Falling into the abyss... or not?
I really don't know my current situation, just a moment ago I could say confidently that I was falling thanks to the figure of the goddess getting tinier on the horizon, but now? I have no point of reference. There's no air in space to slow my fall on the ground, the stars in this space don't even move, how can I even be sure if I'm falling?
[Well... I guess is the waiting game, not like I have anything else to do]
I have no idea the amount of time that has passed so far, but I'm starting to notice some changes in here, the most obvious are the stars in the sky, they are getting dimmer and dimmer that they will be extinguished in... I don't know... a few days? I still don't have a good perception of time in this space.
I have been fidgeting around in this abyss, is quite comfortable in here, although 'fidgeting' only includes revisiting my memories, I have lost the ability to coordinate my limbs, and so I'm just in this space, which is quite a warm and comfy, so it really is like a second home in here.
Anyway, I have noticed that my memories have been changed a bit, the goddess was kind enough to make the memories of my previous life a lot clearer and I think unforgettable, that way I can have a better way to make decisions and conserve my dumb hobbies, so that's nice.
Okay now I can guess where I am, for a while now I have slowly regained a bit of mobility on my limbs, emphasis on 'a bit' because moving like 2 cm is not really a feat to be proud of, but my hearing is what I'm focusing in here because I have noticed a rhythmic beat that is in here, contact, it changes through time ascending or descending for hours at a time until it hit me.
[Of course, I'm in the womb!!! that's reincarnated 101, how can I be so stupid]
To be fair, being in this space without your senses except being sentient is kinda weird and made my mind drift in weird directions since I didn't have anything better to do, since my memories are better, I can recall the dumbass facts that I read about and saw on videos, for example, the word 'coolth' that is basically the inverse of 'warmth', truly cursed knowledge that I will be bringing into this world.
[Okay something is happening finally!!!]
The place is getting colder by the second, the liquid that I was suspended in has been drained, I have no idea what that means exactly but I can guess that I'm finally being born, now just wait a few hours I think.
it hurts... it hurts a lot, more than I could ever imagine, being compressed by every muscle from a tight exit is really not pleasant, I felt my tiny limb be completely crushed to their limits before seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sounds, not really discernible, but slowly they are getting clearer, I try opening my eyes.
[Too bright!!]
I close my eyes again instinctively, I start trying to move before I feel suffocated, I couldn't breathe and was slowly losing consciousness.
[Damm, think... what do I need to do to breathe?]
Did I forget how to breathe? I was in a space without my senses and was also submerged in water for presumably 9 months, so breathing was out of the question then, or anything else really since I shouldn't even have a working heart, but that didn't matter now.
[But how do I breathe now? wait, right the first thing to do is... ]
I start crying, my vocal cords rumble, they are getting used for the first time, it also hurts, but with that, I can finally breathe.
[Ahhh... such strong smell of the hospital, I wonder what causes that?]
Slowly, I opened my eyes again, the brightness is still blinding to my new eyes, but after a few seconds, they adjusted to the light levels in the room, I saw a doctor holding me while talking to someone else.
[I can't make up what they are talking about]
They are definitely talking from how the mouth mask moves, but my ears can't make up what they are saying, after a bit, they start cleaning me up with a towel before wrapping me up, it's warm but too tight.
[Geez... being a newborn sure is hard work]
"Congratulations Ms. Yoshino, it's a healthy girl"
I finally started hearing decently and they drop a nuclear bomb on me, even my poorly developed mouth let out a sound, and was wailing.
[Godammit, didn't specify what gender I wanted... oh well]
I decided to just calm down and throw this problem to the future me, in the meantime I was handed to my mother, I woman in her thirties, with long black hair with dark eyes, define features, and a bit of tan skin, her eyes glaring into me with a mole under one of them.
You are reading story Rubber Human in MHA at novel35.com
That is all I could think before she let out a childish laugh and began hugging me a lot more I could help but feel a warmth coming from her, such a childish attitude towards her newborn, I couldn't help but laugh.
Of course, it came out like a giggle
"Awww she just giggled, what a cutie~"
My mom said, she slowly pulled my towels so they don't wrap around me so tightly, letting me have armed a bit more room to move around, not a good idea around a normal baby but I'm most definitely not a normal baby.
"Ohh she got my finger, now how can I escape? *giggle"
[Okay my mother does seem a bit too childish, but at least she does like me a lot]
At least one of my worries is washed away immediately, she then hands me over to a man, he is in his late twenties, he has a muted blonde, with a sharp gaze as if analyzing all of my features with his blue eyes, he is currently wearing a dark trenchcoat with a cyan buttoned shirt and a black tie.
[Why is he looking at me so intently?]
He process to poke my cheeks with his index fingers, I retaliate to this clear invasion of privacy from this cold man by grabbing his finger with all of my strength, which is not a lot, he tries to pull away from his finger and notices.
"You're pretty brave for your age" he says with a smile, he's looking at me with love although is extremely subtle, I might not have noticed if it weren't for me trying to analyze him.
[Both of my parents are weird]
I smile and my dad decides to hand me to my mom once again, his smile instantly vanishes the moment he lets go of me and turns to my mom.
"So what are you going to call her" he points at me.
[I can't read this dude at all! ca you treat your daughter a little better]
"I'm thinking of Tomomi"
I smile at my mom while giggling, in truth, I only choose to do this because the name sounded good.
"She definitely looks friendly, isn't that right Tomomi" My dad speaks at me as if I could answer, my mom laughs at him trying to have a conversation with a newborn, causing him to look away for a moment with a very slight blush.
"Tomomi it is then!!!" My mom exclaims proudly, making me smile even more, these 2 seem odd but at least they care about each other and love me.
The warm atmosphere coupled with my mom gently swaying me makes my eyelids feel heavier, and slowly, drift to sleep, for the first time in whatever long since I died.
(3rd person POV)
After 4 long hours, a new baby girl was born in the hospital, not an uncommon occurrence if not for a former chief of police Takeshi Mizushima being the father, a man known for being vicious when attacking and apprehending villains and other forms of 'criminal scum' as he likes to refer to them.
This would not be a feat by itself, since in the world of heroes, people like him are not a rare sight, but for someone quirkless as him to be asked even by some pro-heroes to help in villain subjugation is the complete opposite, a legend, and the 'symbol of hope for the quirkless' as the common nickname on the internet.
Even then, he is a cold-blooded man that married a rather childish woman, or the love of his life as she likes to call herself, him being a man of truth does not deny this but would rather that she would not say it in public transport every time she can.
He is now one of the happiest people in the world while hearing the doctor, he is still weary from consequences from birth since her wife, Aiko Yoshino is not exactly strong, yet her braveness is amusing even to him, after making sure that his family is safe he begins to wander in his mind, thinking on how to be a great father, but after a few seconds a noise interrupts him.
Takeshi grabs his folding phone, an extremely outdated phone that he used for his work, and leaves the room to not annoy anyone, after a 2-minute call he returned for his wife with a deep frown clear on his face.
"I can't even leave for a day without being called immediately"