Chapter 1: Chapter 1: After the War

It's been a month since the battle between Infinite and Dr. Eggman. Peace has been restored to Mobius and for a while, there hasn't been any trouble. The Head Commander; Knuckles is seen doing paperwork in his office as Tails is doing his usual tech stuff and Amy giving orders to her men for their duties.

"Argh, I wouldn't be surprised if my ancestors are pissed at me. I should be guarding the master emerald than be doing paperwork." As Knuckles is complaining.

"Hush it Knuckles and just do your job. You're not the only one working hard, Silver and team Chaotix are out doing rescue missions due to the repercussions of the war." Amy explains.

"And don't forget to mention that Shadow and Rouge are trying to locate Eggman's whereabouts." As Tails added on.

"Then what about Sonic then? It's not fair that he gets to run around and do whatever he wants." As Knuckles argues back.

"Are you fast enough to catch him?" As Tails give Knuckles a tricky question.

"Ermm... no." As Knuckles felt defeated.

"Also Sonic isn't just running around, I've heard from Cream's mother that Sonic has been training Cream." As Amy defends Sonic.

"Yeah, Cream was bummed out that she couldn't take part in the resistance so she begged Sonic to make her stronger and he shockingly gave in." As Tails adds on.

"Well she's too young and it's too dangerous for kids to be playing in the war. She should wait another 10 years when Eggman's comes up with another crazy plan and then I might allow her to join." As Knuckles crosses his arms.

"Yh I agree with you Knuckles." As Amy said.

"But I'm surprised that Sonic will take the chance to train Cream..." As Knuckles wonders as he daydreams towards the window.

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