{Location: Castle on the grounds of the Demon Forest; Time: 03:00; P.O.V 3rd: Common Scientist}:
'We have just transported the last part to the host, now the only thing left is for us to see if everything will be compatible, I hope Lord Seno's decision is the right one to make.'
The scientist writes down the last part of his day's report in his diary.
He looks into one of the windows of his room and sees that soon it had started to rain, as if something was happening.
"I have the feeling something is about to start, and we have taken the first step towards it *sigh*''
He closes his diary and goes to bed, after a long and difficult day of work, sleep is always welcome.
{Location: Castle on the grounds of the Demon Forest; Time: 05:35; P.O.V 1st: Common Scientist N2.}:
We finally wake her up, however she seems to be in a trance state, we ran some tests, nothing seems to be wrong, my friend Scientist N3 Joe did some more advanced ones and no anomalies were revealed.
I find myself wondering if 'it' will develop a consciousness or be dominated by the instincts of the parts we use?
A question that will soon be answered, by the looks of it, is she already waking up and is her mana flowing in a rather strange way? Hmm, well, I don't get paid for that.
"WHAT?"- Someone across the room shouts.
"Let's go see the Boss, I think she was the one to see her when she got up, not us. Let's go report and drink something later.''
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Joe runs from the place where he was messing with some equipment.
''I call Dibs, paid last time''- Joe
Defeated, Scientist N1 and Joe leave the room.
Facing the door, N1 looks in once more and mutters:
"...Pls don't blow up, it's enough times already''
{Location: Castle on the edge of the Demon Forest; Time: 05:39; P.O.V 3rd: Narrator}:
A few minutes after they leave, both of them, something moves under a white blanket.
After some more noises, she gets up.
"ദേ? ഞാൻ എവിടെയാണ്? ഞാൻ ആരാണ് വിഡ്ഢി?''-???
She looks around, her eyes glittering like a predator.
Finally, her vision falls into a mirror.
"ദ ഫക്ക്?????!!!!????!!?"- ??? Yells in what sounds like a roar of a dragon.