For three hours I hid behind a large rock and let my mana recuperate. The starry night had come, yet I didn’t have time to reminisce. I sneaked back towards the goblin village and as expected, their defences had weakened considerably. Each entrance was guarded by a sole goblin with a wooden spear. They had probably sent more search parties. I used the bushes and the darkness as camouflage to approach the village in hopes of getting the assassin job.
When I was ten metres from the goblin on guard duty, I jumped out of the thickets and slashed open the goblin’s trachea. Unable to scream he drowned on his own blood. When I entered the village there wasn’t anyone roaming about. I approached the closest hut and peered inside. There I found a female goblin and a child.
Although I had already done this, it always made my throat itch. Unfortunately for them this world hadn’t signed the treaty of sapiens rights. Anyhow, the survival of the Strada Republic rested on workers like me and I would, although with great difficulty, sacrifice my morals for the greater good.
I used the numbing spell on my blade, ran inside the tent, gave light cuts to both inhabitants to prevent their screams and killed them shortly after. With that I gained three hundred experience points. I did the same for two more huts before gaining a level.
Level 3 --> Level 4
Do you want the job: Assassin
Orion Dandillon, Grade 1, Lvl. 4/10
Exp (580/650)
Grade 1/10 lightning mage
18 (+1)
21 (+2)
22 (+1)
33 (+1)
102 (+1)
This time I accepted the offer.
You gained the job assassin and acquired the new skills:
Assassin lvl. 1/5
You can upgrade these skills with the use of job points.
Unfortunately, this killing spree couldn’t go on. I didn’t know how, but the goblins had heard me. Outside, an agglomeration of five male goblins appeared. Two had wooden spears, and the others wielded rusted or broken swords. However, there was one larger goblin in the back. He reached up to my shoulders and ordered the goblins around. It was a hobgoblin, and it used a weathered, but still functional iron sword.
I prepared to attack by loading up my quick step and cast the numbing spell on my sword. However, even with all of this, when I ran towards the hobgoblin, two goblins blocked my strike with their spears. I tried to numb at least one of them; however, they blocked each slash and thrust with care. Soon they started to back me into the hut. Since I couldn’t deal with all of them at my current level, I gave my all one last time before running away. I didn’t look back until I left the village. Thankfully, none followed me.
An hour had passed. I now walked up and down the hills of the scrubland while I threw rocks at birds which were highlighted a bright red under the night sky to level up. I wasn’t sure if I should keep going towards the sea or finish off the goblin village. At best I could take three goblins, but there were still ten to fifteen warriors left.
I threw a rock at another blackbird and gained ten more experience points.
Although risky, the hobgoblin’s sword was really enticing. If I were to arrive at a village, I could play the part of a wandering adventurer or warrior. Right now, with my broken sword and shabby outfit, I wouldn’t be seen as much more than a demented desert bandit.
I hit another bird with a rock.
Level 4 --> Level 5
Lightning mage grade 1 --> grade 1.5
You gained 1 job point
Orion Dandillon, Grade 1.5, Lvl. 5/10
Exp (0/700)
19 (+1)
19 (+1)
22 (+1)
24 (+2)
34 (+1)
103 (+1)
Quick step levelled up.
Numbing field levelled up.
And there I found my solution. I started to pick up rocks, ten to be specific since that’s the number of times I could cast the numbing field spell. And started to walk towards the goblin village.
Unfortunately for me, the sun peered over the horizon to come in clutch for the goblin. Now with it soon being daytime I wouldn’t have the visibility advantage over the goblins. I would take my time and wait for night to fall.
Since my brain implant mapped wherever I went, I could wander aimlessly without fright. When I passed a fruit-bearing bush, I’d pick a few berries, when I passed a fruit-bearing tree I sat down and had a bite. I found figs, olives, dates, and more. And after having my fill, I tracked up and down the light brown earth and set up camp atop the tallest hill which overlooked the goblin village a few kilometres away.
When the stars came out of hiding, I made my way down the hill and hid behind a few tightly packed trees and bushes. Bees still buzzed around the flowers and fruits, but I didn’t pay them any heed. When the general bustle of the village settled down and most goblins had gone to sleep, only the guards were awake.
I took ten rocks from the pill I had built up atop the hill and headed for a hill closer to the goblin village. I found a cozy spot for the rocks, cast a numbing spell on one and threw it at the goblin. Unfortunately, I missed its head, but still ended up hitting his chest. The goblin spasmed and crumbled to the ground. The two other goblins who couldn’t see anything bent to check on their co-worker, but before they knew it, another one of them fell unconscious. The last goblin let out a roar and every goblin except those who manned the other entrance ran over. I threw another rock in for good measure and left for the other entrance.
You are reading story Interdimensional Resource Collector in a Fantasy World: (A LitRPG) at
This time, I cast the numbing spell on three rocks at once and threw them in quick succession. The guards, unable to react quickly enough were all paralyzed. When I approached the entrance there weren’t any goblins nearby. I quickly dispatched the unconscious guards and headed inside the village. My silent steps skill always active, I walked towards the largest hut without raising any alarms. When I peered inside, I saw the hobgoblin and two other weapon-wielding goblins sitting around a table and talking in their harsh tongue. Since I had forty-three mana left, I cast the numbing spell thrice and threw it at the hobgoblin and two goblins.
Yet, the hobgoblin didn’t lose complete control over his body. He clutched his chest with one hand, and his sword with the other. A few instants later he let out a scream. I decided that as my biggest threat, I should finish him off and then I could find a way to escape and recuperate my mana without worry.
I threw the last rock at the hobgoblin. It still didn’t lose its motor skills. It was probably a problem of diminishing returns.
