The whiteness greeted Kai.
Kai had an inkling he would return to this place. But not in the state he was. His torn clothes had vanished, and he was as naked as his name day. The lack of pain, injuries, and bruises all had disappeared like a phantom memory. Everything about him was fresh, and he could even smell himself.
A grassy, rainy scent, Kai told himself, taking many sniffs.
It was the same White Room in which he had found himself resurrected. Just quieter, and somehow emptier than last time. Kai took a deep breath, closing his eyes. It feels good, Kai thought, sensing the power coursing through him, and yes, the hotness in his chest.
It’s asleep, Kai reflected. It’s waiting for me to wake it up.
The notification appeared the moment he opened his eyes.
Contestant Kai Stormborn, you have completed your Initiation Mission
How are you feeling?
How am I feeling? What the…?! A chill went down Kai’s spine, seeing the question, and questions kept popping up in his mind. No, it can’t be. Isn’t Chaos just a System? A medium to gain Power? It can interact… This?! Why did Arlen, and others, say nothing about it?
Kai’s face became ugly. There was one thing he could almost trust, and that was the System. Now, seeing that it can freely interact, and possibly think for itself, that hope crumbled too. He stared at the notification as if it was some wench who had taken his money but didn’t let him even touch it.
“I am alright,” Kai said, reluctantly. He didn’t know what the System knew, but given the circumstances, he could guess. Everything! It knows everything! Fucking thing has even seen everything.
You are a valuable Contestant, Kai Stormborn
Let’s check if you are worthy as well, shall we?
Analyzing Contestant’s actions in the random world…
Kai’s heart had jumped to his throat, and there it sat, waiting for the result. From the Main Mission’s Summary, Kai knew the value of ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard’. Chaos wanted imbalance, and the worldwide presence of the book was the key to it.
What have I done?! Kai questioned his actions for a fleeting moment. He was human, full of errs and questionable decisions. But then he steeled his emotions. So what? Kai asked himself, scorning the sudden regret. I would have done the same either way.
Yes. When Kai gave it a thought, he found out, even if he had become an Order’s Contestant, he would have done the same.
The same!
The same… the words repeated in his mind, as he saw those three dots at the end of notification appearing and disappearing.
It flashed then.
Analyzation Complete
Judgment: Worthy
Reward: +1 Worth
Are you thinking about the book, Kai Stormborn?
Kai had just felt relief when he stiffened again, seeing the question. It’ll be hard to get used to it, Kai told himself. Very hard, and difficult.
“Yes,” Kai said, not finding it reasonable to lie about the obvious.
Chaos prefers imbalance, Kai Stormborn
When you stole the book, you had become the cause of an even greater imbalance
You are reading story Demonic Resurrection: Pawns of the Evil Systems at
Chaos commends your unquenchable thirst for Power and the avarice that fuels your decisions even more
Though the Contestant must know…
It worked this time. Will it work the next time as well?
No answer.
There was no answer to this question. Kai’s throat felt dry all of a sudden. He knew it was just one word. Worthy. It could have been ‘Unworthy’ as easily. The addition of the two letters could have cost him everything.
Kai wetted his thin lips, his tongue rolling up and down. “I am willing to risk it,” Kai said, the words escaping his mouth as if they were at the tip of his tongue. “I am willing to risk everything.”
Very well
Chaos doesn’t interfere with Contestants’ choices. If you die, it will be because of your choices. And if you live, it will also be because of your choices
Remember, and be warned, Kai Stormborn…
The stairs to the Absolute Power, you so desire, are long and tedious. How high you will climb, depends on the Imbalance spread by you
Kai stared at those words. That sentence. He drank its meaning, like alcohol, burning his throat, stomach, and his entire body. For a moment, he forgot the reasons and thoughts. Only he and that warning remained. Both cuddled, feeling each other’s warmth, kissing, and their cold skin rubbing against each other.
For there was a coldness in that warning, a chill. And Kai Stormborn, the Blood Demon, had the same chill in his heart.
So this is what I have become, Kai bitterly thought. A tool! A pawn to spread Imbalance. So be it. I don’t mind it, not a bit. As long as I become the strongest tool and an even stronger pawn.
Kai’s eyes narrowed then, the evil grin on his face had become incredibly difficult to hide. What happens to those who use me as a pawn? Kai asked himself and then answered. Only one toe can be placed on the peak of Absolute Power. And that… will be mine. Your time will come too, Chaos.
Not all Contestants have the authority to interact with Chaos
It all depends on one’s Worth
But even Chaos’ powers are limited within the Primordial Tower. You can still get answers to all questions there from Chaos by paying a certain price
You have 2 undistributed Attribute Points
Would you like to assign them now?
When Kai read he could get answers, his mind throbbed from all the things he wanted to know. What is Glitch? What is Worth? How Abilities, Glitch, and Worth are related?
There was just no end to those questions. But Kai also knew what mattered the most. For now, it was the Attribute Points.
“What would you recommend?” Kai asked, holding his breath in anticipation. He knew little. Who else was better to ask for advice, other than the System itself?
But what happened next, made Kai let out a wry smile.
Processing Contestant Kai Stormborn question…
Calculating the questions worth…
Analyzation Complete
Price: 50 Mission Credits
Do you accept the transfer?