Chapter 247: Chapter 246 – Thank You General Guan For The Arrows

Chapter 246 – Thank You General Guan For The Arrows (Continuation of Guan Yu’s Retelling Of His Defeat)

“General, this is not good at all!!! What should we do?” Said Guan Yu’s deputy general in panic. This person’s name is Tao Quan, his courtesy name is Zizhang and he is the one who responsible for Liu Bei’s escapade from Xu Province to Runan. He was given by Tao Qian to Liu Bei while he was sheltered by him back in Xu Province and become Guan Yu’s deputy general since then. In original history, he did not have a chance to leave a good name due to dying on the road to Xinye. However due to butterfly effect brought by Liu Mang, Tao Quan managed to survive until now. Tao Quan’s mannerism is calm and quiet and he is a very learned person. This is one of trait that Guan Yu liked and put him as his deputy general. However Tao Quan panicked now. Shouchun was bombarded from every direction and they cannot counterattack at all and when the enemy approached so they can counterattack, they target Shouchun’s blindspots, leaving no chance to counterattack, even though those 50 catapults target are city wall. Big boulders are banging on the wall made the whole structure shook violently, it made soldiers’ morale dropped severely, and when it slammed itself on them, they are dead immediately, become meat patties. Guan Yu then gritted his tooth “Mrngghh!!!” and said to Tao Quan “No choice, we need to breakthrough the city!!! Attack them directly!!! This battle is a lost cause, staying on defensive will exhaust what’s left of our army morale!!!” Shouchun has been compromised severely, their defensive maneuvers were toppled one by one. Guan Yu’s trebuchets which had been placed on the South Gate tower, had been taken out completely, also the damage to South Gate itself is quite severe. Leaving Guan Yu’s only option to attack them directly.

“Direct assault? General, please don’t do that!!!” Said Tao Quan, while holding Guan Yu’s arms. Direct assault? This Guan Yu had lost his mind!!! Thought Tao Quan. They indeed had 10,000 troops only but they are heavy infantries. 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers will be unable to cope with 10,000 heavy infantries with direct confrontation. The only troops that Liu Bei army had who can stand toe-to-toe with those heavy infantries were White Feathered Warriors1 who are currently is their lord’s direct subordinate and their trump card.

One of the reason that Liu Bei was able to make comeback after being defeated numerous times was the existence of White Feathered Warriors. They can be considered as Liu Bei’s Royal Guard Unit and being a Royal Guard Unit, they must be robust and healthy also they need to be skilled in martial arts. Also when Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had spare time, they certainly will taught them martial arts. So, it can be said that although Chen Dao is their field commander, they are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei’s apprentices. However, as formidable as they are, they are still light infantries, so when they reach Runan, Liu Bei approached Liu Pi, Runan’s master. Liu Pi who had sworn brotherhood with Liu Bei, quickly open his armory and Liu Bei can expand his White Feathered Warriors from 3,000 troops into 5,000 troops with each personnel is wearing heavy armor. Thus completing his heavy infantry trump card. Their prowess is really strong that even Black Flag heavy infantry is not a match for them.

However currently, Guan Yu don’t have White Feathered Warriors with him. Going direct assault is courting death, as their opponents are heavy infantries and 200 heavy cavalries. They will be annihilated in an instant! But Guan Yu already prepared his resolve and said “If we just stay and do nothing, death is the one awaiting us!” Guan Yu’s face is very grim and become more redder. In his mind, if he goes all out from South Gate along with 7,000 troops who stationed here, he may still be able to escape albeit with heavy casualties from Liu Mang army. Guan Yu calculated that out of 7,000 troops, around 5,000 will be casualties.

