The next day, I once again woke up on the uncomfortable ground of the cave. Man, do I miss beds.
It is what it is. I checked the notifications I got after the evolution.
[Congratulations. You've entered the second stage of evolution. The evolution meter has been set to 0%, and the evolution menu has been locked. Upon reaching 100% of your current stage's evolution meter, you will once again be able to enter it.
Due to your evolutions, a few of your skills have evolved.]
[Skill "Feather Daggers" has evolved into skill "Spike Spears". Skill "Dragon Bite" has evolved into skill "Dragon Crunch". Skill "Rhino Rampage" has evolved into Skill "Dragon Rumble" The skill's progress has been reset.]
[Current rate of stat progression has upgraded:]
Combined with the Demonic Path, stats effects have been tripled—a new skill.
【 Spike Spears: Lv 1 (0%)】
Fire your spikes as projectiles at enemies. This ability evolved from [Feather Daggers] and has become stronger as a result.
-Cost: 150 MP per projectile (5% chance of not consuming MP)
-Damage based on ATT x5
-Effect: 10% chance of inflicting bleeding (20 DMG/sec for 5 seconds)
-Effect: 50% chance to penetrate weak armour]
[Celeri Ignis] and [Cavae Point] upgrades are applied to the new skill.
Okay... That skill just got a lot more powerful, and that was only the skill at level one. Sure, it cost almost five times the previous amount of MP, but the old effects couldn't compare to the newer ones. I wonder how much stronger the skill was capable of becoming. Cavae Point in Latin means Hollow Point. A hollow-point bullet is a type of expanding bullet which expands on impact, causing a more lethal hit without penetrating further than necessary. Hollow-point bullets are used for controlled penetration, where over-penetration could cause collateral damage.
【Black Dragon Scales: Lv 1 】
The scales of a demonic dragon.
-Decrease magic from all sources by 20%
- Increases skill Atk. and Attack/Movement Speeds. Additionally increases Attack/Movement Speeds and Evasion Rates.
This skill's Attack/Movement Speed and Evasion Rate bonuses increase in stages, depending on the remaining HP.
So this kill wants to be 50% Hp at all times? Am I a berserker now?
【Dragon Rumble Lv: (0%) 】
Charge at your enemy, bowling over them with all of your strength. The faster the speed of the impact, the higher the damage output. Levelling this skill lowers the amount of damage taken on your side. This ability evolved from [Rampage] and has become stronger as a result.
-Cost: The amount of MP or HP used depends on the distance and enemy. Minimal cost: 20 MP/HP
-Damage can be increased with ATT, DEFF, AGI, and max MP.
-Effect: 5% chance to stun your enemy upon impact]
Name: Gazei
Race: Wu (Wrym) Hatchling
Condition: Normal
Age: 1 year, 4 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.
Lv: 1/75
Evolution Stage: Draconic 2 (0%)
Title: 【Dragon Queen's Son: Lv 1】【Dragon King's Son: Lv 1】【Reincarnated Human: Lv-】【Underworlder: Lv 3】【Brawler: Lv 2】【Dragon Killer: Lv 1】【Wurm Killer: Lv-】 【Lizard Killer: Lv-】 【Fire Eater: Lv 8】 【Night Hunter: Lv 3】 【Axe Breaker: Lv 3】 【Omnivore: Lv 3】 【Young Dragon: Lv 1】【Bat Killer: Lv-】【Beholder Killer: Lv -】【Hellound Killer: Lv-】
HP: 3,346
MP: 11,666/12,417 + 2,00 Due to the Vergence in the Abyss
Attack: 156.6 (10%)
Defence: 160 (10%)
You are reading story Gazei (A Monster Evolution LitRPG) How to Survive In Another World! at
Magic: 191.1 (10%)
Agility: 124.4 (10%)
Rank: C
Special Skills:
【Gamer: Lv-】【Sin of Pride: Lv 1】【Vergence in the Abyss: Lv 2】【Blessing of the Fire God: Lv 1】【Pyro Absorption (Passive/Active): Lv (Max)】【Demonology: Lv 2 (0%】【Young Dragon: Lv 1】
Resistance Skills:
【Fire Resistance: Lv 15 (15%)】【Fall Resistance: Lv 6 (51%)】【Wind Resistance: Lv 14 (0%)】【Blade Resistance: Lv 14 (0%)】【Smog Resistance: Lv 22 (0%)】【Ash Resistance: Lv 13 (0%)】【Blunt Force Resistance: Lv 17 (0%)】
Normal Skills:
【Dragon Breath: Lv 1 (0%)】【Dragon (Status) View: Lv (Max)】【Dragon Crucnch: Lv 1 (0%)】【 Spike Spears: Lv 1 (0%)】【Flight Mastery Lv: 20 (40%)】【Obscure Presence (Active): Lv 20 (1%) 】【Hiding: Lv 20 (1%) 】【Stealth (Active): Lv 20 (1%) 】【Dragon Rumble Lv: (0%) 】【Meditation (Passive): Lv 1 (14%】【Danger Sense (Passive): Lv 4 (0%)】【 Dragon Provincialism (Wu) Dialect (Passive): Lv- 】【Lighting Fang: Lv 1 (0%)】【Photon Slurp: Lv 1 (0%)】【Dragons Glare: Lv 8 (0%)】 【Dragon Claw: Lv 1 (0%)】
SP: 125 | EP: 7
In the Rose family house, Ember Rose was just finishing up another batch of cookies for her kids. She'd probably made them too often for it to be healthy, but the young woman couldn't help but spoil the two lovely children. Ever since her own family had died, Summer wanted to have people in her life that she could love and who would love her in return.
