Chapter 299: V4C79: North Antanian Perversion

After a lot of other work and exploration – which she did not find quite as interesting as the time she had spent with Shun Liu Min prior to it – she had been considering visiting the Beast’s Rest brothels for a less purposeful form of entertainment, but then she was visited by Miyu.

A day had passed since she had sex with the maid, and she was sitting within the chambers of Paragon, having finished some duller tasks and contemplating opportunities to unwind. Shun Liu Min had become rather… exhausted after their time in the bedroom, even if she disagreed with that assessment, and Wei Yi didn’t wish to inflict any harm upon her through excessive use of her body. She had a hard time controlling herself around the maid, and she didn’t wish to risk doing any kind of permanent damage to her.

The visit from the otherworldly demon came as a slight surprise, though she had observed her appearance in Paragon several minutes before she actually knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Wei Yi said simply, deciding to question her before Yi Shi Ming or any others.

After a moment’s pause, in which Miyu must have been thinking about something, the door opened outwards. The Antanorden woman gave herself just enough room to enter, then shut the door behind herself, her cheeks flushed with crimson. Although the Ascendant hadn’t yet confirmed anything, she did think that her appearance at the moment was incredibly cute – and incredibly attractive.

“Uhm… W-Wei Yi…”

‘I am almost afraid of checking her surface-level memories,’ Wei Yi noted, raising an eyebrow, “That’s me.”

“Can I… sit down?”

“Go ahead. You really didn’t need to ask, by the way. Nobody usually comes in anyway.”

“Oh… Alright, I’ll do that…” she slowly walked in, went around the chair, and found her way into the chair, sitting down cautiously. She looked like some kind of scared cat, or some other small, cute animal- and there she was, going back to calling her cute. It was going to be an issue if she was mistaken about her intentions.

The wait for the answer proved to be rather long, as the North Antanian girl was rather reluctant to say anything. She fiddled in the seat, playing with her fingers and doing just about everything other than communicating her intent.

Fortunately, Wei Yi had the ability to enter the Realm of Potential, among other spaces devoted to the mind, so she had plenty to do in order to keep herself occupied.



Wei Yi didn’t wish to scare the woman, so although she had returned from several hours spent in the Realm of Potential, she didn’t do anything aside from shifting her position in her seat.

“I want to… admit… something.”

“Go ahead.”

“I… I think I like you…”

“I’d pretend to be surprised, but I’d noticed that ages ago. You do remember how you called me a succubus when we first met, right?”

“You k-knew? What? How… how did you know from that?”

“That wasn’t the only thing, but succubi are meant to be attractive. If you mistake someone for a creature of lust and seduction, you either think they look like some stereotype of the creature, or that they are immensely attractive. Since I have none of the traditional attributes associated with a succubus, the other option is the only reasonable one,” Wei Yi explained, likely in more detail than was necessary, “The only thing I hadn’t quite understood was why you had issues with finding me attractive.”

“That… Ugh,” Miyu exhaled, her head lowering, “It’s complicated. Family, expectations… I’d rather not go into it.”

“That’s fine, though I am not sure why you presumed that your family would care what you do in a different world. You were aware that it was a different world from the start, weren’t you?” the Ascendant recalled their first encounter via a tome in the Ascendant’s Library, “You were certainly trying hard to fit in.”

“I was, but… after getting used to doing things one way, it was hard to change.”

‘Can’t quite understand that myself, given how my temperament was forcefully shaken up by being shoved into the Kong Prison Realm, but it does make sense,’ Wei Yi nodded, “So, why did you decide to admit it now?”

“Well… I met with Shun Liu Min.”

She hardly needed to explain why their latest meeting was abnormal. After Wei Yi was done with her, the maid was blissed out and completely exhausted for the rest of the day. After that, she had become rather cheery all of a sudden, and developed a fondness for touching her flat belly – perhaps she intended it as practise, though the moistness of her panties at those times suggested otherwise.

If Miyu got to meet the maid in that state, she would have also likely noticed a certain scent hanging around, for Shun Liu Min had fallen in love with it almost as much as she had with Wei Yi and her dick. With every other factor also taken into account, even the most naïve and shy woman in the world would have recognised that the maid had a busy night in bed, and since she knew of Wei Yi’s hermaphroditism, it wouldn’t have been difficult to guess the other person involved even if the maid refused to divulge that information.

“How much did she say?”

“She… she was blushing the whole way through, but she wasn’t at all shy about smelling some kind of black fabric regularly. There was also this scent that hung around her whole room to the point of making it difficult to breathe,” Miyu said, her tone primarily that of confusion rather than disgust, “She seemed so happy, though…”

“Did that convince you to make up your mind about attempting to get together with me? I remember you’d had a go at it before.”

