Chapter 103: Chapter 99 Now, let the game begin

The rock giant moves. It fucking crumbles into dust because you can't make a rock giant move without the proper parts and joints. Dumbass.

(A/N: I'm sorry, I wrote this on a whim but I didn’t want to remove it. Ignore this. Back to the chapter.)


The rock giant moves. It walks to the edge of the pit and puts its hands on the edge and attempts to lift itself out of the hole. Kai Chisaki, who is still stuck in the chest of the rock giant and is the one most likely controlling it, couldn't use the giant body to its full potential and is struggling a bit.

It attempts to lift itself up before clawing on the ground outside, while its legs are scrambling to get a hold on the walls of the deep pit Kai made…

Arata- “Uhm… Couldn't he just use his quirk to make a path out or something?”

I only said this so the people around us could hear me talk, Kai is still struggling to get out. Did his IQ suddenly drop or something? Did the tasers do more damage than I thought?

Speaking of which, how is he still conscious? I even went out of my way to put 5 of those fucking zappers on him. Why did I put 5 of them on him?

What? Do you think my anger for what he did to Eri just disappeared or something? Well, I also had an official reason. I think back to the Divine Augment I saw he had after I used [Book of Existence] on him.

[Divine Augment: Giant Potential. Anything the user considers as part of their body can be used like an extra limb.]

So yeah, because of this Divine Augment, I wanted to knock this guy out more than any other Hassaikai member, but… maybe he used his quirk to destroy all the tasers before they could take full effect? It’s the only way he could be awake that I could think of.

So yeah, Kai, inside of his rock giant/golem, continue to struggle to climb out of the pit, but very quickly he becomes more and more proficient in controlling and using his “new body”, most likely thanks to his Divine Augment.

It was at this point I received a familiar notification.

[A quest has generated.]

[Your mom.

Kai Chisaki has created a giant golem the size of your mom. Make sure he gets taken down with minimal destruction to the surrounding area.

Failure: Death.

Reward: Title system unlocked.]

Bruh. Why are you dissing me like this out of nowhere? I thought we were cool…

Title system? Oh right, I never had any titles even though this is a gaming ability. I just assumed my occupation was my title… come to think about it the occupation segment of my ability is kind of useless…

Anyway, within a minute he’s already halfway out of the pit.

He would have completely made it out at this point, it if weren't for, you know…

THE FUCKING ARMY OF HEROES STANDING OUTSIDE. My group quickly backtracked their path in and rejoined the heroes outside as well. On the way, I pulled the strings on my loose accelerator jacket turning it into a form-fitting one as the nanobots crawl over it, changing me into my hero suit.

I am seriously thinking Kai has his IQ reduced. Why can't he just use his quirk to make a path out? Why can't he just disable his new form and recreate it outside of the pit? Omae wa baka desu ka?

So yeah, everyone is constantly hitting the guy, forcing him back into the pit while wondering what to do next. I mean, we can't let this guy rampage around, we didn’t evacuate the whole town and only evacuated the civilians in the general area.

So yeah, everyone is dealing as much damage as they can. The moment we destroy a piece of the giant, however, it instantly “grows” back.

You are reading story Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED] at

Why couldn’t he just make the damn body bigger and simply step out of the hole? I swear, he is now either brain-damaged or he was high as a kite on weed just before we stormed the place.

Anyway, I was also doing my part, using [Vector Manipulation] to blast off the legs and push back the body of the giant as a whole, but as I said, this guy just instantly regenerates and now he’s starting to “weld” the giant’s hands into the ground outside of the pit so he doesn’t get pushed back in.

Eraser Head was trying to use his erasure quirk on Kai but he’s now hidden inside of the chest of the rock giant and can't be seen with the naked eye. I once even tried “accidentally” killing him by punching the chest of the rock giant and sending the force through it right into Kai, but no, he just comes right back to life. Did his quirk get a boost from his new form as well?

We continued doing this for another minute or so. Unfortunately, Kai is now almost completely outside of the pit. Everyone is panicking except me, Rumi, Momo and Nejire. Why?

A shockwave sounds out from above us. The more perceptive of the heroes look up into the sky but they could only see an orange dot.

But it’s getting larger.

Last chapt- *Cough!* I mean, just as Kai transformed into his rock giant form, I sent a signal through my neuro linker. Specifically, I sent it to a space station hovering right above us way out in space.

The signal I sent was to this space station and the signal said something like “Send the package”.

And this orange dot is the package I was waiting for. The orange dot gets larger and larger until every hero and even Kai is looking up at it. And then they realist. It’s not a dot. It’s a fucking ball of fire heading down straight towards them.

Of course, my girls and I know this isn’t just a ball of fire.

After getting close enough it begins to slow down. The heat caused by the atmospheric drag from the speeds this object was going at dies down revealing what it actually is.

Standing at 80 meters tall with a large arc reactor in its chest is a blue giant with repulsors in its feet, palms and back to slow its descent sporting a stylish Stark logo. If you saw Pacific Rim, or specifically the second movie, Uprising, you would instantly recognise this as one of the iconic Jaegers, Gypsy Avenger.

Of course, with a few twists here and there. For one, this baby runs on an arc reactor, not nuclear power.

By the time it hit the ground behind the group of heroes it still hasn’t entirely slowed down, so it hit the ground in an Iron Man landing posture, shaking the earth under our feet.

It slowly stands up as you can hear the mechanical parts move together as it changes into a combat-ready state. Once fully upright, its face opens up, revealing the rather large cockpit. From inside, a cable is shot out, right towards me.

I turn around, facing Rumi, Momo and Nejire giving me knowing looks.

Hey! Leave me alone! This is a mans dream!

I retract my helmet, smile at them and open my mouth.

Arata- “I’ll be back!”

The cable hits my back, connecting with my suit and I instantly feel it tug on my back, pulling me away, right into the opened head of the Gypsy Avenger. Once I entered, the face closes and its visor lights up.

Meanwhile, from inside it, my suit syncs up with the movements of the Jeager. Once it’s properly done, I lift up my hands and punch my palm with my other fist as the Jeager follows my movements.

Arata- “Saa… gemu o hajimeyo!”