Chapter 297: V4C78: Passing Time

Several days passed after the integration of the Ping District into the spatial network that the allies of the Ascendant’s Arbiters were able to enjoy. During that short span of time, the builders at the Ping District worked hard, expecting great results, and they were not only not disappointed, but they were rather amazed by the final result of the four days of work, as it was more akin to a month or even a year of difficult labour.

They had expected a street or two to be built using the various resources at their disposal, but they found that the materials floating in the air were significantly more usable than they had expected, the gravity made it easier to lift whatever they needed, and their combined powers meant that they were not struggling with any part of the process. In addition, their complete agreement on the design of the structures, as well as their placement, made it so that they spent no time disputing what they were going to build, where, nor how.

The first day brought them and the people several streets, all of which were complete with wooden and stone structures that were vastly superior to those that had previously stood there. All of them were placed according to a grid that they barely realised they were following at first, with plenty of space between them to allow for small crowds to travel along them freely.

During the second, their progress seemed to increase exponentially, with the few streets rapidly growing and spreading out like the branches of a tree, albeit a highly geometric one. With each structure created, the speed at which the next one could be built rose alongside their familiarity and experience, so things that initially took them half an hour to build could now be completed in five or even fewer minutes, and even that was not the full extent of what their cooperation could achieve. With the second day alone, a snaking path was made to a portion of the outer district, connecting slightly awkwardly to the streets that are already present, but the rest of the streets were also expanded significantly.

The third day brought about so much expansion that the outer regions were partially emptied as people returned to the inner region, occupying homes that had been vaguely near the original positions of their residences, while business owners took what little they had been able to retrieve from their original stores and placed these things in the newly constructed stores. It would take a lot of time for their businesses to return to their previous level of success, a process made slightly easier by the lack of powerful gangs to limit their growth, but they already saw some returning customers that day.

As people slowly navigated the new streets, finding that they were simple and direct but different, requiring that they study this new layout and figure things out, the builders kept on working. Putting up more houses, filling the streets and constructing some small ornaments in their free time, the builders and architects continued to work.


As the Ping District worked, so did Wei Yi… in a sense. As she already decided that she would likely have a child as a result of her time with Chao Ru, and as she had been able to confirm that the woman was experiencing the typical symptoms of the early stages of pregnancy, the Ascendant concluded that she might as well give her future child some siblings to get along with while they reside in the future Wei District.

She did quickly realise that she might be becoming a little irrational when it came to the prospect of providing an entire district to her family, especially before she even had one, but with the additional benefit of being able to dual cultivate with some of the women in the Arbiters, she felt that she might as well go on with it and see what happens. There was no guarantee that would successfully have a child with every woman she slept with even if she did try her best, and with her Dao of Lust combined with her apparent beauty, there were plenty of women that were more than interested in sleeping with her at least once in their lives.

Shun Liu Min, for instance, was not expecting to be of much use in combat, as her strength lay primarily in the modification and creation of techniques. Although Wei Yi had attempted to assist her in that regard, it was clear that without some excessive mental manipulation, she wouldn’t be able to acquire the necessary talents to shine in a combat setting.

That didn’t stop her from trying, though, and her persistence was very much appreciated – and rather nice to look at.

When the Ascendant arrived, she found the former and current maid working hard, practising a technique against a bunch of dummies. From a glance, one might assume her to be winning against them, but there were thousands of opportunities her foes could have taken to win.

“Attack,” Wei Yi muttered under her breath, ignoring the cuts forming on her exposed hand.

To Shun Liu Min’s surprise, the dummies suddenly moved and attacked, each one performing a basic swing, slash or jab with wooden limbs. Her eyes widened as she tried to fight back, but there was simply too much to consider at once. Half of the nearby dummies managed to land a hit, though it was only akin to an ordinary insect landing on her skin, and nothing more.

“Yeah, the effort is nice, but the results…” the Ascendant sighed, emerging onto the training grounds, “You could have just put up a barrier with your planar energy, you know.”

“Wei Yi… Sorry-”

“Don’t apologise. You haven’t hurt anyone with this, and I wouldn’t want you to be a particularly good fighter anyway. The fewer people that should be on the battlefield, the better,” she replied, approaching casually, with both hands behind her back, “Being capable of self-defence would be best, though.”

“Noted. So, have you come here for any particular reason?” Shun Liu Min asked, removing herself from the tangle of dummies.

“To see you, actually. I wanted to revisit an older topic from the days of travelling in the sands, all the way here,” Wei Yi said, helping her up and letting the maid rest an arm on her while they moved to a bench on the side, “Should I remind you?”

