Chapter 11: Ch 11: Unnecessary pride

It has been 2 years and 3 months since my birth in this universe and I have learned a lot. By the way, learning is surprisingly easy as a kid.

The amount of brain plasticity in children cannot be underestimated, it is intended to actually learn how to be human after all. In this case, I've been abusing this hidden cheat ability to try and cram everything that I can into my brain, which leaves me a bit exhausted.

The first thing that I have been trying to do was learn to write and draw. It has been a difficult task to do since writing is just suspicious at my age, so I have to hide it constantly. But drawing is surprisingly easy to do around my parents.

I realized that I was a dumbass since drawing was not really uncommon thing to do for children and was actually pretty normal out of all things I did. This made me realize that my common sense is probably pretty skewed in a lot of areas and that I needed to at least pay attention to what I was doing.

Drawing has been doing fine, my parents are glad that I was acting a little more like a child, but they are a bit astonished at the speed at which I'm learning, it is still very childish looking since they are made with crayons since they are easier to grab with my weak baby arms.

The number of comics and manga revolving around heroes is astonishing in this place, especially because I'm in Japan. But because history started to deviate even before the discovery of the first quirk, there are mangas that just simply didn't exist in this alternate earth.

[Gotta make One piece here...]

It was blatant stealing if I have ever seen one, but unless the interdimensional police come to arrest me on charges of copyright I will be continuing. I'm in a fictional universe anyway so I don't know how this even applies here.

[Is Horihoshi inflicting copyright by accidentally drawing a real universe or is the god stealing his ideas? or did this place exist before my wish?]

Interesting questions that have no answers, My favorite! or so I come to understand since I'm always asking them. There's no point in really pondering the existence of this universe anyway since there's no way to prove it.

It reminds me of that SCP that was about transcending fiction, it stated that there is an infinite amount of layers of fiction up and down. So a character from a manga could be reading a manga that was fictional within their fictional universe.

By that logic, the layer of fiction could go up endlessly, so I could be a fictional character, and whatever entity that is reading my story could also be fictional.

[Wow that got me on a tangent for a moment]

Anyways I'm on my way to a clothing store to get some clothes... obviously.

That aside, I'm coming here with my mom and dad to sample clothes that would look 'hecking cute' on me and also get some uniforms that the preschool where I'm going to attend.

Indeed... I failed in convincing my parents to not attend preschool.

[I blame it on my childish demeanor]

It seems that I looked dumb enough to them with the whole drawing thing for them to make me attend, is not really a bad thing per se but it definitely will be boring since I'm already bad at dealing with children it could lead to me dying of boredom.

"Kyaa~ My daughter is too cute!" My mom screams in a surprising moderated tone since we are in the store.


I look into the mirror to see the reflection of a cute girl, with short hair barely put together to not look really messy,  black charcoal eyes that looked a bit too smart for her age, she has a hair clip of a sunflower that is a little too big. A one-piece dress color din a deep blue with some decoration embroidered into it, I have my tiny dress shoes of the pump variety I think they are called? they are black with my white knee socks.

"She indeed looks cute" My dad says with a completely serious face while nodding to himself, both of them look into me with some curiosity as to my reaction.


[God dammit! I give up]

"I don't like it..." I say in the lowest voice I could muster, I could feel my face heat up when the words left my mouth while my mom simply gasp in fake surprise.

"But you look so cute! you just need a bit of confidence!"

You are reading story Rubber Human in MHA at

"No, I-"

"I can guarantee that we are not saying it just because you are our daughter" My dad said the less sounding compliment of my life while being pretty confident in his words.

"Yeah, you just ne-"

"I DON'T LIKE IT" I suddenly screamed.

[Oops... my emotion got too stirred for a moment]

"I-I mean I-" I try to say what I want to say, but the words are stuck in my throat because I feel guilty screaming at my parents.

"I see, don't worry we-" My mom says almost tearing up at my unexpected scream.

"Could you please listen to me!" I almost scream again, but I must endure the embarrassment and shame to let my point continue. I won't have more of this dumbass misunderstanding.


"I-I want-" The words are still stuck up in my tongue, trying the hardest to not leave it.

[I don't need my stupid pride anyways! fust f~king say it already Tomomi]

"I don't like the colors!"



absolute silence that is deafening to my parents.

It took a good minute before the stupid face on my mom's finally twitched with life again, as she loudly sighed in relief while my dad showed a troubled smile.

"So it was that..." He said while looking at me with his eyes full of kindness, I just nod weakly while looking down at the floor.

[My face is burning up!]

Indeed, I just didn't like the color of the dress since it was a bit too dark for me... That was it, the only thing I had against it.

[Sigh... I really lost my pride as a man didn't I?]

It was an extremely shocking realization for me, the moment I gazed at my cute image reflected in the mirror, I thought about how darker colors did not suit me. It took me a lot to realize that I had no problems with design girly at all, I actually quite enjoyed it all things considered.

I never really took pride in my image at all, it was more of a way to identify me in a mirror more than anything else since living a loner life does make you not very aware of your person and image. But seeing me actually smile widely at wearing cute clothes that fit me nicely if not by the color of it.

[I looked better on brighter colors, and the sunflower is staying on!]

I guess is another thing I'm getting rid of and losing? I no longer have my previous life, world, and now we are adding my pride as a man and I guess indifference towards clothing.

[I still like girls tho]