The following day, in the early evening, Colette is cleaning beer mugs behind the bar, humming softly to herself. With her back to the entrance, she hears the door open as the first patron of the evening enters the pub. The patron approaches the counter and clears her throat.
"Ah, welcome to Cheers! Sports Bar and Pub! What can I...?"
She turns around and comes face-to-face with a hostile-looking young woman, her wide frizzy hair pushed back with a hairband, accentuating a wide forehead and moon-like face, a set of narrow eyes glowering at her from behind a pair of oval-shaped glasses.
"Oh, Mia! Fancy seeing you here! I never knew you were into bar scenes!"
"I'm not here to have a drink and socialize, Colette Graystone!"
"Huh? Then what brings y...?"
"I want to know who was making all those filthy sex noises last night!"
Mia angrily shoves a finger in Colette's direction and demands.
"Com'on! Was it you? Or that goth girl? That was all I could hear when I was trying to study last night!"
"Umm... both of us?"
Colette scratches the back of her head sheepishly.
"Look, I'm sorry if we were noisy, it was our firs..." "You both had lads in the room at the same time?!"
Mia cuts her off with a shocked squeal.
"My god! How filthy can you get!?"
Colette, not taking much offense, tries to remain discrete.
"Umm... can you please not say that so loud? And actually... there weren't any lads... just... us two..."
Upon hearing that, Mia stumbles back, her eyes bulging almost to her forehead.
"Wait... no lads... just you two... you don't mean...?"
"Yep, that's right."
Colette leans across the counter with a wince and a whisper, holding a finger to her own lips.
"Please don't tell anyone."
A moment later, Mia can be seen bursting out of the pub entrance, her face sickly green and holding a palm over her mouth as she gags, almost bumping into Kazelle, who is making her way through the door with her guitar bag slung over her shoulder. She turns to give Mia a puzzled look before entering the pub.
"Hey, Cole."
Kazelle cooly puts down her guitar besides the stool and takes her seat at the bar. Colette returns her greeting with a soft blush.
"Hiya, Zelle."
"Wasn't that Mia who just ran out? What did you give her to drink?"
"Nothing. She wanted to know which one of us was getting it on last night... And let's just say she wasn't quite ready for the answer."
Colette sticks out her tongue with a guilty grin. Hearing her explanation, Kazelle's face reddens a bit as she fidgets slightly on the barstool. Colette presses on with the subject, glancing about discretely to make sure there are no one around to eavesdrop:
"Speaking of last night... How are you feeling down there after our wild ride?"
"Ah~~ My pussy is still really sore."
"Hehe, mine too~~♥"
Colette giggles mischeviously, seemingly content with the aftereffects of her deed. She hands Kazelle a ice-cold can.
"How about a pop, then. To help you recharge."
As Kazelle sips on the pop and the two women chatter away about plans for the Halloween festival, the door swings open. Colette glances up and sees that same muscular rugby player with the squarish chin, strutting over to them with an arrogant grin and a few of his pals following along. Kazelle sighs and reaches for her pocket.
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"This again?"
"No, no, it's okay. Lemme handle it. I have an idea."
Colette reaches out to stop her and flashes a knowing wink. Kazelle hesitates for a moment, but decides to relent and returns to sipping on the soda pop.
"Hello there, babes. Look who's back!"
"What do you want this time?"
Kazelle glances at him coldly. Eddie stops for a moment cautiously.
"Hey... no knives this time, right? I just wanna apologize for the other night... And I wanna buy you ladies a drink. Maybe play a round of pool together? How 'bout it?"
"Sure, let's play a round, 'champ'."
To Kazelle's surprise, Colette saunters acround the bar counter and approaches the rugby player with great eagerness.
"Cole... are you sure...?"
"Don't worry, Zelle. Watch this. Hehe..."
Colette glances back to give her roommate another wink, and then turns to Eddie.
"But we're not playing pool, I challenge you to an old-school arcade game... And the loser has to do what the winner says."
She gestures at an old arcade machine sitting in the far corner of the pub.
"So, you up for it, 'champ'?"
"Whoo! You're on, babe!"
Sensing his opportunity, Big Eddy follows after Colette while his lads cheer him on.
"Yah, looks like the champ is gettin' some action tonight!"
"Don't forget to include us when you win!"
("Huh, looks like the fan club is at it again.")
Kazelle glances at them from the corner of her eyes as they holler and cheer. But no sooner had they started, they fell dead silent, their faces full of shock and dejection.
"Wait... what?"
"The champ lost?!"
("Oh, if only these poor souls knew how big of a video game nerd Colette is...")
Kazelle grins to herself inconspicuously.
"Ahaha, a perfect KO, 'champ'. Looks like I'm the new champ now!"
As Kazelle and the rugby players look on with bewilderment, Colette enticingly gestures for Eddie to follow her into the back storage room. Eddie delightfully obliges, believing this foxy little barmaid has finally given in to his advances.
A few moments go by, and Eddie bursts out of the storage room, staggering for the door with his pants around his ankles.
"Ahh! What the fuck! I'm not fucking with that!"
His mates glance at each other, perplexed as ever, and sprint after him, vanishing into the streets.
In the storage room, Colette is laughing her head off. Her athletic shorts pulled down around her thighs, a long elastic member hangs out from the side of her knickers, flopping about. In the dimly-lit space, Eddie could have easily mistaken the sex toy for an actual penis.
Since then, Big Eddy has never tried to get into Colette's pants again.