Chapter 177: Chapter 176 – Conditions

  She looked at Hong Wei, and the latter could feel a bad idea upon the horizon but steeled herself for it all the same and then… it came.

  Qin Ling asked, “can I go look for him?”


  Hong Wei stared down below as Qin Ling made her way back to her quarters through the snowstorm that kicked up across the land.

  She herself was standing atop one of the buildings before a sigh escaped her lips. The breath instantly froze and turned into mist before her. Beside her was an older woman, the same one that spectated Qin Ling’s cultivation along with the Hall leader every now and again.

  The older woman smiled and said, “You know, she’s not wrong.”

  Hong Wei sighed and shook her head, “She’s gotten cheeky. Using my own words against me like that.”

  The older beauty chuckled to herself at the situation.

  “It’s not funny,” Hong Wei’s face changed to a cute pout at the older woman’s unintentional teasing.

  “It’s a little funny,” the older woman advised with a smile.

  “Heavens…” Hong Wei exhaled another mist-filled breath.

  The Hall leader looked to the sky and closed her eyes as she remembered the relatively short conversation she had with Qin Ling not long ago.

  Obviously, she didn’t agree with Qin Ling’s request to leave the sect, especially to look for a man. The Ice Phoenix Hall was a girls-only sect for several reasons after all.

  One reason was that it created an environment where girls could focus on cultivation and nothing else. The second reason was that ice, a sub-element of water, was an element that belonged to the yin side which aligned more with females.

  This was why Qin Ling’s family had mostly females born into it. The mere possibility of the Cold Heart True Ice Physique emerging within the bloodline meant that the yin affiliation of said bloodline must be incredibly strong.

  A few minutes ago…

  “Are you crazy!? What do you mean leave the sect!?” Hong Wei was blown away by Qin Ling’s request.

  “How is it crazy!?” Qin Ling wasn’t willing to back down. Her Cold Heart True Ice Physique had the added ability of tempering her emotions but it didn’t progress to the point where it influenced her all the time, especially during ardent moments like these.

  “You are the possessor of the Cold Heart True Ice Physique! How is it not crazy!?” Hong Wei wasn’t even thinking of considering something like this. “What if something were to happen to you!? Do you know how many resources we’ve poured into you!? Plus, you’re the Divine Daughter! Your role is bigger than you know!”

  Qin Ling wasn’t done with this, “But you said that you’re not raising flowers in a greenhouse. Does that not apply to me!?” she asked with indignation.

  “I-” A simple question but it stumped Hong Wei all the same.

  Qin Ling pressed on the offensive seeing as how she caught her teacher off guard, “I haven’t gone out for experiential training ever since I’ve been here. Won’t that make me worse than everyone else!? Since I’m doing this to meet Long Di, it’s like killing two birds with one sto-”

  Upon hearing Long Di’s name a vein popped out on Hong Wei’s forehead, “Enough!”

  Qin Ling flinched back in shock. She never heard Hong Wei raise her voice at her like this so for a good minute, she didn’t know how to react.

  “Men aren’t necessary for you to reach your peak! I’ll hear nothing more of this matter!” Hong Wei made her stance known.

  “But I-”

  “Enough!” Hong Wei roared. She remained unmoved in her decision.

  Qin Ling was unresigned with this and with nothing else to do, she stomped her foot in indignation.

  Without another word, she ran off leaving the Hall leader with a headache and not much else.

  Current time…

  “The boy’s time in the demon region should be almost up. I’ll give it a month,” the older woman commented.

  “Wei Yun feels the same,” Hong Wei nodded. “I think she wants to wait until he enters the human region before she makes a move. A disciple of the Ice Phoenix Hall has more pull there after all.”

  “She won’t be able to act so willfully in the future,” the older woman sighed.

  “It’s the fate of those born with this physique. It’s why I’ve spoiled her so much. I want her to enjoy her time before her physique fully sublimates,” Hong Wei agreed.

  “Then what’s a bit more willfulness?” the older woman smiled.

  Hong Wei could feel a bad feeling rising in the pit of her stomach. She looked at the older woman with a bit of wariness before asking, “What are you thinking?”

  The older woman only wore that same smile as she watched Qin Ling disappear into the snowstorm.


  Qin Ling arrived at her cultivation cave atop the ice mountain where all the disciples lived.

  Frozen tears could be seen on her face after they trailed down. She was the picture of a tragic beauty.

  It was even more picturesque with the snowstorm acting as the backdrop. Her thoughts were on many things.

  “I hope Wei Yun is okay,” she whispered to herself.

  ‘I wonder how Long Di’s doing? He helped me a lot with my cultivation when I was younger even though he was younger than me.’

  “Thinking of the young man?”

  A somewhat aged voice broke her thoughts causing Qin Ling to wheel around startled, “E-Esteemed First Hall Elder Bi Bing!”

  Qin Ling hurried to bow to this wise woman before a rush of energy swirled around her to halt her actions.

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  First Hall Elder Bi Bing shook her head with a smile before commenting, “These old bones cannot bear the Divine Daughter’s etiquette. In addition, you can call me Auntie Bing.”

  Elder Bi Bing didn’t look advanced in age. She simply appeared middle-aged at most and even then, her beauty found it hard to remain covered up.

