Chapter 83: Chapter 82 – Forbidden Technique

  Long Nuhuang looked at her husband, who nodded in kind to indicate he supported her no matter what decision she made. She was the family head, after all.

  She then turned back to the emissary and made her wish. “I wish for you to help raise, train and cultivate my family into the biggest middle finger to the heavens!”


  A month had quickly passed, and the date of the auction was quickly approaching. Long Di and the disciples had finished their month-long cultivation session.

  They had gained within this one month the equivalent of months' worth of cultivation, maybe even years, considering their current achievements.

  They could see the outline of the village already and so they quickened their travelling pace.

  Before long, they made it back to the village.

  “Senior sister!”

  They received the same enthusiastic welcome from the diverse members of the village, just like how it had been when they first dragged Long Di here.

  Once they finished their greetings, they headed to the hall where the elders were most likely waiting for them.

  “Senior brother Long Di, can we go to the auction with you after we’re done here?” TIe Lang asked. It could be seen that he had matured quite a bit this month. The innocence that he gave off prior to the cultivation session was nowhere to be found.

  “Sure.” Long Di had no reason to refuse them, and getting some good gear from the auction was a great way to reward them for their performance this month.

  The one who made the biggest impact on him this month was Shen Ling. She was still a bit shy, but it wasn’t as bad as it was before. In addition, there was this atmosphere about her that he could pinpoint. What made it worse was that the Destiny Scale was in a deep sleep, so he couldn’t ask it anything.

  Once they made it to the hall, just as expected, all the elders were present as if they knew the disciples would arrive today.

  Long Di didn’t have to be here due to the fact that his master was Uncle Tian Lu. However, he couldn’t feel the old drunk, so he thought that maybe one of the elders knew where he was.

  “So you have finally returned. I guess we should be thankful that you decided to let us know that you returned this time.”

  Another one of the elders commented. This was the fourth elder. He was responsible for the training of Tie Lang. All the elders, barring the second elder, were responsible for a specific disciple, except Shen Ling, but they still paid attention to all of them. In this case, the fourth elder was responsible for the Tie Lang.

  Feng Yu stepped forward and executed a bow. “Disciple knows where she went wrong. I take full responsibility for this slight of ours.”

  “Were you the one who orchestrated this outing?” The normally reticent second elder actually chose to speak this time around, surprising Feng Yu.

  “N-No esteemed elder!”

  “Then silence.”

  The second elder’s curt command had Feng Yu know that nothing she said would allow her to take this blame from Long Di.

  “Your name is Long Di, correct?” The first elder asked.

  Long Di had a pretty good idea of what was happening. “That is correct.”

  “How dare you take the disciples out of the village to cultivate!? Do you know the intricacies of their cultivation technique!? Also, what if they were killed by bandits!?” The third elder started to blame Long Di and make him seem bad before everyone.

  “For your question, yes, I am aware of the intricacies. For your second question, I was there,” Long Di calmly answered.

  “Do you think that you’re so great simply because you have a decent cultivation base!?” asked the third elder.

  “Is this something that should be said by someone weaker than I am?”

  “You…!” The third elder’s face was reddened with embarrassment and rage.

  All the elders by now were aware of Long Di’s cultivation base, which made them ashamed that an eleven-year-old was this strong. Even the fourth elder was aware of this. Though he was not present at the battle of the Scarlet Flame Long Tailed Hawk, the first elder apprised him of the situation so that everyone was on the same page.

  They were well aware that Long Di’s strength was above their own despite his cultivation base only matching theirs or, in the second and third elder’s case, being slightly lower. His tribulation lightning energy was something that gave him an edge if it ever came to them to fight.

  “The reason why I took your disciples out for training was because they sucked.” Long Di advised.

  “What did they suck? Was it something poisonous?” The first elder became worried.

  Long Di was caught off guard for a moment there when he realised that not all terms were understandable in a place that was eerily similar to ancient China. ‘Now that I think about it, why is this place similar to ancient China? Or wait a second, maybe it’s ancient China that is similar to here. I mean, if Truck Kun sent me here, then it isn’t too far-fetched to believe that maybe a uh… I’ll say Carriage Kun sent someone there. Maybe they’re writing novels based on remnant memories that they’ve mistaken for imagination.’

