Chapter 7: The awakening… of a mess up fetish

"Shit I miss the head, but damn that guy was unlucky, he bleeds to death by getting his dick shot off, it was like a straw leaking red semen... if that is a thing but you get my point."

The sight of a man getting his junk shot off was kind of disgusting to watch, but deep down it felt awesome, what was this feeling, deep down I know hurting others is wrong, but I couldn't help it.

One should never commit a criminal act, but something about the whole sight of it just set right with me, what was this, why do I feel this way?

And why am I slightly turned on by killing, on no, am I perhaps a sadist, no that preposterous, their no way I'm a sadist, am I?

"No, no, no Morgan these people are sick, they're the enemy, they are the garbage, it's just right to take out the trash after it piles up."

"Although, this time taking the garbage out just feels more fun than usual, yes that's right, im not in the wrong here, im just taking out the garbage, and im doing the environment a favor."

And it's not like im purposely doing this because I find it fun, it's for my sake, I need to complete the mission, it's me or them, I just want to live.

And the fact that the poor guy lasts his penis, well you can blame that on my trash aim, im still kind of far off, but yeah, now that I think about it, I can't fight all of them by myself, and it looks like they haven't noticed my existence yet, well they don't know where I am is what im trying to say, so I should take this opportunity, to put them out of their misery.

Unfortunately, one brother died in such a way, but it can't be helped, but im kind enough to send the other two to him.

"Wait isn't this a perfect opportunity to test out the scattershot, hmmm how many [hp] should I put into it, maybe twenty should do, yeah let's try twenty."

"Wait but if I do that, wouldn't that catch that girl too, sigh well let's try to kill them one by one then."

With that said I aimed for the other two twins as I releases multiple fires after fires, at least a total of nine shots were fired with Lilith alone as the sound of multiple loud gunshots could be heard.




Some of the bullets miss but some catch them in lethal places as I caught one of the siblings in the eye, and the other one in the center of his stomach.

I also caught Maxwell in the left hand, but of course, they wouldn't stay in one spot as they began to scatter around finally realizing that it could be someone attacking from long range.

Even the girl began to get down, and take this opportunity to move, the problem is, however, she moving kind of sluggish so it got me wondering if she was by any chance injured.

But I didn't let this stop me, as I took this opportunity as well, and jumped all the way done the waterfall edge, of course, I make sure to not hit a rock, and although I had no way to swim, I wanted to test a new idea of mine so im putting my life on the line here.

However though if this work, then swimming will never be a problem again, as long as there is some kind of surface or edge that is, so moments before I even reach the water I gaze at a rock on the far right.

As I extend my hand, towards it, and then a black line emerges from my hand, as it fired at a fast rate and sticks to the huge rock, automatically I grapple myself towards it, and since these shadows could turn into any form of mass or matter meaning liquid, solid, or gas, I tried to make it sticky, as these shadows could change properties as well.

So moment after, I was standing on the side of the rock, as my right handle grappled firmly on it, and my feet supported my balance as well however though because the twins and Maxwell start to split up in fear, due to the attack that I fired.

Lucky for me, I began to hear painful screams and the cursing sound of a familiar twin that was left the scene and escaped to the river bed.

"Awwww..... fuck... my eye, SHIT FUCKING WHORE!!, what the hell happen.... oh my god it hurts, was it a misfit, or was it a human... shit im going to kill whoever did this to me, FuckKK!!!"

At these words, I quietly tried to take a peak and at the riverside, Zenny was shaking in pain looking at his face, clearly unhappy about losing an eye.

He was at least thirty meters away, but it was the perfect opportunity to end him here, so without him noticing I aim at his head while he was still looking at himself.

So I held my breath once more, and then I took the shot, without hesitation.


And at this moment I truly know how destructive Lilith and Eve were because when I was close enough, the damage is equal to a massacre

Because as soon as the loud sound came, it followed the sound of the human body exploding, as his head was blown off from the shoulders up.

All that could be seen is a whole ton of blood, his eye flying in the river, and a lot of brain matter plaster on the ground, even splinters of bones and teeth were seen around his mutilated body.

His remaining body dropped onto the river bank, as blood leaked out from it, but what I didn't notice, was that due to the loud sound Lilith makes when I take fire.

