Chapter 11
A Discussion
A human visit in the cave wasn’t what Vanessa expected when she explored the cave but well it was sort of open to public yet indirectly closed at the same time. At least it was a somewhat hunter or so what Reid was. So, she wouldn’t have to worry about some innocent’s life lost miserably to those creatures. If anyone could change it, it should be those scientists or someone that can develop a better weapon or poison against them rather than whatever they were using. Well, it was effective in a way but it still…or perhaps now it was better, maybe she was just a hassle during their time of the first monsters. But there are some who are in for the money since it was quite the hefty price for bringing back a monster. It was kind of easy cash for those in dire for money or just…want a faster way to be rich. But then again, it would always fall backwards onto those who want to change this world…change it to a better where they wouldn’t have to share it the monsters who hunt them aimlessly.
“What a shame…of this world. Well, some are still determined to change it to how it was before and…never mind…I can’t tell if we can really survive them, or we’ll have to just live like this in constant fear while faking a normal life. As if we haven’t done that already. No, I’m just not fit for it now. I shouldn’t even think about it.”
As Vanessa left the cave, she’d glance back every few seconds expecting for Reid to be that persistent or so since he did show slight signs of it earlier on. But there were no other movement or footsteps which meant that he may have given up on having her on his agency and continued his exploration for whatever his reasons were about his agency and all. It was good news for Vanessa…or so she thought it was. It would be a bad idea for her to
“No…it is good news. I…I don’t think I can do it anymore…urgh this is making my heard twirl. I need another drink. I should stock up on more since all I have is empty glass bottles at home.” Vanessa grumbled and made her way out of the woods. “That…it’s all I need. I’ll be more than delighted to make it home in one piece if no one else bothered me…but…but what if a monster appears? Since right now they are quite bold to come out during daylight….”
Vanessa thought about it before shaking her head with a soft huff. She crossed her arms as she made it out of the woods and now it was another longer and boring route towards the main road…but she could use the nice time alone as it wasn’t raining or anything bothersome.
“If a small monster came out to attack me…I guess I could still take it down or at most knock it out then throw it somewhere but…that might leave it to others which in turn lead to their death…but then…it might be nice for it…what is it called? Is it karma? For me to die after…oh whatever let’s get some booze.”
Despite her thoughts, something deep in her gut was twisting and turning but unfortunately, it was still overshadowed by her grief and misery…and the urge for more alcohol. No matter what anyone says, Vanessa can never get over what happened before. She’d constantly blame and degrade herself for not being able to do anything. Even though she has come to terms with her abilities, she was still frustrated…devasted that it came after that incident.
Indeed, it was both relieving and a living hell for her to be on her own for the walk. However. despite the long walk from the woods towards the main street. It was still quite calming, the winds blowing her hair back and the sun was nearly setting…such a relaxing atmosphere…but it wasn’t enough still, it couldn’t put Vanessa at ease no matter how easing the sky tried to be when death can happen again at any` time ruthlessly. Vanessa, nonetheless, wanted her liquor no matter how tired she was from the walk. It wasn’t as if carrying the liquor would be heavy so she could purchase as many as she likes. She found the nearest store, glancing in to see that they sold liquor, and she didn’t need to think twice about entering.
The instant sigh that came out of her lips and her eyes closed as if the store was giving her the warm intoxicating hug. What better, the store was nearly empty. True that it wasn’t a sole liquor store, there were all other snacks and medications and whatever anyone needs now. She wanted to savor the little alone time and give her the time to decide what she wanted…even though she knew, and she would most likely grab anything that looks like it would put her into a long deep sleep like sleeping beauty.
“Ah…I swear this is a mini heaven for me. The relief seeing all these bottles waiting for me to devour them and feel in bliss…of course the hangover would be awful but well, it doesn’t matter anyways.” Vanessa mumbled to herself. Luckily for her, she didn’t drool at the sight of the liquor like a child yearning for their candy. “Right…it’ll be questionable if I could carry that many liquor but…oh what does it matter anymore. I’ll hear it again and again and again no matter how much I try to reject it. So, let’s see…which shall I get? Or I might just grab every bottle of each it’s not as if I have much of a preference if it does its job. Who knew if it might be something new…unless my tongue is immune to taste.”