No other options except to breakthrough!!! Thought Guan Yu who then steeled again his resolve. Guan Yu then prepare to ordered breakthrough using South Gate to all of his officers when Tao Quan interrupted and said “General, are you sure about this?!” Sure?! HELL NO!!! Thought Guan Yu and smiled bitterly. If only the opposite had no valiant generals, I will certainly SURE to rush ahead. Alas, the situation is very difficult now Thought Guan Yu again and exhaled dejectedly. He already obtained the intel that commanders of Liu Mang army is comprised of veteran of Battle of Wancheng. They are Gan Ning, Huang Zhong, and Xu Sheng. Being a survivor of a battle that is more hopeless than Battle of Xiapi, they are surely able to block their escape and kill them all. Since both options resulted dead, Guan Yu chose the most honorable way to go out.

Tao Quan calmed himself down then urged to Guan Yu “General, if you are not sure, then please stay. If general is to die in this battle, those 10,000 Qing Province Elites will become headless!!! Also are you going to break your oath of brotherhood to Milord?!” The oath, eh? Thought Guan Yu. Then Guan Yu’s mind flew to that event. Remembering the peach trees, their fated meeting, their oath at the peach garden and their sayings “We seek not to be born on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. We merely hope to die on the same day, in the same month and in the same year.” Guan Yu then said to Tao Quan “If we did nothing, we will die trapped in this city!!! Better do something and die honorably then do nothing at all!!!” Guan Yu then held Tao Quan’s shoulders and said “Zizhang, don’t you worry about a thing. With Zhou Cang at my side, I will definitely be able to return!!!”

Tao Quan then shook his head and said “General, we still another way to survive!!! Right now, we are not cornered at all, although we are besieged by Liu Mang army. He provided enough gaps for us to withdraw from Shouchun!!!” Guan Yu then sternly said his piece “NO!!!! Big bro and strategist Pang said to defend Shouchun with our life. This place is a vital place of Yang Province!!! If not, big bro will not allocate 30,000-shi provisions and a lot of weaponry here!!!” With those words, Guan Yu resolved to not abandon Shouchun. Tao Quan then shouted “WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT NOW!!! NO MORALE, NO TREBUCHETS, NOTHING!!! GENERAL, ARE YOU REALLY SURE WE CAN STILL DEFEND THIS CITY?!” Tao Quan dared to be rude as Guan Yu treated him like nephew, if regular deputy, he is impossible to do that to Guan Yu. Also right now, if Guan Yu was not given shock therapy, he will not responded to anything Tao Quan said.

“I, me…” Guan Yu stuttered then he goes silent. He already knew that defending the city is already a fleeting dream and if the battle continues like this, tomorrow he shall be a meat patty along with his soldiers, but still he stubbornly clinging to his assigned duty. Tao Quan then continued, touching several sensitive things to Guan Yu “General, please think thrice!!! If you died in battle, what about Milord and your oath to him? Also here got 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers, Milord is currently severely lacking in troops now! If General were to throw those 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers and your life as well, what will happen to Milord’s great cause?!” Guan Yu kept his silence.

Guan Yu is a very proud person and in his eyes, this Prince of Shu is nothing more than bratty milksop. And right now, that bratty milksop is defeating him, how can his pride take it? Right now Guan Yu is two mind about this thing, one is to remain in Shouchun, salvage his pride and fulfill Pang Tong’s and Liu Bei’s order, second is to retreat, make good of his oath and fight for another day. Also the thing that made him leaning toward the second option is those 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers. Tao Quan is right, if he exhaust these 10,000 elites, Liu Bei Army will lose one limb. Guan Yu then responded to Tao Quan “If we retreat now, it will be very bloody to retake Shouchun again.” When they occupy Shouchun, Shouchun is already desolate and its gates were open, therefore they could occupy it almost instantly. If they retreat now, Liu Mang army will be their opponent the next time they besieged Shouchun. Tao Quan then replied “General, if we lived, we still can make a comeback. Quan asked you, have you forgotten how Traitor Cao occupied Shouchun from Yuan Shu?!”

Guan Yu stunned and thought How Lord Cao occupied Shouchun? Guan Yu then slapped his forehead How could I forgot about that? Regarding that “Lord Cao” address for Cao Cao, it is because Cao Cao treated Guan Yu very good. He gave Lu Bu’s Red Hare to be his personal steed personally and treated him like a family member, calling here Yunchang here, Yunchang there. So Guan Yu’s respect for Cao Cao is still very high even though Liu Bei army are calling him Traitor Cao.

