Chapter 119: Chapter 108 Mech Actions Below





[Liana POV]

"Grumble*grumble*grumble*" (Mitra)

After what happened that time I am now sitting on the shoulder of Mitra's mech while she was mumbling something from inside...

"Are you okay?" (Liana)

I said that to her while she was still mumbling...

"Yeah, I'm okay... Getting the most expensive and rare action figure that I have destroyed suddenly?... Yeah, I'm very okay... I'm filled with rage to scrap all of them into pieces, YEAP, IM VERY OKAY!" (Mitra)

I won't ask anymore...

My ears then suddenly flicker and I turned my head to the front...

"Mitra... I can see some enemy's in front" (Liana)

"I see it as well" (Mitra)

Mitra then started controlling the mech and started making the mech run towards where the enemy is...

I was still on the shoulder of the mech by the way...

It's pretty bumpy here but I can still manage at least...

I quickly take out my SSG sniper rifle and started aiming at the enemies in front...

There are two mechs and a couple of droids there...

All of them are already firing at us...





Some of the bullets hit her mech but don't have any effect and just bounced off...

A couple of missiles are flying towards here at fast speed here but...

Mitra while controlling the mech manages to evade all the incoming missiles that were fired at her...

She has quite the experience piloting the mech...

Well, that a figure I guess because she was the one who made it?...

I shake my head and quickly aimed my gun at some of them that I might deem problematic...

Like some heavy droids with their LMG that they have...



While firing my SSG on the shoulder of Mitra's mech Mitra on the other hand quickly push right through without stopping...

Some of the droids got crushed by the feet of her mech as she ran...

By the way...

Her mech is twice the size of the enemy and dwarf mech if it was compared to each other by their height...


One of the enemy mechs started firing its heavy machine gun at us...

Some hit the mech and made a dent in its armor...

Well, this is bad...

If one or more bullets hit the joins of the mech we will be in trouble...

"Lia, hold on tight!" (Mitra)

"Eh?.... Uwa!?" (Liana)

Mitra suddenly made her mech jump!?...

I quickly grabbed hold onto a metal plate that can be held on the mech's shoulder...

The enemy mech that was shooting its Heavy machine gun quickly lifted its giant gun to try to hit us but...



As Mitra's mech falls down its feet landed on the enemy's mech and it falls down to the ground with a smash!...

Mitra's mech is now on top of the enemy's mech that she crushed with her mech's feet...

The other enemy mech was about to swing its giant gun at her but Mitra quickly control her mech and swings her mech's right hand at the enemy's mech head smashing it while also decapitating it...

The enemy's mech head went flying and bounced a couple of times before stopping far away from its body...

Pachusss!? Pachasss!...


Pacunnnn... Boom!...

The enemy mech neck that was decapitated then suddenly catches on fire and made a small explosion before it tumbled and falls to the side...

Mitra then started moving her mech but she saw the enemy mech that she crushed below started raising its giant gun at her and she quickly moved her mech's feet and stomped on its head and quickly smashed it...

"Fuf..." (Mitra)

"Ouch... Now that's a way to take down a mech" (Liana)

Mitra took a small breath out while I was holding my head because of that sudden jump...

I started looking around again and saw a tall building in the distance...

I point my hand there and started shouting...

"Mitra! Can you take me there?" (Liana)

Mitra turned her mech's head there then turned it at me and started nodding...

Then she controlled the mech again and it started running towards the tall building in the distance...

Along the way there we encounter more droids and mech...

Some of them are already destroyed and were scattered everywhere...

When I look at it there are some fresh tracks and I can smell some gun powder in the air...

I guess a battle just happened here recently...

As we got through more and more body's of droids and mechs started showing up...

I can also see some human bodies and dwarf mechs as well in some places...

You are reading story Apocalypse Fantasy at

"Ugh... I hate it" (Mitra)

Don't we all...

I hate the battlefield...

Well in the game I played I'm okay! But in real life? No...

Nobody likes the battlefield that happens in real life...

Except for the maniacs who enjoy killing...

As I shake my head to not think about what I was thinking and look to the front again...

I can see the tall building from here...

And also...



I can hear explosions and gunfire in the distance...

I narrowed my eyes...

The sound came from where the tall building was at...

As we make our way there I saw...



A lone dwarf mech was surrounded and getting heavily fired upon by a lot of enemies mechs that were near the tall building...

The dwarf mech was tacking cover while the enemy kept firing at it...

"Tch*...!" (Liana)

Some of the enemies are already aiming their missile pods at the lone dwarf mech...

We are too far from it...

We might not make it in time...

"Mitra" (Liana)

"Yes?" (Mitra)

"I need you to do something crazy" (Liana)

I grin as I said that...





[Third Person POV]



"Dam!"  (???)

Inside the dwarf mech...

A dwarf pilot was cursing...

His team was ambushed by the enemy when they are going to a certain destination and he got separated by his team...

Now he was alone and was surrounded by enemies on every side...

He was running out of ammo and one of his mech feet was broken...

He is a sitting duck surrounded by gunfire by the enemies all around him...

It's not looking good at all...

He saw the enemy's mechs start aiming their missile pods at him...

"Sh!¥!" (???)

He closed his eyes as she waits for the incoming missiles...


But he heard something else...

He opened his eyes and looked at the screen in his cockpit...

What he saw was...

A white hair beast girl holding a giant gun? Suddenly appearing out of nowhere hit the mech that was aiming the missile pod at him from the side and knocking it over...

The girl then landed on the ground in front of his mech and slowly raised her weapon towards the enemy mechs that were right in front of her and started shooting her giant gun at it...

All of the shots hit the enemy mechs and made an explosion when it hit them...

One by one the enemy mech falls with fire coming out from the place that was shot...

As he was questioning what happened a warning indicator happened and he looked behind him and saw an enemy mech was about to swing its arm at him but...


A giant mech twice the length of the enemy mech ram the enemy mech and the enemy mech falls right into the ground hard...

The giant mech then looked at him and he shivers from the size of the mech...

Then suddenly...

"You okay?" (Mitra)

He heard a woman's voice from the giant mech...

"A-ah..." (???)

He said that while nodding...

"Good! We will take care of all the enemy here so you can stay put now" (Mitra)

As Mitra said that she started moving her mech and started dealing with the rest of the enemies with Lia...