  “Long Di?”

  “Huh?” The first elder calling his name broke Long Di out of an incredible revelation. “Oh, they… they’re fine.”

  “First elder, surely we can’t take anything that this… this human says at face value right!?” The third elder refused to let this go.

  “Someone’s a flaming racist,” mumbled Long Di to himself, though everyone heard.

  “Third elder, calm down.” The first elder couldn’t be bothered with the third elder’s prejudice. “Long Di,” he turned his attention back to Long Di. “You need to understand that these are our precious disciples. Surely, you can’t expect us to be at ease with you saying that you helped them cultivate, right?”

  “Right you are,” Long Di agreed, then he turned to Tie Lang. “If you would please.”

  Tie Lang understood what he meant and revealed his cultivation base.


  His cauldron burst into existence and the mere sight of it was enough to give the elders great palpitation!

  “What in the world!?” The elders couldn’t understand what was happening.

  Long Di then turned to the other one, “Jia Yan.”


  “Heavens!” The elders widened in shock and amazement when they felt and saw Jia Yan’s cultivation, as well.

  “And finally,” Long Di nodded at Feng Yu, who took a deep breath to ready herself.



  The elders were all blown away, every single one of them. If it wasn’t enough that both Jia Yan and Tie Lang had somehow broken through to the Cauldron Forging realm, they also both possessed Orange cauldrons! These were supreme grade cauldrons!

  Not to mention Feng Yu who had two cauldrons, meaning she had broken through as well. She was a 2nd Duan Martial Disciple! Even more impressive was her first Orange cauldron, while the second one was bright red! In addition, it was in a state of still being refined, meaning that she wanted to bring it to the same level as the first! She had a high grade cauldron as her second cauldron but she wanted to bring it to the supreme grade as well!

  “Who!? How!? When!? Whabba!?”

  “That last one wasn’t a word,” said Long Di in the face of their apparent excitement. “However, it seems that you have all been effectively shooketh.”

  “H-How did you manage to do this!?” The first elder was the first one to regain his composure. The rest still needed time.

  Nevertheless, they still looked at him as if they were staring at a monster. They wanted to know how he was able to bring their disciples to never before seen heights! The method must be ingenious, they thought. Something that only the mind of a demonic genius could concoct!

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  “Please, tell us what secret methods you used to do this.” The first elder asked once more.

  It was taboo to ask a cultivator about their secrets, no matter how old or young they were. However, this matter was of paramount importance since it included their disciples. They wanted to know if there was any danger in the method used and if it was possible to repeat the same feat in others.

  Long Di looked to the outside of the hall with a profound look on his expressionless face. The elders didn’t dare to disturb him. It seemed as if he was contemplating internally whether to tell them or not, so they waited patiently.

  ‘It must be a heaven-defying method indeed!’ Seeing the look on Long Di’s face, their own expression became grave as well.

  “I will tell you.” Long Di declared.

  They were over the moon! They couldn’t force it out of him. Not only was it not in their character to do so, but they were also not strong to take him down one on one. So they waited with bated breath for Long Di to apprise them of his ingenious method.

  “So I took the disciples out in the wilderness, and then…” the elders nearly leaned over their respective benches to take in Long Di’s every word.

  “I threw money at them till they became better.”


  Silence pervaded the hall after those words were said. A gust of wind even passed through, bringing with it a tumbleweed that danced around them before it exited the hall.

  Long Di’s eyes even followed the path the thing took as it made its round. ‘Was that an actual tumble-’

  The elders became enraged at Long Di’s nonchalant response. “Are we a joke to you!?” shouted all the elders at the same time.

  “Are we not going to talk about the tumbleweed that just came out of nowhere?” Long Di’s eyes were still glued in the direction the tumbleweed left in.

  “Who cares about the tumbleweed, you maddening worm!? Are you trying to make a fool out of us!?” The third elder was the angriest of them all. He hated Long Di, but even he looked like a child thirsty for knowledge in the face of Long Di’s ‘methods.’

  Long Di calmly took something out of the storage ring he wore and threw it at the third elder.


