Chapter 128: Rock Bottom
Narrator: Zeth and Sasha have drifted downstream for an hour.
*Sasha decides at this point to get out and she pulls out Zeth too*
Narrator: A little bit later.
*Zeth and Sasha are sitting by a tree and Zeth had regained consciousness. Zeth has an almost depressed look*
Zeth: We have hit rock bottom, haven’t we?
Sasha: I wish I could say differently.
Zeth: I failed them.
*Sasha looks at him*
Zeth: I failed Kurt, Emily, and Joe.
Sasha: We did our best.
Zeth: No. My mother, the Light Goddess, is in charge of protecting all humans on this planet. And here I am, her son, can’t even protect three humans. I don’t deserve to call myself the future protector of humanity.
Sasha: Don’t blame yourself. One day you will have your divine powers back and will wear that title like a badge of honor. And when my true power is unlocked, I will be with you every step of the way.
*Zeth smiles*
Zeth: You’re right. Losing faith will get us nowhere.
*Soon after, Zaydra appears with an angel also with her. The angel is a male that is 8 feet tall. He has black hair that looks gelled and he is wearing orange armor and has white angel wings*
Narrator: Zaydra’s Personal Guard – Kren.
Zaydra: Zeth!
Zeth: Zaydra?
Zaydra: You’re hurt!
Zeth: What happened to the task force you were working with? And you don’t need to worry about me. It’s Kurt, Emily, and Joe that need to be worried about.
Zaydra: Mother alerted me to the emergency situation you were in and so I had to come to help you right away. I brought Kren with me.
*Kren bows*
Kren: Please forgive us, my prince, for taking too long.
Zaydra: You said we needed to worry about Kurt, Emily, and Joe. What happened to them?
Zeth: I couldn’t see what happened as I was getting my ass beat, but they were either captured or killed. I don’t know which.
*Zaydra looks sad*
You are reading story Beyond The Stars at
Zeth: Take us back to my step-parents’ house. We decided in the event of separation, we would meet there.
Narrator: One day later.
*The heroes are at Miranda’s and Jack’s house as planned. Keith and RAG are there too*
Keith: What happened to the others? Why are they not with you?
Zeth: We fought against that woman and her henchmen that showed up. We were completely outclassed. As I told Zaydra, the others have either been captured or killed…
*Zeth looks frustrated*
Zeth: Zaydra, you must take us to an altar. We need more powers and abilities.
Zaydra: Zeth, what exactly are we dealing with here?
*Zeth is silent at first but then he has a very serious expression on his face*
Zeth: The Enigmuses have risen.
*Zaydra has a shocked face*
Zaydra: Enigmuses!? Enigmuses created by humans!?
Zeth: Yes, and they will have a whole army of them.
Narrator: In Flagron Town.
*Goma continues to sit in his A-Rank club. His eyes turn serious*
Goma: It seems I have some guests outside.
*Goma walks down the stairs to the first floor and he then opens the door and goes outside*
Goma: So they hide?
*Suddenly, two men appear, one is an old man that is 5 feet tall. On his shoulder is “S74”. The other is a 6-foot-tall teenager with blonde hair that has “S128” on his shoulder. Both of them have juicy blue shading on the edges of their eyes*
Goma: Neither of you are normal people, are you? You will need to be put down.
Narrator: The heroes have hit rock bottom and Kogen’s Enigmus army continues to grow.
Chapter 128 END
To be Continued in Chapter 129: The Third Altar