“I’m so happy to see you again, Ah Qiu Ya. Please, come in. You know the way.”
She hated to admit it, but that was true. Having experienced the first massage, she felt inexplicably violated, and yet it was incredibly soothing and… satisfying. Being an adult, she did have a notion of what it felt like to orgasm, and she was fairly certain that Su Min hadn’t provided her with one, but she had felt a certain elation after their first session ended.
Hence, she was very interested in having additional sessions, and found her way to the massage parlour very soon after.
The next few massages weren’t particularly different, but she was able to notice a pattern. The time spent on her chest and groin, as well as her ass and feet, increased by a minute with every session, and the other activities were shortened by a similar duration.
This wasn’t too drastic, but something told her things would be different today. It was a faint fluttering in her chest, a certain eagerness and anticipation that she couldn’t quite describe or understand. All she knew was that she was looking forward to today, whatever Su Min had prepared for her, and she was going to let it happen, as she could hardly deny that she wasn’t willing to experience it any of the other days.
Even if the more questionable elements were excluded, she had never felt as good and relaxed as she did now, feeling as if she had been reborn and granted fresh flesh and blood. Simply sliding a finger along some of the less rotten wood in the Kong Prison Realm let her feel it in extreme detail with her sensitive skin, and it wasn’t even overly sensitive.
She had no clue how such a thing was achieved, but that was just one of many benefits.
Given that she had effectively had a second identity within her body for most of her adult years, she had never been able to take proper care of her appearance, nor even pay much attention to it. Now that she had that time back, she couldn’t help but admire the smoothness of her skin, the lack of any dirt or wrinkles, the excellent sensations from touching… well, she wouldn’t admit to touching anything inappropriate.
However, in her private time, when nobody was watching – so far as she knew, of course – she had felt herself up just a little bid. While lying in bed, covered by soft sheets in one of Beast’s Rest’s best residences, she had slid a hand down to her waist, hesitating for a moment.
Thanks to Su Min, she had felt a touch on her lower lips a lot as of late, but she had not touched herself in a long time. Hence, there was a certain feeling of perversion to her current activity, one that she couldn’t quite overcome no matter what. If all that affected her decision was her own mind, then perhaps she would have sat around for many minutes, perhaps even stretching into hours, before she could have decided on whether it was something she should do, but her body took over in this case, making itself known.
She could feel her body’s desire, the moisture building at her groin, soaking through the thin fabric of her panties. It made her arousal known, and she couldn’t simply ignore it.
Her fingers emulated Su Min’s approach and slid down her groin, three of them placed together and feeling up her puffy lips through the panties. Parting her lower lips with the middle finger, she teased the sensitive flesh within, finding a particular bud at the top which sent shivers throughout her body.
In no time at all, her arousal completely soaked through the thin panties, forcing her to pull them down, just enough to expose her lower lips fully.
Again, she hesitated, but her body took over even more quickly this time, her fingers returning to her lips and freezing as they touched their slick surface. The difference in sensations was immense, and she had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. With her middle finger, she parted the wet lips and slid between them, quaking when it touched her sensitive insides, nearly causing her finger to bend and enter somewhere that she couldn’t handle.
Even without that, her body experienced an immense pleasure, her whole body seeming to heat up in response, her finger quickly being covered in her liquid arousal. It was warm and sticky, and she couldn’t stop herself from lifting her hand up and gazing at her hand, glistening in candlelight.
‘I can smell it so vividly… it’s so… lewd…’ Zhi Qiu Ya felt her cheeks flush with crimson, ‘Why do I want to taste it? Should… should I?’
She was so embarrassed by her own desires that she quickly returned her hand to her groin, to the sensitive nub she had felt when touching herself. With the haste she had sought to get back to something slightly more reasonable, in her mind, she didn’t restrain her strength, and in doing so managed to touch it in just the right way.
The first touch surpassed all others, and from there she couldn’t stop rubbing that spot, letting her instincts take over. A strange panting sound appeared somewhere within her perception, and it was only after a lengthy amount of time that she understood it was her own rapid breathing.
