Chapter 22: Chapter 21 I run away from my problems while saying Jojo references.

The test ended just fine, Izuku still ended getting last, of course, Aizawa-sensei, seeing Izuku’s potential decided to not expel him. When he said it was a lie, I just smirked and tried to hold in my laughter as everyone else became convinced that it was obvious. Of course, the few perceptive people in the class noticed my reaction and still had some doubts.

Momo Yaoyoruzu also notices and seems slightly annoyed at my reaction to her conclusion.

At the end of the day, I see Izuku and Tenya Iida walking back before Ochako catches up, making Izuku simp for her by immediately accepting the name Deku. Amazing what a cute girl can do to a man.

As for me? Nope. Revelations 3:16 of the Pewdiepie Chronicles states that “thou must not simp, less thy become spat on by Floor Gang”.

Anyways, the next day came and…

All Might: “I have… come through the door like a normal person!”

It’s time for the battle training. We get our costumes and get told to change and meet at “Ground Beta” wherever the fuck that is. It’s a big school, I don’t know how everyone just instinctively knows where it is. I mean, it’s only the second day here and no one is asking where to go? I call bullshit.

Ignoring my monologue, we all arrive at the training area. Looking around, everyone’s hero suits looks like their counterparts from canon, with some minor changes here and there. For example, Shoto Todoroki doesn’t have this weird half-ice body look that he had at the start.

By the way, I’m in my suit as well. My helmet faceplate is open though.

Anyways, the training was changed due to my presence and turned into a game of cat and mouse. Specifically, I’m the mouse.

Every battle I will enter the building and try to hide and run away from everyone that comes after me. If I get touched by anyone, then I'm out.

Meanwhile, there will be two separate teams of two that will try to catch/touch me. One team of villains, and another of heroes. Technically, I'm a hostage that went on the run. The heroes will either try to detain the villains or catch/save me, while the villains have to either detain the heroes or catch/repossess me.

Both teams are heroes and will see the other team as villains. As for me, I see both teams as villains.

Everyone else is wondering why I’m being chosen to do this (they don’t know I’m from class 2A yet, teehee pero~) and think it’s a bit unfair towards me.

On the other hand, I personally think I need some handicaps to make things even. I can just wreck the whole building and be done with it but I actually wanna have some fun, so I make some rules for myself. No reflection, only dodge attacks, no attacking back, and no ‘stealth mode’, meaning no going invisible and removing all sound and heat from myself.

Yes, I can go invisible.

The teams are surprisingly the same, I guess this is my luck at work again. And thus, the training starts. Team A VS Team D! Izuku VS Katsuki! I'm hyped.

The game starts, I run in and get a 5-minute head start. When time’s up, I'm hiding somewhere on the middle floors. The other 2 teams are entering from the opposite side of the building.

Of course, I don’t plan to just sit there and hide in a hole throughout the whole fight, I’ll wander around a bit. I won't try to sense the air constantly or anything either so other than my natural senses and the occasional pulses I send out, I’m pretty much blind. It’s fine though because even with these handicaps I'm still pretty confident I can win.

Another minute in, I hear an explosion, must be Katsuki. I send out a sensing pulse and I find that Katsuki ambushed Izuku and Ochako, but unlike in canon, Tenya is there as well.

Since there’s no defence target Iida just decided to follow Katsuki, it seems.

Wanting to have some fun, I head towards their direction. After a minute or so, I reach their location and just run down the adjacent hallway. Izuku and Katsuki are still focusing on each other, but Ochako and Tenya notice me. They tell their respective teammate, and just like I predicted, they chased after me.

Tenya has the advantage in speed compared to Ochako so he easily catches up with me. What he does next, however…

Tenya- “Do not worry! I am a hero, and I am here to help!”

He stops and talks to me.

Arata- “… Ok. You’re a hero? Alright then. Makes sense to follow you.”

Iida- “Indeed! We’ll be able to get you out of here in-“


You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

Iida- “Nani!?”

Arata- “One of my absolute favourite things to do is to say ‘no’ to someone who thinks they have the upper hand.”

Meanwhile, Ochako takes this chance to catch up and run past a shocked Iida, before leaping towards me. I just dodge to the side as she flies past me and continue running.

Do note that since the start of the battle, whenever I said “run”, I was only talking about a run from an average person point of view. It’s more of a brisk walk for me.

Ochako dives into the ground and I continue on my way.

Iida wakes up and remembers that the way to ‘rescue’ me is to touch me so he runs towards me and starts doing everything he can to so much as graze my suit.

Of course, even though I’m not at my max speed, I can easily evade all of Tenya’s attempts. The [Unarmed Combat] skill also covers defensive and dodging techniques, you know?

I can't just run while dodging, not at my nerfed speed, so Ochako easily gets back up, sneaks behind Tenya, touches him to make him float, before throwing him entirely at me.

Honestly… I was expecting that, so I run toward them using Tenya as a smokescreen to get close, before sliding under him and easily passing a surprised Ochako.

Easily evading them, I run up the stairs to lead them higher. While doing so, I hear more explosions. Katsuki really is going all out huh? I’m not actually that worried. Izuku is getting a hold of his full cowling so he should be able to at least hold on against Katsuki one on one, especially with all the research he did on him.

I send out another sensor pulse. Yup, they’re still fighting, and the other two are still chasing me. Ochako is lagging behind though.

Running for a bit more, Iida catches up again and starts getting serious by using his legs in the mix. It’s a bit more difficult, especially with his engine, his kicks are really fast. We keep doing that for a while when suddenly the ground beneath me cracks.


The floor explodes and throws me up into the air. Iida is also caught in the radius but he gets blown backwards instead. It seems their target was me huh…

Ochako immediately leaps towards me from the hole in the floor and reaches out to me.

Ochako- “I got you now!”

A smart move, and would’ve caught anyone else off guard, but… I was expecting this.

Are you kidding? [Parallel Processing] is working full time and my INT and WIS stats are sky-high. Working out the enemies plan is simple. Once I noticed Ochako not following behind me I stood in the exact same spot trying to make as much noise as I can.

Ochako, on the other hand, abandoned the idea of following me and returned to Izuku. Teaming up with Izuku again, they fought against Katsuki and being the prideful person he is, he won't ask for help. Ochako made Katsuki float, disorienting him for a moment which was enough to bind him with the hero capturing tape, and he got knocked out of the fight.

Immediately after, Izuku punched the floor under me, throwing me into the air, making me ‘vulnerable’ without any way to dodge, giving Ochako the chance she needed to make herself float and jump towards me.

A very smart plan. If I wasn’t the genius I was, I would’ve fallen for it. But… I am a genius. This was all simulated. They were a few seconds early form my predictions so I wasn’t able to avoid it in time, but this is nothing I can't deal with.

I increase my momentum with [Vector Manipulation] allowing me to hit the ceiling and changing the force of gravity around me, the ceiling became my new ground so dodging a surprised Ochako is easy.

I run along the roof, escaping that place as Izuku jumps up to join his teammate. Seeing me, then looking to a still-recovering Iida (it’s only been a second or so since the floor explosion), he makes the wise decision to just capture Iida without bothering with me.

Well, Iida is a hero-in-training on par with the other two as well, so he put up a fight, but it’s a 2 on 1, so…

Battle end, Team A wins via villain capture.

Meanwhile, I’m still upsidedown on the ceiling doing Jojo poses to pass the time.