Chapter 197: 194. The Dracian Fate

"Yvse'raszqueta Z'll Porsampierla greets the Great Guardian God." The Cardinal Mother bowed so deeply that her forehead kissed the ground.

The old woman, whose position could not be shaken in the Dracian Fate, acted humbly to a cat.

[You demons really like doing this, don't you? This is why I rarely show up in front of you guys. I already told the last Worshipper to stop this shit.]

Fluff rarely interacted with the Demons. Fluff was not one for formalities, yet the Demons would not stop bowing at a glance of his magnificence.

"The Demon Race would not be here if not for the Great Guardian God's existence. You spilled your blood for us and protected us from the world that wanted nothing to do with us. We lived because of your sacrifice, all so that we can rise. To show any less respect to the Great Guardian God was nothing less than desecrating to your brilliance."

'Well, they're not offering your blood anymore like before, at least. But this is still tiring. I wish they'd stop it.' Fluff sighed but then remembered a Colt. The cat smiled widely, [You speak of desecrating my brilliance and showing respect, yet you fail to follow my words. Is that not disrespectful as well?]

Like she short-circuited, the Cardinal Mother was stuck on what she should do. Does she bow or get up?

She did not know what to do.

Sighing, Fluff interrupted her chaotic thoughts:

[Raise your head.] Fluff watched the Cardinal Mother's pale expression and the bullets of cold sweat going down her face, [You do not have to do that anymore. Besides, it would be problematic if someone sees you bowing to a cat.]

"I-I see; his Lordship's insight is as deep as the legends say."

The Cardinal Mother was about to lower her head, but Fluff stopped her, saying, [What did I say?]

"I apologize."

Fluff watched as the Cardinal Mother lowered her head in apology. The cat just kept his silence.

Demons were the beings who came to be from the blood of the Devil King. They were beings created to be mindless puppets. They were beings who had no will of their own. Even though their thoughts were sealed, one could say their fate was worse than a slave's.

The Demons were enslaved, their souls locked away in their hearts.

With the help of the Goddesses, a Heavenly Creature that commands Heaven's Light spilled golden ichor to give what the Demons lacked - freewill.

Behemoth fought the enraged Devil King. His body was cut, but with rage carrying him through the pain, the world's earth was overturned with a roar. This fight would let the world catch a glimpse of Behemoth's anger which would later be known to other races as the Beast of Righteous Wrath.

Being freed from the tyranny of the Devil King, the Demons did not find paradise. The Demons were persecuted by the other races. The sins the Devil King forced them to do could not be forgotten, and they were simply too strong.

Bred to be a race for war, they were too strong for their own.

The Demons were feared long before. The Beast ranking had the [Demon Rank] in it because the first generations of these beings were so strong that they could fight against the strongest beasts.

Many died under the might of the Demons. No matter what the Guardian Beasts said, the people hated the Demons. Being freed from the Devil King resulted in them being hunted by the other Races.

But Behemoth once again stepped up. After his fight with the Devil King, he gathered all the Demons and carried them on his back to safe land. Behemoth erected a great mountain range to protect the Demons from the anger of the Races.

There, they live in peace, even in the present day. Starting an Empire, they flourished, and after the war, they became more accepted, especially up north.

Like how the Elves worshipped their guardian [Atal], the Demons began worshipping Behemoth.

The Demons worshipped Behemoth as their Guardian God.

Behemoth threatened those who walked the earth for the sake of the demon's peace. He bled for them; to them, Behemoth was a benevolent presence.

[Rise now, this voice really makes me tired — okay, this is good enough. Where were we? Oh yeah, stand up now. I don't plan on telling you again."

The Cardinal Mother did not dare go against the wishes of the Behemoth that was currently in the form of a cat.

Fluff stood up and stretched its body, "Oh yeah, what generation are you? Considering how I can still feel the aura of the Origin from you means that you were born quite early."

"I am of the seventh Generation Priestess. I am the last of my generation and the last holder of the Will you have gifted us. If you wish, I can return it to the Great Guardian."

"That is not something that can be returned. It is no problem, so just keep it." Fluff assured, but at the back of his head, he found it fascinating that the gift remained, 'So the Gift had dissipated to the Demons, but to think a fractal of it remains.'

