Chapter 292: Another Brat That Shouldn’t Be Offended [Part 2]
Cillin changed his flight route and flew towards the closest buffet point marked on the map he obtained during arrival.
The indicator itself was probably unnecessary. Wheeze itself could tell him where it was.
The closest buffet point was some distance away from where Cillin was right now. He wasn’t kidding when he said that Wheeze’s nose was much better than his before.
There were a lot of people at the buffet point, but not many youngsters. Right now, most of them were grouped up and having fun at the best spots on the planet.
A lot of people were snorting in derision when they saw Cillin coming down his hoverboard. The reason for that was because there were luxurious cars all over the place. It would be harder not to notice the only person riding a crude toy in this wedding party.
Cillin paid no heed to the attention. He was here to eat, not get himself in trouble.
He put his hoverboard away, washed his hands and Wheeze to do the same. Wheeze then jumped onto an empty table with its hind legs like a kangaroo, its thick, round body bouncing visibly in the process. Once it was properly tucked in on the table, Wheeze told Cillin a long list of food before waiting for its master to bring them all back to him. Obviously, it would be unwise for Wheeze itself to run up a buffet table and choose its own food because they were in public right now.
Wheeze could’ve ordered the service robots to do the exact same thing, but it said it didn’t trust these “retarded” robots to bring what it asked.
Cillin carried two plates and went to the buffet table, all the while ignoring the curious gazes being shot at his direction. One plate was filled with aquatic food, while the other had a bit more variety.
Cillin was choosing his food when a voice came from behind him. “Hello, are you brother Cillin?”
Cillin turned around to look at the person calling out to him. She looked a little different now, but Cillin still recognized her immediately.
“Kiva. Lunani?”
Kiva. Lunani was the girl he met at Baelenbaatar Middle School while he was looking for Chang Three and Chang Four. Right now, Lunani felt more like a noble compared to the time he saw her at school both in terms of attire and mannerisms. Outside wasn’t the same as school after all, and it had been a while since he last saw her. She had become prettier, and she looked like a little noble princess. Cillin remembered her being romantically interested in Chang Four back then, so he wondered how far they had progressed in their relationship.
Lunani was very happy that Cillin remembered her name. She didn’t know many people in this wedding party, and she wasn’t close with anyone. Her family was at best a middle noble family, and she felt inferior compared to most of the attending nobles. In fact, her family wouldn’t even be invited to the wedding—a core area no less—if they didn’t share a good business relationship with the Rolle Family.
Right now, Lunani’s father was making conversation with another person. As a businessman, Lunani’s father naturally knew more faces in this wedding party than Lunani herself. Most nobles didn’t care about his lower status when driven by profit, not to mention that Lunani’s family was hardly the only middle nobles in this place. Upper nobles were a minority after all.
Lunani spoke to her father briefly before coming over to speak with Cillin. She was very happy to run into a familiar face. Lunani’s father wasn’t happy with her choice of conversation partner, however. After all, he and countless others had seen with their own eyes Cillin flying over on his “crude” hoverboard, meaning that Cillin was in his black list before they even spoke to each other. Still, he himself was right in the middle of a conversation, so he didn’t stop his daughter from talking to Cillin.
Lunani took a seat at Cillin’s table after choosing her own food. Wheeze raised its paw absent-mindedly in greeting before returning back to its food.
Cillin asked her a little about Chang Three and Chang Four. He learned that both of them had successfully entered a named high level school and were treated quite well. In fact, they were pretty famous in their school right now.
Cillin was confident in Chang Three and Chang Four’s abilities, but he absolutely refused to believe that their stroke of good luck was only that, good luck. The longer he knew this circle, the more he learned about the machinations operating behind the scenes. If Bel hadn’t said anything, there was no way Chang Three and Chang Four would be able to enjoy their current level of privilege so quickly, no matter how talented they were.
Lunani’s eyes brightened the moment Chang Three and Chang Four became the center of the topic. It was clear that she was proud and a little shy at the same time.
Lunani also mentioned Chang Five. After the treatment, Chang Five quickly displayed his talent and entered a middle level school in the same star region that was even better than Baelenbaatar Middle School. Besides that, Cillin figured out that the Sizer Family was behind Chang Five’s promotion from Lunani’s explanation.
Bel probably had a hand in this as well, but the Sizer Family clearly did more behind the scenes. Apparently, Fleka had high expectations for Chang Five, and Cillin was sure that the boy wouldn’t let him down. After all, his talent was obvious to those who were willing to see, not to mention that he was Wheeze’s favorite student. Probably. Also, Chang Five’s own childhood taught him how to hold onto opportunities better than others.
Chang Three, Chang Four and Chang Five were all doing well. The rest of their siblings at the Chang household were leading a good life as well. Old Chang’s health was getting better and better, and the triplets had gained a bit of height. Frankly, it would be stranger if they didn’t do well with their new, big store and the secret care the planet’s government afforded them.