With those…sort of affirmations in mind, Vanessa grabbed as many liquors as she could carry, not feeling its weight but still there were only so much her arms could wrap around. Her next debt is probably going to be liquor issues. She hurriedly paid for them, thankful how the cashier didn’t question her. Or probably her blanked and dead stare was enough hint that she wasn’t in the mood for any light conversations. The cashier double bagged her liquor, and she hurriedly grabbed it all, leaving with a soft thank you.
“I guess these are the few times where my ability is pretty useful…useful in providing me with the opportunity to be wasted…now if only I could teleport, it would have saved me so much time from all these walking and staring at people or staring at people staring at me.”
At this point, Vanessa looked like she was preparing for a party with all those alcohols. A party where one is meant to throw yourself out of the window instead of the television. The apartment wasn’t that far but it was still quite the walk. She passed people staring at her, children, cars, and she couldn’t deny hearing some whispers from those who possibly recognize her through the papers, yet Vanessa managed to drag herself back to the apartment. It was another silent journey to her door and a good sign that her neighbors weren’t around for more chat or whatever they think is tea from her already deathly life. The little ding from the elevator indicated that she was at her level and Vanessa dragged her feet towards her door, fumbling for her keys and finally got in. By the time she was in her apartment, it was finally nightfall.
Early nightfall. One where the sun just set but if there weren’t an ounce of light that entered the environment then it would be like midnight.
“Hello, my dear apartment…have you started drinking like me? Well, if only you can clean yourself, so I don’t have to clean it…there’s too many bottles and there’s more coming for me to chug down.” Vanessa mumbled to herself again.
Her apartment windows were closed so that meant that it was pitch black inside, almost as dark as the dungeon she entered before except the only thing that was going to kill her soon was her grief or alcohol intoxication or maybe even an accidental fire start that’ll explode from the left-over alcohol. Vanessa didn’t bother with switching on the main lights. It was her home; she could easily navigate her way through the empty bottles on the floor that lead her to her kitchen. Once she felt the island of the kitchen, Vanessa carefully dumped all the newer liquor on the counter, completely replacing it with the old ones. Some brands were new…some were the same brands she bought repeatedly.
“There we go…” Vanessa mumbled and turned to reach for the switch, finally flicking a light on. Her eyes blinked for a minute to adjust to the sudden light in the kitchen. Her eyes stared blankly at the light switch, letting herself process what she wanted to do even though she already confirmed it earlier on but well exhaustion and misery ate her from the inside so in way, the alcohol was detoxicating…whatever her heart made her feel.
“First thing, I need a drink.” And there she goes to find the closest empty cup that didn’t have any weird smell or so. Her fingertips reached for an empty cup by the fridge then she made her way to grab a vodka and an opener. Well, she could always tear the tip open but it then that meant if she wanted to drink from the bottle when she’s too lazy to pour it into a cup.
“I guess that’s the plan before bed. I can chug this while watching tv or something. Maybe read the papers…no…no I don’t want to indulge myself into those monsters yet not after I returned from the cave. Yeah, tv sounds like the better option. I just need to shove the items down on the floor or so.”
Once it was popped open, a relief came on her face at the scent of the liquor and her tongue licked her lips in anticipation. Her throat was fidgety for the taste and effect to run down her throat and eventually help her to ease her way out of her grief for the day before her body rejects this moment. Vanessa made herself comfortable on the stool and she was about to pour the delightful beverage, a voice…a familiar voice she didn’t expect was heard behind her along with the familiar footsteps.
“Jeez…look at all this mess. I mean, I knew that you looked like a mess and is going through a mess, but I didn’t expect you or your place to be this…messy? How do even walk in this? You should really clean this place up.” Reid commented. “You know even the dungeon we went was somewhat neater than whatever this is.”
Vanessa turned to his voice, seeing Reid who switched on the lights further and avoided the bottles as he walked. She noticed how this time he wasn’t in the same suit as before, but it was still a suit that obviously tells his occupation, and she didn’t need to internally question herself twice about why he’s there. She was glaring at him especially when he was rooting around the clothes on the floor and basically her entire apartment. It was a good thing for her that the neck of the vodka was still intake…well it was her precious item to relax herself but now the issue of her being unable to was casually walking around her living room without a care of the world.
“I swore I locked that door. Or why am I not surprised if he’s here or so. I would call the police but that would cause unnecessary ruckus.”
Guess that vodka drinking would be a little later. Right now, all she was dying to do was to kick him out.
“What…are you doing here?” Vanessa gritted the question through her teeth.