Her other hand gripped the sheets tightly, nails tearing through the fabric with ease, and with no warning at all, she felt all of the built up arousal explode, the sheets and bedding quickly being soaked with her fluids. With a lot of effort, she managed to keep her mouth shut, thus keeping her moans in, but her whimpers still pierced through, lasting for several seconds that felt closer to hours as that great wave passed over her.
When she recovered her senses, she realised that the stain she left behind was quite a bit larger than she thought. Furthermore, perhaps it was only thanks to her extreme sense of smell, but she could clearly perceive her own scent sticking to the bed and sheets, reeking of arousal even more so than her stained finger.
‘Oh heavens, I… I should stop. If I just keep going… no, I should let someone that knows what they’re doing take over. Yes, that’s probably a good idea.’
Somehow, she hadn’t realised quite how silly that sounded until she was in the passage parlour again, despite a few days and restless nights passing since then. It was blatant what she wanted, unlike the first time she ended up in the massage parlour, and judging by Su Min’s expression, she knew it too.
“Get changed as always, and I’ll be ready in a moment.”
“Wait… uhm…”
Zhi Qiu Ya licked her lips, “There’s something in particular I’d like you to focus on today. Those portions of the massage when you stimulate my, uh… the chest and groin, area?”
“No need to be so embarrassed. Everyone needs a bit of focus on certain parts and certain places, and since it’s my role to take care of you, it’s perfectly normal to tell me about your concerns,” Su Min smiled innocently, taking a lock of black hair and bringing it before her right eye, playing with it as she continued, “Since you have a particular need today, I’ll switch up the usual plan, and change up some of the oils as well. Luckily for you, we have just recently received a few new types, and I’d love to try them out.”
There was something about her demeanour that stuck out today, but when Zhi Qiu Ya was already half-way to the changing room, shaking slightly in anticipation, she was hardly going to notice anything of the sort.
Rushing into the changing rooms, she removed her clothes and took hold of the replacement panties, but she found that their material felt somewhat different. Due to her lacking knowledge, she couldn’t identify the reason for it, but a moment of caution was all that she spared the matter before putting them on. The bra seemed to be unchanged, though it was obviously replaced after every session and every customer, so she was able to put it on and secure the strap behind her back easily.
‘Wait, I’m going to come off as being far too eager, and even that woman might be concerned… Yes, I should take a breath or two, calm myself, let things happen slowly,’ Zhi Qiu Ya did so, holding on for as long as she was able to – a total of seventeen seconds, though in her defence, it felt like several minutes at least.
It ended up being enough time for Su Min, who was already at the bottom of the massage bed, by the small table that held all of the oils for the session. This time, there were only three large bottles there.
One was the familiar substance that always began their sessions, but the other two were new. Their containers were large, and she could swear that a faint scent was piercing through the bottles from both of them, though she had no notion of what the smells were, nor what they were even similar to. Previously, some of the oils that had been applied to her did have somewhat suspicious scents, rather similar to something lewd in nature, but these weren’t. Hence, she had no choice but to trust Su Min, though she was already doing that.
If she didn’t trust her, then she wouldn’t have returned to the massage parlour, or perhaps would have never stepped in the first time. Instead, she was now going to surrender herself to whatever the woman had in store for her, and hope that things didn’t change this time.
“Ah Qiu Ya, you look wonderful today. I’m glad you’ve brightened up since the first time,” Su Min said with a smile, waving over to the massage bed, “Please, lie down, face up.”
“Alright… What are we… um, what are you going to do?”
The smile only grew larger, “Do you really want me to spoil the surprise? I know you’re looking forward to it, waiting for something – anything – to come your way and relieve you of those aches and desires that you’ve built up. If you think it’s worth it to waste some of that build up, then I can share it with you – in vast detail, if you like.”