The gift of being attuned to the earth that's what Fluff gave to the Demons. The plan was to let it gradually dissipate into the Demon lineage and give them all an innate attunement to the earth. Though the Gift Fluff gave was not as strong as the Dwarves, it allowed the Demons a connection to someone else.

Though not to the same degree as Demons, Dwarves also worshipped Behemoth as a Guardian Deity.

"Also, you're a Seventh Generation? That was unexpected. That would make you 700 years old, right? Even a 500-year-old elf is rare. I can see that you have gained enlightenment of the earth. Even then, it was rare. For someone so young, your faith impresses me."

"His Lordship's words bring me absolute joy." The old demon's face lit up, and she thanked Fluff with misty eyes. Many people, demons and outside her race, celebrated her skills and accomplishments.

But only now did she feel proud of her achievements.

Fluff looked at the Cardinal Mother seriously, "So, what does the rest of the world know about the Great Calamity?"

"All I was told was that there was a fight. Only lost records exists after the great purge of texts."

Fluff smiled, "Your predecessor has taught you well."

"She would be honored to know his Lordship praised her highly."

"What of the others?"

"Even the long-lived Elves have died and had their truths altered. How they did it remains ambiguous, and this Era's Elder holds the answer to what they did. It was 200 years ago when they passed the mantel. I know not about the other short-lived races, but the truth has already been muddled after the death of the Second Protector. However, the tapestries of the Seven Heroes wielding the Artifacts were far too outreaching to erase. Books about Legends exist to this day."

"That's good then… that's good. The more people who have forgotten is better." Fluff spoke as he yawned. "Oh yeah, I should gather information now; I still can't say anything to Colt at the moment after all. How have Demons fared in this era? Are they doing well? Seeing how the Valkyries acted in front of you meant that Demons are still the protector of the Three Fates."

"We have, but... things have changed. Other than the next Priestess, we would send

The current Demon Emperor is someone from the 14th generation of the [Bellux Lineage] who is ruling over them. It has been hundreds of years since I left for the Empire, but I heard things have changed, especially in the Royal Family."

"Oh, so the Belluxes are still in power? Didn't think they'll remain this long. It had been a thousand years since I slept, and their little Kingdom had grown into an Empire, good for them. Oh yeah, I heard the Empire of Demons wanted to wage war against the Kingdom of Regulus?"

The Cardinal Mother froze hearing Behemoth's question, "Tha-that is something I do not know."

"Is the land I provided so stifling?"

"No, of course not. It is thriving and full of life. Many of the Continent's most unusual and rare beasts are found in the Mountain Range you have gifted us. However, if I had to guess, I can think of a problem that demanded them to move out of their home."

"A problem?"

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"Yes, I heard that the land his Lordship left behind was too thriving and has been producing more powerful monsters. More Demon-Class monsters appear in the God Beast Mountain Range than in the Magical Beast Forest. Currently, the Empire is showing signs of weakening from the increasing number of Magical Beasts."

"An increase in Magical Beast activities? Could it be?" Fluff's ears perked in shock.

"Does his Lordship know what's happening?"

"I am not entirely sure, but I will look into the matter with Colt. We will pay a visit and see if I can do anything."

"Thank you for your deep understanding, your Lordship."

"Just do not tell anyone about me for now. That includes the brat of the Demons. I have learned that a surprise visit is more effective in gauging a place of living. Oh yeah, what about the Sea Dwellers? Are they still in conflict with the Demons?"

"Sadly, it remains how it had been since it began. Skirmishes still happen… I heard that was because of you, Great Guardian?"

"If this was the era of Deva, I would be proud of you, but sadly, it is not. Seems like my lesson of "friendly competition" has yet to disappear. Seems like Reis was right about instigating them after all."

The Cardinal Mother was taken aback. She had heard that the fight between the Sea Dwellers and the Demons was because of the Great Guardian's education. She didn't believe it, but it seemed like it was right.

"Is the fight threatening the existence of the two Races?"

"No, but fights often happen between the two races."

"Are we winning in the fights? Do we have the advantage in terms of combat strength?"

"From what I heard, we have the upper hand these days. More prospective Demons have appeared than the Sea Dwellers."

The Cardinal Mother saw a proud grin on her Lord's face. He even made a little pump with her front leg. He even whispered something, but the Cardinal Mother was unsure what he was talking about.

