Kai peeked into the room.
It was completely dark. Wind passed through the open shutters, hacking its way through the blue velvet curtains, and for a second, Kai allowed himself to levitate outside, waiting for something.
2 seconds is enough, Kai thought, disappointingly. The Book would have let me know if there is a worthy tale to be devoured inside the chamber. There was no trembling, inside or outside. Kai frowned, sensing the return of light dizziness, and he lunged himself inside. When his feet touched the floor, even the wind couldn’t hear him.
What the? Kai gaped, seeing the scene on the bed. Where the fuck is she? Don’t tell me?! There was only one person on the bed, and from the figure outlined by the coverlet, Kai could tell it was just a child under it. He had hoped to find both mother and child here, but the woman was nowhere to be seen.
Damn! Slut! Kai cursed angrily. I could have easily threatened her using the boy if she was here. I am sure she has gone to have a dick inside her. But where? For how long? Kai did not know. And he couldn’t afford to linger outside the sewers for long as the scenes of Blood Prophecy had at least told Kai that he would be attacked outside.
Well, Kai thought. I will manage with what I have, then. He recalled the things Jon Arryn had spoken about his son. There weren’t many things a man could do while being held in the sewers, surrounded by the foulest of smells, except talk and talk. The Hand never mumbled about something substantial, but of his son and family, he sang a lot.
A weak boy, Kai told himself, looking at the pale face of Robert Arryn. Weak, sick, and delirious. He approached the boy silently and climbed onto the bed as if it was meant for him. Kai put up the sweetest smile on his face and stroked Robert Arryn’s face. It was cold to touch, like hot food left untouched for hours.
The boy stirred. His eyelids parted a little, and then they shot open in horror.
“Shh!” Kai shushed, putting a finger on both his and Robert’s lips. “Now, now! You must not make any noise, child.” Any other six-year-old would have shouted for the guards posted just outside of the doors. Not our Sweetrobin, though, Kai sneered. The boy is too gullible and mental to show the usual reactions.
“Who… who are you?” the boy asked, apprehensively. There was an alarmed but amazed tone in his voice, Kai noticed. “Are you a ghost?”
“No, my child.” Kai hastily replied before the boy could scream in horror. “I am an angel. The White Angel.”
“Angel?!” the child gaped incredulously.
“Yes,” said Kai, struggling to hold back a chuckle. “An Angel. The seven gods have sent me to give you the gift of strength, which will make you a knight, and you do want to be a knight, right?”
Robert Arryn vigorously nodded in return. “I want to be a knight,” the boy whispered. “The strongest knight.”
“Done!” Kai declared, tapping the boy’s head, but then a frown came upon his face. “But I can only pass this gift to your parents. Where are they?”
“My parents?” the boy muttered, too excited to notice Kai’s twitching lips. “They say my father has been kidnapped by a bastard.”
“Kidnapped, is he?” Kai asked. “Let me ask God where your father is.”
“You…” Robert stuttered. “You can talk to the Gods?”
Kai smiled. He closed his eyes and thought of Cersei’s naked figure. Her curves, her lips, and the word she had given him. After. Then he opened his eyes. “Gods have told me you are as bold as your father, Sweetrobin,” Kai said, caressing Robert’s disheveled hair. “Your father is OK. He will come back to you in three days.”
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“Will he?” Robert shouted. “I must tell mother. I must.”
“Shh!” Kai again shushed. “Don’t you want your gift, then? Yes. I know you do. So let me tell your mother, OK? Where is she?”
“No!” said Robert, his hands shaking in anger. “I will tell her. I, not you.”
Kai frowned. “If that is your wish, then good,” Kai said, moving away from the boy. “But the Gods won’t give you the gift then.”
“Gift.” The boy uttered the word as if he had forgotten about it, his hands trembling even more. Then he pleaded. “No, please. Don’t go! My mother is downstairs, I remember. She always goes downstairs.”
“Downstairs? Where exactly?” Kai asked, pressing the boy.
“The…” Robert struggled to find the words. “The head guardsman’s chamber. Yes. I saw her once there. I was chasing a black tomcat. Can you make the cat fly?”
There was a grin on Kai’s face. “Sure,” he said, approaching a dark corner of the room. “Would you like to see magic before I go?”
“Magic!” the boy sat up straight. “Show me magic. I command you.”
“Yes, my lord,” Kai said, bowing low. When he lifted his face, the smoothness of his skin had vanished. Dozens of protrusions had returned, secreting a light trail of gas. Two long white fangs and a tattoo almost glistened menacingly white under the dim light of stars.
The boy shrieked.
Two guards came breaking in and found the boy screaming out his lungs. “Monster! Monster!” Robert shouted, pointing at a dark corner. “Angel! Ghost! Monster!” The guards’ faces paled as they took out their swords. But when they approached the corner, there was no one there.
Kai slithered down the steps. Those he couldn't avoid, he distracted. He knew which chamber he was looking for. It was on the first floor, just by the stairs. And if I am right, there won’t be any guards there, Kai told himself.
He was wrong.
There was someone there, just outside the door. No, not the guards. But a black tomcat, sitting on her haunches, swishing her tail.
Haha! Kai mused at the sight as he soundlessly slithered up to her. The boy will get at least one of his wishes, I think.