In the background I could hear the short and heavy goblin footsteps heading towards me. Without much thought I swung my sword towards the hobgoblin’s head. It tried to parry; however, his muscles were weak, and my blade was quick. My blade pushed aside his and ended up planted within his skull. I took his intact iron sword and ran away after killing his two subordinates with a stab to their chests. When I exited the village, the screams of the goblins resounded in the area. Soon after I saw ten goblins armed with wooden spears flood into the surrounding area of the goblin village.
Instead of fighting them right after killing their chief, I decided to wait until they became lethargic and lost both their strength and will to live. As such I ran into the scrublands and hid under a small bush-like tree. To pass the time I opened my status screen.
Level 5 --> Level 7
Orion Dandillon, Grade 1.5, Lvl. 7/10
Exp (300/800)
21 (+2)
23 (+3)
24 (+2)
25 (+1)
36 (+2)
105 (+2)
With this pace I should be able to leave the scrublands as a grade two lightning mage. However, strength didn’t matter too much when you were in a city. I needed information on the different jobs, the common names of the people in this area, and their religion. This way I could use the magic item merged with my brain implant to change my status and fit in better. All in all, I needed money, manpower, and connections.
To fulfill the quota, I needed to send back ten grades 10 items, fifty grades 9 items, and the rest would be paid back as a bonus, when I had served my sentence. For the time being it was just noted down in the companies’ records.
The sun rose; however, my eyes had grown tired. To prevent myself from drowsing off, I stood up and walked towards the top of the hill from whence I could see the goblin village. Although my naked eyes couldn’t perceive anything. Thanks to the aid of heat vision, my corneal implants identified ten goblins still inside their huts. The other goblins were probably out looking for me. However, I couldn’t do anything while exhausted. Since I at least made sure no goblins were milling about near me, I decided to head back to the tree and take a nap.
When the sun started to set, I woke up. Following the sea breeze, I headed deeper into the scrublands and encountered another lynx. This time I didn’t need to run at it like a crazed maniac. I simply waited for it to run towards me. At the last instant, I used my quick step to dodge its attack and cut off its right paw in mid-air.
When it tried to stick its landing, it thumbed to the wayside and crashed into a tree. I planted my sword in its chest. I carved out a piece of sirloin meat. I would make my base nearby and have my fill of roasted lynx. A few minutes later I found an area occupied by three trees interlinked at the base. I padded its interior with leaves which made for a nice nest.
The next morning my mouth felt parched. I found a few berries and fruits to satiate my thirst and headed back towards the goblin village. Without a leader, the goblins should be in a sorry state, especially after having searched for the culprit day and night for a few sunsets.
However, before I even reached the village, I found five goblins walking in circles around a rock. Their faces were pale, their lips cracked, and their eyes white. They resembled possessed ghosts in search of their grudge. I picked up a rock but seeing that they didn’t have the strength to fight back I threw the rock without any spells.
It hit a goblin square in the head, and the goblin fell over the next instant. The four goblins looked towards me and roared in anger; however, their dry throats couldn’t produce anything more than a quiet squeal. One of them took the bloody rock and tried to lob it at me; however, it didn’t travel further than a couple meters.
They ran uphill to cut me down; however, I easily killed them. At best they could block one strike, and then their arms flopped to their waists.
Level 7 --> Level 9
Orion Dandillon, Grade 1.5, Lvl. 9/10
Exp (0/900)
20 (+1)
24 (+3)
25 (+2)
25 (+1)
26 (+1)
38 (+2)
108 (+3)
“Guess I can take care of the village.” I muttered to myself.
Being in the wild for so long took its toll on me. I had already started talking to myself after all. I’ll go straight to the sea after this. Hopefully, it isn’t inhabited by trolls or some other unsociable animal.
When I arrived at the village, I saw two goblins manning each entrance. However, inside, the remaining goblins were packing raw meat into bags. A single male goblin had slung a bundle of wooden spears on his back. They had decided their new chief and were moving out.
I would not attack while they were in their fortifications. I waited there for a day, and when they did leave, I tailed them for a full rotation of the planet. Unfortunately, they didn’t head towards the sea but to the east or west of it. They really wanted to make my life difficult, however, them avoiding the coast meant something else probably lived there. Hopefully, that creature had two opposable thumbs, and twenty-three pairs of chromosomes.
When the nights breeze could be felt, the goblins started to cut down trees and build a small camp. Two goblins went out perhaps to hunt, or to search the area. Although they seemed slightly downcast, they were looking better than back at the village. They probably thought they had escaped me. Well, if I had come a day later, they would have; unfortunately, they didn’t.
I prepared two rocks and cast the numbing spell on them. When I threw them, it hit the goblins chests. This was repetitive strategy; however, it was a good one. Rock throwing wasn’t something to be ashamed of. After all, humans were projectile creatures. From rocks to slingshots. From slingshots, to bows and crossbows, and from muskets to automatic firearms, rockets, and laser guns. If anything, throwing rocks should be enshrined as one of humanity's founding pillars.
I went up to the goblins and finished them off with my blade.
There shouldn’t be more than three goblin warriors left. I went back to their camp and found two goblins patrolling the area. They didn’t yet seem concerned at the fact the two others hadn’t yet returned.
With the same tactic, I killed both while the others were sleeping. Even with all this carnage the last warrior, who had spears slung on his back slept peacefully alongside the other goblins. Although unfair and cruel, I needed to collect the items my nation depended on to survive, and for that I would sacrifice everything, even my humanity.
I killed the rest of the goblins.
Level 9 --> Level 10
Level 10 --> Grade 2, Level 1
Gained 1 job point.