Regarding how Cao Cao occupied Shouchun2, how can Guan Yu not know about that? Guan Yu loved about art of war, therefore he will follow every battle event in all of the nation. When Cao Cao occupied Shouchun, it happened because of Yuan Shu proclaimed himself as Emperor of Zhong Dynasty after receiving imperial seal from Sun Ce. At that time, Cao Cao composed an edict in order to destroy Yuan Shu, the usurper. So Yuan Shu was attacked from 4 sides, therefore he retreated from Runan and goes to Shouchun, throwing away his Yu Province and made Shouchun his final defense line. He then quickly raised his troops to be 100,000 troops and create 4 dams at Ying River and Huai River to irrigate the land, thus fulfilling his need of provisions. However those 4 dams are double-edged sword as it lowered Shouchun’s topography and finally was used by Cao Cao to flood Shouchun. 80,000 troops out of 100,000 troops were washed by the flood and the remaining were either died or run away. Yuan Shu himself and his family evacuated using his recreation ship. Cao Cao then gave a stern warning toward the boat, not to proclaim himself as emperor again or else.

Guan Yu then said “Are you talking about flooding Shouchun again?!” Tao Quan then nodded. Tao Quan then said “If we kept clinging to Shouchun, we will ended up dead. But if we retreat and prepared again, then Liu Mang army will certainly suffer the same fate as Yuan Shu or worse.” Guan Yu agreed with that kind of reasoning but he still clinging to the fact that he still can defend the city. While he is in that thought, suddenly “BOOM!!!” there is a big sound on the Shouchun South Gate that they are standing on.

The gate of South Gate was quickly breached since Shouchun defensive maneuvers already been destroyed. Right now Shouchun is just like a girl who opened his legs, waiting for Liu Mang to penetrate. Seeing this very event Guan Yu gritted his tooth “Mrnggh!!!” and said “Go, order the troops to retreat!!! NOW!!!!” Finally Guan Yu chose to retreat as he finally recognize that this is a lost cause as his . “Yes sir!!!” Replied Tao Quan happily and he quickly beat the drum to signalling the retreat. “Hmm, Shouchun already breached!!!” Said Liu Mang while smiling victoriously. He is overlooking the battle with telescope. The telescope finally was able to be replicated as right now there are artisans who can refine crystals for lens more efficiently. However as cost for producing this telescope is still high, as the lens was made of crystal, he can only give telescopes to Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gan Ning, Zhao Yun and himself. Liu Mang resolved that when Shouchun is captured, he will assign those craftsmen to produce glass for lens.

Liu Mang then hand Xu Shu his telescope. Xu Shu also felt very fascinated with this telescope and been playing with it a lot. This instrument really will become essential in this war Thought Xu Shu. Seeing Xu Sheng kept his eye on the telescope played by Xu Shu, Liu Mang scolded “Stop looking at it! Wait until Shouchun been captured, then you can have one of it!” Xu Sheng dropped his line of sight. He is really drooling with the telescope and has been wondering what could he and his Black Flag could do with this telescope. But because of his unit Black Flag’s movement is slow, a drawback that Xu Sheng himself admitted, Liu Mang did not prioritize him and his units, therefore he really envy those generals who were given telescope now.

Xu Shu then asked Liu Mang “Milord! Why have you not send any generals to storm in?!” Xu Shu was really confused because the South Gate had been breached and Qing Province Soldiers will not be able to close it again. At this point of juncture, Liu Mang could just order to do siege and with White Riders3 as its vanguard, Qing Province Soldiers and Guan Yu will be entrapped inside the city. Liu Mang then said to Xu Shu “Yuanzhi! They are cornered beasts and cornered beasts will unleash their last burst strength if we keep on pressing them. Yes, we had breached Shouchun South Gate, but their numbers is almost intact 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers and they are very formidable foes especially cornered like this. Also, Guan Yu Guan Yunchang’s martial arts skill is magnificent. It is comparable to my honorable father-in-law!”

