Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Privilege

"I get what I want. Shouldn't that be enough?" The one looking down on Lancia had spoken out loud.

He was none other than the Second Prince, Vhalen Lancelot. Someone who'd lived his life in riches.

His platinum silver hair and golden eyes a symbol that would be recognised wherever he went.

He was one of the special existences in the nation.

So why did he not feel like so?

The Second Prince thought about the scene earlier.

"Vhalen…" A voice was heard in his dream. There were two blurry figures standing before the youth.

One was his older brother, and the other his father.

Both of them were tall and stalwart figure compared to his tiny frame, which was small even amongst people his age. He was still young at the time, so his memories of the events were blurry.

He looked at his kind and gentle father, who was using a kind of enchantment behind his knuckles.

Right behind his palm.

"You are to stay here."

"But why?" Vhalen didn't know what kind of the conversation he was having with his Royal Father.

All he knew was that his older brother watched on.

Not interjecting between them.

"There are many who would want to steal these treasures from you. So you are to stay at home."

"Can't you give it to someone else? Why must I carry it, Father? I want to go out and adventure."

"This is not a debate." The platinum silver haired man with golden eyes stared deep into his soul.

A feeling of helplessness ran through the Prince.

The dream shifted to the scene he barely heard about two years later, when his brother was 14.

He was merely 7 of age at the time, and his brother had just came back from traversing the world.

Angry voices were heard, until his older brother left without hesitation. He then heard the sound of ice-

No, of glass being shattered.

His younger self had a peek through the gap in the door to see a furious father who had lost his gentle demeanour. Those once radiant eyes were now clouded with fury, and a hint of cruelty and sorrow.

This was the start of his father's change…

"Huh?" Vhalen blinked, and realised he could vividly remember the lucid dream about his past.

A part of him wondered about his father…

King Darren had been acting strangely over the years, and there was a hint of darkness in his eyes.

He didn't seem that much different, but…

Some were saying his father's skin was turning blue from illness, which was an outrageous claim.

What kind of illness turns your skin blue?

Vhalen had forced an investigation and got his father to undergo examination he personally did.

As someone who had awakened the 'Healer' Class himself, it wasn't wrong to say he had suitable enough knowledge to tell if his father was poisoned or not. However, the results show nothing.

There was no poison in his system. In fact, their ruler was healthier and livelier than he'd ever been.

The cause for concern had been lifted.

As if to put his mind at ease, King Darren decreed that the Royal Doctor would be investigating the cause of his abrupt change. This was enough to silence the people who had wanted him to rest.

Vhalen got out of bed and went to his room's balcony in thought. He was high up in the air.

Able to see the world far below.

His hair was being brushed to the side by the wind at that moment, which revealed a handsome face.

The thoughts of those memories kept resurfacing.

"What do I do now?" He leaned over the edge of the balcony, and looked at the bustling crowds.

The market place was always pretty lively.

He wished he could go there by himself.

See the place and be treated with the finest delicacies they could offer. Feeling like he was free.

But he couldn't do that.

He was like a princess stuck in a tower. When would a knight take him away to see the world?

A hint of romance was in his eyes after reading a bunch of novels. Wanting to be 'Prince Charming'.

But again, he was still stuck here…

It felt like his dreams and reality kept on clashing with one another. This left him feeling helpless.

"I WANT TO ADVENTURE!" Like those of his novels. He wanted to live a bright and fun life.

Not be caged in this palace the rest of his life.

"What's wrong?" As if those words were a call to attention, a young man bursted into the balcony.

The knight felt like he was washed by the scenery.

It was a nice and sunny day today, and all seemed better from the devastation of war 40 years ago.

Thanks to the ceasefire that had kept the regency of Ketran, things had been able to get better.

All thanks to everyone's effort.

They did more than rebuild. Wealth had been flowing into kingdom from all over the world.

Craftsmen of high pedigree were the source of the artisan kingdom's income. Just like 'Alex Stuman'.

There was another thing that blew the mind of the State Knight that had barged into the high balcony.

The sublime elegance of the Prince before him beyond that of normal people. His features were so unique and balanced that one might mistake 'Vhalen Lancelot' as a painting that came to life.

On the other hand, this kind of admiration from the Head Knight of the kingdom's internal security didn't affect m Prince Vhalen. He was actually quite annoyed that someone interrupted his mood.

"What are you doing here?" The short figure asked calmly, and Knight Arthur knelt before his master.

"As the one who was given responsibility for your grace's safety, I had come to see if Your Highness was faring well." The armoured, stalwart figure of the Knight Captain radiated a sense of loyalty.

Vhalen sighed at such a stereotypical greeting.

He wondered why this knight was his bodyguard.

"You saw me doing well, now leave." The way the knight nodded was another gripe the Prince had.

He wished they could talk more casually…

But every time he did, Arthur would block him with courtesies and a show of respect for his position.

Putting him on a pedestal.

Just as he thought the absurdly built teen would go off, the State Knight had noticed something below.

Right next to his feet.

