Chapter 3: 2: One Account, No Alts!!!

Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, VRMMORPG for short.


A term used in various forms of fiction media to describe a video game genre that combines the levels of immersion that VR provides with what would typically be an average MMORPG to create an experience that would be akin to stepping into another world.


The still unopened box before Gab contains the device required to play what is now the first true example of a bonafide VRMMORPG.


Arbitrium: The World of Choice.


Developed by a mysterious new game company known only as Novae Terrae, Arbitrium has drawn massive amounts of interest in both the international gaming community and other interested parties from various conglomerates that don't usually interact with video games in general.


This interest was generated as a result of Novae Terrae making a preposterous promise that Arbitrium will irrevocably change the world.


Not the “gaming world”. Just “the world”, full stop.


Hell, Gab herself was intrigued by how the game can deliver on such a grandiose promise, despite preferring tabletop role-playing games to MMORPGs any day of the week.


However, she quickly lost interest due to, shall we say, a “personal problem” she had with how the game operates. One that she never found in even an ordinary MMORPG…


“You guys…I don't know what to say, ”, she choked out, still nonetheless awfully touched that they not only got her an Arbitrium device, but they also got her a customised device.


Whilst she hasn't been actively following Arbitrium’s game forums, she at the very least knew that Novae Terrae tiered their VR devices by both price and level of complexity, with the colour of both the box and the text acting as indicators.


The gaming devices that Novae Terrae created are as followed:


Device #1: Opertis (Blindfold)

Packaging Colours: Red with green text


Standard VR visors with both sight and soundproofing capabilities (to block out external stimuli) that act as the more economically viable option for consumers that only earn an average annual wage.

Cost: $500AUD


Device #2: Tabula (Tablet)

Packaging Colours: Orange with blue text


A special gauntlet with a computer interface that allows the user to customise their IG settings to a greater degree, as opposed to the previous example that only gives default settings. Buyers of this device tend to want to experiment with different parameters on a daily basis, either to optimise their IG avatar to improve their capabilities or simply to give themselves more of a challenge.

Cost: $1500AUD


Device #3: Armilla (Braclet)

Packaging Colours: Yellow with purple text


A bracelet with with far more compressed and streamlined technology in comparison to the previous two products to allow for more integration with their IG avatar, whilst being able to customise their settings with just a single thought without the need to input their commands manually.



Device #4: Locilus (Coffin)

Packaging Colours: Black with white text


The ever famous gaming capsule for the more hardcore gamers, as well as IRL sports athletes. Unlike the other devices, which allows for only eight hours of runtime, the users of these larger devices allow an almost indefinite amount of runtime, so long as they have it filled with enough nutritional and hydration fluids to keep their physical bodies from becoming desiccated.

It also contains features such as inbuilt muscle massagers to prevent muscle atrophy, adaptive vibration emitters give the body vibration muscle therapy in response to your physical actions IG and cranium simulators that help improve sensory input and reaction time.

To put it simply, after you return to your body and exit the capsule, you’ll have become stronger than you were before you entered it.

Cost: $50,000AUD


And finally, the crème del la crème of them all;


Device #5: Causa (Suit)

Packaging Colours: white with black text


Unlike the aforementioned devices, all of the devices in this range are custom-made with the users that had the opportunity to acquire them in mind. 

Whether the user wants an external device or one that can be surgically implemented in their very own body, the technicians at Novae Terrae will provide.

Similarly to the Armilla, the technology used to create these devices is far more streamlined, but to a far greater degree. They also incorporate advanced biometric scanners that collects physical data to give the user exponentially more natural control over their IG avatar, essentially making the difference between physical and digital bodies close to nonexistent.

Whilst they typically don’t possess the same fluid delivery system as the Locilus, Novae Terrae will provide prescription medical tablets and drinkable fluids that’ll fulfil their body’s needs for quite some some time. Days, even.

In addition, this device will provide the same degree of physical simulation as the aforementioned device, only it is done in a way that makes the body’s development far more natural by simulating the user’s central nervous system.