“We had discussed… a lot, back then. I think a reminder is necessary…” the maid said with a faint blush.

It was clear which direction her thoughts had gone in, and it wasn’t incorrect. Most of their topics of discussion at the time had veered into sexual matters, but from her surface-level thoughts, it was clear that she had forgotten about the one matter that had greater implication beyond that. Hence, Wei Yi allowed her to sit down and took a seat beside her first.

“The topic of pregnancy had come up after the first day, as you might recall.”

“Ah, yes. It would be an issue if you were able to get me pregnant while there was still no proper place to stay, or any guarantees that we’d find one… Not that it stopped us from doing just about anything else,” a smile bloomed on her face, despite her attempts to subdue it.

That, combined with the blush, prompted her to tighten her embrace, “You’re too cute, sometimes… Anyway, I would like to revisit that topic.”

“Thanks, but… revisit? In what way?”

“Would you like to try having children?”

The maid’s eyes widened even more than when the dummies came alive, her mouth opening in surprise. For a moment, even her thoughts were so chaotic that the Ascendant couldn’t glean anything from them. It was a rather sudden thing to suddenly bring up, so she let her think about it and didn’t interrupt.

After a few seconds passed, Shun Liu Min recovered, wiped the drool that was beginning to spill out from her mouth, and looked Wei Yi in the eyes with a firm gaze.

“Very well. Let’s do it.”

“That’s… a reaction. Mind explaining why you’re so keen on the matter?” Wei Yi asked, though she couldn’t say she disliked her eagerness. Her dick certainly liked it, stirring beneath her robes.

“Well… I guess that also goes back to our journey… Rather, to the time prior to it. Ping Gangze, he… he was the worst. Did you find him, by the way?” a spark of killing intent suddenly appeared in her eyes.

“Nope. His place was empty. He fled, and there are hints of him heading over to the Eastern Continent. Even if I had the time to go there, I wouldn’t have much power there, and it would be exceedingly challenging to find him,” she answered, “If I end up there, I’ll be sure to tell him that he is dearly missed.”

“Please do. Sorry,” after calming the spark, the maid continued, “There are a lot of things I hadn’t thought I’d be able to experience. Freedom from him and his beatings was one, but having a child… that was another. He’d never allow us to get pregnant, and I wouldn’t want to bear his child either.”

‘I’d say that she shouldn’t judge a child by the deeds of their parents, but that’s hardly the reasonable thing to do when dealing with a rapist and, in general, a terrible person. If it was consensual, that would be a different matter…’ Wei Yi nodded, “Quite understandable… So, how did that end up with your earlier keen attitude?”

“It’s just as it was with my wish for freedom. When I thought I had no chance of escaping, I began to wish for it more and more. Similarly, when I thought I’d never have- no, I’d never even have the chance to have a kid, it turned into something I had wished for above a lot of other things.”

She unconsciously moved a hand to her abdomen, only to pull it away the moment she noticed it.

“Mostly, I just wanted something… normal. Working at Ping Gangze’s place was normal for many in the district, but I knew that most of the other districts were different,” Shun Liu Min sighed, her gaze lowering to the ground, “Over there, kids grew up, played around, acted rebellious in their teenage years, then found someone they loved and got together with them, working hard to ensure that their life, and the life of their kids, would be peaceful and easy… I know it’s not that simple, but when you are faced with nothing but one mansion for over ten years, it’s so attractive all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I can understand that… It really isn’t that simple, but I think the two of us share an interest in having a calm world.”

You are reading story Path of the Ascendant at

“I know. You speak about your ideas often enough for me to have heard about it a number of times. Law and justice, if I remember correctly,” the maid said, “Sometimes, it can even feel like you’re a parent already, and the people are your rowdy children.”

“That… I’d rather not see it that way. It would be rather odd in a number of ways…” Wei Yi didn’t appreciate the implications such a situation would have, especially when the conversation had begun with the topic of making children, “I was referring more so to wishing for a child to be able to grow up in a peaceful and easy environment. Given that I have the ability to have kids now, the topic has naturally come to mind.”

“Was that while you fucked Chao Ru?”

“It did come up, yes. Just to be sure, you do remember what I’d said about exclusive relationships and all that?”

