Chapter 64: Chapter 40 : Aftermath

[By defeating a dragon that someone of your level *shouldn't* be able to defeat, the host will get rewards.]

{Wow, that lizard was easy prey. What do you mean someone of my level? I just forgot to blast him from the inside.}

[Anyway, your rewards will be 1 x <Random Armor Ticket>, 1 x <Random Troop Summon Ticket> and 1 x <Random Summon Ticket>]

{Well, those are a lot for this small fry lizard.}


{Anyway, use the <Random Armor Ticket>}

[Using 1 x <Random Armor Ticket>]

[Congratulation, host. You got <Makai Armor Iko> from <Random Armor Ticket>]

I stared at the reward I have gotten from the gacha and I must admit that I kept rubbing my eyes in disbelief. Okay, Urien, take a deep breath. This is not a time to go fanboying over the armor yet.

[Host, do you wish to accept the armor?]

{Yes! Million times YES!}

Yeah. I just cannot control my thoughts of fanboying over the armor. Even though I have not heard about the name <Iko>, just by seeing the <Makai Armor> in front of the name, I am sure as hell that I am getting a badass armor.

[Host got the new title, Iko the Glittering Silver Knight]

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