Zhi Qiu Ya swallowed hard, finding her mouth to be unusually wet all of a sudden, “Well, I think I might be able to wait-”
“Excellent! Please, lie down and let me do my work. I know you’ll enjoy it.”
She was hardly able to argue with that, as she knew those words to be true. Laying down on the massage bed as soon as she approached it, the wolven woman found that she was shaking in anticipation, and it wasn’t an unpleasant sensation whatsoever. Rather, she wished to have more of it, to experience such a sensation more often, though she believed that she was even more interested in what that anticipation would lead up to.
Popping open the cork of the first oil bottle, Su Min poured it into her hands, sealed it quickly, and placed her hands upon Zhi Qiu Ya’s body, applying greater force than usual and rubbing the oil into every part of her. With the haste and precision she employed, she managed to cover the wolven woman’s front in just a few minutes, though she didn’t give much attention to her covered areas.
Zhi Qiu Ya was somewhat dismayed at this, nearly letting out a puppy-like whimper, until her gaze landed on the remaining two bottles.
“Turn over for me. I still need to cover your back, after all.”
She obeyed, flipping over and feeling dextrous hands working on her body the moment she laid back down. Rubbing oil into everything below the neck, they worked on the arms first, then went down her back, pausing at her ass.
There, the hands took their time, massaging the large buns, digging into the soft flesh and clearly enjoying the process, either due to the feeling itself or the rather unsubtle moans that Zhi Qiu Ya produced after only a few moments. It was a combination of the more ordinary enjoyment one might derive from a massage, and the sensual sensation of being touched in a place not meant for ordinary people’s hands.
Most of her ass was completely exposed, the panties sitting in the crack between her cheeks, and thus there was no obstruction at all between Su Min’s fingers and Zhi Qiu Ya’s skin. Her sensitive body picked up on every subtle movement, delighting in it, and it was a great shame that Su Min eventually moved on.
She slid her hands down the wolven girl’s legs, massaging the muscles she hadn’t yet touched the first time, and ended up at Zhi Qiu Ya’s feet, where she also spent some additional time.
“I probably should have asked this one of the other times, but…” the wolven woman reconsidered her question mid-sentence, but she felt that stopping would be worse, “is there some particular reason you put so much oil on me each time?”
“It’s an oil massage.”
“Yeah, but today… um…”
You are reading story Path of the Ascendant at novel35.com
“You were saying?”
“Please continue. I’ll just enjoy it…”
Su Min giggled, “A little late for that. The initial application has been finished, and now it is time for the second oil… We have no names for these ones either, but everyone’s who has experienced them has not been disappointed. The first shall be… let’s call it the outer oil, shall we? Please, remain right as you are.”
The wolven woman would have wanted to see what occurred, as the fluttering in her chest was suddenly joined by a pinch of anxiety, not helped in the slightest by the sound of a cork being removed from a bottle and just a little being poured into Su Min’s hands.
“This will make you a little more… responsive to my treatment. More sensitive, shall we say,” the woman introduced the fluid, “It only needs to be applied to certain portions of your body, and then we can move on. However, I will need to be incredibly thorough with this, so let me just… oh, I forgot how effective this is if I apply it without gloves. Alright, I’m going to be skipping a bit of that speech and moving right along.”
An unusual tone creeped into the woman’s voice with each word, never having appeared prior, but as the woman’s hands returned to Zhi Qiu Ya’s ass, her own feelings made her recognise it.
Arousal. A thick arousal dripped from Su Min’s words, and it spread to the wolven girl as the oil soaked into her body. Every drop intensified her senses at the spots it touched, that feeling growing with each breath, but it also affected the way in which she perceived the same touches. Previously, the pair of hands on her ass cheeks was erotic, but not directly stimulating, whereas now that was the only way in which she could describe it. It became sexual, arousing, simply amazing – and she knew that it was only the beginning.
