Chapter 62: Chapter 61 Villains get rekt

(Izuku POV)

Quickly! I have to save Kota! He should be at his secret hiding spot in the mountains.

I’m running as fast as I can with Full Cowling already activated. I quickly arrive at my destination. Kota is there, but a villain is already smashing down his bulged arm onto him. I have to get him out of the way!

I grab him and jump out of the way of the punch. It hits the ground and caused it to rupture. That would’ve been bad if it hit.

???- “Hmm? Now you, you were on the list!”

List? What list? Most likely some kind of kill list. No, I can't think about that right now. I could call for reinforcements… it’s unlikely they’ll reach here in time though…

Looks like I'm on my own.

Izuku- “It’s ok, Kota. I'm gonna save you!”

???- “Save you? Now that’s some justice filled bullshit. I'm gonna torment you real bad… Show me some blood!”

He looks strong… if so, I’ll go all out from the start. Normally I would be more careful and try to take him down with only 5%, but Arata always said: “If you can win with only 1 move and you don’t even lose anything, then just win with that 1 move. Why bother with any dramatic movements, just get it over win.”

And honestly, when I first heard those words, it felt like the words of God. But then Arata told me that he heard an egg whisper those words to him in his sleep… he’s joking, right?

I already equipped the gauntlets Arata gave me, I won’t lose anything if I go full power right away. Let’s start off with a 100% Smash then…

The villain jumps forward and cock his arm back. More things that seem to be muscle fibres appear from under his skin and covers his arm. A strength type of quirk? This might be a bit tricky then.

Izuku- “Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”



I give the villain a 100% Detroit Smash right in the stomach. He immediately flies back and crashes into the rock wall behind him, making a crater with him as the centre.

His eyes roll to the back of his head and his mouth starts to foam. The gauntlet on my right arm cracked. 

Izuku- “*Exhale* Right, that’s done with. Come on, Kota, let’s go.”

Kota- “Y-Yeah…”

I guess I can leave him here, I doubt he’ll wake up any time soon. I take off the broken gauntlet. It’s fine, I still have my legs and my left gauntlet. This was much easier than I thought. I’ll have to thank Arata later.

If I didn’t listen to him I bet it would turn into some kind of dramatic emotional fight scene, but I can't be bothered… hmm? Didn’t I sound a lot like Arata just now? Odd.


(Third Person POV)

If Arata were here and used his [Observation] skill on Muscular, he would have seen the following Divine Augment:

Strength Boost. Doubles the user’s STR stat.

It’s similar to Stain’s DEX stat boost, except it’s for the STR stat instead. If Izuku fought against him as he did in canon, Izuku would have certainly died.

But Muscular underestimated him and didn’t use his full power and draw out as many muscles as he could. Thus, he got hit right in the stomach at full power without committing to defence at all. And unfortunately for him…

His Divine Augment does nothing for his defence, and he ended up getting knocked out in a single hit.

RIP plot.



I'm not getting a quest so it seems Izuku will be completely fine. 

I'm jumping through the trees like a badass ninja while thinking of my next plan of action.

Honestly, I don’t think I need to rush anywhere. I've made preparations so everyone should be able to take care of themselves… right, let’s just watch. If anyone needs help, I’ll head over, but otherwise…

I sit down on the branch I'm standing on and start using any Stark satellites passing overhead to use their camera. I’ll use it to keep an eye on everyone.

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

What? Obviously, I have satellites. Why wouldn’t I?

Mandalay- ‘One of the villains targets have been identified!!’

Mandalay’s telepathic message, huh? Interesting. [Gamer’s Mind] didn’t block it? No, it should have. Maybe it knows specific mental messages to block, and this isn’t one of them. That’s good, it would’ve been a pain otherwise. I focus back on what the satellites are showing me.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu & Itsuka Kendo vs. Mustard.

Tetsutetsu and Itsuka are rushing towards Mustard. They found out that someone must be controlling the poisonous gas to keep it from spreading. And the most likely spot for them to be in would be the place with the most concentrated gas.

So, once they figured it out (Or more like Itsuka figured it out and Tetsutetsu just went with it), they ran right towards the centre. As soon as they arrived, however…


Mustard pulled out a gun and shot the closest one, in this case, Tetsutetsu. In canon, that shot would have broken the gas mask on Tetsutetsu and he would be at a disadvantage. However…

Mustard- “…Eh?”

Those masks are made by Momo who has a supercomputer bracelet that has a direct connection to the database of one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world.

Making a bulletproof gasmask is easy.


Mustard ended up getting a solid metal punch right in the face and fainted.

Itsuka- “… That easy? Maybe it’s a trap…”

No, there is no trap. This guy didn’t even get the chance to show off his Divine Augment.

Meanwhile, a rogue Fumikage is on the loose. Or rather, his quirk, Dark Shadow, is going rogue. The darker it is, the stronger it gets. However, the difficulty to control it similarly goes up. 

But, with my preparations, it is easily solved.

A case of anti-Dark Shadow flash grenades is hidden in a bush off to the side which Mezo Shoji just happened to stumble upon.

Keikaku doori. Dark Shadow is supressed.

Izuku, who already met with Aizawa-sensei and gave Kota to him, met up with Fumikage and Shoji. They spoke for a bit before deciding to meet up with Shoto and Katsuki who should be ahead of them.

The moment they arrive, however, they see an unexpected scene. Shoto and Katsuki are standing over a defeated Moonfish.

Here’s what happened.

Shoto and Katsuki were having an incredibly hard time against this villain as not only was he able to change his teeth into blades, but every one of his fingernails as well. So a storm of blades are just pouring towards them and they could only sit there and wait for Shoto to tire out, and his ice wall to get shredded to bits.

But out in the corner of Katsuki’s eye, lo and behold, a metal briefcase is sitting there off to the side.

“Fucking Arata, of course, that bastard would put them here.”

I can't hear him through the satellite, but that’s what I feel like he’s saying. I just smile in response.

Shoto, with his gauntlets, easily freeze and melt the incoming blades, making them incredibly brittle and easily breakable.

Katsuki, with his shield gauntlets, never got hit directly again due to their defensive nature. But defence is not everything they can do.

Under the cover of Shoto’s concentrated ice and fire, Katsuki uses his explosions to fly towards Moonfish. Using the explosion points on the shield at the front and back, he starts spiralling.

It’s his Howitzer Impact.

With the support of the shield gauntlets, it becomes much more powerful. The blades in his way shatter and finally…


An explosion that can be heard over where I am appears. Moonfish has literally all his teeth knocked out, has a bloody face, and is currently embedded in a tree.

He should live… perhaps.

And then Izuku, Mezo and Fumikage arrive. Not much point at this moment, but it’s the thought that counts, eh?