The Antanorden woman kept her eyes down, “Yes. She spoke of your time together vaguely, but everything was said with the same tone as one might refer to paradise, or a utopia of some kind. I had never seen anyone so happy, except… well…”


“I remember how my mother had talked about being pregnant with me, and…”

Another pause followed, the otherworldly demon’s hands clenching into fists after a while. Fortunately, she wasn’t especially strong, nor were her nails long, or else she might have hurt herself.

“I think we have to talk about my family after all. So, um, I’m the only child of the Aimi family.”

“… Okay?” Wei Yi raised an eyebrow.

She was also an only child, and an orphan to boot, but she couldn’t quite comprehend what that had to do with anything. It seemed to be similar to the time that Fu Zan seemed afraid to ask whether she was a lesbian, so perhaps it was another cultural difference.

“My parents… They’re kind. And nice. And helpful. However, they weren’t able to get another kid after I was born. I… never really asked for details, and mom never gave them away.”

‘What does… oh, I think I know. This may not be a cultural difference at all.’

“They were open to me doing… well, pretty much anything. That’s how I got good grades and all the support I ever needed to go work in that games company. They even bought an apartment for me, just to make sure that I’d not have problems with paying for it,” a smile finally returned to her expression, even if it was faint and fragile, “However, they really wanted me to… well, to have a child.”

“Didn’t want their bloodline to die out?”

“Um, w-well… I guess that’s one way to put it. We don’t really want to have those on Orbis, but my family did want to get grandchildren. They wanted them for themselves, but my mother was also sure that I would be made happy by it.”

Wei Yi nodded, “I can understand their thought process. What makes it so difficult for you to bring up, though?”

“I… I never liked men. Where I’m from, there aren’t any futanari, or hermaphrodites, or anything. The only place is… in porn. So, from that, I knew that I didn’t have a problem with that, but men… To be honest, it made me a little sick to think about it,” the North Antanian girl finally looked up, her moist eyes meeting Wei Yi’s, “I wanted to make them happy, to make them proud, but… I also didn’t want to hurt myself like that, and hurt them by extension when they realise how I felt.”

“That’s why you insisted you were straight?”

“I wanted to convince you a bit, but I also wanted to convince myself… Even in another world, I wanted to avoid going in the wrong direction.”

“I see…”

Miyu glanced in the direction of Wei Yi’s groin, though she was only met with a wooden desk that didn’t permit her single eye to look through. There was an obvious hint of disappointed in her gaze, but she withdrew it soon.

“I couldn’t resist after a while, when it came with you. You may not know it, but you… you’re beautiful. You have such deep, lovely eyes… long red hair, nicer than any silk… you’re strong and dependable… I loved being in your arms…” her cheeks flushed with crimson, but she wasn’t able to stop, “I had wanted to spend more time with you, but I could never muster the confidence to pursue you more than… well, more than I had. I regret it now, but I couldn’t have known…”

“Actually, I didn’t have a dick the whole time you knew me, but do continue.”

“I just didn’t want to lose the chance of having a kid at some point in the future, and if I had fallen in love with you, then I wouldn’t have been able to see anyone else in that light in the future…”

“Lots of people are wanting children as of late… I would like to confirm one thing with you, if you don’t mind,” Wei Yi leaned forward, placed her elbows on the desk, and continued, “You’ve effectively confessed already, and I don’t have any objections to sleeping with you, though I would ask you to delay any talk of romance until after we handle the whole War of Ascendancy business-”

“That’s fine! I just want to be near you.”

“- again, a lot of people on that list, but alright. I just want to make sure that you aren’t doing this because you feel like you have some obligation to your parents. So long as you are doing this out of your own volition, then I will not object to helping you maintain your family line.”

“I… um… Have you read my mind before?” she asked all of a sudden, their eyes meeting for a long while.


You are reading story Path of the Ascendant at

“Oh, you just admitted it… uh… Well, I had mentioned porn before, and… you might know that I’ve read and watched a lot of it. Most of it was, obviously, futa porn of some kind, but there were plenty of other tags there…” Miyu said, her surface-level thoughts gathering with such concentration that they were almost visible without needing to deliberately scan her mind, “If we are going to do this, I want to try some of those things in real life.”

“There are a lot of things to say about that, but first of all – you’re a virgin, aren’t you?”


“Just in the Planar Continents, or on Orbis as well?”

