Chapter 24: Chapter 23 Shameless people like ruining my moments.

After that, the class went on as usual and the day ended. I'm still feeling kind of hyped from the fights that just happened. Holding back was pretty frustrating so instead of just heading back home to continue researching stuff, I head out to the shopping centre for a change of pace.

Don’t get me wrong, sitting in my lab isn’t taxing or confining. It gets my mind moving. I won't say I hate it, and if needed I can just change how I think about it with my [Reprogramming].

Anyways, I just wander around enjoying the atmosphere. I don’t buy anything except food that happens to catch my eye. If I want something I can just buy it somewhere else for better quality, or just make it myself.

???- “Hmm? Is that Arata? Hey hey, what are you doing here?”

Arata- “Hai, Arata desu.”

Oops, habit. Now, who is this rude person that interrupted my monologue? I turn around and I see a girl with long periwinkle blue hair that reaches her knees and curious blue eyes. Nejire Hado.

Arata- “Oh it’s you.”

Nejire- “What do you mean by “oh it’s you”. And what’s with that look on your face? Is it that displeasing to see me?”

Arata- “Not displeasing per se. It’s just that I'm feeling the transcendence of life and I need to be left alone to meditate on some things.”

Nejire- “Ahaha! You’re only an Arata, that’s too much for you!”

Arata- “ARGH!”

I hold my chest in pain. My heart… it can't take her innocent roasting.

Nejire- “Hey hey, since you’re here, let’s hang out!”

I was saying all those things to let her know I don’t exactly wanna “hang out”, I just wanna relax, but I just can't say no to her. She has that effect.

Right, let me explain how we know each other. Like I said a few chapters ago-

(A/N: Oi! Leave fourth wall-chan alone!)

Like I said a while ago, I ended up being a sort of celebrity at school because of my status as the only survivor of class 2A, and I ended up getting some freedom. Yeah, well some curious people went out of their way to see what I look like and what I can do, and no one is more curious than Nejire Hado herself.

She tracked me down along with her other 2 friends Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki, AKA the Big 3. Then they asked me a bunch of questions (mostly Nejire). I think I answered their questions TOO well because Nejire came back the next day to talk to me more.

I immediately realised I got locked on her radar so I did everything I could to avoid her. Why don’t I just ignore her when she comes up to me? Well, first off she’s cute. I have a weakness to cute things, specifically cute girls. Must be Accelerators thought patterns showing up again. Of course, I never show it and put up a wall. But those type of girls has this effect of wearing down this wall. It happened with Rumi too, I just couldn’t harden my will to treat her like air.

So, eventually, I replied to her chattering while keeping my life as a billionaire and genius a secret, and I think it was my skills and stats that allowed me to answer her questions quickly enough to keep up with her that she just ended up sticking to me whenever we meet.

Like now for example.

She’s just dragging me all over the place asking questions and making random comments.

Nejire- “Hey hey, how do I look today?”

Arata- “Normal. Although I prefer this skirt over the one you wore last time.”

Nejire- “Hey, don’t you think that guy looks weird?”

Arata- “Don’t point at anyone if you’re asking that question.”

Nejire- “Are you a virgin?”

Arata- “Woah!”

Nejire- “This is so fun! Hey, doesn’t that food over there look delicious?”

Arata- “Don’t know.”

And so I bought that delicious-looking food. At first, it was just for me, but apparently, Nejire thought we were sharing because she assumed she was also having a bite and I didn’t buy another. As I avoided an indirect kiss situation, I quickly bought another one.

Man, this woman has no shame!

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

Not that I would mind sharing… a bit too late. Damn, my instincts as a virgin are working against me!

As I was wallowing in despair I missed the slight pout Nejire had.

And so we continued just walking and talking until a few hours later where it’s already dark, so we split up.

She went her way, I, on the other hand, ducked into an alleyway, turned myself invisible before flying back home with [Vector Manipulation]. I'm surprisingly quite refreshed… I guess Nejire just moved up a few spots on my ‘people I find relaxing’ list.

I get back home and text Izuku about what he talked to Katsuki about because I'm feeling playful (I gave Izuku a Stark issue touchscreen phone during his training arc).

Izuku- I told him about One for All.

Arata- Do you need to see a doctor? Why did you tell him?

Izuku- I don’t know why I did, I just felt like I had to.

Arata- Well that was a dumb fucking feeling.

And so I told him why telling anyone about [One for All] is a bad idea and that he shouldn’t do it, before playing some games together. Of course, these are games I recreated from my old world that never got released, but he doesn’t know that. Even though I kinda grilled him over telling Katsuki about [One for All], I still consider him my friend.

Timeskip again, it’s the next day. Today we pick out our class president, things went almost the same way, except Momo ended up being Class President. I gave her my vote, so she tied with Izuku, but he just decided to give her the spot of class president.

Lunchtime, I decided to sit with Izuku because I still feel slightly uncomfortable with talking freely with everyone, must be my antisocial side. Do I need to [Reprogram] my mind?

Izuku and Iida are talking about why the latter gave his vote to the former, Ochako also confessed for voting for Izuku before turning to me and asking who I voted for.

Arata- “Oh I voted for Yaoyoruzu-san.”

Japanese honorifics are so annoying. I prefer if everyone was like Nejire and Rumi, where they just don’t care.



The school alarms went off.

Iida- “What’s security level 3?”

Arata- “It means someone infiltrated the school.”

While saying that, I look around curiously before taking a couple of photos and going back to my meal. Lunch Rush isn’t as good as Uncle Roger, but it’s still decent.

Izuku- “Then don’t we have to hurry and leave?”

Ochako nods enthusiastically from the side. Meanwhile, I just point outside through the window. Iida, Izuku and Ochako look to where I'm pointing to and realise…

Iida- “It’s just the media!”

Ochako- “So it isn’t anything serious… but what do we do with this?”

We then notice that all hell has descended and everyone is panicking and pushing.

Iida then thinks before asking Ochako to make him float. He then does the exact same things as in canon but because of me, it happened much earlier, he didn’t have to struggle that much and fewer people got hurt. I should pat myself on the back.

Ochako- “Why are you patting yourself on the back? Are you choking?”

I was having a moment. Why does everyone like to ruin them?