"Hm?" Victor lifted his eyes as he noticed a red warning that kept flashing at the top of his vision.
"What do you mean 'Character Transfer Initiated'? I haven't even gotten to the character creator!" Victor closed his eyes as the room started to glow bright white. After a few seconds, he rolled his eyes and fell forward.
'Victor---Baris has been acquired. Transfer initiated. Portal open. Scan complete.' A soft feminine voice spoke quietly in the room.
Victor disappeared from his room in that small apartment building, and left no further trace. The portal that had been used for a few hundred years now closed, and was erased from existence.
All traces of Victor's existence disappeared from the world he grew up in.
Nothing, not his clothes, his glasses, his watch, or even the metal reinforcement plate in his thigh, was taken.
* * *
Victor slowly opened his eyes. He blinked several times, but the pictures remained the same. He put his hand over his face, but did not find his glasses. The images he now saw were real.
"Trees?" Victor groaned and slowly got to his feet. He started to look around ever so slowly. Suddenly, his face grimaced and he reached down. He pulled a small branch out of his thigh.
"This is real." His face paled. He felt the pain. He saw blood on the branch, and some information appeared on that now familiar gossamer film.
'Branch, pine. Dead. Useful only as fertilizer, or fuel to start a fire. Five XP given.' Victor's eyes began to tear up as he looked down at himself.
"I didn't even have time to make a proper character. Now, I have to look at this fat bastard body of mine in a new world too." He closed his eyes and sniffed.
"What rotten luck."
* * *
"He must be really upset." Nuella said as she watched him tear up. She tapped her lips. "What would be an appropriate gift?"
You are reading story A Gamer and the Goddess of Karma and Balance at novel35.com
* * *
"Hm?" Victor looked at the gossamer film and frowned slightly. "A short introduction?" He moved his hand and frowned. "How do I press...oh. Mentally. It's not really there." He opened the booklet that appeared.
"For newly transported people. The film you see is the status plate, and everyone has one in this world. Yours is free. As your status changes, it will be reflected here." He read it out loud. "There is only one thing that can be changed, and only once. Your name. Also, the status plate can be turned on, or off as most people carry theirs around with them. Your status plate is now a part of you, and only happens in rare instances. People of this world will show their plate, say status on, and a screen will appear. They will place their hand over a plate reader, not actually hand over their plate. That will allow you to access other towns, other then Noobville, for which you are locked out of due to karmic balance. No gear has been provided, but your inherited traits balance these out. Say status off to turn off your screen. Only emergency messages will override this off setting with a red banner. The more intense the emergency, the stronger the reaction of your status plate. Please, live with the balance of this world in mind, our world of Ceru."
Victor looked around and sat onto a large stone. He rubbed his thick beard and now regretted not shaving it when he had a chance. This would make it easier to get it caught in bushes.
"Status off." He sighed as the film disappeared. He also frowned. "It was quite see through. Status on. Oh? Is it because I activated it manually? Status off. Yeah, it is more noticeable while activated by voice." He rolled his eyes. "A magical tool has merged into my brain. Great. As if there aren't enough things rolling around loose up there." He stood up.
"Might as well start. I won't survive if I just sit around. He turned his head and started to examine his surroundings. "Status on. Name change. New name, Baris. Status off."
What was the significance of this name change? It was his in game character name for the last two decades or more. His name had never changed, whether it was console, or online. He was always Baris, and he was always a man.
"Oh, blueberries!" He wandered over to a bush. "Ripe blueberries!" He looked at the bush. "Status on." He looked at the blueberries.
'Blueberry bush found. Apprentice level berry. Used for food, removal of toxins in blood, unripe berries are an astringent and can be used in medicine. Leaves are inedible by humans. Five berries fill two units of food. Five berries remove two units of toxins. Two units of food heal one point of damage in passive natural regeneration.' Victor, no, Baris now smiled and started to eat the berries.
'Damage to body detected. Minor leg fracture requires ten units of food to heal. Burn scars require twenty units of food to heal. Grafted skin require twenty units of food to heal. Bone deformation require thirty units of food to heal. Fifty units of food already in body. Hitpoints at fifty due to damage. As food is consumed, passive regeneration will heal minor damage. Bone deformation is genetic. Genetic damage will require thirty days of passive healing, or magical regeneration. Must observe the use of magic in order to begin using magic, and create required skills.'
"Holy shit." Baris said in shock. "I can heal from something even the surgeons couldn't remove permanently? With magic?" Baris had a silly smile plastered on his face, and soon, tears rolled down his cheeks.
"I had to come to an alternate world to find out I can be healed of this tumor. Maybe I don't have such rotten luck as I expected." He heard a growl to his left. Baris slowly turned his head.
"REALLY?" Nope, he had rotten luck after all. Not more then twenty feet away was a large wolf with blue colored fur.
'Warning! Blue Wolf variant detected! Hostile! Level 15 Blue Wolf variant is extremely dangerous!'