“Yes sir!” Xu Shu acknowledged his words. Although Xu Shu’s mouth said “Yes”, but his eyes is fixated on Liu Mang, kept asking his real reasons. Making Liu Mang embarassed.

Xu Shu thought What nonsense are Milord is saying? Cornered beast? They are not worth mentioning at all!!! Those Qing Province Soldiers will become mincemeat once they encounter these heavy infantries we possess. Also, Guan Yu’s prowess as good as Marquis of Wen? We can end him with Huang Zhong, Xu Sheng, Wang Wei and Zhao Yun attack together, let him taste what Marquis of Wen felt at Hulao Gate. The very reason Liu Mang is giving mercy is because he really respected Guan Yu back in the present. Readers, you know that Guan Yu’s effigy is everywhere and he is revered by all of Chinese people also his stories, whether it is fact or fiction, still piqued anyone’s interest even now. For that very reason, Liu Mang showed mercy to him now as his respect did not diminish even a bit back then.

So, Liu Mang did not order his army to attack. Giving Lord Guan The Second a chance to slip through. Liu Mang knew well Guan Yu’s stubbornness and he is impossible to surrender and would rather be annihilated in battle as proven when he is defeated by Lu Meng at Maicheng and by Cao Cao at Xiapi. Liu Mang’s gaze then fixated at South Gate and said in soft tone “Oh Lord Guan The Second, this mercy is because I respected you. Next time, I shall have your life!!! Also, if you happened to be at that gate blocking me instead of escaping, this Shouchun will be your grave!!!” In this world, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed.

Really Guan Yu did not let Liu Mang feel disappointed. After South Gate fell, he decisively shouted order to retreat. When he retreated he assigned 3,000 troops to guard his rear. But strangely, no one is pursuing him and it made him felt really strange. Liu Mang now entered Shouchun, with Urban Army entered first as they are better equipped and can anticipate any retaliation, followed by Black Flag and craftsmen and commoners and finally with Zhao Yun’s Urban Army Cavalry which had turned into Zhao Yun’s White Riders. When they entered Shouchun, the city was on fire that was burnt by Guan Yu in order to shake off their pursuers, the fire was made by any of the supplies that he cannot carry. Liu Mang then ordered to put off the fire. Fortunately Liu Mang got 50,000 commoners following him and being commoners they are sensitive to fire, so they quickly responded to Liu Mang’s order.

You are reading story My Father in Law is Lu Bu at

Yang Hong, being Liu Mang’s head butler, organized poor families to forage supplies from the town and got a big surprise. Provisions got 20,000-shi in Shouchun warehouse while the burnt provisions had several thousand-shi. Arrows got a lot, but was picked out by those poor families into unusable and usable. Usable arrows got 200,000 pieces. Defensive maneuvers such as rolling stones, spiked woods and other weaponry also got a lot. Really! Liu Bei had this many items. Thought Liu Mang. Liu Mang then sighed in relief and thought With this kind of provisions, Guan Yu will be able to last for at least 6 months. Fortunately, those craftsmen were able to built catapults to simplify this battle. If not, I will fight a very arduous, unefficient battle for likely a month or two with insurmountable casualties. Nevertheless, those 20,000-shi provisions and 200,000 piece of arrows become Liu Mang’s first war spoils. Then Liu Mang asked Zhao Yun while smiling “Zilong, how do you like your White Riders?!”

“Report Milord, it is very good, doing battle is no problem at all!!!” Replied Zhao Yun earnestly. Zhao Yun is really satisfied leading Urban Army Cavalry. Regarding warhorses, Urban Army Cavalry’s warhorses are comprised of pure breed Arabic warhorse. These warhorses is especially breed for cold weaponry cavalries and perhaps when the era hot weaponry came, these warhorses will become cargo carriers. Regarding soldiers, Zhao Yun also had no complaints as they are very disciplined being trained by Liu Mang and Cheng Yu back in Wancheng. Regarding heavy armor, the heavy armor is really light. Weighted only 20 pounds.