Reid however, instead of answering her question, commented on her living space without mercy. “You have a lot of books. I’m not surprised but it’s interesting topics. You seem very interested and I mean present tense seem, about these…hunting, all the methods some tricks to trick you opponent.”
Vanessa felt her patience gradually ticking out of the world the more Reid opened his mouth with comments after comments. At least it wasn’t about his offer…yet. Vanessa had a strong feeling that it was about to come any minute and she hoped that she could somewhat kick him out without being a criminal for assault and before he could even think about bringing up his offer. Maybe now if her neighbors weren’t at home, perhaps a small monster or something could come and pick him up for their next meal…even though she hated the monsters and the fact that they can consume and will consume humans.
“How do you even sit on your couch with all these mess…how long have you been living in this place, or probably how long did- no in fact, how do you even breathe in this place? It reeks of alcohol and maybe more looking at the amount you just bought-,”
You are reading story The Missouri Monster Chronicles at
Vanessa lost her patience and snapped.
“What. Are you. Doing here?” As she said that, the cup she wanted to drink from was already snapped in half and it was quite the satisfaction to see Reid flinch a little while trying to put on a straight face with his head up and arms crossed and waited patiently for her to continue talking…or questioning him. At this moment, Vanessa was unsure of who was interrogating who.
Reid was very obviously questioning her life while Vanessa was more concerned and annoyed about how he got her. Her heart was fuming, and she could have sworn that her body was heating up. Faint cracks were heard from her knuckles when she clenched them, and her breathing was becoming heavier and heavier, deep through the nose and out rapidly through her mouth. And as awful as it seems…Vanessa sort of hoped the dungeon scared him or something that he had to run back home with his tail between his legs and never think of doing this ever again but…looks like he made it out alive and untouched, so he decided to come back and re-negotiate with what little luck he has.
“How did you get here? Did you follow me!?” Now that Reid somewhat knew her address, she had to get it into his head that she wasn’t interested otherwise…she could anticipate all the requests, letters and whatever he may send if she didn’t sense any signs of him giving up on his attempt.
Of course, despite already losing her patience once, she was on the verge of losing it again based on his shrug. She breathed in slowly, but the air came out quickly with heat. She eyes Reid with a deep glare when he rested his back against a wall that was…free of her misery. Or so that was the look Reid had on his face…more like it screamed that.
“Well. To be fair I didn’t really follow you. I spent a little more time at the dungeon looking out for evidenced before I had to change out my suit near my car because I’m not about to bring any…diseases or whatever plus it reeks…wait so did you just enter there and left without changing because that would explain the reek?”
“Oh, dear lord can he stop changing the topic…and isn’t it rude to comment on a lady’s scent or something? He seems like a smart and decent guy, but some things just can’t be helped I guess.” Vanessa thought before carefully trying to control her non-existent patience. Now she wondered if he was fired or something from his previous company because of this.
“Right as much as he has…whatever ambitions he may have…why not just join one available and recognize agency and just persuade his ideas or whatever he’s trying to do rather than starting a new one? What a hassle…especially to me.”
“Firstly, that is none of your business. You shouldn’t even be here in the first-place mind you. Secondly please stop changing the topic. How in the word did you didn’t really follow me!?”
“How feisty…”
Another glare was sent to Reid and thankfully for him, Vanessa managed to resist throwing a full bottle at him that could possibly split his head in half if she didn’t care about having any murder records.
Once again, Reid raised his arms. “Hey, hey. I’m trying to be civil and friendly alright. It’s not easy to be both at the same time but you seem willing to listen a bit so let me continue.”
Vanessa’s glare was…quite intimidating, but to Reid, this was the perfect opportunity but of course he wouldn’t push it too hard on her expense. Of course, if she was in his agency and team, he would ensure the necessary help is provided be it physically or mentally, but he knew she needed to let it out in another way. She needed some closure in her life and that closure, to what he believed, is to get back out in the field and take down those monsters that took over their land and peace. Also, it was indirectly a…sort of promotion if he hoped to hire more in his new agency. To have someone with strength and experience would provide a deep sense of reassurance. Not only that but the strong genuine sense to fight, the passion that burns deep down to reclaim what was once theirs.