  “Ow! You little heathen!”

  It bounced off the third elder’s head and landed in the second elder’s hands.

  ‘It’s actually quite surprising how hollow the sound of that impact was.’ thought Long Di.

  “I want you out of here! You’re a liar! A provoker! And your every action makes me angry!” The third elder wasn’t going to stand for such blatant disrespect!

  “Third elder,” the second elder’s calm voice cut through his tirade.

  “Why are you defending him?” The third elder turned to the second elder to address the issue when he paused to look at the object he held.

  Silence dominated the entire hall once more. The same wind made its return, bringing with it the same tumbleweed as well.

  ‘I can’t be the only person who sees this thing, am I?’ Long Di’s head swivelled to the left and right to find everyone not paying attention to the tumbleweed.

  “I-I-Is this as a sp-sp-sp-spirit stone.” The third elder’s lips quivered when he saw this.

  The disciples, Feng Yu in particular, smiled when they saw this. They were the same way when they saw the spirit stone for the first time.

  The first elder looked at Long Di with a pale face. Obviously, the spirit stone brought quite a shock. “When you said you threw money at them…”

  “I’m gonna have Feng Yu explain since my words seem to resonate too well with your bipolar tendencies.”

  Ignoring Long Di’s last words because they didn’t know what it meant, Feng Yu proceeded to explain everything that happened on their trip to Blackstone City.

  Meaning the cultivators they were captured by and then had killed, the relic they explored, Long Di’s metaphorical defecation on the cultivators there, the riches he acquired because of said defecation, and so on.

  The elders’ eyes widened the more and more they listened. They looked back at Long Di and he suddenly looked like a freak to them!

  The disciples didn’t mention the name of the sects the people he killed were from per Long Di’s wishes via message transmission.

  However, this didn’t fail to keep the look of shock from appearing on the elders’ faces. Their eyes nearly widened to the point of nearly defying the laws of physics when they heard in full detail, barring the Destiny Scale, Long Di’s full methods in helping them during their cultivation.

  This meant the meeting with the bandits, what the kids did (courtesy of Long Di), they spilt everything.

  The elders went quiet when the matter of the kids killing the bandits came up. They were well aware that such an experience was needed to ready them for the cultivation world, but it was also something that they were reluctant to do.

  “Thank you,” was the only thing that the first elder could say.

  “I’m sure you’re all tired by this point, right? You can go and rest for a few days.” The first elder was well aware that they had been through quite the adventure and wanted them to relax for now.

  “Well, I’m going to the auction in Blackstone City, and they said they wanted to come with me. They are all rich now.”

  “Oh, right. You have money now.” The first elder resorted to twiddling his fingers when he heard this as he eyed his disciple. The rest of the elders did the same except the third elder, who was disciple-less.

  The atmosphere became awkward. This was the situation of the child being rich and the parents being aware of it.

  Long Di was comfortable in this situation. He was just trying to figure out what conditions needed to be met to summon the tumbleweed again.

  “Uhm, master, would you like some money to come with us to the auction?” Feng Yu asked timidly.

  “Hush child!” The first elder said with a righteous look. “How could I accept that from my own disciple!? I will, however, take you up on your offer to attend the auction. The storage ring, however.”


  The first elder coughed when he brought this up. Let master see what you have gained on this trip of yours.

  Before long, all the elders tried to coax the disciples into ‘learning’ what they had gained on this trip.

  The only ones left in the hall were the second elder, Jia Yan and Long Di.

  Long Di looked at the second elder and asked, “Aren’t you going to passively extort money from your disciple as well?”

  The second elder’s expression didn’t change. He simply looked to his disciple Jia Yan and advised him to wait for him at the training grounds.

  Jia Yan nodded to Long Di and left just like that. The second elder approached Long Di and said these words to him. “Master told me to bring you to him when you came back. Follow me.”

  Saying nothing more, he left the hall with Long Di in tow.

  “Thank you.” The second elder said eventually. He was truly grateful for everything that Long Di had done.

  “You’re welcome,” replied Long Di.

  Getting thanks from everyone was good and all, but now it was time to get Uncle Tian Lu to make true on their bet and impart that so-called forbidden technique of his to him.