use now," she waves her hand and lets Yumil handle it.
"But seriously, Yumil. I've never thought that Keith would teach you like this. Your application of the <Darkness Magic> is not bad but he hasn't taught you well either," the loli said after seeing what Yumil did.
"Yes, miss. Mr. Keith said that he is not proficient in this kind of magic," Yumil replied.
"Then, how about I teach you? I would like to have a prodigy like yourself as my student," the loli offered.
"I am not sure," Yumil is being hesitant.
"You will be able to protect your Master if you get stronger," [the loli uses Devil's Temptation!]
"I agree!" Yumil immediately answered. [It's Super Effective!]
This is the moment that should be written down in history as one of the most important things that happened in the world and Urien got another troublesome thing coming on his way… again.