But, she was just glad that Fluff was acting joyously at the victory of the Demons.

"Other than the matter with the Mountain Range, there's nothing to worry about." Fluff felt the throne shake a little and sighed before cursing Colt under his breath, "I like this chair, but it seems like I have to go back to Colt now."

Fluff jumped down from the throne and started walking away. The Cardinal Mother obediently followed the cat.

"Your Lordship."


"May I ask you about the Champion you have chosen?"

"About Colt? Yeah, why not." Fluff did not hesitate. Of all people, the Cardinal Mother was not one to prattle about confidential information.

"Colt Edgeworth, is he truly worthy to his Lordship's half?"

"Hooh~, are you doubting my eyes?"

"No, that's not what I-"

The Cardinal Mother panicked, seeing Fluff's eyes narrow.

To her plight, Fluff immediately laughed, "Hahaha, don't worry, I've been with that guy for some time now, and to ask why I would choose him of all people. I find it weirder how that guy has so many followers. But, the reason, huh? I've never really given it much thought. I woke up because his soul was strong enough."

"His soul?"

"Yeah, weird, right? It wasn't his affinity or his talent. But his soul. His soul was strong enough to wrench my eyes open from slumber. Atal is the same, but because the one guides the soul, we still do not have an answer. But, he proved his worth. He even helped save the Continent, drove away some nasty people, and seized control of the artifacts from that time. The kid just wants a simple life despite his strengths. He sees life as precious. He is shrewd, but he's not a bad person. He's annoying and does not show a sliver of respect. But, he is also not restrictive. If I have to put it simply, he's not irksome to be with."

The Cardinal Mother still did not understand.

Fluff lazily walked away after saying the most, but just as the chubby cat was about to leave, it left the Cardinal Mother one last warning:

"Oh yeah, I forgot to warn you. Don't try to test or aggravate Colt. He may not look like it and he would not admit it, but he’s someone who holds a dagger of grudges close to his heart. He's calmed down now, but that's only because of my interference. Even then, he's still pissed about what you guys did to his wife. You’re lucky he has his children with him in this place." After Fluff said those words, the throne he sat on cracked and collapsed, "He wants to help people as much as any normal person, but he has a bottom line. If you touch his family, his children, and intend on causing them harm, you will regret it — because I will stand by his side. He's annoying, but that one is the one I chose. "

The Cardinal Mother caught sight of the Great Guardian's eye, and her heart shuddered.

"Sorry about the throne. Colt will compensate you for that. If you want to get on the good side of the Edgeworths, try sending pillows made from the same material as that cushion delivered to Risa Edgeworth, the Elf named Vyra, and her babies. Oh, how could I forget to baby Ayl as well."

The heavy doors opened, and Fluff left the room, leaving the Cardinal Mother inside. She walked to the broken chair and saw that the frame was shattered to splinters from the inside.

'This is not the doing of the Guardian God....'

Fluff walked out of that room and followed his connection with Colt. It found the room and entered with little discretion. Fluff found Colt by Mina’s side. He was holding her hands, his eyes softer than when he was in the room with the others. He was alone with her. The usual faces around Mina were nowhere to be found.

Colt kissed her hands until was silent until he finally noticed Fluff’s arrival, "Did you get tired of the throne?"

"Nya, nya meow."

"Yeah, sorry about that."


"The others? Risa and Mary are looking after the children with Hylda. Vyra is looking after the twins in another room. As for Jin, some people were looking for him. I should be with him, but I am in no shape to meet with anyone." Colt clenched his fist, "I said I'm going to forgive the actions of a little girl, but… my hands are still shaking seeing Mina like that."

On the bed next to them, there was Mina. She was sleeping, and though her condition was stable, Colt felt useless.


Amidst his shaking heart, the cat meowed and shot him a knowing glance.

Colt sighed profoundly and smiled softly, "I will be counting on you when that happens."

The cat nodded and closed his eyes.

Fluff was the Patron of Demons. But, as the images of the children flashed in his mind, the cat would not hesitate to unleash his anger to protect them.

He assured Colt because, as far as anyone was concerned, they were his family. He would do anything for them.

"You did a lot today. Want to extort them some food?"

"Nyay!" And also for food.