Chapter 15


  Intercut ROBERT at a pay phone.

  ROBERTIt's Robert.

  FRANCESCAOh, hi. Look, I'm running a littlelate, but I'll still...

  ROBERT(w/difficulty)Listen, don't take this the wrong waybut, I'm wondering if this is such agood idea.

  Francesca's heart sinks.


  ROBERTI uh... I had lunch in town today.

  Happened to cross paths with "thatRedfield woman." I apologize. Ithought you were half-joking aboutthat.

  FRANCESCAOh. I guess you got the whole story.

  ROBERTThe cashier at the general store wasvery dangerous.

  FRANCESCAI think he's running for town criernext year.

  ROBERTI now know more about their affairthan I remember about my marriage.

  (seriously)Francesca, the last thing I want todo is put you in any kind ofsituation that would... even thoughwe know it's just -- I mean, it'snothing like that, but if anybody sawus or...

  (can't finish)FRANCESCA(disappointed)I understand.

  (touched)That's very kind of you.

  Silence. Both want to meet. Both experience the idea of notseeing each other even again in this brief moment. Someonehas to say something to save it -- but who will it be?

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)Robert?


  FRANCESCAI want you to come.

  Robert is relieved.

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)I'll meet you at the bridge just likewe planned all right. Don't worry aboutthe rest of it... I'm not.

  ROBERTAll right. See you there.

  Francesca smiles and hangs up. In that moment, Francescarealizes consciously what she is doing and what she wants.


  EXT. CEDAR BRIDGE - DUSKRobert is already there, working. He checks his watch,anxious for Francesca to arrive, when he hears a truckdriving up. He looks to see Francesca stop and get out. Bytheir expressions we can tell how glad they are to see eachother.

  FRANCESCASorry I'm late. Richard called.

  ROBERTOh, how is he?

  FRANCESCAFine. They're all having a good time.

  How many more shots do you have?

  ROBERTCouple. Want to help?

  She nods. He extends his hand. She pauses, then takes it. Heleads her to the bridge. Walking away from camera, they say:

  ROBERT (cont'd)I should stop off at the motel toclean up before dinner.

  FRANCESCAWell, I have plumbing at my house.


  INT. JOHNSON BEDROOM - EARLY MORNINGFrancesca enters. Robert is in the bathroom, in the shower,with the bathroom door slightly ajar. His clothes are laid onthe bed with his bag beside them. A fresh shirt is folded.

  Francesca takes his dirty shirt and decides to clean it. Asshe exits, her eye can't help roaming toward the bathroomdoor. For a moment, she pauses to listen to the sound of thewater as it hits his body.

  INT. KITCHEN - LATERFrancesca is busy preparing dinner. Robert enters, cleanedand dressed.

  ROBERTCan I help?

  FRANCESCAActually, no. I've got everythingunder control. I'd like to clean upmyself a bit. I'm going to take abath. Dinner'll be ready in about ahalf hour.

  ROBERTHow about if I set the table?


  ROBERTWould you like a beer for your bath?

  FRANCESCA(surprised)Yes, that'd be nice.

  Robert gets her one.

  INT. BATHROOM - LATERFrancesca lounges in a tub with a beer poured into a wineglass. She finds it very elegant. She takes a deep breath,thinking "What's going to happen tonight?"INT. KITCHEN - LATERRobert is at the radio when Francesca enters in her newdress. She looks beautiful. And it's all over Robert's face.

  FRANCESCAWhat's wrong?

  Unlike her husband, Robert has an answer.

  ROBERTAbsolutely nothing. You're just sortof a knockout in that dress.

  She smiles and crosses to the stove.

  FRANCESCATable looks beautiful.

  He can't take his eyes off of her. On the radio we hear DIHAHWASHINGTON begin to sing "IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO" -- abeautiful, blusey lovesong. Francesca pulls out a pan of hotrolls as THE PHONE RINGS. Francesca moves toward it with aroll, which she tosses to Robert. He burns his fingers and hesmiles at her joke. The song plays throughout.

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)Hello? Hi, Madge?

  Francesca and Robert do not take their eyes off of each otherthroughout the call. Robert takes a bit of the roll.

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)Huh-huh. Nothing, just makingmyself some dinner... No what?...

  Oh... I heard about him. Yeah, I hearhe's some kind of photographer.

  (Robert smiles)No, I didn't... Huh-huh... Hippie?

  I don't know, is that what hippieslook like?...

  Robert steps closer to her, purposely reaching across herbody for a napkin.

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)Oh he is, huh? Well, don't tell Floyd,he'll be out with a shotgun...

  She notices a crumb on Robert's mouth and wipes it off.

  Robert takes her hand and holds it, lowering it to his side.

  FRANCESCA (cont'd)Well, listen, I have a pot boiling.

  I've got to go... No, they don't gethome until Friday morning... Well,maybe I'll give you a call. Okay. Bye.

  She hangs up. The two are now almost face to face. Robertraises her hand up and slips his free one around her waist.

  They begin to dance to the song. The kitchen lights have notbeen turned on since the sun went down. The sky, a darkorange and magenta, illuminates the room through the window.

  They never take their eyes off of each other. Suddenly,Robert stops.

  ROBERTYou're shaking. Are you cold?

  Francesca shakes her head. They dance a bit more, butFrancesca is shaking which makes it difficult. They bothstop. Robert places his huge hands on either side of herface, gently stroking her hair away from her cheek. Hewhispers.

  ROBERT (cont'd)If you want me to stop, tell me how.

  He brushes his cheek and face softly against hers. Francescarubs hers against him. She can barely breathe.

  ROBERT (cont'd)Francesca, I won't be sorry. I won'tapologize for this.

  FRANCESCANobody's asking you to.

  They kiss. Hands gently explore. Their bodies touch. Theirlips never spend more than seconds away from each other.

  Robert gently slide his hands down her breasts and torso,exploring every inch of her. Francesca grips his massiveback, sliding up to his neck and hair. Robert lifts her legand presses it against his hip, kissing her neck andshoulders. Francesca starts to lose herself, clutching hishead at her breast then pulling him up to her mouth onceagain.

  CUT TO:   在那个星期二的夜晚,他们在厨房里跳舞,逐渐地.在不知不觉地越来越紧地靠在一起.弗朗西丝卡紧紧贴在他的胸前,心想不知他隔着她的衣服和自己的衬衣能否感觉到她的乳房又觉得一定能的.


























