Chapter 34: Chapter 33 Operation Fallen Goliath





[Liana POV]


It's been almost an hour now...

And I was still busy sorting out my inventory there are so many items here...

Ammunition check...

Food? That's another check...

Robot parts...

"Hey kid"(Echo)

I heard Echo's voice behind me I stop and look at him...


"It's going to be pretty dangerous out there... Are you, Shure, your up for it?"(Echo)


I look at him without answering...

I close my eyes and then open it and smile at him...

"Don't underestimate me"(Liana)

Even now I'm just a small child...

And having a small body...

"I did tell you right? I'm pretty strong and there's no way I'm going to back down from something like this!"(Liana)

I never say it to anyone but I like challenging moments!...

I may be a girl but I was quite the hard worker in school and at home, I was also the leader of the student's comity department at school and was praised a lot by everyone... 

Well, that was in school...

I was very different at home though, I was very into FPS games till midnight and always have fun kill streaking online I even play VR FPS and got into the top leader board in a week of playing it I don't know the specifics of my ranking but I was pretty high I remember always carrying my team and destroying the enemy's team...

"Okay you don't have to say that with a creepy smile kid..."(Echo)

Whops seems like my inner gamer came out for a moment...

But anyway...

"I am very brave to you know! I will never break so easily!"(Liana)

"Said the one that pee on her skirt"(Echo)


I look at Echo with an angry face...

He just looks back whistling...


I then finished sorting out my inventory and move to where the map is...

Echo follows behind me...

After that, we move out to our separate ways while keeping in touch with a communication device before we move out...






[third person POV]


In the distance on a big street...

Two droids are patrolling the place...


Then the two droids hurt something on the side of the street...

They slowly move there with their guns up what they find when they got there is a small empty can...

The two droids lower their guns but then...

"Easy [shock wave]"(Liana)


Liana came right behind them and shoot a shock wave on one of the droids...

The other one started to turn around and lift its gun but it was too late...

"[EMP shoot]"(Liana)

Liana makes a gun pose with her arm and aim it at the Droid head and fire her magic...




The two droids then fall to the ground...

Liana sigh before looking at the big street...

"Well, that's two down... Many more to go..."(Liana)

Liana then started moving to the big street...





[Liana POV]

Compared to some... 

Picking them one by one is pretty easy...

"[EMP shoot]"


I aimed my gun and shot another droid down in the distance...

Well, it's good doing it by stealth so that I won't alert others in the area...

I quickly ran to cover until I saw something in the distance...

I stop on my track for a second but quickly move to a cover somewhere near me...

What I saw in front are some armored droids that are standing still and not moving...

"Is that heavy types?"(Liana)

It's pretty different from the regular ones its body is well armored from the head to its feet...

It may be quite hard to beat them with the gun I'm using...

Maybe my sniper can penetrate its armor?...

But I think it's too thick for it to even pen...

"How can I penetrated that armor..."(Liana)

[Advice using magic bullets ]

"Eh? How will that work?"(Liana)

[ Armored unit is weak to magic since a lot of magic can go true armor ]

Wow, that logic kinda reminds me of a game weakness in the Arkni### series...

Echo said that I can go loud so...

I open my inventory...

What should I pick?...

"I also still haven't used the vector at all"(Liana)

Might as well experiment...

I grab my vector and a round of magic bullets with the lightning element...


I reload the ammunition and then I slowly move near them...

What I see is that they are not moving but still looking around...

I then aim my gun at them...

They are all using LMG... 

It will be bad if they started shooting at me with that...

There are 3 of them from what I see...

I also saw some regular ones around the place...


You are reading story Apocalypse Fantasy at

Maybe I should make a distraction first...

I grab a robot part from my inventory...

"[Flaming Ark Flash]"(Liana)

The part in my hand started to glow and I quickly throw it to a random place where a droid stood...


The part landed below the feet of the droid...

The droid then looks down and...


An explosion happened...

All of the droids then started aiming their weapons there and start walking slowly towards where the explosion accured...

Little did they know I was already behind them all as they looked there...