Cost:$100,000+AUD (price depends on the complexity and specifications of the device)


To say that Gab didn’t expect to get a gaming device worth over $100,000AUD that was made specifically for her as a birthday gift is, without a shadow of a doubt, the understatement of the century.


“Well, I suppose all you need to say is “Thank you, I am forever in debt to you.”, Maria said with a sassy smirk, causing Gab to snort.


“If you’re worried about the cost, then don’t worry,”, Elina took over from Maria, before dropping a bombshell statement, “Mr MacKillop got both your and our Causa devices free of charge as a gift from the company.”.


Gab’s eyebrows practicality rocketed up, flabbergasted the Novae Terrae would practically give away not one, but four atrociously expensive custom-made devices as a gift to Amalia’s father!!


As Gab gave the daughter of said media mogul as questioning look, Amalia gave a bemused smile before answering, “My father has been highly instrumental in promoting Arbitrium in Australia. TV network ads, promotional events, pop-up, franchise shops, you name it, Dad’s had a hand in all of them, giving them quite an influx of Aussie customers. So, I imagine that compared to the revenue they got as a result of his help, they probably thought that four Causas were a good way of saying “Thank you for your assistance”.


Gab nodded slowly as she absorbed that piece of info, and thought that it was somewhat reasonable.


 Only to stop mid nod, as something didn’t quite add up…


“Wait just a sec, how were the company able to make this?”, she asked, “Shouldn’t they require a few DNA samples before they actually start to build it?”.


Yes, like in many VRMMORPG novels online, all of Novae Terrae’s devices require a DNA sample in order to not only allow the device to synchronise with the user’s bioelectric wavelength properly, but also to create a biometric lock to prevent others from hacking ones account.


The Causa, however, takes this concept to the next level, as a DNA sample of the user it’s being made for is a core component, as opposed to simply being used to register an account.


Her friends may muck around her (amongst other things), but she knows for a fact that they wouldn’t be cruel enough to make it look like they’re giving her an an early birthday present worth six figures at bare minimum only to reveal that it’s actually something from a one dollar shop.


You are reading story VRMMORPG: Freestyling Class Crafter at

“Oh, that? We already had samples of your DNA at our places.”, Elina nonchalantly answered.


Gab did a double take at that blunt statement. 


Places, as in plural?, she asked, receiving a casual nod from all three of them, “Where, may I ask, did I leave DNA samples at your places that you were able to identify as mine?”.


Maria chuckled before giving it to me straight.


“Have you really not figured it out? They were pieces of hair in the disposable razors you left in our bathrooms. You know,”, she paused, before going in for the kill, “the ones you use for grooming.”.


It took one second, just one, for Gab to realise the meaning behind that insinuation, before…




…she slammed her forehead so hard onto the table that not only did their drinks almost fell over, but the sound also drew the attention of the few over patrons in the room.


“…You. Used. My. PUBIC HAIR. As. A. DNA Sample?!!!”, she punctuated through gritted teeth, due to both the growing pain on her forehead and the sheer levels of mortified anger she was feeling.


“In our defence, we couldn’t just go up to you and say, “Hey Gab, could you give us a DNA sample so that we can get the most expensive, custom-made gaming device in the world made for you as a surprise birthday gift?””, Elina calmly said as she started rubbing her friend’s increasingly red forehead, clearly having guessed that this would be her reaction.


Despite the sheer embarrassment she was feeling, she had to admit that her law student friend had a point. 


At the same time though, a few more questions popped up in her head. Questions she needed to ask now.


“Ok,ok, I get it, you’re right. What’s done is done. Anyway,”, she quickly said, desperately trying to move on from the matter, “how did you that I didn’t at the very least have an Opertis lying around at my place? And why’d you decide to give this to me four days before my actual birthday?”.


“It’s simple on both counts,”, Amalia spoke up, “if you actually had a device, you would’ve not only have created your character already, but you would’ve also been talking nonstop about the Initial Classes they offer.”.


Gab winced at that, since she absolutely would’ve done that.


