Chapter 65: 65

Episode 065 Is the Union that Surprises the Inept Detective a Black Organization?(TN:Inept Detective is a play on words of Great Detective. Not sure what this is referencing.)


"Whaaaaaaaaaa!? Shushima Dungeon is closeeeeeeed!?"


 The next day, I was really surprised to hear the words from Aki.


 Why are they closing such a delicious dungeon?


"It seems that the Union officially decided to close it because there was a pretty dangerous monster inside, it was an unknown monster that was dangerous even for S-rank explorers."


 Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!? I didn't see any such monster!?


 It was only Bonus Monsters and super Bonus Monsters that we met on the inside.


 Is the Union going to monopolize such a delicious hunting ground?


 Will the country monopolize the really delicious hunting grounds?


 Was the Explorers' Union a black organization?


 Well, it's true that if such a hunting ground is opened to the public, it wouldn't be strange for all the explorers to gather in that dungeon. If monsters in other dungeons are left unattended, they may flood and damage towns and people, so it may be difficult to open it as it is.


 It must be a monopoly!!


 No, it's possible it was just a coincidence that we didn't run into the unknown monster. Hmm ... We were saved. If we met such a monster, I think we would have been killed instantly.


 As expected, I'm too lucky, except for my suitability as an explorer.


"So, doesn't that unknown monster come out of the dungeon?"


"It seems there is going to be a subjugation operation by gathering S-rank explorers from all over Japan."


 Got it.


 Certainly, if all the S-rank explorers are involved, they must be able to manage the unknown monster. However, if it becomes such a strategy, I think that more chosen high-ranked explorers will gather than every before.


 In that case, the shadow may be detected by someone, so it may be better to stop going to the Shushima Dungeon until the operation is over.


 However, I've already reached the final floor, and I wonder if we don't have to go to the Shushima Dungeon for a while. I also earned a lot of Bonus magic stones. Now is the time to think about D-rank dungeons. Let's propose the idea to Shia again.


"Well, is it time to go to school?"


"That's right."


 We stopped talking and got ready to go to school.


"Shia, did you hear?"

You are reading story An Incompetent Explorer Who Failed to Make His High School Debut but Mastered Being a Human Being at


"Hmm. Shushima Dungeon Subjugation Strategy."


"Well, it's safer not to go for a while."




 At noon, I talked to Shia and she nodded. She also realized that the risk of being found out increased.


"You're still as passionate as usual."


"That's why I'm saying it's not like that."


 Seeing me and Shia talking to each other at a fairly close distance, Aki gets the wrong idea again.(TN:Literally something about hitting the wrong answer buzzer in a game show.)


 Hmm ... It would be dangerous if I were to care about Shia!!


 Shia could end my life at any time by disclosing just a little bit!!


"The Exploration Department has a study session in April."


"Hmm. Study session today."


"I see, then I'll go to the dungeon alone today."




 Hmmm, the Dungeon Exploration Club has a study session today?


 Then it may be just right.


 I couldn't go to the Shushima Dungeon, and Shia wasn't enthusiastic about D-rank dungeons. Let's go alone.


"Where should I go?"


 There are two D-rank dungeons in Toshima Ward. There are two types, a forest type and a tower type. The closest is the forest type. Still, it takes about an hour, so it's quite far.


 When you enter any dungeon, it is often a cave, but when you go through that cave, another world spreads out.


 The forest type seems to be a dungeon where thick forest spreads in the cave and the sky and the sun can be seen through the trees in the forest for some reason. I haven't entered a forest dungeon yet, so I'm really looking forward to it. I want to see the forest spreading in the cave.


"Oh!! I have to buy equipment before going to the dungeon!!"


 I heard that it was possible to dive up to E-rank with simple equipment, but not from D-rank on. Until now, I was lucky that nothing attacked, but I think I will be attacked in the future.


 I went to the shopping center in high spirits to equip myself.