“Both. I’d never even attempted to date another woman, and I’m not that old, so…”

“In that case, it might not be a good idea for you to try and emulate everything you have seen in that pornography of yours,” Wei Yi advised, “Try the basics first, and then you can try some of the kinkier stuff – whatever it is. I haven’t gone through the details.”

“Could you? Please?”

“Why? Why do you want to make me do that? I’ve already had to deal with one lustful bastard flooding my head with his ideas, why should I be adding to that?”

“W-Well… pretty please?”

Wei Yi rolled her eyes, withdrawing from the desk and leaning back in her seat.

“Alright, let’s do it this way. You can think of those fetishes of yours, I’ll look through and see what’s reasonable, and then we can do it this once. I’ll try to fulfil them to the best of my ability, and make sure that you get that child you’re so keen on having.”

“Sure! Please, have a look, just… I need a moment to focus.”

After she received a nod in reply, Miyu shut her eyes and concentrated, the effort visible even from the outside. Since Wei Yi wasn’t sure about the full extent of her mental capabilities – her experience with this otherworldly demon wasn’t especially optimistic so far, but she was rather quick at reading, so there was something there – she gave her a whole minute before sending out a thread of spiritual will.

She wasn’t sure if she regretted that decision. On one hand, the sheer quantity of filth contained within her mind was astounding, and it was amazing when considering the stark contrast from the shy words Miyu usually spoke. On the other, there was quite a bit there to consider.

The art and art style revealed through her thoughts was indeed a fascinating one, managing to be rather simplistic and abstract while simultaneously conveying the key details necessary to make an act arousing to the viewer. It also permitted for the enhancement of certain details without making them look especially unnatural or strange, as they might if one attempted a more realistic approach, and the style itself had plenty of variation from work to work.

Presumably, there were many different artists employing this style, though that did carry the implication that there numerous people on Orbis that were focused on making porn. It was a… strange concept, especially given the current state of the things in the Planar Continents, but she certainly wouldn’t have complained if it was possible for the Western Continent to be so peaceful as to give people nothing better to do. It showed a certain degree of success if people were able to spend their time in ways one might describe as decadent, and that much she couldn’t criticise.

Such observations did avoid the content of the art, however, which was her primary focus on this particular mental incursion. Even if it was the style that Miyu liked, Wei Yi lacked the ability to transform the world’s appearance, nor would she be entirely comfortable with doing so.

‘Let’s see… sweat and scent make a lot of appearances, so she’ll fit right in… Huge dicks, that I can provide to an extent… This, though…’ the Ascendant briefly paused the scan to ask, “You have quite a bit of material involving acts that might be seen as somewhat… involuntary. How do you expect that to happen?”

“We can roleplay!”

“… That doesn’t mean much to me, so you will have to elaborate.”

“You can just pretend like you’re some fearsome, horny futa that needs a wet, tight hole to fuck, and I just happen to be around when I get a whiff of your thick musk-”

“Please don’t stain the chair. Unlike the bedroom, I prefer this room to not have such a scent.”

“Ah! Sorry!” Miyu leapt up from the seat, though both of them easily spotted a dark spot on the cushion, “I just… Ever since I started thinking about sex, this sort of stuff came to mind, but for so many years, there wasn’t a single chance of it happening! I’ve been so pent up…”

“Yeah, I can tell…” Wei Yi sighed, ‘I swear, if this is that Dao of Lust causing problems…’


 A figure with a violet eye blew away a loose strand of black hair, returning it to the right side of its face.

“She just loves blaming me, doesn’t she. Even after all of the time I’ve spent helping in other matters… though she doesn’t know about that, and probably won’t, unless Ruon is right, which she is…” the figure looked away, into the void of reflective shards, “Oh well. At least the fifteenth wall is still safe.”


“Do I need to be standing on a towel?”

Miyu’s question was asked after she had already stepped onto said towel, just in time for Wei Yi to point out a bead of liquid travelling down her leg, “You’ve already made the chair wet, and I would rather not need to incinerate the floor every time someone visits. You’re lucky the House of Gold has expanded sufficiently for me to fill it with random trash that doesn’t have a better place elsewhere.”


“Now, think back to your ideas, and let me finish my scan. There’s so much smut in that head of yours that I wasn’t able to archive it fully even in the few seconds that I had to look through it.”

“Even in a few seconds…? No, never mind. Go ahead.”

By the time she spoke, Wei Yi’s mental energy was already inside her head, but it wasn’t worth pointing that out. Knowing her, Miyu would end up getting distracted with something else again, and then the towel would need to be replaced and also burnt – or given away to Shun Liu Min, who seemed like she wouldn’t mind.