“As for the giving this to you so early, that’s more of a time sensitive issue.”.


“Time sensitive? What do you mean b…oh.”.


Of course, how could she have forgotten.


Arbitrium’s server opening.


An opening that was happening tonight!!


“…if you already knew that I didn’t have even the cheapest device available, why’re you giving the most expensive one to me now?”, Gab asked in a subdued voice.


Maria’s facial expression softened before quietly answering her friend, “Well, A; banks from all over the world are investing in this game, including those in our Land Down Under, so you can make relatively more consistent money by doing something you love as opposed to earning paycheques from writing commissions, freelancing for online RPG mags and the Kickstarter campaigns you make with us.”.


Gab opened her mouth to object, but found she couldn’t form any words as she realised Maria made sense. Whilst she made enough money to meet her most basic needs, her earnings are largely infrequent.


“B;,”, Amalia said, “this is a chance for us to have a far more realistic RPG campaign together than we would normally have, so why wouldn’t we want you to join us on such a quest at any cost?”


“And finally,” Elina said in a tone that indicated she was about to finalise their reasoning for doing this, “C; You may not have told us why you’re no longer interested in this game despite the sheer level of freedom it offers in regards to gameplay, but we’ve known you long enough to make a pretty damn solid educated guess as to the reason


“If that’s the only reason, then don’t worry about it. We’ll still have our weekly D&D sessions, so you can keep doing what you love to do best in an RPG.”, Elina paused for a moment to let Gab process her words before continuing, “Just please don’t let that be the only reason for stopping you playing a game that a good percentage of the world’s population will be playing.”.


Gab gave a small, self-deprecating chuckle as she mulled over both her friends reasons for her to play the game and her own reason as to why she initially didn’t want to play.


For other people, her reason can be seen as silly, but for her it’s a dealbreaker.


The reason is both astonishingly simply and easily overlooked:


One primary account. No alternate accounts 


What does that mean for Gab, you ask?


It means she can only play one class, with no way to alternate between them!!!


Sure, there are typically advanced classes, hidden classes and a chance to potentially wield more than one class.


But it still wouldn’t change the fact that she can’t freely switch classes on the fly and experiment with their special functions and skills!


Despite her own misgivings over the class limitations in a game that seemingly offers a exponential amount of choice, she admits that her friends have a point. She can still play other RPGs that suits her personal gameplay needs whilst playing a game with her closest friends that will essentially act as a second world to those playing it.


“Ok, ok, you bastards made your point,”, Gab laughed, much to the relief of said bastards, “I’ll play the game with you guys, regardless of my hang ups with the games. Besides, considering the kind sir Mr MacKillop so generously provided gaming equipment that a lot of people would give all the limbs to get, it’d be shameless of me to refuse to use on that has been made for me, and me alone!”.


“I’ll drink to that, you lovable character class otaku!”, Maria laughed heartily, handing out a third round of drinks (When the hell did she get this round?!) before raising her own glass.


“Thank God for for that,” Amalia exclaimed in relief whilst grabbing her third vodka lime soda, “I was worried that you would refuse to play, only to sulk for months on end in regret.”.


“Nah, I doubt she’d do that.”, Elina interjected, seemingly coming to Gab’s rescue, only to then make her feel like coughing up blood, “she’d only keep insisting that she’s fine while at the same time creating progressively creepier and heart-wrenching homebrew classes that she find some way to have us test out!”.


Gab could only feel her lips twitching violently as a result of falling victim to a cold blooded murder in a public bar, before shaking off her own murderous  intentions before grabbing her third drink of the day with a laugh.


“Yeah yeah, laugh it up, bastards.”, she said before raising her glass of ice cold beer, “Who knows, maybe somehow I just might be able to still experiment with classes IG despite only being restricted to one.”.


“”“Cheers to that!!!”””, her best cried out in sync as they all clinked their glasses together.


Little did Gab, her friends and the rest of the world know, in the very near distant future, her wish will come true in a way that no one could’ve imagined.