It gives away the position, or more or less a general idea of where I am because shortly after I saw the last brother who was Benny, and also the pedo Maxwell, came rushing towards the location.

And when they came to see what happen in hope of killing the enemy, their faces instantly, went into pure horror, and disgust, as Benny drop to the ground, holding both his stomach and mouth as he was vomiting his lunch out.

Blah!!!! Ughaaaa!!!!! Blah!!!

"Oh god, good gracious lord, that can't be Zenny right, no way we split up for about two minutes and he already been killed in such a way, no, no, no I didn't sign up for this."

You are reading story I Refuse To Be Maidenless But At What Cost at

But as he was complaining like this, he suddenly felt immense pain in his already wounded stomach as he got kicked in the stomach so hard that he flew two meters in the air, and landed back down, in pain.

He got a weird wound in the stomach, he was vomiting blood as well, and now he got kicked in the area he was shot at prior talk about unfortunate.

"Aghhh... what the hell Maxw...

But he got kicked in the face shortly after, as proceeded to say.

"Stop acting like a little bitch Benny, because Kenny and Zenny are gone, Dead!, what are you going to do about it."

Benny remain silent, but the anger and horror weren't making the situation any easier for him, and to aggravate his senior would mean death, so he remained silent in fear of his life, the physical and emotional damage has already been done to him in more ways than one.

So all he could do was listen to Maxwell as he said.

"Now apply this to your wound and help me find the bitch and the bastard that did this to my hand."

Maxwell said as he pointed toward his left hand which was bleeding constantly.

"Why don't you fucking heal it then, you could regenerate right?"

Replied Benny with much anger and sorrow in his voice, clearly in pain and infuriated about the loss of his other two siblings and Maxwell's abuse of him despite his injury.

"I would if I could but I can't heal it, no matter how hard I try, it refuses to heal, and it hurt like hell, the fuck is up with this wound anyway."

I listen carefully as I already could guess the reason why he wasn't healing, talk about luck, he got cursed by one of the unhealable bullets, and that pain should increase every second by 2×


At these words, I didn't notice it yet, but at that moment for the first time in my life, I made a smile that didn't resemble a human at all, if I saw it firsthand, I wonder how I would react, it might even scare my own self because deep down, I was indeed enjoying this, so much so, it could have made me sick of myself.

Did I really hunger for blood this much?

Did I really enjoy seeing guts flying all over the place?

Do I really enjoy hearing the voices of people crying in pain, or begging for mercy as I play with their emotions by filling them with hope and killing them after?

It can't be right, no, no, no, no, no, they're the enemy, they're the trash of society, they R.ape children for their self-enjoyment, they hurt others because they are stronger, what im doing is justifiable.

I think I think, I think, I think, I think, I think, but no matter how hard I think, in the end, this feeling inside me is a contradiction of my morals and my desires.

On one side I hate killing or do I, but I just took a life.

On the other im enjoying this like I was having sex, the irony is I am a virgin.

"But he deserves it."

A voice said in my head.

"Who are you?"

"I am you, the true you, your desires to kill, remember it's you or them, and why are you questioning your actions, that guy you kill had a family, their mother, and father, well I can't say the same for the other sibling since you off them as well."

", no, no im just taking out the trash, killing is wrong."

"Hahaha.... your such a hypocrite, you say killing is wrong, but you kill them anyways, remember that the two life you just take is never coming back, you know this because I know this, and top things off you enjoyed it right, what was this called an awakening, maybe killing is your fetish, your slightly turn on by this feeling are you, come on admit it accept that hidden dark side of your... you sick fuck."

"But... they had to be put down... and im, not a hypocrite... it's like grandpa's job he killed succubus and incubus for the greater good."

"But that was his job, he had a license to kill, you took the lives of both people, as sick as they are, they were still people in the end."

"I had to, it was the system's fault, he said if I torture them... I could get the curse removal skill, im, not a hypocrite, the life I took was acceptable a girl needed help, im not enjoying this am I?"

"Excuses, excuses, look down on the water, and take a good look at yourself, does that look like the face of someone who hates what they are doing."

At those words, I look down, and when I saw it, the face of something sinister emerge although only half the face was seen due to my blindfold, but the smile I had was so sinister, I was giving myself chills, yes have you ever been afraid of yourself before, well that's how I felt when I saw how I look.

When I saw this I could only ask.

"No way..... t-t-that's me?"