Wading through her mental landscape, the Ascendant got past the surface-level ideas rather quickly. She already understood the basics from the reveal of the otherworldly demon’s fantasy a little earlier, so the important thing to do was discover the specifics of what Miyu might want to ‘roleplay’ with her. Certain things that were impossible were obviously out of the question right away, and she lacked access to tentacles that she would ever put inside an ally – her Elder Eldritch Hold carried a sexual scent, but she doubted that the tendrils would be safe to employ in a sexual manner – but a lot was reasonable.

For instance, acting as an aggressor that seemed to have no regard for Miyu’s state was feasible, especially when she had the ability to read her mind at all times to ensure that she was safe and happy. Boosting her body’s production of sweat was also incredibly simple, regardless of where.

One recurring element was makeup, though not on her face but the otherworldly demon’s. Apparently, some of the people on Orbis had a fetish for lipstick stains or mascara tears, which was easy enough to arrange, though ensuring that the makeup would be easy enough to wash away was a little more challenging. She had no clue how it would benefit Miyu, who wouldn’t be able to see the results, but perhaps the thought of it was enough for her.

‘She would also get to see her lips stain my dick, regardless of how her mouth is used, so maybe she’s into that idea as well.’

With Miyu, it seemed like a good idea to consider what she wasn’t into, rather than what she was, as the sheer list of fetishes on display was too excessive even for the Ascendant’s Library to properly catalogue, but that wasn’t how the mind worked. She had asked her to think of things she was interested in, and so it was best to stick to those unless she wished to attempt something later and sour their time together. Fortunately, she knew that her biggest issue was with men, and Wei Yi wasn’t one, even if Great Dark and Great Light still occasionally think otherwise.

There was an excess of material involving pubic hair which she considered for a moment, but dismissed. From what little emotion there was associated with that material, it seemed like Miyu was more fond of the smell of sweat that would inevitably build up rather than the hair itself, so there was no need to sully her body with that kind of thing.

“Is that… a piss fetish? Miyu, we need to have a talk after this.”

“But didn’t we agree-”

“We did, even if I am slightly regretting it. I suspect that all of your pent up lust has resulted in you developing rather unrealistic expectations of what sex and sexual relationships are,” Wei Yi said, “It’s fine if you like imagining this kind of thing, but to expect it to be completely normal in reality is a completely different matter. Sex is good enough without going to such extremes, but because you had never gotten to experience it, you’ve kept escalating your lustful thoughts until you’ve reached your current state.”

“I just want to experience it once…”

“And we have already agreed to this, but I’m just saying that afterwards, you ought to simply try things out normally. See what it feels like to simply touch someone you’re attracted to, kiss them and so on.”

The otherworldly demon nodded, albeit highly reluctantly.

Wei Yi sighed, as her words clearly weren’t getting through to the horny woman, a fact made obvious that she wasn’t even looking in her direction and was instead busy fantasising about something while dripping onto the towel beneath her, already making a large stain upon it.

She had no clue how she had managed to accumulate such a large group of thirsty ladies, nor was she sure why she was the one with the Dao of Lust when her thoughts were only focused upon that kind of thing on very rare occasions. However, she had made a promise, and since Miyu happened to be a naïve soul, rather than a malicious one, she was going to honour her promise for so long as it wasn’t going to hurt the young woman.

If it did, she would naturally make sure that she was instead educated on what sex was actually like.

“Alright, I think I’ve seen enough. Let me establish this: I will be monitoring your thoughts, so whatever you say or do in your ‘roleplay’, I will go along with it, but the moment you aren’t feeling comfortable with what we’re doing, you think about it and I’ll know. Don’t force yourself for any reason, don’t push yourself to do something just because it was hot to think about, or because you think that I’ll want it. Trust me, I don’t have any issues with the vanilla stuff, because it still involves a lot of other factors that both of us should be happy with.”

“So… can we fuck?”

“We need to agree on the specifics, and also, you need to tell me how you ended up here. Weren’t you in the Dimensional Domain?”

“Actually, I can explain that,” Yi Shi Ming appearing at the doorway, as if she had entered the room naturally, “She was interested in speaking with someone, so I assisted her with arriving at Paragon. Then, she conversed with Shun Liu Min and was then interested in reaching you. I saw fit to assist her. Is that an issue?”

“No… Were you here the whole time?”

“I can always see everything in the area. Don’t worry about me if you wish to engage in any kinds of activities. I have my own fair share of experience with all kinds of… adult matters.”

“… I don’t think I need to know that.”