With everything is already really good, this cavalries can fight anything in the battlefield. Zhao Yun already rated this cavalry to be extremely complete. His heart now burning with desire to follow Gongsun Zan’s role of repelling those beyond the Great Wall, to tell that White Riders still exist and will continue as invaders nightmare.

Actually today, Zhao Yun want to test this cavalry might, but did not have a chance to do so. Also today, Zhao Yun’s mind is split into two. The opponent today is old friend, Guan Yu Guan Yunchang. Zhao Yun’s impression of him is very good as they are once ally. If not for that job advertisement, perhaps Zhao Yun address Guan Yu as Second General. Right now, with Liu Mang asked how did he like his White Riders, made Zhao Yun earnestly and completely attached to Liu Mang. Feeling friendship toward Liu Bei and co, now switched to his lord and his current comrades. So, General Guan, so sorry!!! This Zhao Yun will use you to reintroduce White Riders again. (TN: Put a troll face from author on this sentence)

Liu Mang smiled and said “That is good then! Zilong, you bring your White Riders to Huai River riverside. Convey my words to General Guan Yu!!!” Liu Mang really satisfied that Zhao Yun puts his duty above friendship and anything else. “Eh, only deliver message?! What message, Milord?!” Replied Zhao Yun confused. “Tell him “General Guan, thank you for the arrows!!!” Liu Mang responded instinctively. Those are the words said by Kongming to troll Cao Cao at the Battle of Chibi. One can see how stressed out Cao Cao when he knew that 100,000 of his arrows were taken. And now, Guan Yu lost 200,000 arrows at the very least and 20,000-shi provisions, Liu Mang is smiling when he thought about Guan Yu’s reaction.

“Yes sir!” Answered Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun is really confused because of Liu Mang’s smile but he carried out his order quickly. Zhao Yun ordered with his spear “All troops, ride up!!!” And all of Urban Army quickly followed his order. Zhao Yun had not been long with these cavalries but their heart already been subjugated by Zhao Yun by his martial arts prowess and his personality. Then they quickly goes to North Gate toward wharf.

Hehe, I finally had a cavalry unit The White Riders and its leader the Incomparable Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong. Thought Liu Mang while smiling. Liu Mang got two reasons to form cavalry, one is to obtain a high mobile unit. Two, because he want to compare with Lu Bu who had better cavalry unit. He want to see Lu Bu’s stunned face when his White Riders managed to be on-par with his Bing Province Wolf Cavalry.

Bing Province Wolf Cavalry and White Riders, both of them can be considered like Muramasa and Masamune. Bing Province Wolf Cavalry is brutal and bloodthirsty much like Muramasa and their leader Lu Bu, while White Riders only kill those who deserved it such as invaders, much like Masamune and their leader Zhao Yun. They are both two extremes that Liu Mang really needed.

Zhao Yun and White Riders goes out from north gate as there lies Guan Yu’s ship to Runan. Although White Riders speed is very quick, but Zhao Yun ordered them to be vigilant all the time. He did not want to be ambushed the second time. Once is enough!! That ambush he thought happened during his service of Gongsun Zan. At that time, a general of Yuan Shao named Ju Yi ambushed White Riders and the result is White Riders lost really badly. And luckily, Zhao Yun’s vigilant is proved to be wrong as Guan Yu did not put up any ambushes at all as past Shouchun north gate, there is only vast prairie with no place for hide. Zhao Yun then reached northern wharf where he saw Guan Yu and his troops are boarding ships, prepared to leave Huai River. Guan Yu just sitting in the castle alone, pondering the event silently. This battle is 100% lost cause because of that weapon. Shouchun lost, provisions lost, weaponry lost. Thought Guan Yu, blaming himself. That brat Liu Mang did not even suffer any casualties, but neither me, my loss is just around 100 troops. What is truly going on here? Thought Guan Yu again, slapping his thighs as hard as he can. Also regarding those provisions, we aren’t able to evacuate all of them, so we burn them, but we can only burn so little Thought Guan Yu, taking a deep breath after that.