I quickly got out of cover and attack from their flank as they were busy looking at the explosion...

I aimed my vector on the 3 armored Droids from behind and pull the trigger...





All the bullets hit the armor and somehow all of it penetrated...

All 3 of the armor droids fell to the ground with buzzing sounds...

Eh? That's it?...

[ Armor Droid weakness is on its back] 

Eh??? So I just need to shoot it's back then?...

I thought that it be harder?...

Then I saw a lot of the regular droids aiming their guns at me as I was stunned about that...

"Well at least I got the hard ones out..."(Liana)

I quickly aim my vector to the front and started running towards the Droids...

I don't know how much time has passed...

It took a while but I think I just destroyed every last one here...

I just keep evading them then my skill activates and I quickly use that moment to shoot multiple droids insight...

This kinda reminds me of a VR game that I played where you shoot red people while grabbing anything you can grab in that place...

I think I took out around 50 of them by now I think?...

I keep moving around the place while keeping my distance from where the Tank is...

I only saw a few of them left but they are near the Tank so no way I can deal with them...


I then heard something...

Oh, it's the communication device Echo gave me...

How do I answer it again?...

The device looks like a radio then the answer call should be on the side...

I found the button and press it...

The beeping stops and then I can hear Echo's voice...

{Psss... Testing... testing... Kid, you can hear me?}(Echo)

"Yes, I can hear you Echo"(Liana)

{Pss... Okay, that's good... You're doing fine over there?}(Echo)

"Yes, I manage to beat a lot of Droids... Now the only one left is the one near the Tank"(Liana)

{Psss... Okay that's good enough please move back now kid I think that the Tank should finish refiling now}(Echo)


As Echo said that on the radio I heard a loud ping sound on the Tank...


Then Tank started moving again as it made that sound...

"Ah... okay, so where should I go?"(Liana)

I look around and kinda forget where I am...

The Tank is pretty much moving towards me for some reason...


It's because I was in the big street to the skyscrapers...

The skyscrapers are pretty much behind me and the Tank is moving kinda fast in front of me...

{Psss... There should be a red big building on the big street when you move on the road to the skyscrapers... I'm almost done setting the trap meet up there! Don't get caught too!}(Echo)


I then started running on the big street to the skyscrapers while also looking around to find a big red building...

After a while, I saw the building Echo is talking about and I saw him in front of the door...


I shout and wave at him Echo just looking at me without saying anything...

We then proceeded to move inside the building...

The building was located in the middle front of a Y street so we're pretty much in the middle and the Tank is in front of us...

I'm quite worried...

It's this a bad place to be in?...

If that turret shoot wouldn't this building fall down...

I look at Echo...

He looks at me...

"I know what you're going to say but I got a plan"(Echo)

He then took out 2 detonators one has a blue button and one is a red one...

I can see the Tank moving to us...

It seems it still didn't see us yet...

I can see some Droids moving below the tank...

We then wait...

What is Echo going to do?...

Echo then activates the blue button...


I can hear an explosion somewhere I can see smoke on the right side but it's covered with a building in front of me so I can't see it...

The Tank slows down and turns its turret to the side where the explosion is...

The Tank is in the middle of a T section...

Our building is on the right side and the explosion came from below the T section...

Echo waits patiently while the turret of the Tank aims at where the explosion is and...


Echo then press the red button and...


The bottom of the Tank explode!...

I can see a lot of explosions where the Tank is!...

I can also see droids near the Tank started flying everywhere because of the blast!...

"Okay! let's go!"(Echo)

Echo then started running to the main door and I follow behind him...

The tank desperately tried to move but it seems like the Tank track was destroyed by the explosion and now was stuck there...

Echo opens the door and we run towards where the Tank was...

I can see the Tank turret move but then...


The turret hit the side of a building and stop on track making it unable to aim at us...


You just did something that happened in a game or a movie somewhere...

Something like making the main weapon of a boss unable to hit us by getting it stuck by whatever is in the way...

I respect that...

"Hey, this is not the time to daydream kid MOVE!"(Echo)


I then started running towards the Tank that can't move following Echo that was already running in front of me...



