Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Eggman & Eggman Nega

Sonic wakes up from the horrendous nightmare he just experienced. He was breathing ridiculously fast as he was covered in sweat and his eye pupils were trembling in fear. This worsen as he began to hyperventilate.

"Hey! Hey! Sonic! Sonic! Just calm down! It was a bad dream! Don't worry you're awake now." As Blaze ran to Sonic's aid while gently rubbing his back to calm him down.

Sonic then realized he was awake and began to process things.

"Take deep long breaths Sonic, one, two, and three..." As Blaze was taking deep breaths Sonic then copied her and they were taking deep breaths together.

Sonic's breathing then started to relax and eventually goes back to normal.

"Okay, you seem like you're stable, now what happened to make you in such a state." As Blaze is concerned for Sonic.

"I don't know myself, all I could somewhat remember is that I was running and then Infinite tried to take over my body and..." As Sonic was trying to explain things he then realized something crucial.

"INFINITE!!! Where is he?! Is he alive too?!" As Sonic desperately shouts.

"You've been making soo much racket ever since you woke up, you blue hedgehog."

A familiar voice caught Sonic's attention in which he looks up. He was utterly confused to see what he was seeing.

"Huh??! Dr. Eggman?! Blaze did we get captured by him?! Get back and let me deal with this!" As Sonic was getting ready to fight.

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Blaze immediately stood in front of Sonic as she stops him in his tracks.

"Hold on Sonic! This isn't the Dr. Eggman from your world but mine! Plus he's not going to do anything bad this time!" As Blaze is explaining the situation.

" Huh? Now that I think about it he doesn't look like the Eggman from my world, well except for being bald, the mustache, and the overly sized belly." As Sonic realized.

"Haha, very funny Sonic." As Dr. Eggman from Sonic's world enters the room.

"Yep, you really can't tell the difference between two Baldy McNoseHair's." As Sonic mocks.

"Again Sonic very funny and now let me tell you something funny too which is that you and Infinite have now become ONE. Isn't that right Infinite." As Eggman has just dropped the bomb.

"Tch! I was hoping not to run into a weak pathetic doctor like you." As suddenly half a mask of Infinite was formed on half of Sonic's face and he began to speak.

Sonic was extremely bewildered as half of his face still remains sane.

"Di-did you just say we became one?!!" As Sonic's jaw drops in shock.