Alex has driven so fast using his boss's car, he has passed some cars, motorcycles, and even some people who were about to use cross walks. Alex feels very agitated because he has entered a neighbourhood of urban gangsters, and he has no weapon with which to defend himself, only his fists empty.
After a few moments he arrives at the destination, and there he sees a few urban gangsters who wear jersey purples and T-shirts in purple minding their business, a few were staying on the bench and smoking, three of them were looking at some girls, but one of them is sleeping on the yard.
Alex parks the car in a special place, but before getting out of the car he discovers something between the front passenger's seat and the driver's seat, an electric shock gun. Alex has that electric shock gun that has a beautiful pattern. Notice on that gun a button that says "Load" which means it will reload if you press that button. Alex nods contentedly, puts his gun in his jeans pocket, gets out of the vehicle, and goes to that gang of gangsters to retrieve his package. Alex hopes the electric shock gun will help him somehow, even if those gangsters are armed like those street gangsters in GTA San Andreas.
When Alex was about to reach that group of gangsters who are gathered around a larger one and we can assume that he is the leader of this gang, two gangsters armed with baseball bats approach the air with nervous looks and are ready to break someone's head.
"What the hell are you doing here, Americans ?! Go to work!" says one who was ready to use the metal bat that he must use to beat his wife every time she prostitutes herself.
"I am sorry, man. But I came to retrieve a package," says Alex to that angry guy.
"Package? What are you? Police?!" says the other gangster.
"If you want to take our package... Then take this!" says the one gangster with the metal bat who has to swing the bat to Alex.
Alex failed to avoid that blow and received a severe blow to the stomach, which already knocked him to the ground. That gangster wanted to give him another one, but Alex manages to pull out the electric shock gun with incredible speed and shoot that gangster with that metal stick from the gun who is conducting the electric power. That gangster starts shaking as if someone has put some ice in the hole in his ass. The gangster trembled for a few moments until he fell unconscious on the grass. The second gangster looked at him impressed, then he stays in the position that the Slavs do when they want to relax or they don't have a chair.
"Are you working with the police or with the owner of Luigi's Restaurant?"
"Luigi's restaurant?" said Alex feeling as if that person had read his thoughts. "How do you know that?"
"It is simple. I took that package. If you want back you have to pay for this one. In a fight. Without weapons. Alright, amigo?"
Alex gets up from the yard by being helped by this Spaniard who shows that he is a good boy with a true warrior heart, even if he lives in America in a gangster neighbourhood where many are enchanted by money, drugs, and weapons so they forgot what it means to be with truly a warrior. That Spanish gangster steps back a few yards and says, "Wait here, I had to take the box from home." Alex replies that he will do so and stays in the same place. But while he waited, two gangsters came to Alex, looked at him ugly, swore at him. But those gangsters didn't come to look at him badly, but to get him that corpse that is still breathing but sleeping in the shower. Those gangsters dragged that gangster-like a black bag where pieces of corpses are stored to be thrown in the dumpster or in a truck that transports them to the nearest abandoned landfill.
After a few minutes, the Spanish gangster came back to Alex, but with a worried face. Alex doesn't know why that gangster feels so anxious. The Spanish gangster hands him the box directly and confesses something that made Alex relieved that he wouldn't have to fight street gangsters in the future.
"Looks like I took the wrong package."
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"Wait. You are also working on Luigi's Pizzeria?" ask Alex remembers that the old man cashier says the man who took the package was working on Luigi's Pizzeria.
"Yeah. But on the other one. The one who is located inside the "Streeto Mall". You should come to check that mall sometimes. It got some good girls. Anyway, I am sorry for the misunderstandings and... For the problems."
"Don't worry. We do some dumb things sometimes. But that's what makes us human."
"Yeah. It could be." says the Spanish guy leaving Alex with the white box alone.
Alex takes the white box, he gets on the boss's car, he step on the gas and he carefully drives to the place where he has to deliver that box. Alex put the box on the back seat, but when drives, he got a call from his boss. Alex answered the call and the boss asked on the phone, feeling scared.
"Was the mission a success ?"
"It was. I took the box without troubles. By the way, what's in the box?" ask Alex on the phone while he drives the boss's car.
"It's a surprise for my future wife."
"Yes. You don't know I have a relationship with a nice girl. Did I mention that in those emails?"
"No. You didn't. And, where I let the box? At your house?"
"Sure. Let the box there and you can rest in peace until tomorrow morning, alright?"
"Alright, boss," says Alex while he close the call with his boss and he drives in peace until he arrives at his own house.