But for now, Reid had to tame the wolf before any loyalty bond can be formed. So right now, as much as he wanted to push Vanessa here and there and get friendly, it surely wasn’t the best option, but it was the only option that topped over the others. Violence would surely get him killed while politically…well he knew the result to that. So, one of the best ways was to make sure that he seemed as harmless as possible but genuine and trustworthy. And like Vanessa, who was breathing deeply to control her fumes, Reid was trying to control his anxiousness.
“Let me explain again now that the only threat here is your anger but it’s much better than the monsters,” Reid continued. “I run a private investigator company and…I could really use your help. I can provide with you all the resources you need from weapons to help and support so I hope you can-,”
“And let me remind you of my ability. My super ability that with a flick of my finger I can create a dent on you head. Thankfully for you, I have no intention of creating a bloodbath, so I suggest you pick yourself up and leave my home.” Vanessa hoped that was enough to scare him.
“Unfortunately, that wouldn’t work yet. Vanessa, I can see you pain…you want this…your heart wants this but you’re making it an obstacle.” Reid thought.
“Look, Vanessa. I know what you’re feeling deep inside. I can clearly see it. In fact, I think anyone who came across you path whether they are or was a hunter or not, knows that that first night is still eating you up. You’re wounded inside and you think alcohol is the medication to it when it only numbs the wound but doesn’t heal it. You haven’t had a chance…no…you never allowed yourself to heal since that night.”
It didn’t take long for a long deafening silence to fill between them. Only their…only Vanessa’s raging breaths was heard. But Reid knew that this was the only way to wake her up otherwise this was no different than a suicide…just a long slow isolating process.
“I know…its hard. I’ve lost my share of team mates too for all sorts of reasons be it the monsters’ strength or my former leader’s stupidity and selfishness. I started this agency so we can have a fair chance at this, no one’s lives would be at high risk and we can find a way to bring back our lives.”
Reid paused, he noticed how Vanessa’s breaths was becoming heavier and heavier. He was surely pushing her buttons and she was either on the verge of a breakdown…or on the verge of fulfilling her promise to create a dent in his head or something. He wanted to stop there but…something was telling him to push it a little further for her sake. It was as if his heart was telling her to dump the coldest ice water on her head to snap her back to reality. He didn’t want to go too far by bringing up her dead team’s possible wishes but that was the extreme final resort which he hoped he didn’t need to go through on her.
“Please…please please let this get through her. It’s fine if she doesn’t decide today, she can take all the time she need to decide but someone had to wake her up. I reckoned that no one ever had the guts to spill all of these at her due to her strength. Just like how others who try to hide their lies if they knew my abilities. But this is the only chance for her…if it were to other companies, they would merely use her. Yes, I seem like I am but…I want to help her and the world.”
Since Reid didn’t want to use any dead person’s name, he went on with the world which was the truth of why he started this in the first place as he believed that there was a better way to execute all the monsters to extinction.
“We can find out what happened to the world, how did they end up here…what’s their biggest weakness and how we can reclaim our world back! Don’t you want that!? Would you rather live in a world where those creatures are still out there and chances of whatever that happened to us will happen to our fam-,”
Vanessa lost it as this moment and slammed his first down the countertop, causing a loud crack and breaking it cleanly in half and Reid flinching from the loud impact that could be felt from the floor. Her breath was loud and heavy that flames could have erupted from it. Her eyes were glaring to the floor as if it was the cause of her heartache…and indeed her heart was aching…but she couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Whether it was from the guilt of what happened or…the denial that Reid was…could be…is right? But nonetheless, she didn’t need him pressing further and that halved countertop should be more than enough of a sign, otherwise she didn’t know what else was other than throwing him out with a dented head.
“That’s…that’s your answer.” Vanessa said in a raspy voice.
With that, silence filled between them again. Reid’s heart was beating at a rapid pace from the sudden shock, and he was resisting himself from shaking in front of her. He took a deep breath and stared at her with a sigh while reaching for his pockets as he walked…assuming it was to the door. Vanessa carefully eyed him to ensure that it wasn’t a weapon because who knew if he had a taser gun or something to knock her out so he could force her to his base but…what he took out was a card instead.
“I heard you. I won’t bother you from now on, so I’ll be taking my leave.” He said as he dropped the card on top of that heap that was once a small kitchen island. He wondered if he should have left two but that might unintentionally tick her nerves again. Reid looked at her before looking away when neither of them were making any eye-contact. Perhaps that was for the best.
“Call me if you ever change your mind and have a nice night. Good night, Vanessa.” Those were Reid’s last words before he left her apartment…for now.