Chapter 32: Chap 13.5- White and Red




{Location: Giant crater, Mino City; Time: 4:21 p.m.; P.O.V: 3rd Narrator}:



'They never learn, do they?'- Zero moves her arm in a way to warm up, and stretch.


  "HUUAHHHH!"-  The soldiers rush towards her, weapons all draw out, the white armored ones are on the front,  and the red armored ones not far behind.


  "YOU CREATURE! SHALL DIE!!"- Slicing towards Zero, a white knight with a sword is the first to attack.


She smiles a little,  and takes a step to the side, the knight misses and trips down, while he's falling he looks at Zero, who raises her leg, and with a sidekick to his abdomen, the guy is sent flying back.


  "AHHHHHG"- He passes by his comrades screaming, but the others don't slow down.


  "ONE OF US HAS FALLEN, AVENGE HIM BROTHERSSS!"- A red one shouts,  the motivation in his voice helps the heroes behind him.


  "OUHH!!"-  With a warrior cry they nod and advance.



  "Help me Prin, we better work together,  these guys don't look like they'll cooperate with our way of fighting..."- Zoh says while running besides Prin,  who is trying to think of a good Manas to use.


  "Hmmm, sure, but I have a plan, let's use the knights, and give her a surprise attack."


  Zoh thinks a little,  and a little redundant still accept.-" Okay, it's that, or we all die, I guess *shrugs*"


 With a plan decided Zoh rushes with his big axe spinning in his hands, and Prin aims her bow with various types of enchantments.



  Zero ducks a spear, and then jumps back, dodging a dagger.


  More come, a arrow narrowly misses her leg as she side steps it.


  Why not fighting? Getting used to her body movement, she needs to know how it feels to control her body with everything working as it should.


  'Hmmm, seems my instincts are working pretty nice *ducks*, they're working on dodging as their main objective,  and  *jumps* it's doing wonders'.- After dodging a spear trust and a great sword slash, she jumps back, to thin- "GOTCHAA! *CLING*"


  Zoh attacks Zero from behind,  but it's  parried with her tail reinforced in [Manas Armament], he grits his teeth,  and push, the Gecko being surprised.


  'Looks like my tail still isn't used to Manas... tsk, whatever.'- She spins and Zoh goes forward with a -"EEEEEHH??!!"- And as he gets to Zero side, she side-whips him in the face with her tail towards Prin.


  "*smiles* K.O...sleep well"- She says as the victim hits the archer with his body in Prin's stomach,  making her lose all her air that she had in her lungs.


  "*BREATHES * FUCKING..... ZOHHHhhhh.. *Faints*"


  'Now that those two are done *looks at the knights* it's your turn now.'- Zero looks at the knights she has been toying with, they're getting back their breath as Prin and Zoh fought the monster.


  "BROTHER'S AGAIN!!!"- This time all red and white rush together.


  Zero looks at them, and the playful smile goes away,  replaced with a serious face.


  'Very well.'- Zero pushes her right leg back,  and puts her left one a little bent in her front, and raises her hands like a boxer but with them open, and lowers her back a little.


'<No Style Manas:.....'- She waits the knights get in her radius.


  As the first one using and a spear goes to trust towards her, she widens her eyes as she executes a superfast diagonal kick.


  "....Moment Kick!>"- Her mana following after the kick, creating a cut of pure Dense Manas and heat.


The knights that have a shield, raise them, and the ones who don't,  go behind the ones who do.


  'Stupid...'- As she says this in her mind the cut of Manas hit their shields *CRASH!!*,  the power from the impact makes the shield users be thrown back a little.- "NOOO! BROTHERSS! WE WILL PREVAIL!!!"


 The leader tries to keep his motivational phrases, but when death is knocking at his door, isn't the best moment.


  A multitude of grunts, shouts and screams play out, as she slash starts to through the shields.


  Zero looking at how slow her power is acting decides to end it, doing the same position as earlier, but this time she doesn't say anything.


And just does a straight kick, and a beam of Manas is sent flaming towards the slash, on the contact both merge,  and now terrified,  the knights can't hold any longer.


  The slash breaks their shields and, the white ones who had worse armor than the red ones, had their bodies decapitated.


  The red ones are just sent flying back.

You are reading story Zero Isn´t Where It Starts at



 the first body falls to the ground, *Thud* then another, the same noises happen five more times.


  Zero looks not interested,  she has seen what these guys do, and will not let these lunatics go doing whatever they seem fit for their stupid ass ideals.


  The red ones after finally getting strength on their legs, to wobbly stand up, just to be mortified by the scene.


"Dear GOD...."


The others start to stand up, and have similar reactions,  some even throw up.


 Five  bodies without the superior part of their bodies,  gruesomely cut  like they've been sliced by a professional.


"HUAHHHHHH!!!! OUR BROTHERS!!!!"- The leader explodes in a mana liberation.


  'He seems to be almost at the reach of the Tree of Manas, let's see...'- Zero gets in her stance for fighting, the same as she used to perform the slash, she finds it good for her newly loved way of fighting using mainly kicks, and punches to deliver a decisive attack.




The knight picks up his sword and rushes towards Zero.


  His speed being enough for his companions to think he teleported.


  He tries to slash her in a 'X' shape, but she slaps the side of the sword making it miss her both times he tries to slice her.


This continues for a while, He tries to slice Zero, she parries it, but the hero keeps getting faster and faster, he's getting better, not stronger.


  Finally, after so many parries,   and finally with every bit of mana he has on his body, put on his hand and sword,  throws a supercharged mana slash.


  "{THRONE'S SLASH!!!}"- At this her eyes widen, but before she can parry it.






  Zero is throw flying back, but she saw it, the blade... it snapped in pieces,  too much mana from the looks of it.


  As she's flying back, she kicks the ground planting her feet on the ground and going a few meters before stooping.


  'I underestimated his mastery on mana, but he got pretty good at it, maybe he can handle....'


  The leader now breathes heavily,  all his mana gone, and his sword shattered.


  "I....I WILL LIVE! HUMANITY WILL.... HUFF... PREVAIL!"- With incredible resistance he stays on his feet.


That is, until he sees an axe kick connecting to his right shoulder,  everything slows down, as Zero's Mana enchanted kick makes contact,  and everything he sees is as her kick go through him as if it was a knife in butter.


  '<No Style Manas: Flaming Axe>'


  He looks one more time at Zero.




  Both parts of his divided body falls to each side.


Zero looks at the down man, and sighs.


  She takes a few steps back and looks at the other ones, they're trembling,  looks like without the guy who motivated them, they're nothing.


Zero don't like it, but she has an idea.


  "Go....*Waves hands in a "shoo" manner *"- They happily accept and run away.


She looks at them go, and when their mana out of the city, she turns towards the two knocked out heroes.


  'They don't give the same emotional state as the others, they seem to don't want to be here,  hmm, I will ask them later.'- She picks up both, one in each arm and walks to a  bar that was still at least not destroyed completely.


'I will drink something as they wake up, *nods*'