“I know, and I’m not complaining. Just teasing a little,” her expression was brightened with the flash of a cheeky grin, “With how insatiable you were, it feels like you’d need a dozen dedicated women like me just to keep you satisfied. You probably want exactly that, though you wouldn’t admit it openly… It is a little hot, to be honest…”

“Well, learning new things is always good, even if I didn’t expect that. You may be happy to learn that I’m planning to start a bit of a family, though I only have three people picked out so far… You’re one of them, obviously.”

“Great! I mean, it’s… ahem. That will be fine. Who will be the third one?”

“Have you been around Miyu much?” she gave away the answer right away, not that it mattered too much, “You might have seen the heart-eyes she’d been giving me as of late, specifically after she learned I had a dick. I hear North Antania in general has a very particular fetish for this sort of thing, though I’d need to ask her about it to be sure.”

“I’d be curious to learn about that later, then… She is rather cute, now that I think about it. Very unique look, as well.”

“Being an otherworldly demon can do that to you,” Wei Yi muttered, “Now that this got brought up, I want to keep asking questions. It’s rare that I get the opportunity to learn so much about a person, after all, so… what’s up with the multiple partner fetish?”

“I think it’s similar to you. I like women, I like you, I like… I like your cum, and I like it being on women…” Shun Liu Min licked her lips, “Phew, it’s suddenly really hot here.”

“I think that’s just you.”

“Even though you have a nice bulge down there?”

“I said nothing about being aroused, though me getting hard only means that I’m not preventing it from happening. My body just loves pumping blood down there on every opportunity,” Wei Yi shrugged, “No explanation relating to your history, though?”

“To a certain extent, most of my current state is related to my experience in that mansion… There were plenty of women there, but we didn’t have the best of relations with one another. Therefore, I never got to sleep around – not willingly, anyway…” the maid said, “I’d love to get the opportunity to get into a better relationship with some of the women you’re close with once all of us have the time to waste.”

“Very well, I’ll suggest it to the others when I have time. Alternatively, if you guys meet up, I don’t mind if you get together on your own.”

“You wouldn’t be jealous?”

“About what? We’re not exactly in a full-blown romantic relationship, and we won’t be while the War of Ascendancy and whatever else is going on, and none of you are going to get themselves pregnant, so I don’t have to worry about that either. Besides, it would be a bit silly of me to fuck whoever I want, then insist that the lot of you never meet up and see what it is I like about you,” Wei Yi shrugged.

“… I get the feeling you would be jealous.”

“Perhaps. Have a go, let me find out. Maybe you’ll get a threesome out of it.”

They paused for a moment, looking at one another in silence.

“We went off-topic, I think,” Shun Liu Min said, “You wanted to talk about knocking me up and breeding your women, and-”

“That’s one way to interpret our discussion… We are going to learn so much about one another as a result of today, aren’t we?”

“Yup. I’d love to learn about more of your kinks as well, if you still have anything to reveal to me,” the maid recovered her earlier grin, “How will you put a baby in me? Are you going to go hard and rough, ensuring I won’t be able to walk for the rest of the week? Will I get to feel you go nice and gentle, for once in a while? Do you have some unusual method pulled from the memories of the otherworldly demons?”

Wei Yi raised an eyebrow, “You are really horny today. Fine, let’s go somewhere else and get it sorted out.”

She nodded in reply, taking the Ascendant’s hand when offered. They rose up together, ignoring her erection for now, and vanished from the spot once the power of the Yi City Web – the network activated by claiming the Ping District – was manifested and manipulated to perform her will.


“This is… interesting. I don’t think I’ve been here before… where is here?” Shun Liu Min asked, looking around the impressive bedroom. It was regal and pristine, decorated with the finest of woods and the most precious of metals – or so it looked like, anyway.

“This is Beast’s Rest, and we’re beneath it, in one of the many tunnels. Here, we’re not going to be interrupting anyone, not going to run into anyone, and nobody will care if I ruin everything with my seed, because this is my bedroom,” Wei Yi introduced the maid to the chamber, “I have a feeling someone’s been adding to it as of late, but that particular former assassin is elsewhere, so she won’t interrupt.”

“Another woman you’ve been fucking?”

“No, not every woman has been in my bed. For instance, Luo Lia Kun hasn’t done more than consider it. The former assassin is a complicated case, so there’s little chance of that.”

“I… don’t get it, still, but okay. So… how do you want me?”

Wei Yi withheld a sigh as the maid disrobed with the greatest speed possible, baring her naked body before the Ascendant without hesitation. To be fair, if she hesitated at this point, after all the times they had sex, it would be a little odd to still be shy about one another.

“What if I wanted to rip your clothes off myself?”

“… I can put them back on.”

This time, she did let out a sigh.