You are reading story Our Journey Through Radiance at

"Ahem… Your Highness, I believe you've dropped your pendant." Arthur picked up what was there.

When he turned around to return it, he saw a terrified expression on Vhalen's face momentarily.

The Prince checked his neck to see that his precious possession wasn't there, then become a little panicked. He realised that there was a high chance his pendant could've fallen off the balcony.

This made him thankful to the bland State Knight.

"Thank you." He spoke sincerely while putting the golden gem-like pendant back around his neck.

Now he wouldn't let it out of his sight for a moment. Vhalen held the necklace to his chest.

An action that caused Arthur to become silent.

"Is that important to you?" For the first time since they've ever met, Arthur spoke less formally.

Putting down his guard…

"I don't know why, but I feel like this is the most important thing in my life. I should never let go."

He closed his eyes while clutching tight. It made him look like nothing more than a regular teen.

It caused Arthur to see him more like a person.

But doing so only filled him with a slight regret.

Even though he'd done his duty for the sake of the kingdom, the knight felt he was too overbearing.

Vhalen Lancelot was only one year younger than him. He was a 17 year old that deserved to go out.

Maybe even see something other than a work desk. At least that would broaden his horizons.

Still, he had a responsibility to keep him from harm.

To compromise on the two, he decided to at least do the bare minimum and act as a friend to him.

And so, he also opened up about something.

"…I also have something I keep on me." Arthur reached into his armour and pulled out a cracked necklace. One could see a sword symbol engraved onto the damaged surface of his old possession.

"What's that?"

"It's my older sister's necklace. She'd taught me everything I've ever known." Arthur made it clear.

This was also the most important item of his.

One that he wouldn't ever let go of.

"You're sister… I heard she died in an accident." As they had finally opened up a little, Vhalen decided to pursue the matter he'd been itching to know about. There were a lot of inconsistent rumours.

One said that Arthur was a foreigner, while others say that he'd been born in Lancia and lived here.

The latter seemed more trustworthy.

There was no way a 'foreigner' could be this loyal.

At least, that was his initial assumption until the knight openly revealed the answers he'd sought:

"She died in a slaughter… My father was a Paladin and mother a Priest, so my family must have had heretics as our enemies. They burned down the village I lived in." These words froze his heart.

The prince had no choice but to let go of his biases towards outsiders, because that would insult him.

This knight before him deserved proper respect.

"Sorry…" He leaned on the thick balcony fence and lowered his head. This wasn't what he imagined.

Vhalen expected a more intimate conversation to be more 'fun', so what was this heavy atmosphere.

It felt like the superficial layer the Knight Captain always had on was peeled off after confessing.

"No, I apologise for my reckless and impertinent attitude. You shouldn't need to hear things like this." Arthur felt like he'd made a mistake, but the Prince wouldn't allow him back off at this point.

"Tell me about yourself. How did someone from outside the kingdom become THE Head Knight?"

"Your Highness already knows that."

"Just call me Vhalen."

"Prince Vhalen…"

"…Good enough." Since this issue could be forced on him, it was better to be happy with what he got.

"Actually, if you don't mind me asking a little, I'm also curious about that pendant. I'm sure that isn't an heirloom of the Royal Family." Arthur spoke. His words caused the Prince not know what to say.

This was a difficult topic he hadn't told anyone…

"I think… This was my mother's necklace."

"You mean the Queen."

"No, I mean my REAL mother." Vhalen stated. What he said was a blasphemous accusation to the King.


"I think I'm adopted."

"That's nonsense." Arthur accidentally blurted out without thinking. He forgot to add courtesies.

"It's not as crazy as you think. It's vague… but I remember my mother being different from others."

"She was the Queen."

"No, I think she was a commoner like you. I want to go find her one day, and ask why she left me here."

"Had anyone made you feel adopted?" These words sounded so disbelieving that Vhalen halted.

Not speaking any further about the past.

"Why don't you believe me?" Prince Vhalen felt betrayed by how easily the knight forgot his place.

Why couldn't he be a little more supportive?

"I'm sure you believe your parents are someone else, but I'm sure there's a proper explanation f-"

"And here I thought you were on MY side."

"I didn't say I wasn't."

"You'd rather follow my brother, wouldn't you?" It looked like the Prince felt an inferiority complex.

"That's not what I meant. The King is wise and always thoughtful. After the Queen died, he had never gotten over her. There's no way His Majesty would move on so easily." Arthur made his point.

"There are people who remarry all the time."

"This and that aren't similar. His Majesty is someone devoted and kind to all of the kingdom."

"You'd like to think so, wouldn't you?"

"W-what?" The knight was speechless. He couldn't catch on to the obvious meaning of those words.

Vhalen dragged the knight out of the balcony and pushed him out of the room to be by himself.

Holding the pendant in front of his heart.

"Please… Goddess Gaia… One day, let me meet my real family." He prayed with heaviness in his heart.

Seeing that the Prince no longer wanted to see him for the time being, Arthur left the palace himself.

And ended up bumping into his best friend.