Chapter 4: Luigi’s Pizzeria

  After a while, the bus arrived in front of a pizzeria called "Luigi's Pizzeria" who is almost full of customers. When Alex left the bus, he saw some cars parked there, some happy costumers leaving the pizzeria with a full stomach and the delivery guys getting on the delivery bikes to deliver some good pizza to customers who have ordered far way from this place.

  Alex goes to the entrance of the pizzeria and there he saw a customer who is dressed like a gangster leaving the pizzeria feeling kinda happy. Alex does not know what he did there, but the smirk on his face doesn't represent the one of a customer who is happy because he eats a good pizza at this crowded place. Anyway, Alex decides to ignore that man and he decides to enter the place. When he entered the restaurant, with his eyes he observed this place is not a normal restaurant, it is one of those Italian restaurants in America for some reason. The first reason is this place has some good Italian decoration, nice cashiers who actually looks like Italian and he even saw a chef who most probably spoke Italian with the cashier as they talk back to him.

  "Abbiamo due pizze con peperoni e tre spaghetti per essere pronti in quasi 45 minuti e consegnati a Fiocia Street." says one of the cashiers to the chefs.

  "Immediatamente ... chi ama Carbon per venire a consegnare le piazze." says one of those chefs to that cashier, who takes the phone out of his pocket to call the person called Carbon to be ready to deliver those pizzas and spaghetti.

  Meanwhile, Alex goes to a free table and he sits there. The chair was a little hard to sit on, so Alex decides to move to the other chair, which was more comfortable than the other one. Before he was about to call the waiters, one of those comes to him.

  "Are you the guy called Alex Rodriguez?" says the cashier looking at him.

  "Yes, I am. Why?" says Alex feeling kinda scared because one unknown person knows his name.

  "Our boss wanted to speak with you."

  "Wait? How does he know I came here."

  "I don't know and I don't even care. He just told me to tell you this."

  "Alright," says Alex getting up from his table and goes to the room where his cousin stays.

  He goes upstairs, he arrived at the first floor and he saw a door where it has a sign who says "Just the person can come here. If you aren't one of my man's fuck off!". Alex laughed at this sign and he felt relieved he is in a family with this kind of boss. He knocked on the door, then, Alex's cousin opens the door and the first reaction was the normal reaction a cousin would have to see his favourite member of a family.

  "Alex! Nice to see you here! Kinda early, eh?" says Chris shaking Alex's hands. "Come in, then."

  "Alright," says Alex entering the room where his cousin directs the whole business.

  Alex sits on a chair not far from the desk. Chris goes to a shelf and there he takes a whiskey bottle and he asks Alex for a slip, but Alex politely refused the offer, which made Chris feeling good, because he always has a saying for those kinds of men who don't drink whiskey when someone offers them.

  "You don't drink because you haven't achieved anything?"

  "Yeah... We can say that" respond Alex feeling not so sure by his cousin's behaviour.

  "Good. Now I want to ask you something if we are all still here. I heard you got into a fight."

  Alex was shocked at what his cousin said earlier, "How did he know?" asked Alex to himself.

  "One of my men saw you fighting three gangsters while he delivered a pizza at that place and he was about to report to the police, but he did not do that, and you know why?"

  "No.," says Alex.

  "Because he remembers a photo I showed him and he did not report to the police, but me. You know how am I feeling?"

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  "Like my mother who has seen me dealing with drugs in my neighbourhood just to pay her monthly rent?"

  "More like a Principal who has to deal with a new kid who got expelled from five schools, but your example works fine... You did good, but those gangsters are the ones you should not make fun because those one are the big gang here and they almost own the entire business in this city."

  "Even this one?"

  "No... And I hope they aren't because the business they own is not the normal ones, those businesses are there for a reason. To help them produce drugs."

  "Damn... I never knew this city could be like home."

  "Every city United Countries are the same, my dear cousin. Now. I got something important to tell you."

  "What is it?"

  "Can you do me a favour and deliver some pizzas. One of my men got sick and he has to stay home for quite a while. Could you do his part this day? I swear I will put ten percent at your first paycheck."

  "Alright. I'll go," says Alex to his cousin who started to smile.

  "Thank you. Go to the kitchen and ask the chiefs about some deliveries. Then ask about the orders who have to deliver. Don't worry, they speak can English. After that, go to the garage and take a scooter. All the scooters have a GPS so goo, that it would be impossible to lose even if you are blind."

  "Good," says Alex before leaving the room.

  "Be careful at driving!" yell Chris to his cousin who already started to go downstairs.

  When Alex left the floor where Chris is there and doing his papers for this restaurant, Alex directly goes to the door where it says "Personnel Only". Alex opens the door and there it saw a chef who is cooking and other personal just cleaning the dishes. Alex looked around by curiosity and after a few seconds, the chef let the food he was about to ready and comes with an angry reaction to Alex.

  "Chi razza sei e cosa diavolo fai nella mia cucina ?!" says the chef to Alex, while he is holding a kitchen knife.

  "Um... Sorry. Mi no Habla Italiana." says Alex to chef feeling scared because he doesn't understand the Italian language and the chef is holding a knife who could probably kill him.

  "You damn American. What are you doing here?!"

  "I am here to deliver some food. My uncle hired me here yesterday."

  "You are Alex Rodriguez? Then go to the garage and take a scooter. The door to the garage is right there." he points to metal door who is not far from them."

  "Yeah. Thank you, mister."

  "Whatever." says the chef who is continuing his work, and then he mumbled to himself: "Stupido americano con merda negli occhi e Sperma in bocca."

  Alex enters the garage and there he finds a scooter attached at the back with a package. He goes to that scooter, he opens the package and there it saw five pizzas. And in that package, he also finds out five tickets where it says where they should be delivered. Alex put the ticket in his back pocket on his jeans, and he gets on that scooter and started to drive to those apartments where he has to deliver those pizzas. When he gets on that scouter, one of the workers there handed a helmet to him, and he tells him to be careful around those streets. Alex puts the helmet on his head, and he turns on the scouter, after that he starts driving to the exit to the garage, and then he goes to deliver those pizzas.