Chapter 5: Chapter 4 “Quirk” discovery

Arata- “An unfamiliar ceiling…”

No, like, seriously this time.

After that torture session, that was just me assimilating with this body's original memories, I woke up again in a place I didn’t know that was different from the original room I woke up in.

If I had to explain it, it would be “white”. That’s it, just white. White bed, white room, hell, even my clothes became white. If I had to take a guess, this would be a hospital.

Arata- “*GASP* What about the hospital fees! … Oh wait, nevermind this isn’t America haha!”

Of course, I was never American, and I never dealt with hospital fees before in both lives, so why did I worry about hospital fees?

Let's just say memes can change you in ways you never knew possible…

Speaking of which, how did I get here?


???- “Oh thank god you’re awake!”

Don’t thank god!

I look over to the door to see the owner of that voice walking in, and I have to say, I’ve never seen a more… fluffier man in all my lives.

A man about maybe a meter tall with glasses and a moustache. His hairs are all grey showing his old age but disregarding that, he doesn’t look a day over 50.

And I have to say… he is fat. Not unhealthy fat that you find on those corrupt merchants from fantasy stories, but fat like that chubby grandpa that spoils you kind of fat.

What’s the word I'm looking for… ah right! Round! He looks round!

???- “I was so worried. I heard a loud bang like something exploded, and when I rushed into your room to see what’s going on, I see you on the floor! So I quickly brought you here to the hospital. The doctors said you just might be awakening your quirk!”

Hmm? So that means he is my parent or guardian? I look above him and lo and behold, I see the not-so-expected words.

<LV ??? Nabe Daishin>

Reading that name brought up memories from this body. Nabe Daishin, the man who adopted me to bring me up as one of his last “disciples”. He is a famous hero teacher , apparently, but now he’s getting old and he wanted to at least train one more person before he officially stops. But seriously, I can't see his level? What a beast.

He’s a really fun guy to be around… at least when he’s not in his “teacher mode”.

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

Arata- “My quirk huh? Do they know what it is?”

Nabe- “No, it’s probably an emitter or transformation type quirk.”

Well, I already know what it is, status screen OP. But still, I won the gamble huh? You see, the main reason I chose this world was that there are a bunch of waifus here, but another reason is that I would have a chance at getting another superpower, a “quirk”.

And it seems I did get one. Well, whether it’s good or not, we’ll have to find out.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. If he thinks my torture session was from my quirk awakening, then I might as well use it. Of course, my actual quirk isn’t what I'm going to show off to the world. There’s a reason I wished for vector manipulation.

Arata- “Mmm, I think I did, my mind became much more clearer and it feels I can do stuff I couldn’t before. I don’t know what though.”

Nabe- “I see, well that’s good. If your mind became clearer, your quirk might be an emitter type instead of a transformation type. Well, if you’re feeling ok now, hurry up get your quirk tested. Once we find out what, we can get started on proper training.”

Once he said that word, I got slight goosebumps. While I was wondering why, a bunch of memories resurfaced in my mind. And I have to say, this guy is really spartan! I'm not even 5 years old and he is working me to the bone! Probably why I've got 5 points in my strength and vitality when kids my age should barely have 3. And what’s with that 10 points in dexterity! What were you doing old man! I'm only 4!

The 10 points in intelligence and wisdom should be from my past life. 10 points is average for an adult, right? Well, doesn’t matter.

While I was thinking all this, I was absentmindedly following Nabe as a doctor that was waiting outside guided us to a place to test my quirk.

Honestly, it was pretty surprising, all these gadgets and machines around simply for testing everything and anything. Not wanting to go through everything and just get this over and done with, I started dropping hints about my "quirk" like crazy, like how my mind became much clearer and faster, how I only feel something when I touch it, things like that.

And, thankfully, they were very understanding and quickly finished up the test. The result?

“Direction change”, they said.

What? I've only got 10 points in my INT and WIS stats, my calculation abilities are only enough for the average adult male. I can't do complex calculations like the original Accelerator can, at least, not right now. So the most I can do it slightly change the direction things are going in by touching them.

Oh well, I'll just correct them at a later date once I can do more.

What’s that? Shouldn’t I keep my abilities secret? Pfft, why should I? I've already got The Gamer ability as a secret, and if I get into trouble by people wanting to exploit me, I can just escape by using Kaleidoscope. Exposing only half truths will only get me suspicion, it's better to expose one thing completely and hide everything else.

Nabe- “Direction Change, a nice quirk. Can be very useful when nurtured. If used properly you might even become undefeatable to physical fighters...”

Oh, not even an hour after my “quirk” was identified and he already has several ideas oh how to use it. As expected of a famous hero teacher. How famous he was, however, I don’t know, I should research his background.

Of course, at this time I didn’t realise that the past training I did was a cakewalk compared to what I would have to go through.