Chapter 58: Chapter 57 “Make Yourself At Home”

Everyone's attention was drawn to the direction in which the military truck was traveling because something was banging inside, and everyone could see that a hostile creature was being kept within.

The car stopped, and several of the military personnel pulled out a large push cart and a truck ramp. Some of them began to open the door, and when they did, they discovered a steel box inside, which provided the creature inside with an additional layer of defense.

They started to remove the steel box from the car and place it on the push cart so they could move it to another location. A small group of military troops were required to move the steel box.

Commander Blake observed the scene and expressed surprise at witnessing something so hostile being brought to the training grounds. He would undoubtedly experience some difficulty handling this type of situation.

"Don't tell me that whatever is inside that box is going to be part of Pandora's Box?" asked Commander Blake as he saw the military personnel moving the steel box around.

Commander Blake could already guess the response as Secretary Noah smiled and pinched the bridge of his nose. He's going to have a bad time managing his team later in operation.

The military truck driver walked out of the truck and went straight ahead in the direction of Secretary Noah. He then greeted Secretary Noah and Commander Blake, who were looking at his squad.

"I suppose there was some trouble happening when transporting him, right?" asked Secretary Noah to the military personnel.

The military personnel then replied, "Affirmative, reporting that we were a bit off from the expected arrival schedule due to there being some disturbance. Given that he wasn't the slightest bit cooperative at all, but we could handle him well."

"Good to hear. Just bring him into his own containment room immediately. We've come prepared to contain him and would only use it on a certain mission." said Secretary Noah.

"Yes, sir!" The military personnel then ran off toward the direction where his other crew went to transport the steel box into the containment room.

The squad that had just come was in the center of William, Grace, and Iris' attention as it was carrying something unidentified. They were a little frightened since they would have to cooperate with the thing because it had been brought here.

They weren't concerned about the enemies they would encounter later, but they were a little concerned that whoever was within that steel box might start a friendly fire, so they would have to defend themselves.

Secretary Noah looked at them for a moment and said, "All of you, meet Commander Blake. He'll be the one taking responsibility for you when carrying out the missions in the field. If you have anything to say or report, you can go to him and say your needs."

"Thank you for coming and participating to be part of Pandora's Box. I hope we can get along in the future, both in a mission or out of the mission." said Commander Blake as he greeted all of them.

Secretary Noah said, "While all of you are here, why don't you guys get to know this place first? Both you, Alpha One and SCP-105, will be directed by these guards. They will lead to your containment room."

He then continued, "Of course, you are allowed to wander around in the training grounds before the lockdown. You're not allowed to leave the area unless you have permission to do so. We've provided everything you'll need in here from a cafeteria, training area, recreational area, etc."

Secretary Noah then looked at the two military personnel that were beside Commander Blake the whole time and pointed his finger at William and Grace.

"Gentlemen, Why don't you two take our guests to their respective rooms? They had just arrived at this site, thus, they might not be familiar with the area."

Although they are members of the Pandora's Box Mobile Task Force, the two military officers ordered William and Iris to follow their direction because they are still SCP. They had to be kept under the Foundation's surveillance.

While the two left, leaving only Grace and Stevenson that were present, Secretary Noah continued, "Now, I have something to talk to both of you with Commander Blake here."

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William and Iris moved together across the corridor that was close to the personnel dorm where the other members of Pandora's Box had their lodgings.

The majority of them will be stationed in this particular area, which was created specifically for the Pandora's Box Mobile Task Force, a project that was so large and required so much accommodation to support the Foundation's mission.

They have reached the room where they will be staying after walking a short distance. A room that was created and prepared specifically for each of them, it even has their assigned numbers written on it.

"All of your belongings will be inside your own room, and everything you'll need is also there. Both of you are only allowed to wander around the area after 6 AM and before 10 PM, be sure to follow the rules that are applied to you." said one of the guards to them.

William looked back at Iris, that was across from his room, and said, "I guess I'll see you later. Nice to know you."

"It's not like our meeting ended. I'll see you at the shooting range." replied Iris as she walked into her own room.

William went into his room. He assumed it was just a typical humanoid containment cell that the Foundation handed him because he looked around and saw no differences from his containment room in Site-199.

There was a closet full of jumpsuits and a uniform with a small "Pandora's Box" name inscribed beneath a black and white logo on it. He likely had to wear that when he was sent on a mission.

A clock can be seen on the padded wall. The time was 8:32 PM.

He didn't think of anything, and it had been a long trip from Site-199 to Site-19. He had finally arrived at this site and was part of Pandora's Box. He might need to wander around the area to get to know the area better, but he was tired and just wanted to hit the sack for the day.

William jumped to his bed and closed his eyes to rest his body for the night.

The next morning, William woke up from his bed and saw the clock was already at 7:23 AM.

Since it was already above 7 AM, he was allowed to wander the area and went to the training grounds immediately. He was looking for something that could start his day working as a Pandora's Box member.

He walked a few minutes into the main training area and saw several personnel were already present in the area. Some of them had already started their day by doing workout training and practicing at the shooting range.

William was a bit confused about what he should do, but his stomach was rumbling, and he needed something to fill his energy up for the day.

From a distance, Grace was looking at him, that was confused and just standing in the middle of the vast training area. She shook her head for a moment.

She then shouted, "William! Come here!"

William heard her shout from a distance. He turned to look at Grace, Stevenson, and Iris, who were all eating breakfast together in the cafeteria area.

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