  Qin Ling held immense respect for this elder. She wasn’t as close to her as she was with Hong Wei though, so that’s why mostly titles were used despite Bi Bing not minding the use of casual honorifics.

  “It seems you had quite an emotional moment,” Bi Bing commented.

  Hearing this, a blush made its way to Qin Ling’s cheeks, before she used her sleeves to wipe away the frozen evidence that marked her face.

  “Disciple Qin Ling has embarrassed herself in front of the elder,” she said with a lowered head.

  “It’s fine. Little Hong told me you wanted to go out.” Bi Bing started. “This is quite the major matter you know.”

  “I-I know, but I-”

  “Is it because of the boy?” Bi Bing asked, pressing the matter.

  Qin Ling’s words got stuck in her throat before she bit her lips in a fluster. Thinking of how to answer, “I w-want my cultivation technique to be completed. Wei Yun may not know how to… handle him.”

  “Is that so?” Bi Bing replied with a raised brow.

  “I-I didn’t mean anything bad by it!” Qin Ling rushed to correct herself.

  She was aware that Wei Yun was the direct disciple of the First Hall Elder. Saying something like this may be misunderstood as she saying that Wei Yun was incompetent which of course would also translate to the master being incompetent as well.

  “I’m joking, I’m well aware of what you mean,” she smiled. “So you’re saying the chances of you getting the cultivation technique would magnify if you were to meet this boy again?”

  Hearing this question, Qin Ling’s heartbeat quickened, “Y-Yes! Definitely! I’m sure of it!”

  “Hmmm…” Bi Bing looked outside the cave to see the snowstorm raging on. “Okay then.”

  Qin Ling didn’t know what was happening, “O-Okay? Okay, what First Hall Elder?”

  “I’ll allow your excursion outside the sect. I’ll arrange for you to meet up with Wei Yun as well.”

  It was like a bomb went off in Qin Ling’s mind, “Really!? Thank you, Auntie Bing!”

  Qin Ling couldn’t help herself and immediately rushed over to Bi Bing and gave her a tight hug.

  “Oh, so I’m Auntie Bing now?” Bi Bing said with a laugh.

  Qin Ling didn’t mind Bi Bing’s teasing because she was extremely happy at the moment. Though she felt comfortable within the Ice Phoenix Hall courtesy of her best friend and her teacher, she wished to go outside and see the world. See what other places were like and possibly meet Long Di again and see what he’s been through.

  She didn’t necessarily like him, but at the same time, going by her own experience, he was her first friend and the one who made the biggest impact on her.

  “This isn’t without conditions,” Bi Bing advised. She didn’t want Qin Ling to be too excited if the conditions were too… harsh.

  “I’ll accept them!” Qin Ling said in an excited tone.

  Bi Bing shook her head, “Calm down. These conditions are quite strict.”

  Hearing Bi Bing’s tone, Qin Ling calmed down and listened intently.

  Seeing how quickly Qin Ling was able to correct herself, Bi Bing nodded and began, “First, you can only remain outside for a maximum of a month and a half. Ghostfire Woods will open in about six months and we’ll need you back well before then to prepare.”

  Qin Ling nodded to indicate she understood. A little over a month might be short but it was better than nothing.

  “Second,” Bi Bing went on to the second condition. “We estimate that this Long Di will be present in the human region soon enough. You will only be allowed to meet IF he is present within the human region. That is all I have to say on this matter.”

  Bi Bing raised a hand to stop Qin Ling’s question about where Long Di was, if not in the human region.

  “And lastly,” Bi Bing held up the third finger and her tone took on a much more solemn feel.

  Qin Ling could tell that this condition could break her determination to go outside or not.

  “You will need to partially awake your Cold Heart True Ice Physique!”

  Qin Ling’s pupil shrank at this condition, “Auntie Bi B-”

  However, the First Hall Elder simply shook her head to let her know there was no way around this, “Truthfully, we wanted you to enjoy yourself here a bit more. However, your physique thrust upon you a great responsibility. A price must be paid for freedom, little one.”

  Qin Ling was no fool. Though there was little information about Cold Heart True Ice Physique in the outside world. The Ice Phoenix Hall had a bit of information about it.

  One aspect of the physique that stood out to her was its consequence of completely freezing the heart of the bearer. In this situation, Qin Ling wouldn’t be able to feel joy, anger, sadness or otherwise. Her heart would truly be cold.

  She didn’t want to lose her emotions but at the same time, she understood that because of her physique this would only be a matter of time.

  “Getting cold feet?” Bi Bing asked with a smile.

  Qin Ling’s little fists tightened before she grit her teeth and stared at Bi Bing with a newfound resolve, “I-I’ll do it!”

  Bi Bing was a bit taken aback at her choice, “Are you sure? There’s no going back, you know?”

  “I know,” Qin Ling nodded.

  “Understood,” Bi Bing closed her eyes and turned around. “Come, I’ll teach you the mantra for the first step. We were planning to do it near the end of your time here but since this has all happened I guess the time has come.”

  Qin Ling didn’t waste any time. She followed after the First Hall Elder to practice the mantra that would allow her to partially awaken the True Ice Cold Heart Physique.