Chapter 46: Chapter 45 MC finally did some hero stuff and met a familiar face

So yeah now I'm just sitting on the edge of the roof of a tall building looking at all the peasants below while drinking some canned coffee.

Arata- “I see no god up here… *sip* Other than me.”

I'm sorry I always wanted to say that.

Rumi- “Ha! Yeah right. Anyways, are you ready to do this?”

Rumi walks up behind me while snacking on a carrot. She always eats carrots when there’s nothing much to do…

Arata- “Oh yeah definitely. I’ll even give you a head start.”

Rumi- “Oh, sure, cos I'm the one that needs it. Right.”

She says while rolling her eyes. What are we gonna do, you ask?

Patrols of course. Even though we got distracted for a while with the whole ‘fucking like rabbits’ and the fight earlier today, Rumi is, in the end, a hero.

After our fight, I got told to get dressed in my hero gear because we’re gonna go out and around very soon. So I took out the MOVAL suit that I recently upgraded and had it automatically assemble itself around me. It’s very thin but the material made with it is incredibly tough.

It’s an alloy of tungsten, titanium, and gold. Of course, just throwing those materials together will do nothing but make a fuck-all metal, but using [Degenerate], making something like this is simple. But the colour was ugly so I painted it black again.

After I got ready, she just told me to sit back and watch while she does her thing, but I disagreed and told her that I can also fight. I know she doesn’t like working with other people, and I have no plans of getting in the way. It’s just that… sitting back and doing nothing will be kinda boring.

Plus, I haven’t levelled up in a while, I'm feeling kinda jittery.

So we came to a compromise. We’ll have a competition. We split up and wander around the city. Whoever deals with the most situations by the end of the day is the winner. If Rumi wins, I have to follow her around and deal with any stragglers. If I win, I can do my own thing.

So now we ended up here. I finish off the rest of the coffee and collapse the can into itself with [Vector Manipulation]. I end up with a small metal ball barely the size of a marble and toss it into my inventory.

Arata- “Right… Let’s get started. Call me when you’re ready to give up.”

Rumi- “We’ll see who’s gonna give up.”

Saying that she walks up to me, pulls me in for an unexpected kiss, and jumps from one building to another.

*sigh* That seductress. I honestly can't get enough of her. Right, I think it’s about time I get started too. I warp the light around me so people can't see me and lift myself off the ground.

Arata- “Let’s start with a slow subsonic speed, shall we?”


And I just kept flying around at sub-mach speed while asking Jarvis to let me in on any villain sightings while also scanning the area with my suit. I connected the suit to my neuro linker so I can mentally control everything and all the information gets sent directly to my mind.

Being a genius is convenient.

In just under an hour I already dealt with a couple of situations, one of them was a robbery in a grocery store, the other was a car heist.

For the first one, I just got some railgun projectiles I keep in my suit and flicked them. I didn’t charge them with electricity, I just augmented their speeds with [Vector Manipulation] and sent them all right to either their necks or temples to knock them all out instantly.

For the car heist, on the other hand, I just landed in front of the car and let them crash into me. I redirected all that force into the ground so the car didn’t take any damage from that, but then I just put my hand on the hood and stopped it from moving. The police that was chasing them arrived not even 10 seconds later and apprehended them.

They asked who I was because using quirks without a licence is against the law, but I just honestly told them I'm a student interning for a hero in the area.

During the second hour of patrols, however, is when things got funky. Jarvis told me that there was a fight happening between some heroes and villains in a rather public area near me. I decided to check it out because there’s nothing else to do.

I get there quickly and land on the roof of a building nearby to find that the heroes already floored those villains and they’re just cleaning up. But I notice one of the stray villains get up and run forward with a knife in his hand trying to stab a blue-haired female hero that just happened to be near him.

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

I take out the crushed coffee can marble from earlierm charge it up, and fire off a railgun. It easily pierced the knife, and now the villain is harmless.

As for the female hero… it seemed like I was worried for nothing, she already noticed him and was prepared to deal with it.


Is that…

She turns to look at where the beam came from and sees me standing there on the roof of a building, before surprise colours her face. Then, it turns into happiness and she waves at me.

I wave back. Honestly, it really is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know she interned here.

Nejire Hado.


(Izuku POV)


Gran Torino just flew past me. If it was yesterday, he might’ve got me. But today, I've had a breakthrough.

All the time I thought [One for All] was something special. Something I have to work hard to get complete control over.

But I just couldn’t see that [One for All] is already completely mine. I don’t have to follow All Might completely.

Granted, All Might is a great role model in how to use it, but I can't do the same thing. His way of fighting and my way are different. He deals with everything head-on with a smash. I, on the other hand, can't do that. So…


I gotta move more freely! Like Kacchan!

I gotta dodge, I gotta jump, I gotta run, I can't just stand there and throw punches. This is what I was missing!



Gran Torino- “Right, 3 minutes is up!”

Izuku- “I-I was sure I had you…”

That hurt… I got hit right in the face…

Gran Torino- “Alright, pack up, we’re going.”

Izuku- “Going? Where?”

Gran Torino- “Shibuya.”

Shibuya? That’s pretty far from here… We’ll also pass by Hosu. Iida-kun should be interning there. I should message him about it.