Cillin was listening to Lunani about the Chang Family when Wheeze suddenly made a spitting noise. The gray cat had literally spat out a half eaten fish head and sent it flying all the way to a nearby cake. A child with a fork was about to grab a piece of cake when the fish head landed on the cake with a thud. His mouth curled downwards, and he was about to cry. But the moment he saw the culprit behind the fish head, he actually smiled, pulled at his servant and pointed at Wheeze, saying, “Look, it’s a tiny leopard!”
“Young master, that’s a cat.”
“It’s a leopard!”
“... Right. It’s a leopard.”
Right now, Wheeze couldn’t care less about the mistaken case of identity. It leaped up to Cillin’s shoulder and said in a low voice, “Look, it’s that strange kid from last time!”
Cillin followed Wheeze’s gaze and saw a group of people walking towards his general direction. At the forefront of the group was a boy about fourteen to fifteen years old. Wheeze was right, it was a face he saw once in the past. It was the boy at the deluxe suite and top floor of a restaurant, right after he left Old Chang’s place and was travelling to the capital star region.
At the time, the boy and his servants’ outfits were completely devoid of any identifiable traits. This time though, they wore their family’s insignia on their clothes. It marked them as a member of the Gleason Family.
“Look, it’s the young master of the Gleason Family, Dodge!”
“I wasn’t expecting to see him here!”
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“I heard that he has a lot of say in his family…”
Chatter chatter chatter…
Some people were already planning on currying favor with Dodge.
So he’s Gleason. Dodge, Cillin thought to himself.
Naimi once told him that there were two brats he, and now every upper noble in the empire dared not offend besides those who served emperor and the three kings. They were Yurong. Teita and Gleason. Dodge. Anyone who tried to would suffer tremendously, as some unfortunate souls had proven already.
Cillin was familiar with Teita of course, but he didn’t realize that this boy was the “brat” Naimi spoke of until now.
Teita was given special treatment by Old Man Yurong because of his age and the special circumstances around his birth. That in turn led to the upper nobles giving him special treatment as well. So, why was this boy treated differently?
Wheeze and Cillin remembered this boy well because he was sharp enough to notice that Wheeze was watching him. They could count the number of people who could do the same on one hand, and the boy was only fourteen or fifteen years old.
They were also impressed by how calm he at dealing with an assassination. But it still wasn’t a good enough reason to explain why people would put him on the same level as Teita, a “brat that shouldn’t be offended”.
Meanwhile, Gleason. Dodge and his people finally made his way over. They were so imposing that all those who wanted to greet them initially thought better of it.
Cillin was starting to understand why the boy had saying power in his own family after observing the pressure he was exuding. It meant that the boy could influence many decisions in the Gleason Family, even important ones.
Gleason. Dodge definitely left an impression in people’s minds.
The surrounding chatter turned much quieter because of their arrival. A couple of kids who were hitting their plates with spoons were silenced by their parents as well.
Everyone here knows about the two brats that shouldn’t be offended in legends. That was why they didn’t dare do anything that might provoke the imposing young master.
The imposing group didn’t care about the surrounding reaction. They simply walked straight towards the food table with an aura that clearly stated, “do not come closer”. Everyone who was choosing their meal at that particular location hurriedly gave way, not wanting to get in the way of the little young master.
Gleason. Dodge was planning to leave right away after eating some food, but he suddenly felt something and turned towards Cillin and Wheeze.
Wheeze was badmouthing Dodge beside Cillin’s ears. When Dodge suddenly looked its way, it immediately widened its eyes and glared back.
Dodge frowned a little. The duo felt familiar, but he was sure he had never seen them before. At the very least, he wouldn’t forget a cat like this.
So where was this strange sense of familiarity coming from?
A guard beside the little young master made an inquiry upon noticing the little young master’s unusual reaction, but Dodge simply shook his head and ate the food his guards had prepared for him.
“So sensitive!” Wheeze humphed.
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s acute, not sensitive!”
“It’s the same thing.” On Cillin’s shoulder, Wheeze wagged its tail once before saying, “There are four invisible people around him.”
Of course, Cillin had already noticed them. He was more curious as to why Gleason. Dodge was given such treatment. It was almost as if he was guarding against assassinations at all times…
Hmm? Assassination? If he remembered correctly, the boy was being assassinated the first time he met him.
What an extraordinary boy.
Lunani was only curious about Gleason. Dodge, nothing more. The boy was only a couple of years older than her, but his aura was something that shouldn’t belong to someone his age at all. Not even her father had ever given her such a feeling. Since Lunani was focused on staring at Dodge just like everyone else, she didn’t notice that Wheeze and Cillin were communicating with each other. Of course, she wouldn’t be able to listen in on their conversation even if she did notice.
Dodge and his group ate very quickly, but they never broke the dining etiquette a noble should have. It made the people around him feel more impressed than they already were.
They left after they were done eating. They didn’t speak to anyone at all during this period. However, Dodge had shot a glance at Cillin and Wheeze again before leaving.
“Cillin, what do you think his last look meant? There’s no way he already knows that we were the ones who watched him last time, right?” Wheeze asked uncertainly. The kid was just too extraordinary! It knew the moment it saw him.