Chapter 72: Chapter 55: The City of Assignments

“What’s the meaning of this, Morgan?” the golden knight fumed. “I need an explanation, and I need it now.”

A wave of Mana pounded the survivors, buckling their knees. Kai was kneeling too, his one knee digging into the earth. Of the longsword, only its hilt remained in hand. It had taken him all his strength to pass the steel through the Contestant’s neck.

“Explanation?!” Morgan said, his voice showing his puzzlement. “If someone needs an explanation, then that should be me, Elaine.”

“How dare… you?!” The Dame shook in anger. “Have you no shame, Ser?”

“Tch!” Ser Tussy clicked his tongue. “We gave the command simultaneously. But it takes time for the sound to reach the ears. It’s just that.”

Even a child could tell by now what Morgan was doing. “Black hearts, blacker thoughts,” Elaine rebuked. “I will have none of your nonsense.”

“Oh?” Morgan said, a slight chuckle coming out of his helm. “I have other things to give you, my lady. You just never give me the chance.”

Kai could have sworn he heard the golden knight gritting her teeth in anger. If Desmond could tell that I have an Ability, then certainly these knights can too, Kai had told himself before activating the Blood Essence. He knew the Order’s knight would come to kill him if he were to give any reason whatsoever. And he also knew Ser Morgan Tussy would have to come to save him. A newbie with Elementary Ability? None would want to lose such a prize.

So Kai used both the knights. Morgan won’t be pleased about it, Kai thought, fighting the pressure. But I have other plans for him. Haha!

“Hand this criminal to me, Morgan,” Dame Elaine commanded. “He will have to pay for his insolence.”

“Haha!” Morgan laughed, his voice booming against the hill. “Criminal?! We all are criminals, Elaine. Or have you forgotten that?”

“Don’t put me with the likes of you. I will not have it,” Elaine said, flinging the spear, the banner on it swishing with the wind. “Justice is Balance, Balance is Order.”

Kai felt an unimaginable pride coming off from her voice. There seemed to be a magical power hidden in it, even if the words had no Mana in them. It gave her strength, Kai could tell. The strength to take a stand, and the strength to act.

“Don’t throw those words at me. Shit smells better than them,” Morgan said, taking a step forward, and pointing his greatsword at the headless body. “Think about it, Elaine. Do you really want to do it? For a useless, weak, dead newbie?”

Both became silent for a moment. Dame Elaine looked at the body Morgan had pointed to, thinking about something as Morgan had suggested. Her cloak fluttered in her stead, making all the noise it could to deter the silence.

When Kai twisted his neck, he found the golden knight looking at him. He couldn’t see her eyes behind the helm, but he could feel her anger.

“I have seen your face, kid,” Elaine said, turning away, “and I don’t forget faces.”

But I didn’t see yours, Kai thought, knowing well there was a female behind the veil of golden metal. Aged, yes. But beautiful, that much Kai could tell from Morgan’s words. Kai had a taste for older women, and it felt like ages since he had seen someone pleasing to his eyes.

The pressure disappeared along with her and the other Order’s Contestants. Kai slumped down, finally having the time to look at the notification.


Terminating Battle Sequence

Floor: 1 (1st Set)

Kill Count: (5/20)

You are reading story Demonic Resurrection: Pawns of the Evil Systems at

Sub-Kill Count: (5/5)

Battle Number: 1

Contestant Kai Stormborn, you have achieved the required Sub-Kill Count

Are you ready to leave the Primordial Tower?

Once declined, you can only use this service after achieving the next Sub-Kill Count

The Choice is yours


Do you take me for a fool? Kai sniggered, rejecting the offer instantly.

The Initiating Mission had almost killed him many times over. Yes, it had turned out to be fruitful, but as Chaos had told him, it worked this time. But what about next?

No, I will be the stupidest person if I go to a random world now, Kai told himself. His longsword had broken, and he had no Items to attack or defend. The Boa’s Blood Essence was well and good, but Kai was a fighter, and in this world, as he had found out, it was hard to do much without Items.

Skills, Kai thought. I need Skills.

But all didn’t share Kai’s thoughts. When he pushed himself up to his feet and looked around, he saw blue flashes. Only eight Contestants had survived the battle out of forty-some, and one chose to teleport to the Random World.

“Boy!” Ser Tussy boomed, catching Kai’s attention. “Line up, or do you need an escort?”

Kai crawled himself to the Contestants, forming a single file behind the destrier. But when Kai approached them, all backed away, letting him take the front position. The knight said nothing. Neither he asked for Kai’s Elementary Ability nor did he mention the golden knight.

It was only after they had traveled a few dozen miles did he say something. “So seven, huh? That’s a number I wasn’t expecting,” Morgan said, looking back, his visor wide open. “You all did OK out there. Not bad!”

Kai could feel the knight looking at him, but he feigned ignorance. He was lost in his thoughts, brooding over what to do next. The only thing he knew for sure was that if they didn't reach the city soon, they would all die.

Not me, Kai told himself. I will die last.

“Seven?” the woman behind Kai asked. She was the one Kai had unknowingly saved from his last kill. “Captain, aren’t there eight of us? That one is just gone to the random world.”

A few Contestants behind her sniggered and laughed. Ser Morgan joined them, letting out a hearty laugh himself. “Haha! He is as good as dead,” the knight said. “No one comes back from there after going through this very first battle. No one.”

Suddenly, the knight stopped. Kai bumped into the destrier’s rear, making the beast neigh in annoyance. When he shook the smell off, Kai looked beyond the beast. They were standing on a cliff’s edge. And beyond the forest at the cliff’s foot, Kai could see high walls and towers. The flickering light coming off that place couldn’t have anything but the sign of life.

“Look at it!” Ser Morgan Tussy said. “Isn’t it beautiful? That’s the chaos of the 1st floor. That’s… The City of Assignments!”

AN: The Knight equivalent for women is Dame (Knighthood - Damehood). The same will be used throughout the Novel wherever applicable