“No wonder I usually wear gloves… Oh goodness, this is… What I was going to say was that this will be… ah… helpful in preparing you for… hah… the proper massage… but now I just to rub these cheeks…” Su Min’s fingers dug into her ass, groping it without a hint of restrain, “You have a nice ass, you know? Large, but not fat, firm and not hard. I just want to bury my face in there…”
“Are you sure you… shouldn’t be continuing the massage?”
“Fuck, do you still want to go with that? Both of us are horny – I can see you leaking through those panties, just so you know – and we could just get to the good stuff.”
“Tch. Just so you know, whatever you’re feeling, I’m feeling a dozen times over, because I don’t have your planar energy coursing throughout my body,” Su Min said, the reason behind her heavy breathing becoming eminently clear, “So, you want a massage? You’ll get one, you slut.”
Zhi Qiu Ya’s words were stopped mid-way in her throat when one hand momentarily parted from her ass and returned with great force, spanking her hard. The wolven woman’s ass cheek jiggled from the impact, and before it could finish another slap came down, leaving a faint crimson mark upon her oiled skin.
At any other time, Zhi Qiu Ya might have cried out in pain, for the strikes were impressively forceful for someone without planar cultivation, but instead ecstatic moans burst from her lips. Somehow, every drop of pain that should have been felt transformed to raw infusions of lust straight into her mind, and she was barely able comprehend the sensations as they rushed into her. Before she could recover from any single strike on her ass, another followed, both cheeks receiving their fair share.
“By the way, those panties of yours are specifically meant to let as much fluid through as possible, so I can see your arousal gush out with every spank. You’re loving it, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes! I am!”
Su Min’s response was to grab her hips and forcefully flip her over, climbing atop her in a second, managing to fit her knees on the massage bed around Zhi Qiu Ya’s waist. She stared directly into the wolven woman’s eyes, her own pupils wide and her gaze burning with lust. Her breath was heavy and hot, steam bellowing from between her lips each time her chest rose and fell.
“You’re lucky this is a massage for you, and not for me, otherwise I’d make full use of that mouth of yours,” the woman managed to say, her stare falling to Zhi Qiu Ya’s chest, “I’ll use this instead.”
The white bra was torn off and Su Min grabbed her chest, putting her skilful hands to work.
“Please d-Ahh, my nipples, don’t grab them so ro-AAh…”
She had not experienced too much enjoyment from simply having her ass touched before the oil came into the equation, but she had been delighted whenever her heavy tits were groped. With the effects of the oil, that sensation was multiplied a thousand fold, nearly making her cum her brains out within the first few seconds. However, Su Min only got better with every seconds, figuring out her way around the wolven girl’s breasts until she had located every spot that she could touch to elicit a response. Given that the only responses Zhi Qiu Ya could fathom at the moment were those of pleasure and lust, they all rushed to a climax.
Everything she had experienced up to this point, including her own touches in bed, paled in comparison to the rush that came then, her whole body becoming numb as the only sensations were concentrated in the breasts and vagina, both feeling like they would explode.
She felt a warmth pour from her pussy lips and quickly cover the massage bed, dripping out through and around the fabric of her panties, staining her inner thighs with her lust.
Zhi Qiu Ya was ready to let her mind fade away and drop into blissful sleep, but the words of the woman straddling her forced her eyes to snap open and gaze into the other’s orbs, “Finally… I can get started properly.”
Her voice had gotten calmer, but her eyes seemed like a predator’s, undisguised hunger aimed directly at her, seeming to pierce her body and peer into her very soul. It was – should have been – terrifying, and yet her wet pussy clenched with arousal, feeling an immense desire to be claimed like the little bitch she was.
‘Where is that coming from? Why do I… why does this make me so warm inside?’
“Fuck the massage thing. You’ll be putting that mouth to use – and memorising my smell while you’re at it,” Su Min flipped around, putting her hips above Zhi Qiu Ya’s mouth, revealing a complete lack of underwear upon her groin.
It revealed widely-parted puffy lips, form which dripped thick fluid in strings, the viscous substance hovering above Zhi Qiu Ya’s lips.
“Put that tongue to work, you naughty slut.”