Too lost in her thoughts, Ember noticed the small hand trying to grab onto one of the cookies, only after it was in the thief's mouth.
"Mingxia, what did I tell you about eating still too hot cookies?" Ember scolded in an exasperated tone.
"To not eat them?" mumbled the small blonde girl in a cute Chinese-style dress.
Ember shook her head, but a fond smile bloomed on her face. "That right, Mingxia, now get Touka. You don't want to eat cookies without your sister, now do?"
The raven-haired girl's eyes frantically shot wide, and she shouted immediately, "Never! Touka, mommy made cookies!"
And with that, the child ran out of the kitchen like it was on fire. Ember giggled lightly at her children's antics before returning to the cookies. She gathered them all on a plate and went to the living room, sitting down and allowing her thoughts to drift again.
Her earlier conversation with the chairmen left her worried, but Zed assured her that whatever he felt shouldn't be dangerous. She hoped he was right, as Ember didn't want anything that could harm her daughters near Patch. The island was supposed to be one of the safest places in the Kingdom of Avalar.
Her thoughts were again broken when a tall, green-haired man entered through the front doors.
"Find anything, Tai?" Summer asked.
Tai Rose, veteran huntsman and Ember's husband, shook his head, "Nothing... honey. The chairmen told you that he felt the energy coming from the direction of Patch, not in Patch."
"That's good; I really hope that you're right." Ember hesitated, " But I will take some rounds to see if it was just done hiding. But remember to get girls to bed on time, Tai; I don't want a repeat of last week when I leave in charge." Ember said, punctuating her statement with a stern glare at the end.
"Of course, dear," he squeaked, making Ember turn away from him lest he catches her amusement.
A minute later, both Mingixa and Touka came barreling downstairs to eat their share of cookies. Ember told her children that she was going on a hunt. Touka pouted cutely while Mingxia wasn't happy, but she still grabbed her weapon and left.
At first, Ember made a few rounds closer to her home and killed the few dragonkin monsters with her dragon bone archer-bow spear. Some would say that it was a weird combination of weapons, but for Ember, it worked perfectly. She had the long-range bow, with which she could use normal or magic stone arrows, and she had a close-range melee weapon in the form of a spear.
It was a hard weapon to make, as no one had ever made the combination before, but in the end, she managed to work it out at the blacksmith. Its base form was a three feet staff, capable of extending two more feet at the end and releasing a foot long blade at its tip, forming her lovely spear. Unfortunately, to transform into its compound bow form, the weapon must return to its base form first. A slight inconvenience, but Ember was still incredibly proud of her ashen weapon nonetheless.
After finding nothing in the area around her house, Ember decided to head toward the mountains. At first, she didn't find anything significant apart from a few small packs of Rock Dragons, but before she called the expedition off, something very interesting managed to catch her eye.
Quite the distance away in the sky, she saw a drake flying after a completely unrecognizable type of monster. It looked draconic in nature, but the fact that it didn't possess front limbs made it look more like a wyvern than an actual dragon—the size of a warhorse.
Was this the energy source the chairmen was talking about? Summer went to take out her bow and put the dragonkin's down, but then she saw them begin to fight each other.
It wasn't the first time she'd seen dragons fight amongst their own — territorial disputes were the first things that came to mind — but the huntress was interested in seeing what this new dragon species could do. Besides, she was too far away to get a clean shot. From far, the arrow will bounce off its scales.
In the end, although the dragon was small — no bigger than a horse — it still managed to kill its opponents without too many problems. In the meantime, Ember took the opportunity to get a few pictures of the new Dragon, all the while repositioning herself to better deal with the victor.
Unfortunately, an earth-shattering roar shook the entire forest, and the strange dragon quickly departed.
"That call was a dragon at the young stage." Ember was worried. By the time a wyrmling becomes a young dragon, it has grown to roughly the size of houses or bigger, and its hoarding, lairing, and territorial instincts are stoked into a raging fire.
A young dragon also starts to build its hoard. Dragons of this age are likely to attack random travellers or caravans, scrounging whatever wealth they can acquire by using such an unsophisticated approach. As dragons grow older, they grow wiser and more selective, but some species just grow more destructive.
Sighing deeply, Ember pocketed her scroll and began to run in the direction of her home. Her kids were waiting for her; she needed to get them out of the island if a young dragon was here.