Also, why the hell he did not pursue me? My retreat is too smooth!!! I had prepared those 3,000 troops to be sacrifice, but everyone is unscathed, what is going on here? Thought Guan Yu and then he gritted his tooth as if he realized something. “MRRGGGHHHH!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Guan Yu standing up fiercely and glared at the direction of Shouchun angrily. Prince of Shu, you mock me, you showed me mercy!!! I will never forget this affront!!! Screamed Guan Yu silently. If not for his mercy, he will never return alive in this battle and will die with 10,000 Qing Province Soldiers together.

While Guan Yu is very bitter, suddenly Tao Quan reported “General, it is strange, why Liu Mang army send a cavalry against our fleet?!” “Hrm?” Guan Yu stunned and quickly walk and get out of the castle and standing on the deck. He saw there are really white battle-dressed cavalry troops bearing two flags, one is Liu and one is Zhao. Liu’s flag is golden-yellowish, that is representing what army they belong to, while Zhao flag is representing the commander of this cavalry, Zhao Zilong.

“Is Zilong!”Guan Yu thought that he in the Shouchun city saw Liu Mang general’s subordinates commanded that several hundred cavalry soldiers was Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong! Is his old acquaintance, original Zhao Yun appears in Liu Mangjun, Guan Yu also very much has doubts, because Liu Mang army approaches, therefore has placed the one side!

It is really Zilong Thought Guan Yu, really surprised. He is pondering the reason on why he send cavalry soldiers to chase them. That Liu Mang should had send warship to intercept us, unless…. Thought Guan Yu while smiling at the end of his thought. Guan Yu had come to a conclusion that Zhao Yun had come to join him and his brother. Guan Yu really thought that His Highness Prince of Shu is just using Zhao Yun for show only and he did not have military authority, right now after his use is finished, he was ousted. If not how can there be hundred of cavalries here? Also Liu Mang belongs to Lu Bu army and Lu Bu had a smelly street reputation which Zhao Yun hated very much.

In Liu Bei army, Zhao Yun is regarded the fourth brother among Peach Garden Oath Brothers. Even Liu Bei shared a bed with Zhao Yun. Guan Yu is really smiling now, although he lost Shouchun, but he can obtain a senior general named Zhao Yun also several heavy cavalries. It is an equal sacrifice as Shouchun can be recaptured later. Liu Bei really in needs of cavalry.

Guan Yu then ordered his subordinate to dock so Zhao Yun can climb up but stopped his every movements when he heard Zhao Yun’s army yelling, making Guan Yu’s face color shifting very much. His color of his face shifted so quickly as if he was Chinese opera actor4. After he calmed himself down, then Guan Yu just hung his head shamefully and lost his balance. Tao Quan then hold his arms and inquired “General, what is the matter with you?!” “Zizhang, help me into the castle!” Said Guan Yu, he had lost any strength left from his legs and arms. His pride was attacked severely today by retreating from Shouchun and now all what’s left of his pride, now washed by those words.

“Yes sir!!!” Tao Quan responded and walked Guan Yu to the castle. When he heard that sound, his heart also sank. Because the words said “Milord, His Highness Prince of Shu, thanks General Guan Yu for gift of 200,000 arrows!!!” 200 people all saying those words together, making the riverside really noisy.

TN Notes:

1) Early chapters that me and James translated, White Feathered Warriors called White Eared Soldier, this is the truth for both translation. But I believe White Feathered is more appropriate than White Eared. Therefore, in the future, White Eared will be turned into White Feathered.

2) Too much redundancy, I will do a summary on that as the event already elaborated in the previous chapters.

3) Penetrating White Horse Cavalry → not good in long run, too mouthful. I changed it into White Riders.

Gamer Notes

4) Just for those who do not know, Chinese Opera actors wear masks. They can also change it really quickly like those clothes changing magic tricks.