With that, she sat down, letting her pussy sit directly on the wolven woman’s mouth and nose, her passage placed right atop Zhi Qiu Ya’s tongue, so that it might enter it directly and with ease. She leaned forward, holding on to the wolven woman’s thighs for support, causing her cunt grind against the woman’s face and slather it with her juices as she pulled down the white panties and exposed the similarly wet lower lips of her sexual partner.
While she began to rub Zhi Qiu Ya’s pussy, focusing on the clit at its peak, the wolven woman also began to lick, trying her best to figure out how to handle this new treat. Her overly sensitive body felt every detail of the lower lips with perfect clarity, and her nose was flooded with the musky scent of another woman’s sex, overwhelming her mind completely.
Her primal mind might have had more experience with it, but this was one of the first times she got to smell just a thing so closely, and she found that it was absolutely wonderful. She knew not whether all women smelled like Su Min did – she suspected that most did not – but this woman had a primal, lustful scent, sending Zhi Qiu Ya into an even more aroused state, filling her head with nothing but thoughts of sex. At that moment in time, she wished she was able to mate, like some animal, with Su Min in the lead, but their physical characteristics meant that she could only put more effort into pleasuring the woman with her tongue.
As soon as she found a particularly sensitive spot inside her, Su Min rewarded her by plunging one finger into the wolven woman’s gushing depths, finding the same spot with such ease that Zhi Qiu Ya would have been embarrassed – if not for cumming right away, clenching around the intruding finger.
Not to be outdone, she stuck her tongue out further and invested more effort into her actions, trying to make up for inexperience with all the enthusiasm she was able to muster. It was difficult even with her current sensitivity, but she knew she was onto something when the juices dripping into her mouth turned into a waterfall, nearly drowning her and forcing her to gulp down the fluids in order to not drown in them.
“Oh, yes, you horny bitch… Drink it all!” Su Min exclaimed, though her words barely reached the wolven woman’s ears.
Quickly, more fingers plunged into her, and then she felt lips closing around her clit, sucking on it and licking it with even superior precision that her fingers exhibited. It would have been terrifying to see someone capable of moving more dexterously than Wei Yi using her claws, but Zhi Qiu Ya was too overwhelmed with lust – emotional and liquid, perhaps in equal proportions – to notice or care.
Their arousal climbed and climbed, and eventually they reached their peak together, as the wolven woman could sense Su Min tightening around her tongue, and her own vagina clamped down on the invading fingers.
Zhi Qiu Ya felt her vision, occupied mostly by Su Min’s ass, turn white, her consciousness fading, leaving her only to feel the greatest pleasure she had ever felt, alongside a large volume of fluids pouring down her throat and filling her stomach. If not for that being a reflex, she might have been drowned by the thick liquid lust, but she was fortunately able to endure until she was released from beneath the woman’s groin, being permitted to take a proper breath.
At that moment, her vision returned right away, letting her see the woman get off the massage bed and steady her footing, barely managing to keep her legs straight.
“Oh goodness, I have overdone it a little. Are you alright, Ah Qiu Ya?” she asked.
Her voice was impressively calm despite the clear difficulties she had with standing, and her flushed cheeks clearly showcased the amount of arousal still remaining within her system.
“I… oh, heavens, why did I ever run away from this?”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Su Min smiled for a second, her expression quickly breaking down into breathy lust, “Hey, how would you say my smell compares to Wei Yi? I heard that you had gotten a good sniff of her ages ago.”
“How do you… yeah, I did, but I hadn’t-”
“Come on, you can be honest with me. After that, if you’re still going to be all shy, I will be extremely disappointed with you.”
“No, I really don’t remember it well enough! However, I… not to be rude, but I think she was better.”
Su Min shrugged, “That’s probably fair. She’s way beyond me in most regards, especially while I haven’t figured out planar energy or anything like it. I’ll be able to compete with her properly, at some point.”
“You know, I don’t think I’m talking straight. Let’s lie down – there’s a great place in the building.”